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Configuring the Mobile User: Sociological and Industry Views   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This article considers the role of the consumer in the diffusion of mobile telecommunications technologies. There is presently little research on the consumption and use of mobile technologies, and the aim of the present paper is to facilitate discussion about the way consumer behaviour is currently understood in industry and academia. The paper considers key themes in social science research on mobile ICTs, and understandings of the consumer held by those in the mobile industry. Bringing these understandings together, we reiterate the now well attested view that the diffusion and consumption of mobile telephony and computing cannot be understood without investigating the contexts and processes of their use in everyday life.  相似文献   

Advances in mobile devices and wireless telecommunication infrastructure already provide mobile users with access to online information sources and services. Compared to the PC world, however, mobile access is still quite restricted, especially with regard to the display of graphical representations, such as images, drawings, diagrams, maps and logos. Since graphical representations are increasingly used in the World Wide Web for the purpose of information presentation, the adaptation of graphics for tiny displays is a challenge that should not be neglected. The current contribution discusses several transformation approaches which might be employed to accomplish this adaptation task.  相似文献   

User evaluation: Synthetic talking faces for interactive services   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
facial animation (FA) will be. We have undertaken experiments on 190 subjects in order to explore the benefits of FA. Part of the experiment was aimed at exploring the objective benefits, i.e., to see if FA can help users to perform certain tasks better. The other part of the experiment was aimed at subjective benefits. At the same time comparison of different FA techniques was undertaken. We present the experiment design and the results. The results show that FA aids users in understanding spoken text in noisy conditions; that it can effectively make waiting times more acceptable to the user; and that it makes services more attractive to the users, particularly when they compare directly the same service with or without the FA.  相似文献   

The term user experience (UX) encompasses the concepts of usability and affective engineering. However, UX has not been defined clearly. In this study, a literature survey, user interview and indirect observation were conducted to develop definitions of UX and its elements. A literature survey investigated 127 articles that were considered to be helpful to define the concept of UX. An in‐depth interview targeted 14 hands‐on workers in the Korean mobile phone industry. An indirect observation captured daily experiences of eight end‐users with mobile phones. This study collected various views on UX from academia, industry, and end‐users using these three approaches. As a result, this article proposes definitions of UX and its elements: usability, affect, and user value. These results are expected to help design products or services with greater levels of UX. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This article was published online on 20 October 2011. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected 13 June 2013.  相似文献   

User needs for location-aware mobile services   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Mobile contexts of use vary a lot, and may even be continuously changing during use. The context is much more than location, but its other elements are still difficult to identify or measure. Location information is becoming an integral part of different mobile devices. Current mobile services can be enhanced with location-aware features, thus providing the user with a smooth transition towards context-aware services. Potential application fields can be found in areas such as travel information, shopping, entertainment, event information and different mobile professions. This paper studies location-aware mobile services from the user's point of view. The paper draws conclusions about key issues related to user needs, based on user interviews, laboratory and field evaluations with users, and expert evaluations of location-aware services. The user needs are presented under five main themes: topical and comprehensive contents, smooth user interaction, personal and user-generated contents, seamless service entities and privacy issues.  相似文献   

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) phones are a growing relevant part of the mobile market, and the number of WAP services offered is rapidly increasing. Usability is crucial for these services, which must be easily operated on small screens and keyboards. Unfortunately, there are very few published studies on the evaluation of WAP devices and services on users. This paper presents a user study that evaluates two important interface design choices for WAP services (implementation of single-choice selection, and navigation among the different cards of a WAP site), neither of which has been investigated thoroughly in the literature or in design practice.  相似文献   

Advances in technology have made it possible to package a reasonably powerful processor and memory subsystem coupled with an ultra high-resolution display and wireless communication into a wrist watch. This introduces a set of challenges in the nature of input devices, navigation, applications, and other areas. This paper describes a wearable computing platform in a wrist watch form-factor we have developed. We built two versions: one with a low resolution liquid crystal display; and another with a ultra high resolution organic light emitting diode display. In this paper we discuss the selection of the input devices and the design of applications and user interfaces for these two prototypes, and the compare the two versions.  相似文献   

User interface and requirements prototyping is a requirements elicitation technique. A user interface and requirements prototype is built during the requirements engineering phase of a software system development. Along with the user interface prototype are produced various documents such as the system requirement specification. When a prototype and other documents exist, they may not describe the same functionality, particularly because there may be behaviour of the prototype, artefacts of prototyping, that may not be intended. The problem is that in later development stages, when there is a prototype and other documents, it is often difficult to reconcile the difference between the prototype and the other documents. This paper presents an approach for avoiding this difficulty. It demonstrates the approach by showing its application to parts of a real software development.  相似文献   

Accessibility and high quality of interaction with products, applications, and services by anyone, anywhere, and at any time are fundamental requirements for universal access in the emerging Information Society. This paper discusses these requirements, and their relation to the concept of automated adaptation of user interfaces. An example application is presented, showing how adaptation can be used to accommodate the requirements of different user categories and contexts of use. This application is then used as a vehicle for discussing a new engineering paradigm appropriate for the development of adaptation-based user interfaces. Finally, the paper investigates issues concerning the interaction technologies required for universal access. Published online: 23 May 2001  相似文献   

We report on the results of a study in which 19 new mobile telephone users were closely tracked for the first six weeks after service acquisition. Results show that novices tend to rapidly modify their perceptions of social appropriateness around mobile phone use, that actual nature of use frequently differs from initial predictions, and that comprehension of service-based technologies can be problematic. We also describe instances and features of mobile telephony practice. When in use, mobile phones occupy multiple social spaces simultaneously, spaces with norms that sometimes conflict: the physical space of the mobile phone user and the virtual space of the conversation.  相似文献   

Mobile devices such as cameras or mobile phones can be used as props; actively to convey a specific impression to people in the vicinity and to feel better when interacting with them. Based on field studies and interviews, three aspects of users acting with mobile devices are described: warm versus cold devices; how a mobile device conveys a specific impression by association to similar devices and specific situations of use; and how the characteristics of a mobile device may open or restrict the body language of the user.  相似文献   

The convergence of mobile communications and handheld computers offers the opportunity to develop technology that will assist individuals and groups to learn anytime, anywhere. We describe the theory-informed design, implementation and evaluation of a handheld learning device. It is intended to support children to capture everyday events such as images, notes and sounds, to relate them to web-based learning resources, to organise these into a visual knowledge map, and to share them with other learners and teachers. A working prototype system, for children aged 9–11, is discussed and evaluated, as an exemplar of personal mobile systems for life-long learning.  相似文献   

This paper investigates some aspects of how context-awareness can support users of mobile phones, in particular the calling party. The use of mobile and stationary phones is discussed in relation to situational properties of a phone conversation, especially with regards to who might benefit from context-awareness in this context. An initial hypothesis is that mobile phone users communicate context information to each other (verbally) to a much higher degree than do stationary phone users. Mobile phone users could benefit much from context awareness technology, in particular when about to make a call, if they can receive context information regarding the person they are trying to reach prior to establishing the call. We argue that such technology should require low amounts of explicit user interaction, and could lead to less disrupting calls in inappropriate moments, as well as less frustration for the calling party when a call is not answered.  相似文献   

This paper addresses user modelling for “Design for All” in a model-based approach to Human-Computer Interaction, paying particular attention to placing user models within organisational role- and task-related contexts. After reviewing a variety of user modelling approaches, and deriving requirements for user modelling related to Design for All, the paper proposes a role-driven individualised approach. Such an approach is based on a model-based representation schema and a unifying notation that keeps the user’s models and the contextual information transparent and consistent. Individualisation is achieved by coupling symbolic model specifications with neural networking on synchronisation links between symbolic representation elements. As a result, user modelling for Design for All is achieved not by stereotypical user properties and functional roles, but by accommodating the actual users’ behaviour. Published online: 18 May 2001  相似文献   

This paper analyses the shifting identity of the mobile phone in the light of research carried out in 1996 on a representative population sample from five major European countries: Italy, UK, France, Germany and Spain. A total of 6609 people were interviewed by means of a telephone survey. The mobile phone emerged as a charismatic technology compared to other mobile technologies (laptop and car phone) and as a leading technology that, in just a few years, has appropriated 11% of total telephone traffic. It has “dragged” its widespread presence and amount of use from the workplace to the domestic sphere, although in Italy, where it has had greatest success, its widespread use has been detached from its use in the workplace. Another emerging result is that the use of the mobile phone is not correlated to strong residential mobility in individuals.  相似文献   

User experience has become a major issue lately with user value as one of its key elements. This study proposes a method to evaluate user value using a questionnaire specialized for a mobile device such as smartphones. The questionnaire was developed considering elements of user value, product features, and context of use. Then, a case study with hundreds of participants was conducted via the Internet to verify and screen out questionnaire items in terms of reliability and validity. Finally, a total of 16 questionnaire items were selected for evaluating elements of user value, consisting of self‐satisfaction, pleasure, sociability, customer need, and attachment. The results of this study are expected to help understand potential users and select design alternatives.  相似文献   

User interface adaptations can be used to address several user interaction challenges in the development of digital library systems. This paper: (a) examines some of the intrinsic characteristics of digital library systems; (b) identifies some of the key Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) challenges in relation to design and architectural abstraction for user interfaces to digital library systems; and (c) develops an argumentation for adaptations in digital library systems. By drawing parallels to recent HCI research into adaptable and adaptive user interaction, the paper illustrates potential areas in which user interface adaptation can provide a useful technique for advancing the quality of human interaction with a digital library system. Received: 18 December 1998 / Revised: 31 May 1999  相似文献   

Scenarios in HCI are widely used and discussed as written or visual narratives. In this paper, we discuss fruitful conditions for the creation and performance of scenarios particularly for the concept design of mixed realities or wireless devices. Designers are attempting new ways of engaging people in design and experiencing ideas in early design phases. Examples range from exploring scenarios using mock-ups or Wizard-of-Oz techniques, to testing scenarios with prototypes. In our design projects, scenarios were created and performed with participants following them in their daily activities. Discussing these sessions, which we called SPES (Situated and Participative Enactment of Scenarios), we highlight as promising conditions to create scenarios: the everyday life as a stage and the opportunity for participants to exercise reflection-in-action.  相似文献   

Requirements engineering in the new millennium is facing an increasing diversity of computerised devices comprising an increasing diversity of interaction styles for an increasing diversity of user groups. Thus the incorporation of user interface requirements into software requirements specifications becomes more and more mandatory. Validating these requirements specifications with hand-made, throw-away prototypes is not only expensive, but also bears the danger that validation results are not accurately fed back into the requirements specification. In this paper, we propose an enhancement of the requirements specification method SCORES for an explicit capturing of user interface requirements. The advantages of the approach are threefold. First, the user interface requirements specification is UML-compliant and integrated into the functional requirements specification. Second, prototypes for validation purposes can semi-automatically be generated. Third, the model-based generation of prototypes allows for ‘round-trip prototyping’ such that manual changes of the prototype during the validation process are automatically fed back into the requirements specification.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new hand-held device called “InfoPoint” that allows appliances to work together over a network. We have applied the idea of “drag-and-drop” operation as provided in the GUIs of PC and workstation desktop environment. InfoPoint provides a unified interface that gives different types of appliances “drag-and-drop”-like behaviour for the transfer of data. Moreover, it can transfer data from/to non-appliances such as pieces of paper. As a result, InfoPoint allows appliances to work together, in the real-world environment, in terms of data transfer. A prototype of InfoPoint has been implemented and several experimental applications have been investigated. InfoPoint has shown its applicability in a variety of circumstances. We believe that the idea proposed in this paper will be a significant technology in the network of the future.  相似文献   

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