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每个人都有梦想。有些人的梦想博大高远,展望生活;有些人的梦想切实微小,贴近生活。我身边的一位女同事,曾经是一名普通的炉渣工。后来,她去了生产一线,成了一名火车机车女司机。白天,她参加培训跟着师傅学习实践操作,晚上,她一边翻着白天做好的笔记,一边认真查阅理论书籍。  相似文献   

生活常常给人以多种多样的启迪,日积月累,就像一把闪光的钥匙,开启智慧的大门。生活的启迪常常是一掠而过。稍纵即逝,犹如江河里的浪花,黑夜中的闪电;生活的启迪忽隐忽现,时断时续,好像秋雨一般密集,山风一般连绵。要捕捉它,却不那么容易,惟有热爱生活  相似文献   

生命像一串美丽的风铃。环境是风,生命是铃。风一动,铃就发出悦耳的声音。无论有没有风,铃是一种存在,它静静地悬挂在那里,一个挨着一个,相互依存,共同生存。铃生来是为了发出声响的。它以声响展示着自己的存在,诉说着自己的祝福。它渴望风。只有在有风时,风铃才会因相互碰  相似文献   

有两则小故事,让我们看过之后有着不同的思索。故事一:老师:小明,这次考试你怎么那么差?小明:老师,我没有好好复习。老师:你这样愚蠢的人再复习也是一样的。无药可救了。小明:……泪水不止。从此以后,小明失去了学习的信心,成绩一落千丈。  相似文献   

岁月匆匆,时光悠悠,经不住似水流年,留不住岁月变迁,转眼间,2019年已悄然过去。这一年,我们不忘初心,继续前进,把辉煌的成就刻写在年轮的深处。走进2020年,新时代高扬的中国特色社会主义旗帜,让我们精神振奋,豪情万丈,信心百倍。伟大的事业需要在继往开来中铸就,更需要在承前启后中推进。走过2019年,以习近平同志为核心的党中央带领全国人民励精图治,取得了令世界瞩目的新成就。  相似文献   

三十年河东。三十年河西。听起来那么熟悉。想必但凡中国人,不会不明白其中的真谛。其意天知、地知、人更知。 前些日子一次电视新闻报道,引人深思。台州某企业新年开工第一天,企业为迎接员工回厂开工,在厂大门两侧,两排西装革履的企业老板、老总和蓝领们,低头弓腰,迎接排队进入厂区的员工,其景可堪,但又是那样的真实。昔日身处社会底层的打工仔,也可能全年只有这一天,昂首挺胸,做了一回社会和工厂的主人。可能谁也没想到,这些苦活累活都要干的打工仔,居然也有扬眉吐气的这一天。  相似文献   

一天,渔夫在船边俯视时,发现一条蛇咬着一只青蛙。他可怜那只青蛙,就俯下身来,轻轻地拿走青蛙。但是,回过头来,他又可怜这条饥饿的蛇。因为没有食物,他只好拿出一瓶威士忌酒,朝蛇的嘴里例了几滴。蛇快乐地游走了,渔夫也为自己的善行感到快乐。他认为一切都很好,直到几分钟以后,他听到有东西在撞击他的船,朝船下一看,渔夫简直不敢相信,原来蛇又回来了——还咬着两只青蛙。在现实生活中,渔夫的故事总是一遍又一遍地上演。  相似文献   

正"老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已"。吴疆卫,二十多年无悔凿岩,他用手中的凿岩机,在人生的采场掘进、开拓,谱写出一曲忠诚的颂歌。"我出身农村,吃了很多苦,有份工作不容易,我很珍惜。"从握着凿岩机的那一刻开始,沉甸甸的责任感就种在了他的心里。在很多人对凿岩工避之不及的时候,他像生了根一样,在大冶有色公司铜绿山矿井下一扎就是21年。  相似文献   

君不见,每年一度的“国考”,地不分城市和乡村,人不分贫穷和富贵,几百万风华正茂的年轻人,都要直面一场公平公正的人生考试——高考,都将在分数下,决出高低,分出层次,开启人生新的征程。可年复一年。在芸芸众生中,获得文理科状元的又有几许,又有多少出身名门贵族,酒肉朱门。恰恰大多出自寒窑陋舍,飞自穷乡僻壤。为什么?其实人们早已明白其中的道理。历史上也早有穷秀才,月下苦读考中进士状元之说。当然,这并非贫穷都能自然催生成功,但要改变贫穷却是一定要奋发上进才行。  相似文献   

君不见。每当节假日,在城市灯红酒绿的大酒店门口,你总能看见,一队队城市交通卫士,守候在此或酒店的停车场内,对那些眼赤脖子红的驾车者进行拦车做酒测。在三番五次严令禁止酒后驾车后,却总有前仆后继的“英雄好汉”撞上枪口,但最终不是走进医院接受治疗,就是受到法律的处罚。少部分侥幸漏网者,不是笑料百出,就是肇事出祸。总之。一切归咎于酒后误事,不知不觉铸成大祸。因此,在任何情况下,我们都必须保持清醒的头脑,才能应对变幻莫测的世界,才能做出正确的行为判断。  相似文献   

The principle of the stretch reducing process is analyzed and three models of pass design areestablished. The simulations are done about variables, such as, stress, strain, the stretches betweenthe stands, the size parameters of the steel tube, and the roll force parameters. According to itsproduct catalogs the system can automatically divide the pass series, formulate the rolling table,and simulate the basic technological parameters in the stretch reducing process. All modules areintegrated based on the developing environment of VB6. The system can draw simulation curvesand pass pictures. Three kinds of database including the material database, pass design database,and product database are devised using Microsoft Access, which can be directly edited, corrected,and searched.  相似文献   

随着北极航行的发展及极地资源开发的需要,如何提高极地海洋环境服役材料的摩擦学性能愈发重要。在极地海洋环境中,碎冰、冰层和海水中的腐蚀性物质会使材料受到摩擦磨损、腐蚀及其耦合的影响;低温潮湿环境会增加材料的脆性、使材料表面覆冰、改变材料的摩擦磨损机理;强紫外线会加速涂层老化;这些因素都会降低材料的耐磨性能,最终导致材料失效。因此,极地海洋环境服役材料的摩擦学与材料的性能、服役寿命息息相关。本文介绍了极地探索所面临的摩擦磨损问题;阐述了极地温度、极地海洋大气及海水成分、海冰运动和极地微生物等极地海洋环境特点及其对材料摩擦学性能的影响;重点介绍了金属材料、无机非金属材料、高分子材料在极地海洋环境下的摩擦学进展;探讨了提升材料在极地海洋环境下的耐磨防腐技术,如改性、表面修饰等;最后,结合极地海洋环境服役材料摩擦磨损研究中所面临的问题及发展趋势,对未来极地海洋服役材料的摩擦学研究工作进行展望。  相似文献   

Dependence of the Stabilization of α-Alumina on the Spray Process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phase change from α-alumina (corundum) in the feedstock powder to predominantly other alumina phases, such as γ-alumina in the coating normally takes place, as a result of the spray process. It is expected that the prevention of this phase transformation will significantly improve the mechanical, electrical, and other properties of thermally sprayed alumina coatings. The results regarding the possibility of stabilization of α-alumina through addition of chromia published in the literature are ambiguous. In this work, stabilization using different spray processes (water-stabilized plasma (WSP), gas-stabilized plasma (APS), and high-velocity oxy-fuel spray (HVOF)) was studied. Mechanical mixtures of alumina and chromia were used, as were prealloyed powders consisting of solid solutions. The investigations focused on mechanical mixtures with both APS and WSP and on prealloyed powders with WSP. The coatings were studied by x-ray diffraction, including Rietveld analysis, and analysis of the lattice parameters. Microstructures were investigated by optical microscopy using metallographic cross-sections. It was shown that in the case of the mechanically mixed powders, the stabilization predominantly depends on the applied spray process. The stabilization of the α phase by use of the WSP process starting from mechanical mixtures was confirmed. It appears that stabilization exhibits a complex dependence on the spray process, the process parameters (in particular the thermal history), the nature of the powder (mechanically mixed or prealloyed), and the chromia content. This article is an invited paper selected from presentations at the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference and has been expanded from the original presentation. It is simultaneously published in Global Coating Solutions, Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2007.  相似文献   

Basing on the analysis of the traits of the roll forging process, a system-model of computer simulation has been established. Three-dimensional rigid-plastic FEM has been used for the simulation of the deformation process in the oval and round pass rolling, including the entering, rolling, and separating stages. The analysis was conducted using the Deform-3D ver.5.0 code. The important information concerned with the deformation area characteristic, material flow, and velocity field has been presented. Otherwise,the location of the neutral plane in the deformation area was shown clearly.  相似文献   

Driven by industrial demand, extensive efforts have been made to investigate microstructure evolution and microsegregation development during solidification of multicomponent alloys. This paper briefly reviews the recent progress in modeling of microstructures and microsegregation in solidification of multicomponent alloys using various models including micromodel, phase field, front tracking, and cellular automaton approaches. A two-dimensional modified cellular automaton (MCA) model coupled with phase diagram software PanEngine is presented for the prediction of microstructures and microsegregation in the solidification of ternary alloys. The model adopts MCA technique to simulate dendritic growth. The thermodynamic data needed for determining the dynamics of dendritic growth are calculated with PanEngine. After validating the model by comparing the simulated values with the prediction of the Scheil model for solute profiles in the primary dendrites as a function of solid fraction, the model was applied to simulate the microstructure and microsegregation in the solidification of Al-rich ternary alloys. The simulation results demonstrate the capabilities of the present model not only to simulate realistic dendrite morphologies, but also to predict quantitatively the microsegregation profiles in the solidification of multi-component alloys. This article was presented at the Multi-Component Alloy Thermodynamics Symposium sponsored by the Alloy Phase Committee of the joint EMPMD/SMD of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), held in San Antonio, Texas, March 12-16, 2006, to honor the 2006 William Hume-Rothery Award recipient, Professor W. Alan Oates of the University of Salford, UK. The symposium was organized by Y. Austin Chang of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, Patrice Turchi of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, and Rainer Schmid-Fetzer of the Technische Universitat Clausthal, Clauthal-Zellerfeld, Germany.  相似文献   

Wear at the electrode surfaces of a one-cathode plasma torch changes the characteristic fluctuation pattern of the plasma jet. This affects the trajectory of the particles injected into the plasma jet in a non-controllable way, which degrades the reproducibility of the process. Time-based voltage measurements and Fourier analysis were carried out on a one-cathode F4 torch at different wear conditions to determine the evolution of wear dependant characteristics. A significant correlation is observed between increasing torch wear and decreasing voltage roughness and high frequency noise. Furthermore, by means of particle diagnostic systems, the change in the particle velocity and temperature has been measured. The variations of the particle characteristics are significant and thus an influence on the sprayed coating microstructure is to be expected. This article is an invited paper selected from presentations at the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference and has been expanded from the original presentation. It is simultaneously published in Global Coating Solutions, Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2007.  相似文献   

通过激光合金化技术在45钢基体上制备Mo1B9Crx合金化涂层,研究了Cr含量对涂层组织性能的影响。结果表明,Mo1B9Cr1.1涂层最佳激光合金化工艺为激光功率3.3 kW,扫描速度900 mm/min,搭接率30%;在此工艺条件下,涂层与基体呈良好的冶金结合,无孔洞和裂纹,合金化区组织为Fe-Mo、Fe2B、Fe-Cr、Cr2B、CrxFey固溶体和化合物;随Cr含量从1.1%增加到23.3%,涂层硬度、摩擦因数、磨损率逐渐减小;当Cr含量为1.1%时,涂层硬度最大,为1005 HV0.1;当Cr含量为23.3%时,其耐磨性能最好,摩擦因数为0.475,磨损率为0.574×10-14m3/(N·m),涂层磨损形式主要是磨粒磨损和粘着磨损结合的形式。  相似文献   

Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, has proposed a method for oxidative leaching of chromite with potassium hydroxide. Understanding the mechanism of chromite decomposition, especially in the potassium hydroxide fusion, is important for the optimization of the operating parameters of the oxidative leaching process. A traditional thermodynamic method is proposed and the thermal decomposition and the reaction decomposition during the oxidative leaching of chromite with KOH and oxygen is discussed, which suggests that chromite is mainly destroyed by reactions with KOH and oxygen. Meanwhile, equilibrium of the main reactions of the above process was calculated at different temperatures and oxygen partial pressures. The stable zones of productions, namely, K2CrO4 and Fe2O3, increase with the decrease of temperature, which indicates that higher temperature is not beneficial to thermodynamic reactions. In addition, a comparison of the general alkali methods is carried out, and it is concluded that the KOH leaching process is thermodynamically superior to the conventional chromate production process.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a rapid development in computer technology, which has in turn led to develop the fully robotic welding system using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. However, the robotic welding system has not been achieved due to difficulties of the mathematical model and sensor technologies. The possibilities of the fuzzy regression method to predict the bead geometry, such as bead width, bead height, bead penetration and bead area in the robotic GMA (gas metal arc) welding process is presented. The approach, a well-known method to deal with the problems with a high degree of fuzziness, is used to build the relationship between four process variables and the four quality characteristics, respectively. Using these models, the proper prediction of the process variables for obtaining the optimal bead geometry can be determined.  相似文献   

沈彬彬 《物理测试》2019,37(5):9-11
利用 Gleeble-3800对钒微合金化钢的高温塑性进行了测定,并通过扫描电镜对不同温度下试验钢拉断后的断口形貌进行了观察分析。结果表明:随着温度降低,热塑性降低,断面收缩率降低,奥氏体化温度以上拉伸时,断口以深韧窝为主,部分韧窝底部分布着第二相粒子;但铁素体相变温度以下拉伸时,断口呈现沿晶断裂特征,断裂面上分布着浅而小的韧窝,降低了材料的热塑性;随着温度的升高,断面收缩率不断增加,试验钢在 850℃及其以上温度拉伸时的断面收缩率均大于 60%,在连铸坯生产时矫直温度不低于 850℃能够有效减少铸坯表面裂纹发生率,因此,在连铸坯生产时适宜的矫直温度应该不低于 850℃。  相似文献   

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