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The petrosal ganglion supplies chemoafferent pathways via the glossopharyngeal (IXth) nerve to peripheral targets which release various neurotransmitters including serotonin (5-HT). Here, we combined rapid 5-HT application with patch clamp, whole-cell recording to investigate whether 5-HT receptors are expressed on isolated petrosal neurons (PN), cultured from 7-12 day-old rat pups. In responsive cells, the dominant effect of 5-HT was a rapid depolarization associated with a conductance increase in approximately 43% of the neurons (53/123); however, in a minority population ( approximately 6%; 8/123), 5-HT caused membrane depolarization associated with a conductance decrease. In the former group, 5-HT produced a transient inward current (I5-HT) in neurons voltage-clamped near the resting potential ( approximately -60 mV); the effect was mimicked by the 5-HT3 receptor-specific agonist, 2-methyl-5-HT, suggesting it was mediated by 5-HT3 receptors. Further, I5-HT was selectively inhibited by the 5-HT3 receptor-specific antagonist MDL72222 (1-10 microM), but was unaffected by either 5-HT1/5-HT2 receptor antagonist, spiperone, or by 5-HT2 receptor-specific antagonist, ketanserin (50-100 microM). I5-HT displayed moderate inward rectification and had a mean reversal potential (+/-S.E.M.) of -4.3+/-6.6 mV (n=6). Application of 5-HT (dose range: 0.1-100 microM) produced a dose-response curve that was fitted by the Hill equation with EC50= approximately 3.4 microM and Hill coefficient= approximately 1.6 (n=8). The activation phase of I5-HT (10 microM 5-HT at -60 mV) was well fitted by a single exponential with mean (+/-S.E.M.) time constant of 45+/-30 ms (n=6). The desensitization phase of I5-HT was best fitted by a single exponential with mean (+/-S.E.M.) time constant of 660+/-167 ms (n=6). Fluctuation analysis yielded an apparent mean single-channel conductance (+/-S.E.M) of 2.7+/-1.5 pS (n=4) at -60 mV. In the minority ( approximately 6%) population of neurons which responded to 5-HT with a conductance decrease, the depolarization was blocked by the 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, ketanserin (50 microM). Taken together, these results suggest that 5-HT3 receptors are the major subtype expressed by rat petrosal neurons, and therefore are candidates for facilitating chemoafferent excitation in response to 5-HT released from peripheral targets.  相似文献   

Primary embryonic hippocampal neurons can develop morphologically and functionally in culture but do not survive more than a few weeks. It has been reported that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) promotes the survival of and neurite elongation from fetal hippocampal neurons. We report that bFGF, in a dose-dependent manner, can induce the survival (50 pg to 1 ng/ml) and proliferation (10-20 ng/ml) of embryonic hippocampal progenitor neurons in vitro. In serum-free medium containing high concentrations of bFGF, neurons not only proliferated (4-day doubling time) and differentiated morphologically but also could be passaged and grown as continuous cell lines. The neuronal nature of the proliferating cells was positively established by immunostaining with several different neuron-specific markers and by detailed ultrastructural analyses. The proliferative effect of bFGF was used to generate nearly pure neuronal cell cultures that can be passaged, frozen, thawed, and cultured again. Neurons have been maintained > 5 months in culture. The ability to establish long-term primary neuronal cultures offers the possibility that clonal lines of distinct neuronal cell types may be isolated from specific areas of the central nervous system. Such long-term neuronal cultures should prove valuable in studying neurons at the individual cell level and also in exploring interactions between neurons in vitro. The observed dose dependence raises the possibility that cell survival and proliferation in vivo may be influenced by different levels of bFGF.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To improve the success of culturing olfactory neurons from human nasal mucosa by investigating the intranasal distribution of the olfactory epithelium and devising new techniques for growing human olfactory epithelium in vitro. DESIGN: Ninety-seven biopsy specimens were obtained from 33 individuals, aged 21 to 74 years, collected from 6 regions of the nasal cavity. Each biopsy specimen was bisected, and 1 piece was processed for immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy while the other piece was dissected further for explant culture. Four culture techniques were performed, including whole explants and explanted biopsy slices. Five days after plating, neuronal differentiation was induced by means of a medium that contained basic fibroblast growth factor. After another 5 days, cultures were processed for immunocytochemical analysis. RESULTS: The probability of finding olfactory epithelium in a biopsy specimen ranged from 30% to 76%, depending on its location. The dorsoposterior regions of the nasal septum and the superior turbinate provided the highest probability, but, surprisingly, olfactory epithelium was also found anteriorly and ventrally on both septum and turbinates. A new method of culturing the olfactory epithelium was devised. This slice culture technique improved the success rate for generating olfactory neurons from 10% to 90%. CONCLUSIONS: This study explains and overcomes most of the variability in the success in observing neurogenesis in cultures of adult human olfactory epithelium. The techniques presented here make the human olfactory epithelium a useful model for clinical research into certain olfactory dysfunctions and a model for the causes of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of two isoforms of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), PDGF-AA and PDGF-BB, was tested on dissociated cell cultures of ventral mesencephalon from rat and human embryos. PDGF-BB but not PDGF-AA reduced the progressive loss of tyrosine hydroxylase- (TH)-positive neurons in rat and human cell cultures. The mean number of TH-positive cells in the PDGF-BB-treated rat culture was 64% and 106% higher than in the control cultures after 7 and 10 days in vitro, respectively. Corresponding figures for human TH-positive neurons were 90% and 145%. The influence of PDGF-BB was specific for TH-positive neurons and not a general trophic effect, since no change of either total cell number or metabolic activity was found. In PDGF-BB-treated cultures of human but not rat tissue the TH-positive neurons had longer neurites than observed in control or PDGF-AA-treated cultures. These data indicate that PDGF-BB may act as a trophic factor for mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and suggest that administration of PDGF-BB could ameliorate degeneration and possibly promote axonal sprouting of these neurons in vivo.  相似文献   

We modeled the influx of calcium ions into dendrites following active backpropagation of spike trains in a dendritic tree, using compartmental models of anatomically reconstructed pyramidal cells in a GENESIS program. Basic facts of ion channel densities in pyramidal cells were taken into account. The time scale of the backpropagating spike train development was longer than in previous models. We also studied the relationship between intracellular calcium dynamics and membrane voltage. Comparisons were made between two pyramidal cell prototypes and in simplified model. Our results show that: (1) sodium and potassium channels are enough to explain regenerative backpropagating spike trains; (2) intracellular calcium concentration changes are consistent in the range of milliseconds to seconds; (3) the simulations support several experimental observations in both hippocampal and neocortical cells. No additional parameter search optimization was necessary. Compartmental models can be used for investigating the biology of neurons, and then simplified for constructing neural networks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report on the prevalence of retinopathy in patients with newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and to evaluate the relationship of retinopathy to clinical and biochemical variables. DESIGN: A multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical study of therapy in patients with NIDDM. SETTING AND PATIENTS: Patients were part of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, a 23-center study of 2964 white patients who had both eyes photographed and assessed. OUTCOME MEASURES: The presence and severity of diabetic retinopathy were evaluated by sex, and the relationship of retinopathy to medical and biochemical parameters was assessed. RESULTS: Retinopathy, defined as microaneurysms or worse lesions in at least 1 eye, was present in 39% of men and 35% of women. Marked retinopathy with cotton wool spots or intraretinal microvascular abnormalities was present in 8% of men and 4% of women. The severity of retinopathy was related in both sexes to higher fasting plasma glucose levels, higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lower serum insulin levels, and reduced beta-cell function. In addition, in men, increased alcohol consumption was related to increased severity of retinopathy, while leaner women had more severe eye lesions. Visual acuity was normal in most patients, but in men there was a trend for those with more severe retinal lesions to have worse visual acuity. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetic retinopathy is common in patients with newly diagnosed NIDDM. Careful ophthalmic assessment at diagnosis is important.  相似文献   

Glutamate transport in nearly pure rat cortical neurons in culture (less than 0.2% astrocytes) is potently inhibited by dihydrokainate, l-serine-O-sulphate, but not by l-alpha-amino-adipate. This system allows for a test of the hypothesis that glutamate transport is important for protecting neurons against the toxicity of endogenous synaptically released glutamate. In support of this hypothesis, a 20-24 h exposure to 1 mm dihydrokainate reduced cell survival to only 14.8 +/- 9.8% in neuronal cultures (P < 0.001; n = 3), although it had no effect on neuronal survival in astrocyte-rich cultures (P > 0.05; n = 3). Dihydrokainate also significantly caused accumulation of glutamate in the extracellular medium of cortical neuronal cultures (6.6 +/- 4.9 micrometer, compared to 1.2 +/- 0.3 micrometer in control, n = 14, P < 0.01). The neurotoxicity of dihydrokainate was blocked by 10 micrometer MK-801, 10 micrometer tetrodotoxin, and an enzyme system that degrades extracellular glutamate. The latter two also abolished the accumulation of glutamate in the extracellular medium. Dihydrokainate (1 mm) inhibited the 45calcium uptake stimulated by 30 micrometer N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), but not by higher concentrations consistent with a weak antagonist action of dihydrokainate at the NMDA receptor. Whole cell recordings showed that 1 mm dihydrokainate produced approximately 25% inhibition of 30 micrometer NMDA-induced current in cortical neurons. Dihydrokainate (1 mm) alone generated a small current (17% of the current produced by 30 micrometer NMDA) that was blocked by 30 micrometer 5,7-dichlorokynurenate and only weakly by 10 micrometer cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX). These results suggest that the toxicity of dihydrokainate in neuronal cultures is due to its ability to block glutamate transport in these cultures, and that dihydrokainate-sensitive neuronal glutamate transport may be important in protecting neurons against the toxicity of synaptically released glutamate.  相似文献   

Protective effects of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) from rat's brain against delayed cell death induced by excitatory amino acids were examined in cultured neurons of the rat. CSPGs reduced delayed neuronal death induced by 10 min exposure to glutamate at a concentration between 100 microM and 1 mM when lactate dehydrogenase activity of culture medium was assayed 24 h after the exposure. CSPGs also protected neuronal death induced by 200 microM N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), kainate or 100 microM alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA). CSPGs reduced death of cortical and hippocampal neurons even when they were administered at 2 h, but not 6 and 12 h, after the exposure to glutamate. These results indicate that CSPGs may have a neuroprotective action against acute noxious conditions in the brain.  相似文献   

Maximal electromyogram (EMG) levels of the first dorsal interosseus muscle (FDI) were studied during maximal pinching between index finger and thumb at two different wrist angles. Despite the fact that there was no change in the biomechanical conditions for the FDI, the maximal EMG levels of the FDI differed significantly; typically EMG levels were higher while pinching at a maximally flexed wrist angle compared to a maximally extended wrist angle. The stability of the EMG recordings was checked with supramaximal peripheral nerve stimulation. Significant changes in the area of the compound muscle actions potentials (M-waves) were obtained. However, these changes could not explain the observed differences in the maximal EMG levels. Our results suggest that the ease of producing a maximal drive to the FDI muscle depends on the motor task.  相似文献   

Multi-unit and field potential responses in the anterior (AC) and posterior cingulate cortices (PC), dentate gyrus (DG), and anterior ventral (AV) and medial dorsal (MD) thalamic nuclei of rabbits were recorded during acquisition and performance of a locomotor conditioned response (CR). The CR, stepping in an activity wheel in response to a tone (conditioned stimulus [CS+]), prevented the occurrence of a shock unconditioned stimulus (UCS) scheduled 5 sec after CS+ onset. Ss also learned to ignore a different tone (CS–), not predictive of the UCS. Training was given daily until behavioral discrimination reached criterion. After criterion, asymmetric probability (AP) sessions were given that were the same as the conditioning session except for probability manipulation. A significant discriminative response developed in all regions during behavioral acquisition. The unit response in the AP session was enhanced in all areas by rare presentation of the CS–, compared with the equal and frequent CS– conditions. Rare presentation of the CS+ enhanced the unit response in the AC, PC, and DG, but it suppressed the firing of AV and MD neurons. Rare CS+ presentations did not alter AV and PC neuronal activity in Ss with subicular lesions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

IFN-alpha is used as a maintenance therapy in patients with multiple myeloma, but its benefit is a matter of controversy. In vitro studies show that IFN-alpha can both stimulate and inhibit myeloma cell proliferation. We have tested the effect of IFN-alpha on the survival of myeloma cell lines and primary plasma cells. IFN-alpha significantly reduced the apoptosis induced by removal of IL-6 in four IL-6-dependent myeloma cell lines. It also reduced the level of apoptosis induced by dexamethasone in these cell lines as well as in purified primary myeloma cells from seven patients. IFN-alpha promoted the survival of myeloma cells, which, following removal of IL-6, were blocked in G1 and died. However, unlike IL-6, IFN-alpha-treated cells remained mainly blocked in the G1 phase of the cycle. While the effects of IL-6 are mediated through stimulation of its gp130 receptor subunit, the IFN-alpha-induced survival of myeloma cells was independent of gp130 transducer activation (as demonstrated using a neutralizing anti-gp130 Ab). However, the signal transduction cascades activated by these two cytokines share at least some common elements, since stimulation with either IFN-alpha or IL-6 resulted in STAT3 phosphorylation. These results indicate that IFN-alpha promotes the survival, but not the proliferation, of myeloma cells, preventing the apoptosis induced by removal of IL-6 or addition of dexamethasone. This survival factor activity may explain the conflicting reports on the effects of IFN-alpha on myeloma cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Pyramidal neurons of the adult and fetal hippocampus and subicular fields were shown to express D2 mRNA using non-radioactive in situ hybridization histochemistry. At the earliest developmental stages examined (embryonic week (E) 13), cell packing within the CA1 region is dense and immature neuroblasts express D2 mRNA at high levels, as do more mature pyramid-like neurons in the deep aspect of the pyramidal cell layer. With development (E19 and E24), cell packing density is reduced, maturing neurons of the pyramidal layer are prominently D2 mRNA positive, while the majority of immature cells lining the superficial layer are D2 mRNA negative. In Layer II of the presubiculum there is a high density of immature D2 mRNA negative cells at E13 with D2 mRNA positive cells located on the periphery of the clusters. By E24, the cells in the layer II clusters are larger, express D2 mRNA, and D2 mRNA negative cells are rarely observed. Thus, expression of D2 mRNA in humans is an early and permanent feature of pyramidal neurons of these regions.  相似文献   

Human neuroblastoma is one of the most common solid tumors in infants and children and represents about 10% of all childhood cancers. Nearly 70% of the patients present with disseminated disease and the long-term prognosis remains poor for this group despite advances in diagnosis and therapy. In this study, we discovered that an endogenous opioid peptide, [Met5]-enkephalin, inhibited the growth of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH in vitro; in view of this pentapeptide's action it has been termed opioid growth factor (OGF). OGF was found to be constitutively expressed and tonically capable of suppressing cell replication, and its effects were opioid receptor mediated. Growth inhibition was dose-related, reversible, not cytotoxic, and independent of serum. Immunocytochemical studies detected both OGF and its related receptor, zeta, in the cytoplasm of log-phase cells. Pharmacological binding assays revealed specific and saturable binding with a one-site model of kinetics; this high-affinity opioid receptor was identified as zeta. These data suggest that a native opioid peptide, OGF, interacts with a novel opioid receptor, zeta, to arrest the growth of human neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

A deficit in glucose uptake and a deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (A beta) each occur in vulnerable brain regions in Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is not known whether mechanistic links exist between A beta deposition and impaired glucose transport. We now report that A beta impairs glucose transport in cultured rat hippocampal and cortical neurons by a mechanism involving membrane lipid peroxidation. A beta impaired 3H-deoxy-glucose transport in a concentration-dependent manner and with a time course preceding neurodegeneration. The decrease in glucose transport was followed by a decrease in cellular ATP levels. Impairment of glucose transport, ATP depletion, and cell death were each prevented in cultures pretreated with antioxidants. Exposure to FeSO4, an established inducer of lipid peroxidation, also impaired glucose transport. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses showed that exposure of cultures to A beta induced conjugation of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, to the neuronal glucose transport protein GLUT3. HNE induced a concentration-dependent impairment of glucose transport and subsequent ATP depletion. Impaired glucose transport was not caused by a decreased energy demand in the neurons, because ouabain, which inhibits Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity and thereby reduces neuronal ATP hydrolysis rate, had little or no effect on glucose transport. Collectively, the data demonstrate that lipid peroxidation mediates A beta-induced impairment of glucose transport in neurons and suggest that this action of A beta may contribute to decreased glucose uptake and neuronal degeneration in AD.  相似文献   

A potent neurotrophic factor that enhances survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons was purified and cloned. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a glycosylated, disulfide-bonded homodimer that is a distantly related member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily. In embryonic midbrain cultures, recombinant human GDNF promoted the survival and morphological differentiation of dopaminergic neurons and increased their high-affinity dopamine uptake. These effects were relatively specific; GDNF did not increase total neuron or astrocyte numbers nor did it increase transmitter uptake by gamma-aminobutyric-containing and serotonergic neurons. GDNF may have utility in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, which is marked by progressive degeneration of midbrain dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which neuronal cell viability in culture is dependent on cell plating density is unclear. To address this question, dissociated cells from the neonatal rat cortex were cultured in a chemically defined medium. Medium conditioned with cortical cells plated at high density (2000 cells/mm2) promoted the survival of neurons grown at low cell density (100 cells/mm2) in a dose-dependent manner. Data obtained from molecular sieving suggested that the molecule(s) promoting the survival of neurons was smaller than 1000 Da. Amino acid analysis of the conditioned medium revealed the release of a mass of glutamine from cortical cells in culture. L-Glutamine mimicked the conditioned medium in action promoting the viability of neurons. These findings suggest that the effect of plating density on neuronal cell viability is mediated at least in part by glutamine released from cultured cells.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) mobilization from bone marrow (BM) into peripheral blood after administration of cytokines such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) are still unknown. In this study we show that high concentrations of soluble calcium induce the detachment of BM CD34(+) HPC adherent on fibronectin, a major component of BM extracellular matrix. Because G-CSF has been shown to induce osteoporosis in patients with congenital neutropenia and in G-CSF-overexpressing transgenic mice, we hypothesized that short-term G-CSF administration may be sufficient to induce bone resorption, resulting in the release of soluble calcium in the endosteum leading in turn to the inhibition of attachment to fibronectin and the egress of HPC from the BM. We show herein that in humans, serum osteocalcin concentration, a specific marker of bone formation, is strongly reduced after 3 days of G-CSF administration. Furthermore, in patients mobilized with G-CSF either alone or in association with stem cell factor or interleukin-3, the reduction of serum osteocalcin is significantly correlated with the number of HPC mobilized in peripheral blood. Urine levels of deoxypyridinoline (DPyr), a specific marker of bone resorption, gradually elevated during the time course of G-CSF administration until day 7 after cessation of G-CSF, showing a simultaneous stimulation of bone degradation during G-CSF-induced HPC mobilization. In an in vivo murine model, we found that the number of osteoclasts was dramatically increased paralleling the elevation of DPyr after G-CSF administration. When pamidronate, an inhibitor of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, was administered together with G-CSF in mice, the G-CSF-induced increase of DPyr levels was completely abolished whereas the numbers of colony-forming cells mobilized in peripheral blood were not decreased, but unexpectedly increased relative to the numbers elicited by G-CSF alone. Collectively, our data therefore show that short-term administration of G-CSF induces bone degradation by a simultaneous inhibition of bone formation and an enhanced osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. This increased bone resorption is inhibited by pamidronate without reducing G-CSF-induced HPC mobilization, suggesting that the activation of bone resorption after G-CSF administration is not the direct cause of HPC mobilization as initially hypothesized, but a parallel event.  相似文献   

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