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主要进行镍和聚四氟乙烯复合电沉积中表面活性剂的研究。选择8种表面活性剂进行了对比实验,以期找到一种比较恰当的表面活性剂,使聚四氟乙烯粉末润湿、分散于镀液中。实验结果表明,选用的聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂(JY-1型)和含氟阳离子及非离子表面活性剂(MX-2型)对聚四氟乙烯有良好的润湿、分散作用,从而实现了镍与聚四氟乙烯的复合电沉积。  相似文献   

金属镍和聚四氟乙烯微粒复合电沉积机理初探(Ⅳ)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在测试金属镍和聚四氟乙烯微粒复合镀层的X射线衍射图象,扫描电子显微镜图象及镀液的电导率值等基础上,对其复合沉积的机理进行了探讨,以期对该工艺的实际应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

主要进行镍和聚四氟乙烯复合电沉积中表面活性剂的研究.选择8种表面活性剂进行了对比实验,以期找到一种比较恰当的表面活性剂,使聚四氟乙烯粉末润湿、分散于镀液中.实验结果表明,选用的聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂(JY1型)和含氟阳离子及非离子表面活性剂(MX2型)对聚四氟乙烯有良好的润湿、分散作用,从而实现了镍与聚四氟乙烯的复合电沉积.  相似文献   

采用复合电沉积的方法制得的镍-聚四氟乙烯复合膜具有优良的减摩性和自润滑性,本文围绕如何提高镀层中聚四氟乙烯含量的问题,分别在瓦特浴体系和氨基碘酸体系中,研究了镍-聚四氟乙烯复合电沉积工艺,并着重讨论了聚四氟乙烯微闰的添加量,电流密度,pH值等对镀层聚四氟乙烯微粒复合量的影响,以期为进一步开发该镀层的实际应用提供依据。  相似文献   

采用简单的二电极系统,以大面积的铂网为阳极,钼或不锈钢薄片为阴极,以氯化铜、三氯化铟、亚硒酸的水溶液为电沉积液,利用一步电沉积技术在不锈钢薄片柔性基底上电沉积制备铜铟硒(CIS)薄膜前驱体,该前驱体经热处理后得到具有黄铜矿型晶体结构CIS薄膜.采用XRD、SEM和EDAX等对制备的CIS薄膜进行了表征,结果表明所制备CIS多晶薄膜物相纯净、晶型发育好,表面无裂纹,晶粒均匀.  相似文献   

铝合金上电沉积Ni-P-CNTs复合镀层及其摩擦性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用复合电沉积法在铝合金表面上制备了镍 磷 碳纳米管(Ni-P-CNTs)复合镀层,并用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对其进行了表征,分析了电流密度和镀液中碳纳米管的质量浓度对复合镀层形貌及其摩擦磨损性能的影响.当电流密度为3.0 A/dm2时可以得到表面光亮、平整的复合镀层,复合镀层中碳纳米管体积分数随着镀液中碳纳米管质量浓度的增加而增加.Ni-P-CNTs复合镀层比Ni-P镀层具有更高的硬度、耐磨性能和更低的摩擦系数.随着复合镀层中碳纳米管体积分数的增加,复合镀层的磨损量和摩擦系数逐渐降低.复合镀层摩擦性能的改善是由于碳纳米管具有优异的力学性能和良好的自润滑性能.  相似文献   

采用复合电沉积的方法制得的镍聚四氟乙烯复合膜具有优良的减摩性和自润滑性.本文围绕如何提高镀层中聚四氟乙烯含量的问题,分别在瓦特浴体系和氨基磺酸体系中,研究了镍聚四氟乙烯复合电沉积工艺;并着重讨论聚四氟乙烯微粒的添加量、电流密度、pH值等对镀层中聚四氟乙烯微粒复合量的影响,以期为进一步开发该镀层的实际应用提供依据.  相似文献   

将Taguchi试验方法用于Ni-Mo复合电沉积过渡,从而筛选出最佳工艺条件,在此最佳工艺条件下所得镀层的析氢过电位η100仅为167.3mV。  相似文献   

采用Sol-Gel法制备了(Po0.9-xLa0.1Cax)Ti0.975O3( 简写为PLCT100x)铁电薄膜。利用Siemens D5005型号X射线衍射仪分析了PLCT(x)薄膜的结晶特性,总结出全钙钛矿相的PLCT铁电薄膜的退火工艺。用AFM测试了PLCT(100x)薄膜的表面,发现用Sol-Gel方法制备的薄膜相当平整。  相似文献   

采用阴极恒电压法在ITO导电玻璃表面沉积了PbS薄膜,并用X-射线衍射仪(XRD)对薄膜的结构进行了表征,研究了沉积电压对薄膜的晶相组成的影响.结果表明:在U=3.0 V时,可制备出沿(111)晶面取向生长的立方相PbS薄膜;随沉积电压从3.0 V增加到4.5 V,薄膜的生长取向从(111)晶面变为(200)晶面,且PbS衍射峰的强度越来越强,到18 V时达到最强.  相似文献   

利用超声分散法对团聚的原始碳纳米管分散处理后,通过酸化、敏化、活化等步骤对其进行表面改性处理,采用表面化学镀在其表面镀覆镍层,并进行热处理.研究了碳纳米管的分散、表面改性和镀镍工艺对镀层质量的影响.实验结果表明:在乙醇溶液中,利用分散剂进行超声分散可以明显改善碳纳米管之间的团聚状况;经过酸化、敏化、活化处理后其表面可形成密集的活化点;镀镍温度在20℃左右,pH值约8.2时,所得镀层较为均匀,经410℃保温2 h的热处理后,镀层变得光滑、连续、致密,镀层的厚度为12~20 nm.  相似文献   

镍基纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合镀层的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善金属基材的表面性能,以钛铁矿为原料,利用微波等离子体化学气相沉积法制备了纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体.采用复合电泳电沉积法在不锈钢基体表面制备了镍基纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合镀层;利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪、数显维氏硬度计和电化学测试等手段研究了纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体对复合镀层结构和性能的影响.结果表明纳米碳管/二氧化钛复合粉体的加入有效地减小了复合镀层中镍的晶粒尺寸,促进了金属镍沿(111)晶面择优取向生长,改变了镍的电沉积层结构,提高了镀层的硬度,改善了镀层的耐腐蚀性能;在复合粉体的作用下,复合镀层的硬度与纯镍镀层相比提高了110%,腐蚀电位正移了23mV,腐蚀电流密度减少了0.991微安/平方厘米.  相似文献   

A substrate with Ni/Ti/Si structure was used to grow vertical carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with a graphite film over CNT tops by thermal chemical vapor deposition with CH4 gas as carbon source.The carbon nanotubes and the substrate were character-ized by a field emission scanning electron microscope for the morphologies,a transmission electron microscope for the microstruc-tures,a Raman spectrograph for the crystallinity,and an Auger electron spectrometer for the depth distribution of elements.The re-sult shows that when the thickness ratio of Ni layer to Ti layer in substrate is about i,a graphite film with relatively good quality canbe formed on the CNT tops.  相似文献   

A new sol-gel process for the preparation of ultrafine nickel hydroxide electrode materials was developed. The composite electrodes consisting of carbon nanotubes and Ni(OH)2 were developed by mixing the hydroxide and carbon nanotubes together in different mass ratios. In order to enhance energy density, a combined type pseudocapacitor/electric double layer capacitor was considered and its electrochemical properties were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and dc charge/discharge test. The combined capacitor shows excellent capacitor behavior with an operating voltage up to 1.6 V in KOH aqueous electrolyte. Stable charge/discharge behaviors were observed with much higher specific capacitance values of 24 F/g compared with that of EDLC (12 F/g) by introducing 60% Ni(OH)2 in the anode material. By using the modified anode of a Ni(OH)E/Carbon nanotubes composite electrode, the specific capacitance of the cell was less sensitive to discharge current density compared with that of the capacitor employing pure nickel hydroxide as anode. The combined capacitor in this study exhibits high energy density and stable power characteristics.  相似文献   

A simple and low-cost electroless deposition technique is used to prepare nickel-doped carbon nanotubes under different doping conditions, and to explore the influence of different nickel doped samples on the electrical contact properties of carbon nanotubes. First, the original carbon nanotubes are subjected to mixed acid oxidation, sensitization and activation treatment. Subsequently, the nickel chloride hexahydrate is used as the main salt and dimethylamine borane is used as the reducing agent to prepare the electroless deposition solution. And then, the prepared carbon nanotube dispersion is dropped into the electroless deposition solution to obtain the sample of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes. Morphological characterization indicates that the nanoparticles with different particle sizes and doping amounts could be doped on the surface of carbon nanotubes under different deposition conditions. The X-ray energy spectrum shows that the main component of the doped nanoparticles is nickel, and the further X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals the constituent valence state of nickel. However, the Raman spectra indicate that the doping type of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes by this deposition method is the P-type. Finally, the electrical contact performance test results show that the electrical contact properties between gold electrodes and nickel-doped carbon nanotubes with different particle sizes and doping contents are different, but that all of them can be improved to a certain extent. According to the order of nanoparticles with a small particle size and a moderate amount, those with a moderate particle size and a moderate amount, and those with a large particle size and a large amount in the nickel-doped sample, the average value of the contact resistance decreases by 32.70%, 71.63% and 49.33%, respectively.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotube encapsulated nickel nanorods were catalytic grown via pyrolysis of oil on a bulk nickel wire substrate. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy were employed to characterize the as-prepared sample. The results show that, carbon nanotubes possess several microns in length, the filled metallic nickel nanorods with a uniform diameter of 35 nm were tightly encapsulated by the carbon capsules. The detailed formation ...  相似文献   

通过极化曲线测量,对氨络合物体系中镍阴极电沉积电化学行为进行研究,系统探讨了溶液中总镍离子浓度、氨水浓度、氯化铵浓度、阴离子及温度等工艺条件对镍阴极还原的影响。研究结果表明:镍放电电流随着总镍离子浓度的上升而上升,随氨水浓度的升高而降低;在1—4mol/L氯化铵浓度范围内,镍放电电流随其浓度的降低而升高,而当氯化铵浓度低于1mol/L时,镍放电电流出现下降的现象;氯盐氨络合物体系中镍阴极放电电流明显高于硫酸盐氨络合物体系镍放电电流,镍放电电流随温度的升高而升高。根据实验现象,进一步分析了镍阴极电沉积电化学行为变化的原因。  相似文献   

A new mechanical electrodeposition technology was proposed, and nanocrystalline nickel deposit with bright and smooth surface was prepared in the bath without any additive agents. Unlike traditional methods, the novel technology employed dynamical hard particles to continuously polish the cathode surface and disturb the nearby solution during electrodepositing. Experimental results showed that the polishing effect of hard particles can effectively prevent the hydrogen bubbles and impurities from adhering on the deposit surface and avoid the production of pits, pinholes and nodules. Furthermore, comparing with the deposit prepared by traditional methods, the one prepared by the novel technology was substantially refined with grain size ranging from 30 to 80 nm. Every diffraction peak’s intensity of the deposit was reduced, the preferential orientation degree of (200) decreased and those of (111) and (220) increased. The microhardness notably increased. The magnetic properties were also changed with decreased saturation magnetization and increased coercive force. It was also found that variation of current density and cathode rotational speed could affect the structure and properties of the nickel deposits prepared by this technology. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK2004005)  相似文献   

The effects of gravity on nickel electrodeposition,the morphology and mechanical properties of deposits were studied in a super gravity field.Predictions in a microgravity field were also presented based on the obtained experimental tendency.Linear sweep voltammetry reveals that the nickel electrodeposition process is enhanced by increasing the gravity coefficient(G).The limiting current density changes from 10.2 to 293.0 mA·cm-2 with the increase of the G value from 10-4 to 354.The morphology of deposits w...  相似文献   

Independent microstructures made of Ni metal were fabricated by five sequential processes: porous anodic oxide film formation, pore sealing, laser irradiation, Ni electroplating, and removal of the aluminum substrate and anodic oxide films. Aluminum plates and rods were anodized in an oxalic acid solution to form porous type anodic oxide films, and then immersed in boiling distilled water for pore sealing. The anodized and pore-sealed specimens were irradiated with a pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd-YAG) laser beam in a Ni plating solution to remove anodic oxide film locally by rotating and moving up / down with an XYZθ-stage. Nickel was deposited at the area where film had been removed by cathodic polarization in the solution before removing the aluminum substrate and anodic oxide films in NaOH solutions. Cylindrical or plain network structures were fabricated successfully.  相似文献   

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