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头发是人体多种微量元素的蓄积和代谢器官之一,研究其微量元素的浓度及其特征,不仅可反映出头发生长时期各元素的摄入量和代谢情况,而且还可获知周围环境,生态系统及生物链中大量的重要信息。本文主要介绍用放射性同位素源激发X荧光的方法,分析了生活在两个不同地热区(天津市内两所高等院校,简称地热Ⅰ区和地热Ⅱ区,两区近邻,自然条件、经济条件及社会条件基本一致,只是各自使用自己的地热水供浴池和研究生楼生活用水)。人的头发中K,Ca,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Sr等9种微量元素的含量以及两区地热水中元素的含量,结果表明地热Ⅰ区的人发含锶均值显著高于地热Ⅱ区的值,这与Ⅰ区地热水中锶含量高于Ⅱ区的锶含量是一致的。而发中铜含量均值,Ⅰ区  相似文献   

本文讨论了质子激发X射线分析对于生物体内各种元素的分析能力,并结合人体和动物的组织、血清、尿、头发中痕量元素分析的实例讨论了质子激发X射线分析的灵敏度、准确度和多元素分析能力,阐明了它在生物医学领域的痕量元素分析中的优点。  相似文献   

本文讨论了质子激发X射线分析对于生物体内各种元素的分析能力,并结合人体和动物的组织、血清、尿、头发中痕量元素分析的实例讨论了质子激发X射线分析的灵敏度、准确度和多元素分析能力,阐明了它在生物医学领域的痕量元素分析中的优点。  相似文献   

人发是人体排泄金属废物的重要途径之一。由于头发样品稳定、采集容易、无痛苦或创伤、携带方便、便于分析和贮存,所以通过分析头发来评价环境污染和营养缺乏日益受到人们的重视,且被认为是经济的、现实可行的方法。国际原子能机构在1976年提出用核技术对世界居民头发进行分析,作为环境调查的资料之一。  相似文献   

报道了用质子激发 X 射线荧光分析法进行纯金中微量元素的分析研究,介绍了制靶方法、物理实验安排、不等精度数据处理、两种不同偏差的并合和帕克法多元素统计检验技术以及利用厚样品分层校正和单标准内标对一起黄金被盗案的有关样品,丢失金、炕面金、纸包金、金锭金的分析。分析结果是:炕面金和丢失金两者比对的 Fe,Cu,Cr,Mn,Ni 5种元素的含量都相同;纸包金和丢失金中含 Cu 量和含 Fe 量都不同;金锭金和丢失金中含 Cu 量,含 Mn 量和含 Ni 量也都不相同。  相似文献   

人发样品中微量元素的XRF分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯静  高德玉  李红  赵丽 《同位素》2004,17(3):135-138
通过化学加入法校正吸收效应,采用X射线荧光分析法(XRF)分析人发样品,确定人发中微量元素的含量。以实际人发样品为基础,求得经基体吸收后的相对效率,拟合出相对效率与基体中重要成分Ca含量的关系式,然后用标定的系数进行人发样品中的Ca、Cu、Fe、Zn含量分析。采用此方法分析了一组人发标准物质,并与国标推荐值进行比较,结果表明测定值与推荐值符合情况良好,与国标相比偏差为Ca0.28%,Fe0.99%,Cu2.6%,Zn0;相对测量误差Ca2.2%,Fe1.7%,Cu2.2%,Zn1.1%,其灵敏度≤2.2%。表明采用XRF分析人发中微量元素含量是可行的。  相似文献   

质子激发X荧光法测定西太平洋海域雨水的微量元素组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘平生  胡朝晖 《核技术》1995,18(9):551-556
用质子激发X荧光分析法测定了西太平洋海域海面上雨水中微量元素的组成和浓度,并通过富集因子的计算,表明海面上雨水中的地壳元素和污染元素主要来自陆地长距离输送的尘土粒子及人为排放污染物。  相似文献   

头发是人体排泄微量元素的器官之一,头发中微量元素的含量间接地反映人体中微量元素的含量。头发中微量元素的含量能反映一定时间内人体微量元素含量的情况。它可以作为环境条件和人体功能的“指示器”,给出环境污染和人体健康与疾病的信息。而发样又  相似文献   

质子激发X荧光(PIXE)技术是一种对古代玻璃的化学成分进行非破坏性分析的有效方法.采用PIXE技术对四川地区出土的战国(770-476 B.C.)和六朝(220-589 A.D.)时期古玻璃的化学成分进行了定量测定.结果表明:战国时期的玻璃璧和蜻蜓眼玻璃珠均属于PbO-BaO-SiO2玻璃,从成分和外型特征看,这些样品都为中国自制;而六朝时期的耳珰、玻璃珠的化学成分呈现多样性,有K2O-CaO-SiO2玻璃、K2O-SiO2玻璃等.结合实验和文献结果,对中国古玻璃技术传播的相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

利用PIXE技术进行大气气溶胶的元素成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙昌年  陈建新 《核技术》1989,12(11):673-678

The accelerator based ion beam analysis method of proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) has been used for analysing up to 14 elements in the blood serum of patients, collected from rehabilitation centres for the mentally retarded and from Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. The experimental subjects of the different groups displayed significant variations in their levels of certain trace elements such as zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus, chlorine, and rubidium. The results are compared with those of healthy control subjects and are discussed in detail in this paper. Hence, PIXE as a method of trace element analysis can be used to determine trace element content in mentally challenged patients.  相似文献   

Wilson‘s病人和正常人发,粪便中微量元素的中子活化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁丽俐  杨任明 《核技术》1993,16(10):615-618
用NAA方法测定人发和粪便样品中Cu、Zn、Ca、Mn、Al和Mg等六种微量元素,分析比较了病人和正常人样品中微量元素含量的差异。并对病人治疗前后微量元素的变化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Proton induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) has been used to measure the trace metals especially heavy metals in Chaliyar river water samples to assess the impact of pollutants from the industrial wastes. Water samples were collected in summer and rainy seasons from three different depths along the course of the river. Measurements were carried out with 2 MeV proton beam using a 3 MV tandem pelletron accelerator at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar. Results from the water Samples collected in both the seasons show that the concentrations of certain heavy metals like Hg, Zn and Pb are more than the prescribed limits. This is because of pollution due to industrial wastes, indicating a need for improvement in the industrial waste treatment.  相似文献   

The elemental profiles of the enamel, cementum and caries of human teeth were analysed by the external proton induced X-ray emission studies. Ten elements namely P, Ca, V, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Sr and Pb were estimated in the present study. P and Ca were found to be the major elements whereas all other elements were found in trace level. It was observed that the respective concentrations of elements namely P, Ca, Fe, Zn and Pb in enamel are more than those in cementum. Concentration of P ranged between 6.37% and 25% whereas Ca ranged between 12.94% and 43.36%.  相似文献   

新疆地区三种牧草的PIXE分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘昶时  李民乾 《核技术》1991,14(3):179-182

Trace elements in lake sediments measured by the PIXE technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lakes are ecosystems where there is a great potential of metal accumulation in sediments due to their depositional characteristics. Total concentration of trace elements was measured on a 50 cm long sediment core from the Infernão Lake, that is an oxbow lake of the Moji-Guaçu River basin, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Dating of the core shows up to 180 yrs old sediment layers. The use of the PIXE technique for elemental analysis avoids the traditional acid digestion procedure common in other techniques. The multielemental characteristic of PIXE allows a simultaneous determination of about 20 elements in the sediment samples, such as, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba, and Pb. Average values for the elemental composition were found to be similar to the bulk crustal composition. The lake flooding pattern strongly influences the time series of the elemental profiles. Factor analysis of the elemental variability shows five factors. Two of the factors represent the mineralogical matrix, and others represent the organic component, a factor with lead, and another loaded with chromium. The mineralogical component consists of elements such as, Fe, Al, V, Ti, Mn, Ni, K, Zr, Sr, Cu and Zn. The variability of Si is explained by two distinct factors, because it is influenced by two different sources, aluminum-silicates and quartz, and the effect of inundation are different for each other. The organic matter is strongly associated with calcium, and also bounded with S, Zn, Cu and P. Lead and chromium appears as separated factors, although it is not clear the evidences for their anthropogenic origin. The techniques developed for sample preparation and PIXE analysis was proven as advantageous and provided very good reproducibility and accuracy.  相似文献   

本文介绍采用长短照射相结合的仪器中子活化分析法,测定了克山病病区、非病区的男性儿童头发中多种微量元素含量。比较了国内常用的及IAEA推荐的清洗方法对头发中微量元素测定的影响。用NBS标准参考物核对了实验中使用的部份标准,结果满意。本工作共分析了48例头发样品中27种元素含量,初步获得了某些元素在三个地区人发中分布的规律。  相似文献   

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