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A correlation is presented between the UN human development index and per capita energy consumption for 120 nations. A strong relationship between index values and energy consumption is observed for the majority of the world. Additionally, a distinct secondary trend emerges from the dataset, representing heavy energy exporters such as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and some Former Soviet Union nations, among others. The preliminary observation is made that these two trends closely resemble saturation curves, exhibited by a variety of natural phenomena. For the primary trend, three regions are isolated: a steep rise in human development relative to energy consumption for energy-poor nations; a moderate rise for transitioning nations; and essentially no rise in human development for energy-advantaged nations, consuming large amounts of modern energy. These correlations suggest that tremendous gains in human development are possible for the world's poorest, with small incremental access to energy.  相似文献   

We present evidence on one facet of energy security in OECD economies—the extent of diversification in sources of oil and natural gas supplies. Viewed from the perspective of the energy-importing countries as a whole, there has not been much change in diversification in oil supplies over the last decade, but diversification in sources of natural gas supplies has increased steadily. We document the considerable cross-country heterogeneity in the extent of diversification. We also show how the extent of diversification changes if account is taken of the political risk attached to suppliers; the size of the importing country; and transportation risk.  相似文献   

The structure, inputs, validation and operation of a residential energy use model are examined with the intention of providing an analytical tool for evaluation of energy conservation option for effects on energy use and related costs.  相似文献   

Energy usage in Pakistan has increased rapidly in past few years due to increase in economic growth. Inadequate and inconsistent supply of energy has created pressure on the industrial and commercial sectors of Pakistan and has also affected environment. Demand has already exceeded supply and load shedding has become common phenomenon. Due to excessive consumption of energy resources it would become difficult to meet future energy demands. This necessitates proper management of existing and exploration of new energy resources. Energy resource management is highly dependent on the supply and demand pattern. This paper highlights the future demands, production and supply of energy produced from natural gas based on economic and environmental constraints in Pakistan with special emphasis on management of natural gas. An attempt has been made by proposing a suitable course of action to meet the rising gas demand. A mechanism has been proposed to evaluate Pakistan's future gas demand through quantitative analysis of base, worst and best/chosen option. CO2 emission for all cases has also been evaluated. The potential, constraints and possible solutions to develop alternative renewable energy resources in the country have also been discussed. This work will be fruitful for the decision makers responsible for energy planning of the country. This work is not only helpful for Pakistan but is equally important to other developing countries to manage their energy resources.  相似文献   

Improved energy efficiency is a key policy goal of all International Energy Agency (IEA) member countries, but tracking energy efficiency gains is not straightforward. As part of its contribution to the G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action, the IEA has been developing in-depth indicators—tools that provide data and analysis of energy use and efficiency trends. This paper gives an overview of the IEA indicator methodology and presents examples of how disaggregated indicators can be used to identify the factors that drive and restrain energy demand at the end-use level. A decomposition approach is also used to separate efficiency effects from the impacts of structure and activity. The results clearly show the important role that energy efficiency has played in shaping trends in final energy use in IEA countries for more than 30 years. However, the analysis also reveals that recent gains in energy efficiency have been much lower than in earlier decades. Accelerating energy efficiency improvements is therefore a crucial challenge for IEA governments and indicators have an important role to play in helping to develop and evaluate the policies that will be required.  相似文献   

Energy can be a confusing issue to the general public, policymakers, and politicians. Adding energy security to the lexicon has not provided any clarification. To assist in explaining some of the concepts associated with energy security and to show how an individual or organization can improve energy security, this paper introduces the “four ‘R's of energy security”: review (understanding the problem), reduce (using less energy), replace (shifting to secure sources), and restrict (limiting new demand to secure sources).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the effect of transparent energy monitoring systems on the purchasing, production and energy use behaviour of consumers and producers. Relevant literature is explored on the linkages between feedback, risk and responsibility, knowledge, economic drivers, and sustainable energy consumption. Drawing on international as well as UK-specific experiences, the paper focuses on the prospects for current and future energy monitoring systems to ‘re-materialise’ energy use in economic and environmental terms that are more meaningful, and thus more behaviourally significant, to a substantially wider range of energy users than today's. Appliance labelling, smart metering and carbon footprint analyses are explored as case studies.  相似文献   

Artificial neural network analysis of world green energy use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the analysis of world green energy consumption through artificial neural networks (ANN). In addition, the consumption is also analyzed of world primary energy including fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. A feed-forward back-propagation ANN is used for training and learning processes by taking into consideration data from the literature of world energy consumption from 1965 to 2004. Also, an ANN approach for forecasting world green energy consumption to the year 2050 is presented, and the consumption equations for different energy sources are derived. The environmental aspects of green energy and fossil fuels are discussed in detail. The resulting ANN-based equation curve profiles verify that the available economic reserves of fossil fuel resources are limited, and become “depleted” in the near future. It is expected that world green energy consumption will reach almost 62.74 EJ by 2010, and be on average 32.29% of total energy use between 2005 and 2025. However, world green energy and natural gas consumption will continue increasing after 2050, while world oil and coal consumption are expected to remain relatively stable after 2025 and 2045, respectively. The ANN approach appears to be a suitable method for forecasting energy consumption data, should be utilized in efforts to model world energy consumption.  相似文献   

The consumption of natural resources has been increasing continuously during recent decades, due to the growing demand caused by both the economic and the demographic rise of global population. Environmental overloads that endanger the survival of our civilization and the sustainability of current life support systems are caused by the increased consumption of natural resources—particularly water and energy—which are essential for life and for the socio-economic development of societies. While not yet well utilized, process integration and polygeneration are promising tools which reach the double objective of increasing the efficiency of natural resources, and also minimizing the environmental impact. This paper discusses the concepts of polygeneration and energy integration and various examples of polygeneration systems: (i) sugar and energy production in a sugarcane factory; (ii) district heating and cooling with natural gas cogeneration engines and (iii) combined production of water and energy. It is clearly evident that polygeneration systems which include appropriate process integration significantly increase the efficient use of natural resources.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》1989,17(6):577-590
The paper reviews the socioeconomic situation and energy utilization in Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) countries which vary considerably. The review indicates that growing energy requirements are associated with economic development and population increase. Renewable energy utilization is indicated as an appropriate alternative for providing a considerable portion of future energy demand in certain energy-consuming sectors. When reviewing the present state of the art of major renewable energy technologies, particular attention is paid to both direct and indirect solar technologies. Possible adaption of renewables into the socioeconomic structures of OIC countries is discussed. The programme of action for renewables in the OIC is stressed, pointing to the priority attached to enhancing the renewable energy contribution.  相似文献   

One of the main concepts of tillage should be to create the most appropriate soil conditions by taking into consideration energy use efficiency because it allows financial savings, fossil resources preservation and environment pollution decrease. Therefore, the study was perform to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems on energy use, the energy output/input ratios and profitability for silage corn (Zea mays L) production. The tillage systems were consisted of conventional tillage without stubble (CT), minimum tillage (MT), band tillage (BT), ridge tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT).The effects of tillage were found to be statistically on energy parameters. The highest energy use efficiency (8.78), energy productivity (2.12 kg MJ−1), and energy profitability (7.78) were in MT while the lowest in NT. But, the highest energy intensiveness was in NT (24.83 MJ EUR−1). Indirect energy, non-renewable energy and commercial energy shares were higher for all the systems. More renewable energy was used in NT than the other treatments. The highest benefit/cost ratio and productivity were in the MT (2.13), and followed by NT (2.07). For this reason, conservation tillage treatments (i.e. MT and NT) should be supported for the energy and profitability sustainability of corn silage agriculture.  相似文献   

The large oil and natural gas resource base and the greater competitiveness of conventional energy supply technologies based on oil and gas is a key energy characteristic in the countries of the GCC. Until today, mostly pilot and research Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Rational Use of Energy (RUE) activities were conducted. However, these countries seem to be ready to take a more active part in the development of environmental friendly energy technologies. RES are expected to play a greater role in the future based on the rich natural potential of the region. In addition, appropriate efforts to formulate strategic RUE policies are initiated for assuring buildings sustainability and providing guidelines for future architecture. In this context, GCC countries are realizing the inevitability of putting climate change issues on the top of the list of priorities in the process of economic and social development. This paper includes an analytical review of the current RES and RUE development status in the GCC region, giving special emphasis to the business opportunities that the region offers for regional and international companies involved in this market.  相似文献   

End-use energy analysis in the Malaysian industrial sector   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The industrial sector is the second largest consumer of energy in Malaysia. In this energy audit, the most important parameters that have been collected are as follows: power rating and operation time of energy-consuming equipments/machineries; fossil fuel and other sources of energy use; production figure; peak and off-peak tariff usage behavior and power factor. These data were then analyzed to investigate the breakdown of end-use equipments/machineries energy use, the peak and off-peak usage behavior, power factor trend and specific energy use. The results of the energy audit showed that the highest electrical energy-using equipment was an electric motor followed by pumps and air compressors. The specific energy use has been estimated and compared with four Indonesian industries and it was found that three Malaysian industries were more efficient than the Indonesian counterpart. The study also found that about 64% electrical energy was used in peak hours by the industries and the average power factor ranged from 0.88 to 0.92. The study also estimated energy and bill savings using highly efficient electrical motors along with the payback period.  相似文献   

Exergy analysis of the energy use in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, an analysis is being done on the concept of energy and exergy utilization and an application to the residential and industrial sector of Greece. The energy and exergy flows over the period from 1990 to 2004 were taken into consideration. This period was chosen based on the data reliability. The energy and exergy efficiencies are calculated for the residential and industrial sectors and compared to the findings of a previous study concerning the exergy efficiency of the Greek transport sector. The residential energy and exergy efficiencies for the year 2003 were 22.36% and 20.92%, respectively, whereas the industrial energy and exergy efficiencies for the same year were 53.72% and 51.34%, respectively. The analysis of energy and exergy utilization determines the efficiency of the economy as a whole. The results can play an important role in the establishment of efficiency standards of the energy use in various economy sectors. These standards could be utilized by energy policy makers.  相似文献   

This article begins by defining energy services and identifying how they differ according to sector, urban and rural areas, and direct and indirect uses. It then investigates household energy services divided into three classes: lower income, middle income, and upper income. It finds that the primary energy technologies involved with low-income households involve a greater number of fuels and carriers, ranging from dung and fuelwood to liquefied petroleum gas and charcoal, but a fewer number of services. Middle-income households throughout the world tend to rely on electricity and natural gas, followed by coal, liquefied petroleum gas, and kerosene. These homes utilize energy to produce a much broader range services. The upper class or rich have access to the same energy fuels, carriers, and technologies as middle-income homes and families, but consume more energy (and more high luxury items). The study highlights how focusing on energy services reorients the direction of energy policy interventions, that energy services are neither uniform nor innate, and by noting exciting areas of potential research.  相似文献   

Reducing energy use in the buildings sector: measures, costs, and examples   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reviews the literature concerning the energy savings that can be achieved through optimized building shape and form, improved building envelopes, improved efficiencies of individual energy-using devices, alternative energy using systems in buildings, and through enlightened occupant behavior and operation of building systems. Cost information is also provided. Both new buildings and retrofits are discussed. Energy-relevant characteristics of the building envelope include window-to-wall ratios, insulation levels of the walls and roof, thermal resistance and solar heat gain coefficient of windows, degree of air tightness to prevent unwanted exchange of air between the inside and outside, and presence or absence of operable windows that connect to pathways for passive ventilation. Provision of a high-performance envelope is the single most important factor in the design of low-energy buildings, not only because it reduces the heating and cooling loads that the mechanical system must satisfy but also because it permits alternative (and low-energy) systems for meeting the reduced loads. In many cases, equipment with significantly greater efficiency than is currently used is available. However, the savings available through better and alternative energy-using systems (such as alternative heating, ventilation, cooling, and lighting systems) are generally much larger than the savings that can be achieved by using more efficient devices (such as boilers, fans, chillers, and lamps). Because improved building envelopes and improved building systems reduce the need for mechanical heating and cooling equipment, buildings with dramatically lower energy use (50–75% savings) often entail no greater construction cost than conventional design while yielding significant annual energy-cost savings.
L. D. Danny HarveyEmail:

Integrated energy strategy for the sustainable development of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose in this paper an integrated energy strategy based on a systems approach to address the energy challenges and energy dilemma in China. First, we give a review of existing approaches to energy planning and strategic management, followed by a discussion on the major relationships among energy, economical, environmental and societal systems. Next, we present a conceptual system model with alternative solutions and clarify corresponding concepts. Based on the results, we propose, summarize, and present strategic ideas as policy implications for China’s decision makers. In conclusion, we determine that China should enhance strategic planning and regulation from a life cycle viewpoint of the whole society, prioritize energy saving, continuously improve incumbent energy, and rationally develop alternative energy.  相似文献   

A regression analysis of the effect of energy use in agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the impacts of energy use on productivity of Turkey's agriculture. It reports the results of a regression analysis of the relationship between energy use and agricultural productivity. The study is based on the analysis of the yearbook data for the period 1971–2003.

Agricultural productivity was specified as a function of its energy consumption (TOE) and gross additions of fixed assets during the year. Least square (LS) was employed to estimate equation parameters. The data of this study comes from the State Institute of Statistics (SIS) and The Ministry of Energy of Turkey.  相似文献   

The main determinants of differences in residential energy use for space heating and space cooling arise from location, structure and design of dwelling and human behaviour. International, inter-regional and inter-household comparisons show that most available statistical data on residential energy use hide great complexity and must be disaggregated to identify real differences. Some differences are increasingly recognized as inequitous, that is, as disadvantageous to one or more groups and difficult or impossible to remove. Government energy policy mechanisms must be developed which do not increase existing inequities in the energy field, or create new ones.  相似文献   

It is evident that future worldwide patterns of energy use will be modifications of current ones. The objective of this work is to understand the directions these modifications are taking and to assess opportunities for bringing about beneficial changes and avoiding detrimental ones.

The future will see greater deficits of conventional fuels such as oil and gas and the certainty of higher prices. Fuel and electricity prices, already at record highs, are seen to double again in the next 1–2 years. As a consequence of potential scarcity, disruption of supplies and economic pressures, the danger of a major war is greater now than it has been in the past several decades. The problem is compounded by the fact that the public, in general, is not convinced there is a serious problem and is not prepared to take decisive action.

The United States—the world's major energy user—plays a pivotal role. The consequences of an ineffective U.S. national energy policy have been that U.S. imports remain high, oil prices stay high, the world economy is less stable and less oil is available for other nations. Commensurately, increased prices for food, industrial products, and transportation are resulting.

At this time, changing energy futures is less a problem of technology and more a problem of motivation, values and social awareness. New technology is available for many industrial processes, for heating and cooling buildings, for lighting and agriculture. New technology is urgently needed for energy efficient transportation. Unresolved are the issues of how best to educate and inform the public and to instill new values appropriate for the future. The public, in general, still is not convinced that there is a serious problem and still is not prepared to take decisive actions.

New energy resources are widely sought as replacements for conventional ones, especially those which are imported. While these efforts will lead to varying degrees of success, energy use management has been established during the decade of the 1970s as an effective near-term ‘resource’. It is the most immediate, least risky, cheapest and least environmentally damaging of all the potential options for solving energy problems. National and international policies must be modified to vastly increase the priority given this resource.  相似文献   

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