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In spite of regional closeness, energy cooperation in Northeast Asia has remained unexplored. However, this situation appears to be changing. The government of South Korea seems to be very enthusiastic for power grid interconnection between the Russian Far East and South Korea to overcome difficulties in finding new sites for building power facilities to meet its need for increased electricity supplies. This paper analyzes the feasibility of this electric power grid interconnection route. The issues addressed include electricity market structures; the prospects for electric power industry restructuring in the Russian Federation and South Korea; the political issues related to North Korea; the challenges for the governments involved and the obstacles anticipated in moving this project forward; project financing and the roles and concerns from multilateral and regional banks; and institutional framework for energy cooperation. While there are many technical issues that need to be resolved, we think that the great challenge lies in the financing of this commercial project. Thus, the governments of the Russian Federation and South Korea involved in the project need to foster the development of their internal capital markets and to create confidence with international investors. To this end, on energy side, this involves defining a clear energy policy implemented by independent regulators, speeding up the already started but delayed reform process of restructuring electric power industry and markets, and establishing a fair and transparent dispute resolution mechanism in order to reduce non-commercial risks to a minimum. The paper argues that establishing a framework for energy cooperation in this region will contribute positively towards that end, although views differ regarding its specific form. Finally, given that North Korea has a crucial transit role to play and faces a very unstable political situation, it is concluded that moving the project forward needs to be contingent on a resolution of the North Korea's nuclear crisis.  相似文献   

With increasing concern about carbon dioxide emissions from power generation, high natural gas costs for generating electricity, and rapidly increasing costs of constructing new power plants, energy efficiency programs are being given greater consideration by utilities and regulators. This study reports on a statistical analysis of the relationship between state-level efficiency program effort and growth in electricity sales between 2001 and 2006 in the United States. The higher the utility efficiency program expenditures per capita and the greater the range of other efficiency programs offered, the greater the reduction in the growth of power sales. Application of the portfolio of energy efficiency programs used in the states with most aggressive programs would have reduced the growth in a state's electricity sales by about 60% relative to the case where no efficiency programs were implemented.  相似文献   

The Purdue Long-Term Electricity Trading and Capacity Expansion Planning Model simultaneously optimizes both transmission and generation capacity expansions. Most commercial electricity system planning software is limited to only transmission planning. An application of the model to India's national power grid, for 2008–2028, indicates substantial transmission expansion is the cost-effective means of meeting the needs of the nation's growing economy. An electricity demand growth rate of 4% over the 20-year planning horizon requires more than a 50% increase in the Government's forecasted transmission capacity expansion, and 8% demand growth requires more than a six-fold increase in the planned transmission capacity expansion. The model minimizes the long-term expansion costs (operational and capital) for the nation's five existing regional power grids and suggests the need for large increases in load-carrying capability between them. Changes in coal policy affect both the location of new thermal power plants and the optimal pattern inter-regional transmission expansions.  相似文献   

分析了火电机组的主要能耗指标,在其基础上建立了机组能耗一供电成本模型,并对影响单位供电成本的主要因素进行了敏感性分析。通过能耗一供电成本模型,结合电厂实时运行数据,计算了机组在某段运行时间内的动态供电成本,为火电机组的经济性运行提供参考。  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in Northeast Asia has vastly increased regional needs for energy services. In several countries of the region, this ongoing growth has been accompanied by significant environmental problems. The countries of the region already constitute the largest import market for liquefied natural gas (LNG). The region has accounted for a progressively larger share of world primary energy use; its share has risen from under 19% in 1999 to over 25% in 2007.  相似文献   

Power grid interconnection has gained attention in Northeast Asia (NEA) as a means to build an economically efficient power system and to effectively utilize renewable energy, such as wind and solar resources in the Gobi Desert and hydro resources in Eastern Russia.In order to quantify the potential economic and environmental benefits from connecting power grids and developing renewables in NEA, we build an NEA-wide multi-region power system model using linear programming techniques. Our analysis considers power system characteristics, such as the seasonal and daily electric load curves of the various NEA economies.Compared to a “no grid extension” scenario, increased access to renewables contributes significantly to emissions reductions and fuel cost savings. However, the results imply modest benefits in lowering total cost because of the large initial investments needed in developing the renewables and the transmission lines. These limited total cost savings are likely to pose an implementation challenge for NEA grid interconnections. Our results also suggest that grid interconnections become more economically attractive in higher fuel price or lower initial cost situations. The relevant planning organizations should carefully consider the initial cost and future fuel price trends when considering how to interconnect power girds in an economical manner.  相似文献   

With the global economy integration and progress in energy transformation, it has become a general trend to surpass national boundaries to achieve wider and optimal energy resource allocations. Consequently, there is a critical need to adopt scientific approaches in assessing cross-border power grid interconnection projects. First, considering the promotion of large-scale renewable energy resources and improvements in system adequacy, a comprehensive assessment index system, including costs, socio-economic benefits, environmental benefits, and technical benefits, is established in this study. Second, a synthetic assessment framework is proposed for cross-border power grid interconnection projects based on the index system comprising cost–benefit analysis, with market and network simulations, iterative methods for indicator weight evaluation, and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method for the project rankings. Finally, by assessing and comparing three cross-border projects between Europe and Asia, the proposed index system and assessment framework have been proved to be effective and feasible; the results of this system can thus support investment decision-making related to such projects in the future.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the ability of European TSOs to meet the demand for substantial investments in the electricity transmission grid over the next two decades. We employ quantitative analysis to assess the impact of the required capital expenditures under a set of alternative financing strategies. We consider a best-case scenario of full cooperation between the European TSOs. It appears that under current trends in the evolution of transmission tariffs, only half the volumes of investment currently planned could be funded. A highly significant increase in transmission tariffs will be required to ensure the whole-scale investments can be delivered. Finally, alternative strategies can dampen the impact on tariffs but they can only partially substitute for this increase in charges paid by network users.  相似文献   

J.K. Kaldellis  D. Zafirakis 《Energy》2007,32(12):2295-2305
The high wind and solar potential along with the extremely high electricity production cost met in the majority of Greek Aegean islands comprising autonomous electrical networks, imply the urgency for new renewable energy sources (RES) investments. To by-pass the electrical grid stability constraints arising from an extensive RES utilization, the adaptation of an appropriate energy storage system (ESS) is essential. In the present analysis, the cost effect of introducing selected storage technologies in a large variety of autonomous electrical grids so as to ensure higher levels of RES penetration, in particular wind and solar, is examined in detail. A systematic parametrical analysis concerning the effect of the ESSs’ main parameters on the economic behavior of the entire installation is also included. According to the results obtained, a properly sized RES-based electricity generation station in collaboration with the appropriate energy storage equipment is a promising solution for the energy demand problems of numerous autonomous electrical networks existing worldwide, at the same time suggesting a clean energy generation alternative and contributing to the diminution of the important environmental problems resulting from the operation of thermal power stations.  相似文献   

可再生能源电厂并网对地区电网的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质能发电、风电、水电等可再生能源机组的并网将改变地区原有的电力系统的特性.文章从地区电网的动态稳定性、供电可靠性、调度运行、网供负荷预测、电能质量等方面就可再生能源电厂并网对地区电网的影响进行了分析,对如何消除不利影响,实现电网安全、稳定、经济地运行,提出了一些对策.  相似文献   

东北亚地区的能源基础设施合作引起了很多学者的关注.大多数研究专注于该地区电网互联、可再生能源开发的技术可行性,而忽略了能源基础设施合作带来的社会和经济效益的定量分析.本研究使用可计算一般均衡模型来评估构建东北亚能源互联网的经济社会效益.主要模型工作包括 1)构建新的嵌套结构,2)通过计量模型估计化石和非化石能源发电替代...  相似文献   

The generation, consumption and pricing of electricity in the member states of the European Community is modelled over the period from 1953–1986. Theoretical demand functions are developed and optimality conditions for equilibrium are established.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the effects of information and communications technology (ICT) investment, electricity price, and oil price on the consumption of electricity in South Korea's industries using a logistic growth model. The concept electricity intensity is used to explain electricity consumption patterns. An empirical analysis implies that ICT investment in manufacturing industries that normally consume relatively large amounts of electricity promotes input factor substitution away from the labor intensive to the electricity intensive. Moreover, results also suggest that ICT investment in some specific manufacturing sectors is conducive to the reduction of electricity consumption, whereas ICT investment in the service sector and most manufacturing sectors increases electricity consumption. It is concluded that electricity prices critically affect electricity consumption in half of South Korea's industrial sectors, but not in the other half, a finding that differs somewhat from previous research results. Reasons are suggested to explain why the South Korean case is so different. Policymakers may find this study useful, as it answers the question of whether ICT investment can ultimately reduce energy consumption and may aid in planning the capacity of South Korea's national electric power.  相似文献   

We develop a spatial electricity planning model to guide grid expansion in countries with low pre-existing electricity coverage. The model can be used to rapidly estimate connection costs and compare different regions and communities. Inputs that are modeled include electricity demand, costs, and geographic characteristics. The spatial nature of the model permits accurate representation of the existing electricity network and population distribution, which form the basis for future expansion decisions. The methodology and model assumptions are illustrated using country-specific data from Kenya. Results show that under most geographic conditions, extension of the national grid is less costly than off-grid options. Based on realistic penetration rates for Kenya, we estimate an average connection cost of $1900 per household, with lower-cost connection opportunities around major cities and in denser rural regions. In areas with an adequate pre-existing medium-voltage backbone, we estimate that over 30% of households could be connected for less than $1000 per connection through infilling. The penetration rate, an exogenous factor chosen by electricity planners, is found to have a large effect on household connection costs, often outweighing socio-economic and spatial factors such as inter-household distance, per-household demand, and proximity to the national grid.  相似文献   

Electricity sector is among the key users of natural gas. The sustained electricity deficit and environment policies have added to an already rising demand for gas. This paper tries to understand gas demand in future from electricity sector. This paper models the future demand for gas in India from the electricity sector under alternative scenarios for the period 2005–2025, using bottom-up ANSWER MARKAL model. The scenarios are differentiated by alternate economic growth projections and policies related to coal reforms, infrastructure choices and local environment. The results across scenarios show that gas competes with coal as a base-load option if price difference is below US $ 4 per MBtu. At higher price difference gas penetrates only the peak power market. Gas demand is lower in the high economic growth scenario, since electricity sector is more flexible in substitution of primary energy. Gas demand reduces also in cases when coal supply curve shifts rightwards such as under coal reforms and coal-by-wire scenarios. Local environmental (SO2 emissions) control promotes end of pipe solutions flue gas de-sulfurisation (FGD) initially, though in the longer term mitigation happens by fuel substitution (coal by gas) and introduction of clean coal technologies integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC).  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of daylight saving time (DST) on electricity consumption in Jordan. Two types of analysis were done: the first analysis examines the impact of DST on the lighting loads based on a survey study made for residential and commercial sectors. The second examines the impact of DST on the over all electricity generation through analyzing the daily load curves (DLCs) before and after the DST onset and removal in 2000 and 2007. The results show that the application of DST during the year 2000 saves the electricity used for illumination by −0.73% but it increases the overall generation at the onset and removal of DST by 0.5% and 1.4% due to increase in the heating and cooling loads. The analysis of DLCs during the year 2007 shows similar effects as in the year 2000 except during the early morning period at the DST onset where DST decreases the demand during this time. The analysis shows that DST decreases the electricity demand at DST onset by 0.2% and increases it at DST removal by 0.3%. A possible decrease in the electricity consumption may take place if the DST is implemented from April to end of August.  相似文献   

Decreased energy use is crucial for achieving sustainable energy solutions. This paper presents current and possible future electricity use in Swedish industry. Non-heavy lines of business (e.g. food, vehicles) that use one-third of the electricity in Swedish industry are analysed in detail. Most electricity is used in the support processes pumping and ventilation, and manufacturing by decomposition. Energy conservation can take place through e.g. more efficient light fittings and switching off ventilation during night and weekends. By energy-carrier switching, electricity used for heat production is replaced by e.g. fuel. Taking technically possible demand-side measures in the whole lines of business, according to energy audits in a set of factories, means a 35% demand reduction. A systems analysis of power production, trade, demand and conservation was made using the MODEST energy system optimisation model, which uses linear programming and considers the time-dependent impact on demand for days, weeks and seasons. Electricity that is replaced by district heating from a combined heat and power (CHP) plant has a dual impact on the electricity system through reduced demand and increased electricity generation. Reduced electricity consumption and enhanced cogeneration in Sweden enables increased electricity export, which displaces coal-fired condensing plants in the European electricity market and helps to reduce European CO2 emissions. Within the European emission trading system, those electricity conservation measures should be taken that are more cost-efficient than other ways of reducing CO2 emissions. The demand-side measures turn net electricity imports into net export and reduce annual operation costs and net CO2 emissions due to covering Swedish electricity demand by 200 million euros and 6 Mtonne, respectively. With estimated electricity conservation in the whole of Swedish industry, net electricity exports would be larger and net CO2 emissions would be even smaller.  相似文献   

Electrical energy is one of the key components for the development and sustainability of any nation. India is a developing country and blessed with a huge amount of renewable energy resources still there are various remote areas where the grid supply is rarely available. As electrical energy is the basic requirement, therefore it must be taken up on priority to exploit the available renewable energy resources integrated with storage devices like fuel cells and batteries for power generation and help the planners in providing the energy-efficient and alternative solution. This solution will not only meet electricity demand but also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a result the efficient, sustainable and eco-friendly solution can be achieved which would contribute a lot to the smart grid environment. In this paper, a modified grey wolf optimizer approach is utilized to develop a hybrid microgrid based on available renewable energy resources considering modern power grid interactions. The proposed approach would be able to provide a robust and efficient microgrid that utilizes solar photovoltaic technology and wind energy conversion system. This approach integrates renewable resources with the meta-heuristic optimization algorithm for optimal dispatch of energy in grid-connected hybrid microgrid system. The proposed approach is mainly aimed to provide the optimal sizing of renewable energy-based microgrids based on the load profile according to time of use. To validate the proposed approach, a comparative study is also conducted through a case study and shows a significant savings of 30.88% and 49.99% of the rolling cost in comparison with fuzzy logic and mixed integer linear programming-based energy management system respectively.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on the costs and benefits of expanding the Austrian transmission system and the implementation of innovative grid-impacting technologies (e.g. flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), dynamic line rating (DLR)) to support further integration of renewable energy sources for electricity generation (RES-E). Therefore, a fundamental market model has been developed - respecting DC load flows - and applied for analysing different future scenarios, notably for the time horizon 2020, 2030 and 2050. Up to 2020 and 2030, special focus is put on the finalisation of the so-called “380 kV-level transmission ring” in Austria to enable enhanced RES-E integration. The results confirm that transmission power line expansion in the states of Salzburg and Carinthia is important to connect imports from Germany with pumped hydro storage capacities, on the one hand, and the wind farms in the east with the pumped hydro storages in the western part of Austria, on the other hand. For 2050, the results indicate that the implementation of FACTS and DLR can reduce RES-E curtailment significantly.  相似文献   

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