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Energy is essential to the way we live. Whether it is in the form of oil, gasoline or electricity, a country's prosperity and welfare depends on having access to reliable and secure supplies of energy at affordable prices. However, it is also one of the benefits taken for granted by many people, knowing little about the impact of electricity on their lives. Having dependent mainly on oil and gas for half a century, Malaysia has started to realize the importance to adopt renewable energy in the energy mix and continuously reviewed its energy policy to ensure sustainable energy supply and security. This paper examines and discusses the intricacy of the existing and new energy policies, issues and challenges in Malaysia. The overall approach in addressing the energy issues and challenges will continue to focus on adequacy, quality, security and sustainability of both non-renewable and renewable energy supply in the country's development and the promotion and implementation of its energy efficiency programs. The recently launched National Green Technology Policy is also discussed.  相似文献   

王北星 《中外能源》2010,15(6):12-17
美国能源战略的基本宗旨是确保能源安全,减少石油进口,保护环境.维护经济繁荣与国家安全。美国(2005年能源政策法》的内容主要集中在以下方面:节约能源,提高能源利用效率;扩大可再生能源的生产和使用,保障能源供应;增加财政拨款,促进能源科学研究;改进汽车燃油利用状况。2007年美国通过了《能源独立和安全法案》,其主要内容包括:规定了汽车工业的能耗标准;推广可再生能源,减少对石油进口的依赖;提高能源使用效率,制订更为严格的能效标准。2009年美国众议院又通过《2009美国清洁能源与安全法案》。其主要内容为:首次对企业的二氧化碳等温室气体排放做出限制;要求逐步提高来自风能、太阳能等清洁能源的电力供应;对排放指标、分配额度作出了规定,并引入排放配额交易制度。综合来看,美国出台的主要政策法规都有各自配套的激励措施和投资计划。美国的能源战略对我国具有以下启示:应从战略高度构建完整统一的国家能源法制体系,以确保国家能源安全:要根据国情确立能源安全的长期目标和近期目标;中美两国应继续加强新能源领域的合作,以取得优势互补、互利双赢的效果;我国应利用清洁发展机制,争取早日进入世界碳交易市场。  相似文献   

世界各国在积极发展可再生能源,而很大部分可再生能源用于发电.因此“能源安全”的范畴与重心将从20世纪的以石油安全为主逐步转向21世纪的以电力安全为主.确保安全、高质量供电,同时维持电力供需平衡是电力系统面临的持续挑战.发展新能源电力为常规电力机组的变负荷能力提出新的挑战:要求电力机组具备更快的变负荷调节能力;电力机组变负荷目标的不确定性增大;电力机组负荷调节范围更大.在电力系统中采用集成储能模块是解决电力系统变负荷和新能源电力接人产生问题的有效措施.储能总的作用是实现新能源电力上网、保持电网高效安全运行和电力供需平衡.储能系统的具体功能有三种:提高电能质量、提供桥接电能、能量管理.电力储能技术有抽水蓄能技术、压缩空气储能技术、超导储能技术、超级电容器储能技术、电化学储能技术、复合储能技术.对我国发展储能产业提出以下建议:从宏观战略层面制定储能发展规划;出台利于储能技术产业化的激励政策与机制;发布储能相关技术标准和管理规范,建立储能装置回收管理机制;加强储能技术研发与示范;建立储能产业链,降低成本;探索优化商业运营模式,加快储能技术的市场化步伐.  相似文献   

西藏以可再生能源为主导的能源体系构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未来5~10年是西藏经济由快速发展实现跨越发展的关键时期,是西藏的工业化水平和人民生活水平得到普遍提高的关键时期,作为经济发展的物质基础,能源需求的大幅度快速增加势在必然,西藏经济的腾飞无疑需要能源行业的率先发展。西藏是全国水能、地热和太阳能蕴藏量最丰富的地区之一,但常规能源匮乏,解决西藏能源供应的唯一出路在于发挥该区的资源优势,多元化的利用得天独厚的可再生能源资源,建立以水能、地热能、太阳能为主体的安全、可持续的能源供应体系,保证能源与经济协调发展,保证能源与生态环境的和谐发展。  相似文献   

In this study, an interval-parameter superiority–inferiority-based two-stage programming model has been developed for supporting community-scale renewable energy management (ISITSP-CREM). This method is based on an integration of the existing interval linear programming (ILP), two-stage programming (TSP) and superiority–inferiority-based fuzzy-stochastic programming (SI-FSP). It allows uncertainties presented as both probability/possibilistic distributions and interval values to be incorporated within a general optimization framework, facilitating the reflection of multiple uncertainties and complexities during the process of renewable energy management systems planning. ISITSP-CREM can also be used for effectively addressing dynamic interrelationships between renewable energy availabilities, economic penalties and electricity-generation deficiencies within a community scale. Thus, complexities in renewable energy management systems can be systematically reflected, highly enhancing applicability of the modeling process. The developed method has then been applied to a case of long-term renewable energy management planning for three communities. Useful solutions for the planning of renewable energy management systems have been generated. Interval solutions associated with different energy availabilities and economic penalties have been obtained. They can be used for generating decision alternatives and thus help decision makers identify desired policies under various economic and system-reliability constraints. The generated solutions can also provide desired energy resource/service allocation plans with a minimized system cost (or economic penalties), a maximized system reliability level and a maximized energy security. Tradeoffs between system costs and energy security can also be tackled. Higher costs will increase potential energy generation amount, while a desire for lower system costs will run into a risk of energy deficiency. They are helpful for supporting: (a) adjustment or justification of allocation patterns of renewable energy resources and services, (b) formulation of local policies regarding energy utilization, economic development and energy structure under various energy availabilities and policy interventions, and (c) analysis of interactions among economic cost, system reliability and energy-supply shortage.  相似文献   

欧洲可持续能源政策及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧洲能源政策的目标是力求在不增加能源供应总量的前提下保持经济持续发展,保障能源供应安全、加强环境保护和提高经济竞争力。在管理体制上建立了负责能源政策研究、制订、实施和监督的专门机构。最重要的措施是节能和发展可再生能源,重点领域包括建筑节能、企业节能、热电联产和可再生能源。欧洲可持续能源政策对我国的能源发展有一定借鉴意义,我们的能源政策应在保障满足经济和社会发展需要的同时,提高能源效率,发展清洁能源,加强能源与环境的协调,并在体制上为可持续能源战略的实施消除障碍。另外,还应考虑建立清洁能源基金等措施为可持续能源政策的实施提供资金保障。  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact community-scale energy model (ICS-EM) has been developed for planning renewable energy management (REM) systems under uncertainty. This method is based on an integration of the existing interval linear programming (ILP), chance-constrained programming (CCP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) techniques. ICS-EM allows uncertainties presented as both probability distributions and interval values to be incorporated within a general optimization framework. It can also facilitate capacity-expansion planning for energy-production facilities within a multi-period and multi-option context. Complexities in energy management systems can be systematically reflected, thus applicability of the modeling process can be highly enhanced. The developed method has then been applied to a case of long-term renewable energy management planning for three communities. Useful solutions for the planning of energy management systems have been generated. Interval solutions associated with different risk levels of constraint violation have been obtained. They can be used for generating decision alternatives and thus help decision makers identify desired policies under various economic and system-reliability constraints. The generated solutions can also provide desired energy resource/service allocation and capacity-expansion plans with a minimized system cost, a maximized system reliability and a maximized energy security. Tradeoffs between system costs and constraint-violation risks can also be tackled. Higher costs will increase system stability, while a desire for lower system costs will run into a risk of potential instability of the management system. They are helpful for supporting (a) adjustment or justification of allocation patterns of energy resources and services, (b) formulation of local policies regarding energy consumption, economic development and energy structure, and (c) analysis of interactions among economic cost, system reliability and energy-supply security.  相似文献   

德国加快发展可再生能源产业   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨敏英 《中国能源》2009,31(2):23-26
继续坚持提高能源利用效率,以可再生能源替代核电发展,保证未来能源供应的可持续发展和能源供应安全是德国近期能源战略的选择。本文介绍德国至2014年的可再生能源发展规划以及风电产业快速发展的主要经验,以推动我国可再生能源战略的实现。  相似文献   

As the electricity demand is affected by population growth, Malaysia towards an industrialized nation is considering the options for future energy sources for its power generation. Besides the conventional four-fuel mix, the five-fuel mix strategy under several national policies are introduced to diversify and expanding the resources to incorporate renewable energy and nuclear. In view of Malaysia will become a net energy importer by 2020, the increase in alternative energy shares at least will provide stable energy security, more economical and greener environment. In this paper, present and future energy sources are discussed to emphasis on the constraints and barriers facing Malaysia towards energy security and sustainability. Several preferences on future energy sources are under serious consideration where renewable energy (RE) is becoming one of the popular choices as Malaysia recognizes the potential of RE as sustainable and greener option.  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea (ROK) has enjoyed rapid economic growth and development over the last 30 years. Rapid increases in energy use—especially petroleum, natural gas, and electricity, and especially in the industrial and transport sectors—have fueled the ROK's economic growth, but with limited fossil fuel resources of its own, the result has been that the ROK is almost entirely dependent on energy imports. The article that follows summarizes the recent trends in the ROK energy sector, including trends in energy demand and supply, and trends in economic, demographic, and other activities that underlie trends in energy use. The ROK has been experiencing drastic changes in its energy system, mainly induced by industrial, supply security, and environmental concerns, and energy policies in the ROK have evolved over the years to address such challenges through measures such as privatization of energy-sector activities, emphases on enhancing energy security through development of energy efficiency, nuclear power, and renewable energy, and a related focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The assembly of a model for evaluating energy futures in the ROK (ROK2010 LEAP) is described, and results of several policy-based scenarios focused on different levels of nuclear energy utilization are described, and their impacts on of energy supply and demand in the ROK through the year 2030 are explored, along with their implications for national energy security and long-term policy plans. Nuclear power continues to hold a crucial position in the ROK's energy policy, but aggressive expansion of nuclear power alone, even if possible given post-Fukushima global concerns, will not be sufficient to attain the ROK's “green economy” and greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.  相似文献   

科学用能与分布式能源系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐建中 《中国能源》2005,27(8):10-13
从对能源的中长期需求和能源供应能力的缺口出发,论证了节能和科学用能应当是我国能源发展战略的核心。阐述了科学用能的研究内容、方法和主要特点,指出应重点抓住高耗能产业和科学用能的共性科技问题。对建筑科学节能,提出尽可能采用可再生能源和环境能源以节约化石能源和电能。分布式能源系统是科学用能的范例,它与集中式发电的有机结合是新世纪电力工业和能源工业的重要发展方向。开发小型和微型燃气轮机可以提升我国动力工业的技术水平;正确确定冷热电三者的关系,充分发挥中低温余热的作用,是使分布式能源系统获得最大节能效果和最大经济效益的关键。  相似文献   

Modern transportation nowadays has evolved into an important economic activity for human civilisation. Even though various alternative energy solutions have been put forward to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels, biofuels remain one of the few options which are capable of replacing the roles of fossil fuels in transportation sector without suffering from major economic losses. Malaysia with a huge supply of palm oil for biofuels production is intended to implement mandatory biodiesel blends in its transportation sector in 2011 in order to achieve its carbon reduction commitment towards a more sustainable development. This implementation was originally targeted to start in 2009 but had to be postponed due to several obstacles such as expensive cost, lack of sufficient infrastructure and low public demand. On the other hand, Japan is also trying to fulfil its carbon reduction obligation as outlined under Kyoto Protocol with the usage of biofuels to replace fossil fuels in the transportation sector. However, it lacks sufficient biofuels supply to support its high transportation energy demand. In this case study, the mutual cooperation between Malaysia and Japan in the implementation of biofuels in transportation sector will be studied and analysed in order to overcome the challenges presented in both countries. It is hope to ascertain potential cooperation opportunities amongst those two countries to promote biofuels energy as Malaysia is rich in natural resources whilst Japan has the relevant expertise and technology. It is believed that the strengths from one country can help to cover for the weaknesses from the other and vice versa via closer bilateral partnership which will be extremely crucial when dealing with global energy issues. Ultimately, it is hope that this case study will enable both Malaysian and Japanese government to achieve their renewable energy target in domestic transportation sector.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is highly vulnerable to energy and economic security due to the heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to explore the opportunities for clean renewable energy for long-term energy supply. Hong Kong has the potential to develop clean renewable hydrogen energy to improve the environmental performance. This paper reviews the recent development of hydrogen production technologies, followed by an overview of the renewable energy sources and a discussion about potential applications for renewable hydrogen production in Hong Kong. The results show that although renewable energy resources cannot entirely satisfy the energy demand in Hong Kong, solar energy, wind power, and biomass are available renewable sources for significant hydrogen production. A system consisting of wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) panels coupled with electrolyzers is a promising design to produce hydrogen. Biomass, especially organic waste, offers an economical, environmental-friendly way for renewable hydrogen production. The achievable hydrogen energy output would be as much as 40% of the total energy consumption in transportation.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,广东省已成为中国经济最发达的地区之一,经济的快速发展和大规模城市化建设也给能源供应和环境保护带来巨大压力。为了保障能源的充足供应和环境、经济的可持续发展,有必要从能源供给、转换、消费等方面对广东省能源平衡的全过程进行分析。根据2007年广东省能源平衡表.绘制出2007年广东省能流图。广东省能源消费中化石能源比重偏高,以煤炭、石油和天然气为主。而资源丰富的可再生能源比重偏低;能源消费总量增长迅速,对外依存度高,能源安全保障难度高;化石能源消费还带来了环境恶化和气候变化;火力发电效率与先进国家相比还有提高的空间。广东省工业部门消耗的能源最多,其次是交通运输和仓储邮政业。再次是城镇和农村居民生活,此外广东省对油品和电力等优质能源的需求也迅速扩大。鉴于此,建议在广东本地开发低碳新能源。包括核能、新能源与可再生能源等;充分开发利用国内国外两种资源、两个市场,进一步加强能源运输传送能力建设;提高火力发电效率应以技术改进为主,以优化燃料构成为辅;在工业上推进节能高效先进技术的应用,加快第l_产业的发展,在交通上推进高效率智能低排放的运输方式,鼓励居民采用并不降低舒适度的低碳生活方式和生活习惯。  相似文献   

Oil palm biomass as a sustainable energy source: A Malaysian case study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It has been widely accepted worldwide that global warming is by far the greatest threat and challenge in the new millennium. In order to stop global warming and to promote sustainable development, renewable energy is a perfect solution to achieve both targets. Presently million hectares of land in Malaysia is occupied with oil palm plantation generating huge quantities of biomass. In this context, biomass from oil palm industries appears to be a very promising alternative as a source of raw materials including renewable energy in Malaysia. Thus, this paper aims to present current scenario of biomass in Malaysia covering issues on availability and sustainability of feedstock as well as current and possible utilization of oil palm biomass. This paper will also discuss feasibility of some biomass conversion technologies and some ongoing projects in Malaysia related to utilization of oil palm biomass as a source of renewable energy. Based on the findings presented, it is definitely clear that Malaysia has position herself in the right path to utilize biomass as a source of renewable energy and this can act as an example to other countries in the world that has huge biomass feedstock.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(4):499-509
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one of the most dynamic economic regions of the world. Its economy is linked with its diverse energy resources, high-level urbanization, and rapid industrialization. ASEAN's growing economy in the last two decades has increased the concern of sustainable development in the face of deteriorating energy security, environmental pollution, and economic hardship in energy investment. However, opportunities exist to tackle these issues. Increasing energy efficiency (both supply and demand side), exploitation of renewable energy resources (mostly hydro), and an integrated approach on energy resource management are some of the important approaches toward the sustainable energy path. Because the options are capital-intensive, cooperation and development of appropriate institutional structures and decision mechanism across the region are urgently needed.  相似文献   

对中国能源问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
江泽民 《中国能源》2008,30(4):5-19
本文阐明了能源问题的重要性,指出能源是我国经济社会发展的重要制约因素,事关经济安全和国家安全。从资源、生产、消费以及对环境和经济社会发展影响等方面,分析了世界能源基本状况和发展趋势,并探讨了我国能源发展面临的机遇和挑战。关于中国能源发展的战略思路,是本文论述的重点。文中提出走中国特色新型能源发展道路,主要涵义是:坚持节约高效、多元发展、清洁环保、科技先行、国际合作,努力建设一个利用效率高、技术水平先进、污染排放低、生态环境影响小、供给稳定安全的能源生产流通消费体系。文章阐述了节约优先的长期战略、一次能源的有效开发利用和先进电力系统的发展等内容,展望了未来能源技术的发展前景。同时,还提出实施好能源发展战略,需要进一步完善能源政策,健全体制机制,加强宏观管理,更好地发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,为经济社会发展提供有力的能源保障。  相似文献   

依靠科技进步 构建节能型社会   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王庆一 《中国能源》2004,26(2):15-20
随着我国经济的快速发展,当前能源需求旺盛,巨大的能源需求在煤炭供应、石油安全和环境影响等方面都会带来严重问题。强化节能可以使其能源需求增长减缓,对减轻石油进口、增加能源安全等起到重要作用。构建节能社会需要我们改变旧有的价值观和消费行为、提高终端能源利用效率、充分利用再生资源并且辅以适当的政策等一系列举措。  相似文献   

刘德顺 《中国能源》2002,(10):26-28
本文用辩证的观点对我国能源供应安全战略进行了思考。文章认为能源供应安全是国家安全的重要组成部分;石油供应安全是我国能源安全的主要矛盾;应该用发展的眼光正确看待石油资源和石油安全问题;确保我国能源供应安全需要采取综合措施。  相似文献   

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