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教育大数据可视化分析对于复杂教育规律的理解与挖掘具有重要作用,已成为当前教育信息科学研究领域的重要课题。首先归纳了教育大数据的典型特征,从促进学生元认知发展、辅助教师监督学习过程及提升管理者科学决策水平三个角度介绍了教育大数据应用的最新研究成果,并简述了利用教育大数据实施可视化分析的基本流程。然后重点对文本数据可视化、多维数据可视化、网络数据可视化、时间序列数据可视化以及地理空间数据可视化等五种主流的教育大数据可视化呈现方法进行特征描述,并给出具体的应用场景。随后介绍了动态查询与过滤技术、可缩放/变形界面技术和多视图联动技术三个实施教育大数据可视化的关键交互技术方法。最后依据最新研究动态,从多模态教育数据融合、人机交互、人机协同范式以及教育数据可视化设计的标准规范和评价体系四方面对教育大数据可视化未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The visualization process is a transformation of information content into knowledge via a visual representation. Visualization experience, proposed herein, reflects human sensations arising during the visualization process. It provides a basis in which to objectively measure and evaluate human participation in the visualization process; and thereby provides methods of control. Visualization experience modeling allows leveraging on the natural environment to augment understanding, therefore improve decision making. The application emphasis in this paper is on the theoretical development of visualization experience in the visualization process as applied to Ambient Assisted Living and Clinical Decision Support Systems.  相似文献   

Scientific visualization is an emerging computational technology that helps scientists and engineers to investigate physical systems through a process of geometric abstraction. Visualization is an interdisciplinary subject, drawing on numerical simulation, perceptual psychology, graphic arts, computer graphics, image processing, data management, parallel processing, distributed computing and various disciplinary specialities of science and engineering. Recent developments in the field are surveyed, with emphasis on the role of visualization in engineering mechanics. Visualization is described as a structured process of data preprocessing, geometric abstraction and image rendering. After a discussion of the role of human perception in visualization, various techniques for displaying scalar, vector, and higher-order tensor fields are presented. An application of visualization to elastodynamic fracture mechanics demonstrates the benefits of combining visualization with numerical simulation.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,网络渗入到人们生活的方方面面。一方面,电子商务、社交网络、线上娱乐、信息化办公等各种网络应用为人们的生活带来了诸多便利;另一方面,网络与人们生活的不可分割性为网络攻击和网络犯罪提供了可乘之机。攻击者通过各种各样的网络攻击获取他人隐私,牟取非法利益。近年来,网络攻击的数量越来越多,攻击的规模越来越大,攻击的复杂度也越来越高。因此,网络安全比以往任何时期都显得重要。然而传统的网络安全保障机制,如入侵检测,防御系统,网络防火墙等,因其智能性、动态性、全局性等的缺乏,都不足以应对越发复杂和高强度的网络攻击。因此,网络安全可视化应运而生,成为近年来网络安全研究的一个热点。与传统网络安全保障机制不同,网络安全可视化技术不仅能有效处理海量网络数据信息,捕获网络的全局态势,而且能通过对图形图像模式的分析帮助网络管理人员快速识别潜在的攻击和异常事件,即时预测安全事件,甚至是发现新的攻击类型。可视化技术为网络安全研究方法带来了变革,优秀的网络安全可视化方案层出不穷。网络安全可视化建立在对网络数据分析的基础之上,网络数据对网络安全分析十分重要,而大数据时代的到来进一步凸显了数据的重要性。因此,本文从数据角度出发,根据所处理的网络数据的类型,对网络安全可视化工作进行系统的整理、分类和对比。此外,本文还深入分析网络安全可视化研究面临的挑战并探讨未来该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

The visualization community regards visualization literacy as a necessary skill. Yet, despite the recent increase in research into visualization literacy by the education and visualization communities, we lack practical and time-effective instruments for the widespread measurements of people's comprehension and interpretation of visual designs. We present Mini-VLAT, a brief but practical visualization literacy test. The Mini-VLAT is a 12-item short form of the 53-item Visualization Literacy Assessment Test (VLAT). The Mini-VLAT is reliable (coefficient omega = 0.72) and strongly correlates with the VLAT. Five visualization experts validated the Mini-VLAT items, yielding an average content validity ratio (CVR) of 0.6. We further validate Mini-VLAT by demonstrating a strong positive correlation between study participants' Mini-VLAT scores and their aptitude for learning an unfamiliar visualization using a Parallel Coordinate Plot test. Overall, the Mini-VLAT items showed a similar pattern of validity and reliability as the 53-item VLAT. The results show that Mini-VLAT is a psychometrically sound and practical short measure of visualization literacy.  相似文献   

However captivating and encouraging its potential, the global information infrastructure (GII) has a long way to go before reaching full effectiveness. The GII must address real user needs and capabilities rather than developers' opinions on them. Otherwise, this information universe will become a cemetery, a massive burial site for an infinitely large amount of data and information. Visualization and computer graphics can play a central role in helping the GII meet its challenges. This report discusses how to use graphics and visualization technologies to do just that. We chose the topics for this report to represent some key challenges in interacting with structured and unstructured information distributed over the GII. The authors offer practical approaches to improving user interaction with the GII, especially the World Wide Web. Computer graphics and visualization provide effective tools for tackling the problems  相似文献   

VisIt在数值模拟软件中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于高性能计算机的科学计算可视化软件应用日益广泛,但其软件结构通常不能充分利用高性能计算环境中的各种资源,造成可视化效率不高。本文首先介绍一种分布式并行可视化工具VisIt;然后给出自主开发的数值计算集成系统的数据后处理方法;为有效管理模拟对象的计算结果,编码实现了多种数据存取管理模块,并在VisIt基础上开发了能够对数据进行读取和显示的接口程序,通过该接口可以显示多种科学数据的模拟对象信息以及诊断信息。可视化实例表明,使用基于VisIt数据后处理的数值计算系统能有效使用高性能计算环境中的资源,提高可视化效率。  相似文献   

A model and framework for visualization exploration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visualization exploration is the process of extracting insight from data via interaction with visual depictions of that data. Visualization exploration is more than presentation; the interaction with both the data and its depiction is as important as the data and depiction itself. Significant visualization research has focused on the generation of visualizations (the depiction); less effort has focused on the exploratory aspects of visualization (the process). However, without formal models of the process, visualization exploration sessions cannot be fully utilized to assist users and system designers. Toward this end, we introduce the P-Set model of visualization exploration for describing this process and a framework to encapsulate, share, and analyze visual explorations. In addition, systems utilizing the model and framework are more efficient as redundant exploration is avoided. Several examples drawn from visualization applications demonstrate these benefits. Taken together, the model and framework provide an effective means to exploit the information within the visual exploration process  相似文献   

遥感水文模型的输入和输出数据中含有大量的具有时间和空间序列的图像数据。通过可视化分析,可以找出这些数据中隐含的规律。目前遥感水文时空序列数据可视化分析的各个过程相互分离,分析效率比较低,因此基于IDL(Interactive Data Language,交互式数据语言)进行了遥感水文时空序列数据可视化分析系统的开发,并将其应用于EcoHAT(Ecohydrological Assessment Tools,生态水文评价系统)系统的数据分析。利用IDL强大的图像处理和数据计算能力,实现了遥感水文时空序列数据管理、图像显示和图表绘制等功能,使得海量遥感水文数据得到了更高效的利用。  相似文献   

Information visualization as a field is growing rapidly in popularity since the first information visualization conference in 1995. However, as a consequence of its growth, it is increasingly difficult to follow the growing body of literature within the field. Survey papers and literature reviews are valuable tools for managing the great volume of previously published research papers, and the quantity of survey papers in visualization has reached a critical mass. To this end, this survey paper takes a quantum step forward by surveying and classifying literature survey papers in order to help researchers understand the current landscape of Information Visualization. It is, to our knowledge, the first survey of survey papers (SoS) in Information Visualization. This paper classifies survey papers into natural topic clusters which enables readers to find relevant literature and develops the first classification of classifications. The paper also enables researchers to identify both mature and less developed research directions as well as identify future directions. It is a valuable resource for both newcomers and experienced researchers in and outside the field of Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.  相似文献   

Although the computation of vibrations in solid structures is routine, visualization of time-dependent vibrations within structures is a relatively undeveloped field. In this paper, visualization methods are applied to vibrations in underwater structures excited by continuous incident sound. Visualization provides a more explicit understanding and reveals features of the underlying elastic-wave behavior not previously known. In particular it is shown that the elastic-wave behavior is dominated by waves whose displacement moves along paths around a center of oscillation. Small-scale rotational waves in this type or turbules, are shown to occur even inside thin shells where their function is to change the direction of flexural displacement as the incident-wave excitation moves over the exterior of the structure. Computed results are presented for canonical shapes such as spheres, and spherical shells. It is expected that the features of elastic-wave behavior will be similar for more general body shapes and for other types of excitation. Visualization results are also presented for sound-power flow around and through a solid sphere. The principal application of the visualization of elastic vibrations is believed to be in noise and vibration control.  相似文献   

通过分析在面向应用的可视化系统开发中存在的问题和需求,提出了面向应用的可视化环境(ASVE)体系结构,它包含建模、计算和可视化(MCV)三部分,建模模块通过采用属性映射技术和应用编程接口的统一数据模型,有效地支持了应用中的计算和可视化,使用户可以方便、灵活、可扩展地构建面向应用的可视化环境,最后给出了一个150t电弧炉偏弧炉研究可视化应用系统的实例。  相似文献   

Scientific Visualization systems are primarily output-oriented, Users can specify and change parameters that are controlling the visualization process, which will result in different data representations or images respectively. But no mechanism is provided to really interact with the application data (semantic interaction) that has been changed step by step by the process of visualization. In this paper general concepts are elaborated and presented to achieve semantic interaction in dataflow environments for Scientific Visualization.  相似文献   

数据可视化技术是通过计算机图形和图像处理技术,把数据转换成图形或者图像,在屏幕上显示出来。以达到清晰有效地传达与沟通信息的作用。简述了数据可视化的概念,阐述了数据可视化在物流系统中可行的技术架构,分析了数据可视化技术在物流系统中的应用现状和前景。  相似文献   

基于VTK的三维纹理映射方法的实现及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VTK是最著名的可视化软件开发包之一,三维纹理映射也是可视化领域的关键技术,但目前VTK不支持三维纹理。通过分析VTK的工作机制,对VTK进行扩充使之支持三维纹理映射;然后应用三维纹理映射方法实现了在三维几何模型叠加三维数据场,并将该方法应用于自主研发的可视化系统SVIP(Scientific Visualization Integrated Platform),并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

目前,随着可视化要处理的数据量变得越来越大以及可视化操作变得越来越复杂,基于网格或Web服务的分布式可视化技术得到了快速发展。Triana是一个开源的、平台无关的分布式问题解决型环境,可以比较有效地应用于构建这些分布式的工作流管道。该文在介绍了Triana、Web服务和可视化技术的基础之后,并给出了在Triana下构建基于Web服务的分布式可视化的过程。之后,通过一个实例进一步加以说明。最后,在文中第五部分做出了一些总结。  相似文献   

刘斌  糜元根 《计算机工程与应用》2001,37(23):139-140,168
文章利用可视化技术,选择L系统为规则库的形式描述,实现推理的可视化。在知识表示方面,采用图形化的方法—逻辑演绎图,并将可视化因子加入规则。而在反向推理中,采用了模糊推理路径。最后用面向对象的方法实现。  相似文献   

可视化映射是可视化技术的核心。本文分析了可视化映射的特点,提出了一种基于事例推理的可视化智能映射方法并建立了相应的系统结构。在集成人工神经网络与模糊认知图的基础上,详细讨论了可视化映射事例的表示、索引模式、事例的匹配以及最佳事例的选择等关键问题。最后,通过一个应用实例叙述了系统的工作过程。  相似文献   

Visualization is a method of representing large amounts of complex data in ways that are easier to understand, analyze, and support decision making. Large automotive manufacturers such as General Motors (GM) use visualization with great success. Visualization requires combinations of manual and automated data harvesting. Users must find and access the correct digital data based on a correct configuration of the product to be visualized. In addition, each type of visualization, from real-time design reviews to marketing-based image rendering, requires data to be prepared with appropriate materials, backgrounds, and lighting. Each of these processes requires a different set of expert users and their own optimized process to create specific visualizations or views of data. Making complicated data easier to understand has always been a challenge.  相似文献   

This fall (2004/2005) marked the 10th anniversary of the IEEE's Information Visualization Symposium's founding. At such an important milestone, the author takes the opportunity to comment on the state of the field: where we've been, where we are, and what comes next. Our challenge as a research community is to deliver on information visualization's promise. The most interesting results in an applied field such as information visualization come from helping to solve our customers and sponsors' real problems. To create the future, we need close interactions and exchanges with our customers. The Information Visualization Symposium started 10 years ago because some of us recognized a need to apply scientific visualization ideas to a new user base, in which an analyst, rather than a scientist, was the target user. The opportunity is even better today than it was then.  相似文献   

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