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The physical properties of Bi doped CdTe films, grown on glass substrates by the Closed Space Transport Vapour (CSVT) method, from different Bi doped CdTe powders are presented. The CdTe:Bi films were characterized using Photoluminescence, Hall effect, X-Ray diffraction, SEM and Photoconductivity measurements. Moreover, CdS/CdTe:Bi solar cells were made and their characteristics like short circuit current density (Jsc), open circuit voltage (VOC), fill factor (FF) and efficiency (η) were determined. These devices were fabricated from Bi doped CdTe layers deposited on CdS with the same growth conditions than those used for the single CdTe:Bi layers. A correlation between the CdS/CdTe:Bi solar cell characteristics and the physical properties of the Bi doped CdTe thin films are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

An ordered polycrystalline approach is proposed to overcome fundamental problems associated with random polycrystalline thin films, namely grain boundaries and inhomogeneity. The approach consists of two main steps: (1) the deposition of a patterned growth mask and (2) the selective-area deposition of the ordered polycrystals. The ordered polycrystalline approach was investigated using the CdTe/CdS material system. Experimental results demonstrate that SiO2 and Si3N4 are effective growth masks and that temperature is a dominant parameter for selective-area deposition. PL and XRD characterization indicates that the ordered polycrystalline technique has the potential for improving the crystal quality and order of polycrystalline CdTe thin films. The approach appears to be fairly general and could be applied to other material systems.  相似文献   

Doping profiles in CdTe/CdS thin film solar cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells showing comparable properties as commercial cells have been prepared by close space sublimation (CSS) in our own laboratory. We characterised the cells by capacitance-voltage profiling (C-V), thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS), and thermally stimulated capacitance measurements (TSCAP). The doping profiles of the CdTe layer obtained by C-V measurements confirm the well known rise in dopant concentration with increasing depth if the usual evaluation procedure is employed. However, the TAS and TSCAP measurements reveal deep acceptors in the CdTe layer with a large concentration exceeding that of the shallow dopants. Under these conditions, C-V measurements are shown to yield an apparently rising dopant concentration even for homogeneous doping. A combined simulation of doping profiles measured at different temperatures using a fixed and uniform shallow and deep doping fits well to measured doping concentration. These results indicate how to get reliable information on the shallow dopant concentration.  相似文献   

P. D. Paulson  V. Dutta   《Thin solid films》2000,370(1-2):299-306
Effect of in situ CdCl2 treatment on the morphological, structural and electrical properties of CdTe films as well as on solar cell characteristics of CdS/CdTe junction has been investigated. XRD measurements show that the presence of CdCl2 vapours induces 111 oriented growth in the CdTe films. CdCl2 concentration required for this oriented growth is found to be directly proportional to the substrate temperature. SEM measurements show enhanced grain growth in the presence of CdCl2. Spectral response of the CdCl2 treated CdS/CdTe solar cells shows an enhanced CdS diffusion in to the CdTe, which results in an improved spectral response in UV range and a consequent reduction in the interface states density. A drastic reduction in the deep levels due to the CdCl2 treatment, as seen in the photo-capacitance studies, has results in CdS/CdTe solar cells having efficiency >8%.  相似文献   

Laser recrystallized low-temperature poly-silicon (LTPS) films have attracted attention for their application in thin-film transistors (TFTs), which are widely used in active matrix display. However, the degradation behavior of p-type LTPS TFTs is not quite clarified yet. In this paper, the instability mechanisms of p-channel LTPS TFTs under DC bias stress have been investigated. From the IV transfer curves, it was observed that LTPS TFT's mobility increases after stress at some bias conditions. This degradation is most likely caused by interface traps between the poly-Si thin film and the gate insulator, as well as the damaged junction of the drain from stress. In this work, the assumption is examined via C-V measurement. It is found that the CGD curves of the stressed TFT slightly increase for the gate voltage smaller than the flat band voltage VFB. However, the CGS curves of the stressed device are almost the same as those before stress. By employing simulation, it is found that the degradation of p-type TFTs under this stress condition is mainly caused by the trapped charges at the interface between the gate and the drain region, which is generated by the high voltage difference applied during DC bias stress.  相似文献   

H. Zhao 《Thin solid films》2009,517(7):2365-7155
The effect of introducing impurities in CdTe, namely antimony (Sb) and oxygen (O), on the net carrier concentration in CdS/CdTe solar cells and on their open-circuit voltage (VOC) has been investigated. Oxygen was introduced in the CdTe films during the deposition of this layer by the close-spaced sublimation process. The total pressure was held constant at 1330 Pa (N2 and O2). The amount of oxygen was varied by varying its partial pressure. Antimony was introduced into CdTe using a post-deposition diffusion process. Following the deposition of CdTe a thin film (a few nm) of Sb was deposited onto the CdTe surface and subsequently heat-treated to cause in-diffusion of Sb. The temperature and time during the diffusion process were varied in the range of 300-525 °C and 20-160 min respectively. In both instances it was possible to vary (increase) the doping concentration in CdTe. The increase in doping was accompanied by an increase in VOC. However, in all instances the doping in CdTe reached a maximum value, beyond which further increases were not possible leading to saturation in VOC. The highest VOC measured was similar to state-of-the-art values in the range of 800-830 mV, and the highest doping concentration measured was in the 1016 cm− 3 range.  相似文献   

CdS多晶薄膜的制备及性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用近空间升华法和电子束蒸发法在透明导电玻璃和普通载玻片上制备了硫化镉(CdS)多晶薄膜.对制备样品的表征结果表明:(1)两种方法制备样品都沿(002)晶向择优生长,属于六方相多晶结构,但择优取向度不同;(2)CdS薄膜表面连续而致密,粒径均匀,但两种工艺制备样品的S:Cd原子比有较大差异;(3)CdS薄膜的光能隙在2.39~2.44eV之间,电子束蒸发制备样品光能隙稍小.分析认为,两种方法制备样品的上述差异可能与衬底温度、沉积时间及成膜机制的不同相关.  相似文献   

CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells with an area of 1 cm2 were obtained and studied in detail. A ZnO buffer layer was deposited by reactive RF-sputtering on commercial ITO substrates. The CdS layer was grown on ZnO also by using RF-sputtering and CdTe thin film was deposited by conventional CSS technique. The chlorination of the solar cells is performed into Freon atmosphere at 400 °C. The CdTe thin film surface was chemically etched by using Br-Methanol solution. The back contact was deposited using RF-sputtering from a pure Cu and Mo targets. The procedure developed in this work led us to make systematically solar cells with good efficiency. However, the series resistance has a high value for an area of 1 cm2 (22 Ω cm2). In order to make more detailed study, the solar cell with an area of 1 cm2 was divided in a 3 × 3 matrix. A good homogeneity in cell properties is observed and the efficiency increases to more than 11%, fundamentally through decreasing series resistance.  相似文献   

用真空共蒸发法制备了CuxTe薄膜并将其运用于CdTe太阳电池中.对薄膜进行了X射线衍射(XRD)分析,比较了有、无CuxTe插层的CdTe太阳电池的暗态,I-V特性和C-V特性.结果表明,刚沉积的薄膜非晶结构占主导地位,只有部分Cu/Te配比较低的薄膜出现多晶结构.CuxTe插层的引入有利于消除roll over(暗态I-V曲线饱和)现象,使电池的二极管理想因子和暗饱和电流密度降低,CdTe掺杂浓度增加,有效地改善了CdTe太阳电池的性能.用CuxTe薄膜作为背接触层,获得了效率为12.5%的CDS/CdTe小面积(0.0707cm2)太阳电池.  相似文献   

CdS薄膜的制备及其在CdTe电池中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CdTe薄膜电池是发展最快、应用前景最好的一类太阳能电池。CdS层是CdTe电池的窗口层材料,其薄膜质量直接影响电池的转换效率。本文介绍了化学水浴沉积(CBD)和闭空间升华(CSS)两种方法沉积CdS薄膜,并完成单电池器件的制备和测试。CSS方法制备的薄膜结晶较大,光学和电学性能好于CBD方法制备的薄膜,太阳能电池的光电转换效率达到10.9%。CSS方法镀膜速度快,真空环境工作,有利于大规模产业化应用。  相似文献   

Cu used in the back contact of CdS/CdTe solar cells is known to improve contact behavior and open-circuit voltage. A study of devices made with varying Cu amounts confirmed these observations. However, Cu was also found to be deleterious to current collection. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements of CdTe devices show that carrier lifetime decreased with increased Cu concentration. Drive-level-capacitance-profiling and low-temperature photoluminescence suggest this decrease in lifetime was associated with increased recombination center density introduced by Cu in the CdTe layer. The resulting impact of increased Cu on device performance was a voltage-dependent collection of photogenerated carriers that reduced fill-factor.  相似文献   

Dependences of the open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, fill factor, and efficiency of a CdS/CdTe solar cell on the resistivity and thickness of the p-CdTe absorber layer, the noncompensated acceptor concentration Na-Nd, and carrier lifetime τ in CdTe, are investigated, and optimization of these parameters in order to improve the solar cell efficiency is performed. It has been shown that the observed low efficiency of CdS/CdTe solar cells is caused by the too short electron lifetime in the range of 10− 10-10− 9 s and too thin (3-5 µm) CdTe layer currently used for fabrication of CdTe/CdS solar cells. To achieve an efficiency of 28-30%, the resistivity and thickness of the CdTe absorber layer, the noncompensated acceptor concentration, and carrier lifetime should be ∼ 0.1 Ω·cm, ≥ 20-30 µm, ≥ 1016 cm− 3, and ≥ 10− 6 s, respectively.  相似文献   

ITO thin films were prepared by changing the experimental parameters including gas flow ratio, sputtering pressure and sputtering time in DC magnetron sputtering equipment. The stable experimental parameters of Ar flow at 70 sccm, O2 flow at 2.5 sccm ∼ 3.0 sccm, sputtering pressure around 0.5 Pa, and sputtering time of 80 s were obtained. Under these parameters, we had achieved the ITO thin films with low resistivity (<4 × 10−4 Ω ? cm) and high average transmissivity (95.48%, 350 nm ∼ 1100 nm). These ITO thin films were applied in nanocrystalline silicon solar cells as top transparent conductive layer. The solar cell test result showed that the open circuit voltage (Voc) was up to 534.9 mV and the short circuit current density (Jsc) was 21.56 mA/cm2.  相似文献   

An analysis of current-voltage dependencies of CdS/CdTe heterojunction in the 78-370 K temperature range has been carried out. According to this analysis the current flow mechanism is determined by the tunneling processes through dislocations, which penetrate the heterojunction space charge region. The concentration of dislocations has been estimated as 2 · 105 cm− 2. The number of steps necessary for tunneling varies: 2.5 · 102-1.7 · 103. The characteristic energy has a weak temperature dependence (− 0.2 meV/K) and its value vary 120-200 meV. The increase of the annealing duration results in the decrease of the characteristic energy.The multistep tunneling processes through local centres, determined by impurity centres, interface states and defects in the space charge region, predominate at reverse biases. The number of tunneling steps is 1-4 · 102. The concentration of local centres (traps) in the heterojunction have been estimated as 2.37 · 105-1.63 · 106 cm− 3.The thermal annealing in the presence of CdCl2 up to 60 min does not modify the current flow mechanism in CdS/CdTe heterojunctions.  相似文献   

J.D. Major  K. Durose 《Thin solid films》2009,517(7):2419-2422
A study of junction position and uniformity in CdTe/CdS solar cells is reported in which the influence of excluding oxygen from the CdS layers was investigated. The samples were characterised with an optical beam induced current instrument capable of mapping the cell response in the range 400-900 µm at a resolution of 12.5 µm — either as a map or a quantum efficiency spectrum. For oxygen-free CdS, the junctions were always buried in the CdTe — at a depth presumed to be controlled by the chloride treatment. If CdS:O is used then shallow junctions result, indicating that such layers have a role in doping the devices. The wavelength dependence of the spatial uniformity of the cell's responses is also discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of key technologies for large area CdTe thin film solar cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure and main manufacturing technologies of CdTe film solar cells of large area are reviewed. Among the technologies, some have been developed for application in a pilot manufacturing line. The high resistant SnO2 (HRT) thin films have been fabricated by PECVD. The effects of annealing on the structure and properties have been studied. A surface etching process of CdTe in low temperature and lower concentration of nitric acid has been developed. The Cd1 − xZnxTe ternary compound films have been studied. In order to improve the back contact layer, Cd0.4Zn0.6Te layer with 1.8 eV band gap as a substitute for ZnTe layer is introduced in CdTe cells. The effects of the technologies on performance of CdTe cells and feasibility of application in the modules are discussed.  相似文献   

S. Erra 《Thin solid films》2007,515(15):5833-5836
Thin film CdTe solar cells of the superstrate configuration have been fabricated in order to study the effect of Cu on device stability. The study focused on two distinct sets of solar cells: in one set of devices Cu was introduced during the formation of the back contact, by sputtering a small thickness of Cu onto the CdTe surface prior to the application of a graphite electrode; for the second set of devices Cu was introduced in CdS by briefly immersing the CdS films in a CuCl solution prior to the deposition of CdTe with the back contact electrode being sputtered Mo. The solar cells were light soaked under approximately AM1.5 conditions for nearly 700 h during 4 h ON/4 h OFF cycles. Device degradation correlated well with the amount of Cu for the devices with Cu in the back contact. Cells with larger amounts of Cu exhibited larger degradation, suggesting that the amount of Cu utilized during the back contact formation must be minimized. On the other hand, a number of devices fabricated without any Cu in the back contact, but with Cu in the CdS, exhibited nearly no degradation during the light soaking process suggesting that in addition to the amount of Cu used for the fabrication of CdTe cells, the method of incorporating this element is also critical in achieving long term device stability.  相似文献   

Cu diffusion from a ZnTe:Cu contact interface can increase the net acceptor concentration in the CdTe layer of a CdS/CdTe photovoltaic solar cell. This reduces the space-charge width (Wd) of the junction and enhances current collection and open-circuit voltage. Here we study the effect of Cu concentration in the CdTe layer on carrier lifetime (τ) using time-resolved photoluminescence measurements of ZnTe:Cu/Ti-contacted CdTe devices. Measurements show that if the ZnTe:Cu layer thickness remains constant and contact temperature is varied, τ increases significantly above its as-deposited value when the contacting temperature is in a range that has been shown to yield high-performance devices (~ 280° to ~ 320 °C). However, when the contacting temperature is maintained near an optimum value and the ZnTe:Cu thickness is varied, τ decreases with ZnTe:Cu thickness.  相似文献   

Our recent investigations have identified a pathway to produce transparent conducting oxide (TCO) films that demonstrate higher infrared transparency. The technique involves controlling the dielectric permittivity of the TCO film such that the electrical properties are maintained, but the plasma frequency (ωp) is shifted to longer wavelength. This has the effect of reducing free-carrier absorption in the visible and near-infrared spectral region, thus producing a TCO film with higher optical transmission. The technique has been demonstrated for sputtered films of indium tin oxide by adding small amounts of ZrO2 to a ceramic sputtering target, and for SnO2:F films deposited by chemical vapor deposition using a metalorganic Zr source.  相似文献   

PbSe thin films were prepared by chemical deposition using dimethylselenourea as a source of selenide ions. Depending on the duration (30 min to 4 h) and temperature (30-60 °C) of the deposition, and the substrate, the films show a high degree of preferred orientation for the (111) planes. The texture coefficients could be up to 5 for these planes. The crystallite diameters are in the 30-35 nm range, and optical bad gap, 0.4-0.7 eV. The electrical conductivity is p-type, 0.01-10 (Ω cm)− 1. These films were deposited over CdS/Sb2S3 or CdS/Sb2Se3 solar cell structures as an additional absorber. In a CdS/Sb2Se3/PbSe cell, this addition increases the short circuit current density (Jsc) from 0.2 mA/cm2 to 8.9 mA/cm2 and conversion efficiency (η) from 0.04% to 0.99%. In a CdS/Sb2S3/PbSe cell, Jsc is 5.91 mA/cm2; η, 0.98%; and open circuit voltage, 560 mV.  相似文献   

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