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The paper proposes a novel, pose-invariant face recognition system based on a deformable, generic 3D face model, that is a composite of: (1) an edge model, (2) a color region model and (3) a wireframe model for jointly describing the shape and important features of the face. The first two submodels are used for image analysis and the third mainly for face synthesis. In order to match the model to face images in arbitrary poses, the 3D model can be projected onto different 2D viewplanes based on rotation, translation and scale parameters, thereby generating multiple face-image templates (in different sizes and orientations). Face shape variations among people are taken into account by the deformation parameters of the model. Given an unknown face, its pose is estimated by model matching and the system synthesizes face images of known subjects in the same pose. The face is then classified as the subject whose synthesized image is most similar. The synthesized images are generated using a 3D face representation scheme which encodes the 3D shape and texture characteristics of the faces. This face representation is automatically derived from training face images of the subject. Experimental results show that the method is capable of determining pose and recognizing faces accurately over a wide range of poses and with naturally varying lighting conditions. Recognition rates of 92.3% have been achieved by the method with 10 training face images per person.  相似文献   

赵青  余元辉 《计算机应用》2005,40(9):2514-2518
针对三维人脸多表情、多姿态变化同时存在,人脸点云数据不同程度缺失的问题,探索性地将三维点云人脸数据应用于PointNet系列的分类网络并进行了识别结果的对比与分析,然后提出了一种新的网络框架——HFN。首先,在数据预处理后随机采样固定点数的点云;其次,将固定点数的人脸点云输入SA模块,以获取局部区域的质心点、邻域点并提取局部区域的特征,然后拼接由DSA模块基于多方向卷积提取的点云空间结构特征;最后,利用全连接层进行三维人脸的分类,从而实现三维人脸识别。在CASIA数据库上的结果显示,所提方法的平均识别率为96.34%,优于PointNet、PointNet++、PointCNN和空间聚合网络(SAN)这几种分类网络。  相似文献   

赵青  余元辉 《计算机应用》2020,40(9):2514-2518
针对三维人脸多表情、多姿态变化同时存在,人脸点云数据不同程度缺失的问题,探索性地将三维点云人脸数据应用于PointNet系列的分类网络并进行了识别结果的对比与分析,然后提出了一种新的网络框架——HFN。首先,在数据预处理后随机采样固定点数的点云;其次,将固定点数的人脸点云输入SA模块,以获取局部区域的质心点、邻域点并提取局部区域的特征,然后拼接由DSA模块基于多方向卷积提取的点云空间结构特征;最后,利用全连接层进行三维人脸的分类,从而实现三维人脸识别。在CASIA数据库上的结果显示,所提方法的平均识别率为96.34%,优于PointNet、PointNet++、PointCNN和空间聚合网络(SAN)这几种分类网络。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):509-524
This paper presents a computationally efficient 3D face recognition system based on a novel facial signature called Angular Radial Signature (ARS) which is extracted from the semi-rigid region of the face. Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) is then used to extract the mid-level features from the extracted ARSs to improve the discriminative power. The mid-level features are then concatenated into a single feature vector and fed into a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to perform face recognition. The proposed approach addresses the expression variation problem by using facial scans with various expressions of different individuals for training. We conducted a number of experiments on the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC v2.0) and the 3D track of Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC 2008) datasets, and a superior recognition performance has been achieved. Our experimental results show that the proposed system achieves very high Verification Rates (VRs) of 97.8% and 88.5% at a 0.1% False Acceptance Rate (FAR) for the “neutral vs. nonneutral” experiments on the FRGC v2.0 and the SHREC 2008 datasets respectively, and 96.7% for the ROC III experiment of the FRGC v2.0 dataset. Our experiments also demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

基于Candide-3模型的姿态表情人脸识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对姿态表情严重影响人脸识别准确率的问题,基于Candide-3模型的简化,提出了形状表情关键点拟合的人脸几何结构重建和基于三角网格模型的纹理映射的方法,该方法确定关键特征点,根据人脸的几何结构信息确定姿态角,提取Candide-3模型形状表情对应点,调整模型参数,进行几何结构重建;对几何结构中每个三角网格模型进行纹理影射,得到逼真的特定人脸模型.实验结果表明,该方法提高了人脸重建速度,达到减弱姿态表情对人脸识别影响的目的.  相似文献   

针对人脸识别系统中的欺骗手段,提出了一种基于姿态变化的脸部真实性判别算法。在构建的真实性判别系统中,引入了新的脸部特征点匹配标准函数及变形块匹配方法,对脸部序列图像特征点对位置进行精确提取和进行运动估计,最终通过对脸部姿态变化的策略分析完成真实性判别。算法分析及实验结果表明,该算法特别对照片欺骗手段具有良好的防范作用,可以较好地加强人脸识别系统的安全性。  相似文献   

高工  杨红雨  刘洪 《计算机应用》2021,41(9):2736-2740
为了增强三维点云人脸识别系统针对多表情、多姿态的鲁棒性,提出一种基于深度学习的点云特征提取网络ResPoint.ResPoint网络使用了分组、采样和局部特征提取(ResConv)等模块,而在ResConv模块中使用了跳跃式连接,因此所提网络对于稀疏点云有很好的识别结果.首先通过人脸几何特征点定位鼻尖点,并以该点为中心...  相似文献   

提出了一种基于等测地轮廓线的局部描述符来识别三维人脸。首先对三维人脸数据进行预处理, 得到统一的人脸区域并进行姿态归一化; 然后根据测地距离提取到鼻尖点相同距离的点组成等测地轮廓线, 对轮廓线进行重采样, 并对轮廓线上每个采样点的邻域提取局部描述符; 最后在建立测试人脸和库集人脸的点对应关系后进行局部描述符的加权融合和比较, 给出最终识别结果。算法在FRGC(face recognition grand challenge)v2. 0数据库上进行测试, 实验结果表明该方法具有较好的识别性能。  相似文献   

光照和姿态变化带来的影响是自动人脸识别的两个主要瓶颈问题。提出了消除这两方面影响的处理方法:首先对训练集里的图像应用灰度归一化处理,降低对光照强度的敏感度;然后进行姿态估计,并用特征脸方法计算不同姿态的特征子空间,最后提出了“姿态权重PWV(Pose’s Weight Value)”这一概念,据此设计了加权的最小距离分类器WMDC(Weighted Minimum Distance Classifier),分配不同姿态权重消除姿态变化影响。在FERET和Yale B数据库上的实验结果表明,此方法能在很大程度上提高人脸光照和姿态改变时的识别率。  相似文献   

简要回顾了人脸识别技术的研究背景及发展历程,总结了近三四年人脸识别方法的研究进展,根据三维人脸重构方法的数据来源不同,将其分为基于静态图像和视频序列的三维重构技术.重点对目前多特征和多模态识别技术进行了分类阐述,分析了一些有代表性的算法并对其识别结果进行了比较.最后,总结了人脸识别技术现存的研究难点,并探讨了其未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

为方便用户进行3维人脸形状设计,提出一种基于手绘轮廓的3维人脸建模方法。该方法的主要特点在于,一方面,引用姿态估计技术对人脸草图进行解析,将用户绘制的侧视人脸草图转换成对应的正视人脸草图,可支持用户选择多个视角绘制人脸;另一方面,采用多层映射机制建立人脸草图特征点与3维人脸特征点之间的一一对应关系,由对应特征点之间的形变量来控制生成3维人脸,保证草图笔画的几何形状信息能有效映射到3维模型中。实验结果表明,文中方法能快速生成形状新颖的特定人脸,可有效支持用户进行3维人脸形状的手绘建模。  相似文献   

结合形状滤波和几何图像的3D人脸识别算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
表情变化是3维人脸精确识别面临的主要问题,为此提出一种新的对表情鲁棒的匹配方法。通过形状滤波器将人脸空域形状分成不同频率的3个部分:低频部分对应表情变化;高频部分代表白噪声;包含身份区分度最大的中频信息作为表情不变特征。再利用网格平面参数化,将人脸网格映射到边界为正四边形的平面区域内,经过线性插值采样得到3维形状的2维几何图像。最后通过图像匹配识别人脸。FRGC v2人脸数据库上的实验结果表明,使用形状滤波能显著提高算法的精度和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The estimation of 3D surface correspondence constitutes a fundamental problem in shape matching and analysis applications. In the presence of non-rigid shape deformations, the ambiguity of surface correspondence increases together with the complexity of registration algorithms.  相似文献   

We present a multimodal approach for face modeling and recognition. The algorithm uses three cameras to capture stereo images, two frontal and one profile, of the face. 2D facial features are extracted from one of the frontal images and a dense disparity map is computed from the two frontal images. Using the extracted 2D features and their corresponding disparities, we compute their 3D coordinates. We next align a low resolution 3D mesh model to the 3D features, re-project its vertices onto the frontal 2D image and adjust its profile silhouette vertices using the profile view image. We increase the resolution of the resulting 2D model at its center region to obtain a facial mask model covering distinctive features of the face. The 2D coordinates of the vertices, along with their disparities, result in a deformed 3D mask model specific to a given subject’s face. Our method integrates information from the extracted facial features from the 2D image modality with information from the 3D modality obtained from the stereo images. Application of the models in 3D face recognition, for 112 subjects, validates the algorithm with a 95% identification rate and 92% verification rate at 0.1% false acceptance rate.
Mohammad H. MahoorEmail:

稀疏表示和贪婪搜索的人脸分类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 随着稀疏表示方法在图像重建问题中的巨大成功,研究人员提出了一种特殊的分类方法,即基于稀疏表示的分类方法.为了加强样本间的协作表示能力以及减弱稀疏分解时的强L1约束,提出了一种在稀疏分类框架下的迭代剔除机制和贪婪搜索策略的人脸识别方法.方法 将测试样本表示成训练样本线性组合的方式,并在所有训练样本中通过迭代计算来消除对分类影响较小的类别和单个样本,在系数分解的过程中采用最小误差正交匹配追踪(EcOMP)算法,进而选择出贡献程度大的类别样本并进行分类.结果 在迭代更新样本字典的过程中,强化了真实类别的表示能力,并弱化了分解系数的强L1约束.在所有的实验中,正则化参数λ的取值为0.001,在ORL、FERET和AR 3个人脸数据库上,本文算法的识别率可分别达到97.88%、67.95%和94.50%,进而验证了本文算法的有效性.结论 提出的在稀疏分类框架下的迭代剔除机制和贪婪搜索策略的人脸识别方法,在动态迭代的机制中完成了样本字典的更新,平衡了协作表示和稀疏约束的关系,相比较原始的稀疏分类模型有更好的准确性和稳定性.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):525-534
In this study, we develop a central profile-based 3D face pose estimation algorithm. The central profile is a unique curve on a 3D face surface that starts from forehead center, goes down through nose ridge, nose tip, mouth center, and ends at a chin tip. The points on the central profile are co-planar and belong to a symmetry plane that separates human face into two identical parts. The central profile is protrusive and has a certain length. Most importantly, the normal vectors of the central profile points are parallel to the symmetry plane. Based on the properties of the central profile, Hough transform is employed to determine the symmetry plane by invoking a voting procedure. An objective function is introduced in the parameter space to quantify the vote importance for face profile points and map the central profile to an accumulator cell with the maximal value. Subsequently, a nose model matching algorithm is used to detect nose tip on the central profile. A pitch angle estimation algorithm is also proposed. The pose estimation experiments completed for a synthetic 3D face model and the FRGC v2.0 3D database demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed pose estimation algorithm. The obtained central profile detection rate is 99.9%, and the nose tip detection rate has reached 98.16% with error not larger than 10 mm.  相似文献   

三维人脸识别是未来人脸识别的方向,有望解决二维人脸识别的瓶颈问题。基于MEGI模型,扩展了球面相关性系数,将其用于三维人脸识别。实验证明,基于MEGI模型的方法可以用于三维人脸识别。  相似文献   

A-Nasser  Mohamed   《Pattern recognition》2005,38(12):2549-2563
We present a fully automated algorithm for facial feature extraction and 3D face modeling from a pair of orthogonal frontal and profile view images of a person's face taken by calibrated cameras. The algorithm starts by automatically extracting corresponding 2D landmark facial features from both view images, then compute their 3D coordinates. Further, we estimate the coordinates of the features that are hidden in the profile view based on the visible features extracted in the two orthogonal face images. The 3D coordinates of the selected feature points obtained from the images are used first to align, then to locally deform the corresponding facial vertices of the generic 3D model. Preliminary experiments to assess the applicability of the resulted models for face recognition show encouraging results.  相似文献   

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