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数字控制隔离DC/DC转换器BMR453B MR453系列四分之一砖DC-DC转换器集成了一个数字控制平台,这一方法承诺释放了真正资源以增加功率密度。器件具有96%的效率,提供400W的输入功率,或高达33A及±2%的精度。输入电压范围为36~75V,输入电压在  相似文献   

针对移动设备的低噪声开关稳压器AAT2120和AAT2158的功率转换效率分别为96%和95%。AAT2120可提供高达500mA的输出电流,而AAT2158可为需要更高水平电能的应用提供高达1.5A的输出电流。两款器件的输入电压范围均为2.7~5.5V,并支持低至0.6V的输出电压。为增强保护性能,这两款降压转换器都提供内部软启动、过温和限流保护电路。这两款新型降压转换器还通过增加100%占空比低压降操作,延长系统的运转时间。  相似文献   

德州仪器(Texas Instruments)宣布推出一款带集成FET的高效率500kHz降压型DC/DC转换器芯片,该产品可提供3A连续输出电流并支持5.5V~36V输入电压。非同步TPS5430SWIFT转换器据称可实现90%以上的电源效率以及2%的输出电压精度(低至1.23V),可在全温度范围内提供3A的连续电流(峰值为4A),  相似文献   

RobHill 《今日电子》2003,(9):10-10,12
分布式供电体制(distributed-power architectures,DPA)的盛行,极大地促进了集成DC/DC变换器的发展。本文主要讲述了DC/DC变换器在评测、对比和选型时的需要注意的问题,以协助DPA设计人员在市场上挑选出合适的产品。功率、输入和输出首先要考虑的是输入电压、额定功率以及输出电压的大小和种类。根据额定功率的大小,DC/DC变换器通常可分为超低功率(1W以下)、小功率(1~9W)、中功率(10~150W)和大功率(150W以上)等类别。大多数变换器的输入电压是12V或24V,对于那些要求输入电压可变或者输入电压不标准的场合,可以选用具有宽电源输…  相似文献   

降压型和升压型DC/DC转换器解决了单向电压转换问题,它们总是调节分别低于或高于输入电源的电压。然而,如果输入电源出现高于、等于或低于输出电压的变化(即双向变化),如何准确调节电压呢?人们一直在用不同和更加复杂的DC/DC拓扑来解决这个问题。  相似文献   

APSemi推出一款新型双通道高效率DC/DC同步降压转换器APS1126,该器件每个通道的电流驱动能力均高达600mA,以满足多种便携式设备的应用需求,可广泛应用于手机、智能电话、MP3/MP4、数码相机、数码摄像机以及掌上电脑等。  相似文献   

LM2717-ADJ是国半公司最近推出的新产品,是一种由两个PWM降压式转换器组成的双输出、电压可调的IC。该器件主要特点:第1路降压式转换器的内部开关管的开关电流可达2.2A(RDS(ON)=0.16Ω);第2路降压式转换器的内部开关管的开关电流可达3.2A(RDS(ON)=0.16Ω);输入电压范围4~20V;输出电压可由两外设电阻设定,最低电压为1.267V;开关频率可设定在300~600kHz范围内;内部有输入欠压保护及过热保护;24引脚TSSOP封装;工作温度范围-40℃~+125℃。  相似文献   

凌力尔特公司(Linear Technology Corporation)推出双输出高效率同步降压型DC/DC控制器LTC3880/-1,该器件具有基于I2C的PMBus接口以用于数字电源系统管理。LTC3880/-1兼有最佳模拟开关稳压器性能和精准混合信号数据转换,可极其方便地实现电源系统的设计和管理,该器件得到了具有易用型图形用户界面(GUI)的LTpowerPlayTM软件开发系统的支持。  相似文献   

TOP-10 DC/DC     
自2005年开始,《今日电子》杂志开始评选TOP-10DC/DC奖。每年,评审组专家从当年的候选产品中,根据“在技术或应用方面取得显著进步,具有开创性的设计,性价比显著提高”三个方面对产品分别打分,最后选出获奖产品。  相似文献   

凌特公司(Linear Technology)最近推出该公司新型高密度μModule(微型模块)DC/DC转换器--LTM4600。该器件采用微小(15mm×15mm)占板面积、扁平(2.8mm厚度)焊盘网格阵列(LGA)封装,并符合RoHS要求的完整10A开关电源,这是一款具有内置电感器的同步开关模式DC/DC降压型稳压器,支持电源组件和补偿电路,从而满足多种应用的电源要求。  相似文献   

本文重点分析标准的半砖2.3”×2.4”DC/DC转换器。一般来说,同类型最好的肖特基二极管转换器能够提供150瓦或30安的输出。但由于使用温度环境变坏,转换器实际能够输出的功率通常要低于这个数字。  相似文献   

This paper introduces, analyzes, and experimentally verifies a novel DC/DC converter called the current-source parallel-resonant converter. The converter consists of a large choke inductor, two switches, and a parallel-resonant circuit. Each switch consists of a MOSFET in series with a diode. It has a nonpulsating input current with a very low AC ripple. The MOSFETs are driven with respect to ground and, therefore, have a simple gate-drive circuit. The analysis of the converter is carried out in the frequency domain using Fourier series techniques. Analytical expressions are derived for performance parameters of the converter. A prototype of the converter circuit was designed, built, and tested. The theoretical results were in good agreement with the experimental results  相似文献   

This paper presents the first reported final results of a benchmarking project "StatPEP" which investigated the Status of Power Electronic Packaging used in commercial DC/DC and AC/DC switch mode power supplies. The methodology of the project is first described. Some of the salient results of a comprehensive benchmarking of DC/DC converters (rated power of 100 W) and AC/DC converters (rated power up to 576 W) are presented. Examples for figures-of-merit are presented. The results of the investigation are presented in a generic form, which does not identify individual products. A comparison of the performance of the units shows that the measured power density of the AC/DC units is approximately 10% that of the DC/DC while the thermal density based on footprint is 50%. Also the switching frequency of the AC/DC is 50% that of the DC/DC. Some of the reasons for these differences are discussed  相似文献   

Application of the previously reported DC drift activation energy Ea=1.4 eV to lifetime estimation on 10 Gb/s x-cut LiNbO/sub 3/ (LN) modulators is demonstrated. Notably, as the drifting bias voltage V(t) is proportional to the initially applied bias voltage V(O), it is proposed to determine the end-of-life criterion by the ratio A(t)=V(t)/V(O), independent of designed initial bias voltage of LN modulators and voltage limit of drivers. For instance, when the EOL is set at A(t)=2 for 65/spl deg/C operation, the DC drift failure rate is calculated to be 300 failures-in-time from 120/spl deg/C accelerated biased aging data on 28 pieces of 10 Gb/s x-cut LN modulators.  相似文献   

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