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The design process of complex systems often resorts to solving an optimization problem, which involves different disciplines and where all design criteria have to be optimized simultaneously. Mathematically, this problem can be reduced to a vector optimization problem. The solution of this problem is not unique and is represented by a Pareto surface in the objective function space. Once a Pareto solution is obtained, it may be very useful for the decision-maker to be able to perform a quick local approximation in the vicinity of this Pareto solution for sensitivity analysis. In this article, new linear and quadratic local approximations of the Pareto surface are derived and compared to existing formulas. The case of non-differentiable Pareto points (solutions) in the objective space is also analysed. The concept of a local quick Pareto analyser based on local sensitivity analysis is proposed. This Pareto analysis provides a quantitative insight into the relation between variations of the different objective functions under constraints. A few examples are considered to illustrate the concept and its advantages.  相似文献   

In this article, two algorithms are proposed for constructing almost even approximations of the Pareto front of multi-objective optimization problems. The first algorithm is a hybrid of the ε-constraint and Pascoletti–Serafini scalarization methods for solving bi-objective problems. The second is a modification of the successive Pareto optimization (SPO) algorithm for solving three-objective problems. In these algorithms, the MATLAB fmincon solver is used to solve single-objective optimization problems, which returns a local optimal solution. Some metrics are considered to evaluate the quality of approximations obtained by the suggested algorithms on six test problems, and their results are compared with other algorithms (normal constraint, weighted constraint, SPO, differential evolution, multi-objective evolutionary algorithm/decomposition–differential evolution, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II and S-metric selection evolutionary multi-objective algorithm). Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms provide almost even approximations of the whole Pareto front, and better quality of approximation and CPU time compared with established algorithms.  相似文献   

It is useful with multi-objective optimization (MOO) to transform the objective functions such that they all have similar units and orders of magnitude. This article evaluates various transformation methods using simple example problems. Viewing these methods as different means to restrict function values sheds light on how the methods perform. The weighted sum approach for MOO is used to study how well different methods aid in depicting the Pareto optimal set. Whereas using unrestricted weights is well suited for providing a single solution that reflects preferences, it is found that using a convex combination of functions is desirable when generating the Pareto set. In addition, it is shown that some transformation methods are detrimental to the process of generating a diverse spread of points, and criteria are proposed for determining when the methods fail to generate an accurate representation of the Pareto set. Advantages of using a simple normalization–modification are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The role of technical specifications and maintenance (TSM) activities at nuclear power plants (NPP) aims to increase reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) of Safety-Related Equipment, which, in turn, must yield to an improved level of plant safety. However, more resources (e.g. costs, task force, etc.) have to be assigned in above areas to achieve better scores in reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS). Current situation at NPP shows different programs implemented at the plant that aim to the improvement of particular TSM-related parameters where the decision-making process is based on the assessment of the impact of the change proposed on a subgroup of RAMS+C attributes.This paper briefly reviews the role of TSM and two main groups of improvement programs at NPP, which suggest the convenience of considering the approach proposed in this paper for the Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Making on changes to TSM-related parameters based on RAMS+C criteria as a whole, as it can be seem as a decision-making process more consistent with the role and synergic effects of TSM and the objectives and goals of current improvement programs at NPP. The case of application to the Emergency Diesel Generator system demonstrates the viability and significance of the proposed approach for the Multi-objective Optimization of TSM-related parameters using a Genetic Algorithm.  相似文献   

Reliability-based performance simulation for optimized pavement maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Roadway pavement maintenance is essential for driver safety and highway infrastructure efficiency. However, regular preventive maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) activities are extremely costly. Unfortunately, the funds available for the M&R of highway pavement are often given lower priority compared to other national development policies, therefore, available funds must be allocated wisely. Maintenance strategies are typically implemented by optimizing only the cost whilst the reliability of facility performance is neglected. This study proposes a novel algorithm using multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) technique to evaluate the cost-reliability tradeoff in a flexible maintenance strategy based on non-dominant solutions. Moreover, a probabilistic model for regression parameters is employed to assess reliability-based performance. A numerical example of a highway pavement project is illustrated to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed MOPSO algorithms. The analytical results show that the proposed approach can help decision makers to optimize roadway maintenance plans.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to propose and validate a novel multi-objective optimization algorithm based on the emulation of the behaviour of the immune system. The rationale of this work is that the artificial immune system has, in its elementary structure, the main features required by other multi-objective evolutionary algorithms described in the literature, such as diversity preservation, memory, adaptivity, and elitism. The proposed approach is compared with three multi-objective evolutionary algorithms that are representative of the state of the art in multi-objective optimization. Algorithms are tested on six standard problems (both unconstrained and constrained) and comparisons are carried out using three different metrics. Results show that the proposed approach has very good performances and can become a valid alternative to standard algorithms for solving multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) for a redundancy allocation problem for the series-parallel system when the redundancy strategy can be chosen for individual subsystems. Majority of the solution methods for the general redundancy allocation problems assume that the redundancy strategy for each subsystem is predetermined and fixed. In general, active redundancy has received more attention in the past. However, in practice both active and cold-standby redundancies may be used within a particular system design and the choice of the redundancy strategy becomes an additional decision variable. Thus, the problem is to select the best redundancy strategy, component, and redundancy level for each subsystem in order to maximize the system reliability under system-level constraints. This belongs to the NP-hard class of problems. Due to its complexity, it is so difficult to optimally solve such a problem by using traditional optimization tools. It is demonstrated in this paper that GA is an efficient method for solving this type of problems. Finally, computational results for a typical scenario are presented and the robustness of the proposed algorithm is discussed.  相似文献   

The typical domestic wastewater treatment train consists of some combination of unit operations for preliminary, primary, secondary, tertiary, and advanced treatment, and residual management, with many options being available for each type of unit operation. The challenge is to select treatment trains for which the extent and reliability of treatment are high, whereas the capital, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of the treatment and land area requirement are low. This proposition has been formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, and solved using the evolutionary/genetic optimization technique. The inputs required are the capital costs, O&M costs, land area requirements, and reliabilities of the unit operations of various types. In addition, overall environmental cost (E) corresponding to various treatment trains is input as a normalized parameter, which can take values in the range 0–100, with E being 100 corresponding to the ‘no treatment’ option. In other cases, E is a function of both treatment train efficiency and reliability. The problem was solved to determine the Pareto optimal, i.e. ‘no worse’ than each other, set of solutions under three conditions, viz. when E was not constrained, and for E<75, and E<50. Correctness of the algorithm was probed through a threefold analysis, (1) by solving a simplified two-objective problem, (2) by demonstrating the efficiency of the algorithm in picking up ‘sure-optimal’ solutions, i.e. solutions deliberately made optimal through manipulation of input data, and (3) by demonstrating that the set of optimal solutions remains approximately the same irrespective of the variations in the initial population size chosen for the genetic operations.  相似文献   

Multi-objective scheduling problems: Determination of pruned Pareto sets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are often multiple competing objectives for industrial scheduling and production planning problems. Two practical methods are presented to efficiently identify promising solutions from among a Pareto optimal set for multi-objective scheduling problems. Generally, multi-objective optimization problems can be solved by combining the objectives into a single objective using equivalent cost conversions, utility theory, etc., or by determination of a Pareto optimal set. Pareto optimal sets or representative subsets can be found by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm or by other means. Then, in practice, the decision maker ultimately has to select one solution from this set for system implementation. However, the Pareto optimal set is often large and cumbersome, making the post-Pareto analysis phase potentially difficult, especially as the number of objectives increase. Our research involves the post Pareto analysis phase, and two methods are presented to filter the Pareto optimal set to determine a subset of promising or desirable solutions. The first method is pruning using non-numerical objective function ranking preferences. The second approach involves pruning by using data clustering. The k-means algorithm is used to find clusters of similar solutions in the Pareto optimal set. The clustered data allows the decision maker to have just k general solutions from which to choose. These methods are general, and they are demonstrated using two multi-objective problems involving the scheduling of the bottleneck operation of a printed wiring board manufacturing line and a more general scheduling problem.  相似文献   

Reference point based optimization offers tools for the effective treatment of preference based multi-objective optimization problems, e.g. when the decision-maker has a rough idea about the target objective values. For the numerical solution of such problems, specialized evolutionary strategies have become popular, despite their possible slow convergence rates. Hybridizing such evolutionary algorithms with local search techniques have been shown to produce faster and more reliable algorithms. In this article, the directed search (DS) method is adapted to the context of reference point optimization problems, making this variant, called RDS, a well-suited option for integration into evolutionary algorithms. Numerical results on academic test problems with up to five objectives demonstrate the benefit of the novel hybrid (i.e. the same approximation quality can be obtained more efficiently by the new algorithm), using the state-of-the-art algorithm R-NSGA-II for this coupling. This represents an advantage when treating costly-to-evaluate real-world engineering design problems.  相似文献   

Constrained multi-objective optimization problems (cMOPs) are complex because the optimizer should balance not only between exploration and exploitation, but also between feasibility and optimality. This article suggests a parameter-free constraint handling approach called constrained non-dominated sorting (CNS). In CNS, each solution in a population is assigned a constrained non-dominated rank based on its constraint violation degree and Pareto rank. An improved hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm called cMOEA/H for solving cMOPs is proposed. Additionally, a dynamic resource allocation mechanism is adopted by cMOEA/H to spare more computational efforts for those relatively hard sub-problems. cMOEA/H is first compared with the baseline algorithm using an existing constraint handling mechanism, verifying the advantages of the proposed constraint handling mechanism. Then cMOEA/H is compared with some classic constrained multi-objective optimizers, experimental results indicating that cMOEA/H could be a competitive alternative for solving cMOPs. Finally, the characteristics of cMOEA/H are studied.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a practical approach for the joint reliability-redundancy optimization of multi-state series-parallel systems. In addition to determining the optimal redundancy level for each parallel subsystem, this approach also aims at finding the optimal values for the variables that affect the component state distributions in each subsystem. The key point is that technical and organizational actions can affect the state transition rates of a multi-state component, and thus affect the state distribution of the component and the availability of the system. Taking this into consideration, we present an approach for determining the optimal versions and numbers of components and the optimal set of technical and organizational actions for each subsystem of a multi-state series-parallel system, so as to minimize the system cost while satisfying the system availability constraint. The approach might be considered to be the multi-state version of the joint system reliability-redundancy optimization methods.  相似文献   

Swarm algorithms such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are non-gradient probabilistic optimization algorithms that have been successfully applied for global searches in complex problems such as multi-peak problems. However, application of these algorithms to structural and mechanical optimization problems still remains a complex matter since local optimization capability is still inferior to general numerical optimization methods. This article discusses new swarm metaphors that incorporate design sensitivities concerning objective and constraint functions and are applicable to structural and mechanical design optimization problems. Single- and multi-objective optimization techniques using swarm algorithms are combined with a gradient-based method. In the proposed techniques, swarm optimization algorithms and a sequential linear programming (SLP) method are conducted simultaneously. Finally, truss structure design optimization problems are solved by the proposed hybrid method to verify the optimization efficiency.  相似文献   

Pareto archived dynamically dimensioned search (PA-DDS) is a parsimonious multi-objective optimization algorithm with only one parameter to diminish the user's effort for fine-tuning algorithm parameters. This study demonstrates that hypervolume contribution (HVC) is a very effective selection metric for PA-DDS and Monte Carlo sampling-based HVC is very effective for higher dimensional problems (five objectives in this study). PA-DDS with HVC performs comparably to algorithms commonly applied to water resources problems (?-NSGAII and AMALGAM under recommended parameter values). Comparisons on the CEC09 competition show that with sufficient computational budget, PA-DDS with HVC performs comparably to 13 benchmark algorithms and shows improved relative performance as the number of objectives increases. Lastly, it is empirically demonstrated that the total optimization runtime of PA-DDS with HVC is dominated (90% or higher) by solution evaluation runtime whenever evaluation exceeds 10 seconds/solution. Therefore, optimization algorithm runtime associated with the unbounded archive of PA-DDS is negligible in solving computationally intensive problems.  相似文献   

Reliability is a meaningful parameter in assessing the performance of systems such as chemical processing facilities, power plant, aircrafts, ships, etc. In the literature, reliability optimization is widely considered during the system design phase and it is carried out by an opportune selection of both system components and redundancy. On the other hand, the problem of maintaining a required level of reliability by an opportune maintenance policy has been poorly examined. The paper tackles this problem for a system whose major components can be maintained only during a planned system downtime. An exact algorithm is proposed in order to single out the set of components that must be maintained to guarantee a required reliability level up to the next planned stop with the minimum cost. In order to verify the algorithm effectiveness, it has been applied to a complex real case regarding ship maintenance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-agent search technique to design an optimal composite box-beam helicopter rotor blade. The search technique is called particle swarm optimization (‘inspired by the choreography of a bird flock’). The continuous geometry parameters (cross-sectional dimensions) and discrete ply angles of the box-beams are considered as design variables. The objective of the design problem is to achieve (a) specified stiffness value and (b) maximum elastic coupling. The presence of maximum elastic coupling in the composite box-beam increases the aero-elastic stability of the helicopter rotor blade. The multi-objective design problem is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem and solved collectively using particle swarm optimization technique. The optimal geometry and ply angles are obtained for a composite box-beam design with ply angle discretizations of 10°, 15° and 45°. The performance and computational efficiency of the proposed particle swarm optimization approach is compared with various genetic algorithm based design approaches. The simulation results clearly show that the particle swarm optimization algorithm provides better solutions in terms of performance and computational time than the genetic algorithm based approaches.  相似文献   

In this article, a new multi-objective optimization model is developed to determine the optimal preventive maintenance and replacement schedules in a repairable and maintainable multi-component system. In this model, the planning horizon is divided into discrete and equally-sized periods in which three possible actions must be planned for each component, namely maintenance, replacement, or do nothing. The objective is to determine a plan of actions for each component in the system while minimizing the total cost and maximizing overall system reliability simultaneously over the planning horizon. Because of the complexity, combinatorial and highly nonlinear structure of the mathematical model, two metaheuristic solution methods, generational genetic algorithm, and a simulated annealing are applied to tackle the problem. The Pareto optimal solutions that provide good tradeoffs between the total cost and the overall reliability of the system can be obtained by the solution approach. Such a modeling approach should be useful for maintenance planners and engineers tasked with the problem of developing recommended maintenance plans for complex systems of components.  相似文献   

Reliability optimization using multiobjective ant colony system approaches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multiobjective ant colony system (ACS) meta-heuristic has been developed to provide solutions for the reliability optimization problem of series-parallel systems. This type of problems involves selection of components with multiple choices and redundancy levels that produce maximum benefits, and is subject to the cost and weight constraints at the system level. These are very common and realistic problems encountered in conceptual design of many engineering systems. It is becoming increasingly important to develop efficient solutions to these problems because many mechanical and electrical systems are becoming more complex, even as development schedules get shorter and reliability requirements become very stringent. The multiobjective ACS algorithm offers distinct advantages to these problems compared with alternative optimization methods, and can be applied to a more diverse problem domain with respect to the type or size of the problems. Through the combination of probabilistic search, multiobjective formulation of local moves and the dynamic penalty method, the multiobjective ACSRAP, allows us to obtain an optimal design solution very frequently and more quickly than with some other heuristic approaches. The proposed algorithm was successfully applied to an engineering design problem of gearbox with multiple stages.  相似文献   

In this article a line search algorithm is proposed for solving constrained multi-objective optimization problems. At every iteration of the proposed method, a subproblem is formulated using quadratic approximation of all functions. A feasible descent direction is obtained as a solution of this subproblem. This scheme takes care some ideas of the sequential quadratically constrained quadratic programming technique for single objective optimization problems. A non-differentiable penalty function is used to restrict constraint violations at every iterating point. Convergence of the scheme is justified under the Slater constraint qualification along with some reasonable assumptions. The proposed algorithm is verified and compared with existing methods with a set of test problems. It is observed that this algorithm provides better results in most of the test problems.  相似文献   

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