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著: 《风景园林》2019,26(2):8-26
拉丁美洲是自然和文化多样性很强的地区。自1492年欧洲殖民者到来至今,这片次大陆像一块"海绵",持续受到各个时期主导世界经济发展的其他国家的影响。这一过程在某些境况下完全改变了这个地区先前存在的文化景观,而在另一些境况下,则表现为外来模式对本土条件的适应。其结果是城市、景观和建筑形成丰富多样的拼贴,它们共同存在、相互交融,形成了十分独特、变幻万千的拉美色彩。研究这种外国文化对本土的适应和混合过程,可以让其他新兴经济体更好地应对全球化的挑战。值得注意的是,拉美地区在20世纪40—60年代的现代主义运动时期开展了一系列大尺度城市、景观和建筑设计的经典探索。尽管如此,这里依然被认为是社会不平等现象最严重的地区,富人区与贫民窟共存,又形成空间分异。这种社会断裂表现为正规与非正规(自我建构)城市之间的形态和居住标准差异。20世纪80年代以来,通过城市整体规划来调和这些非正规聚落与上层阶级的景观和建筑的实践探索,引起了人们的关注。  相似文献   

We estimate the contents of services value-added incorporated in goods exports in different countries in Latin America, exploring the local dimension of the results. We use inter-regional input–output analysis to trace and map domestic value-added embedded in those countries' exports. We add to the discussion of global value chains the internal, within-country geography of trade in value-added, since the set of locational preferences that help understanding the spatial patterns of natural resource-intensive activities differ dramatically from that for services.  相似文献   

赵康  吴明洋  佟振  刘晓华  江亿 《暖通空调》2013,43(6):58-63,57
针对目前长江流域住宅冬季室内温度低、舒适性差的问题,在合肥某住宅安装了空气源热泵和辐射地板供暖系统。测试结果表明,辐射地板采用35℃的热水供暖时,室内温度16~18℃,竖直方向温度分布均匀,能较好地满足人员舒适性要求。结合该供暖改造案例,在室内热舒适和供热量等方面分析比较了辐射地板和送风末端,并探讨了空气源热泵作为长江流域住宅分散式供暖热源的适宜性。  相似文献   

工程学习模式是为学习共同体创造有意义的学习经历,为智能信息时代培养工程科技创新创业人才而构建的工科学习活动结构。高校知识生产模式和学习科学理论,共同构成工程学习模式的理论基础,因此,以富兰克林·欧林工学院和粤港机器人联合学院为研究对象,基于学习生态系统视域,开展工程学习模式的系统性研究。通过对比中美工程教育模式的异同,发现工程学习模式的逻辑起点在于多学科交叉、产学研融合和知行创统一。借鉴欧林工学院工程教育模式,提出促进中国新工科学习模式可持续发展的新策略,以期为新工科建设提供理论指导和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

张剑龙  彭阳 《华中建筑》2010,28(3):125-128
该文通过挖掘滨水区的独特性,分析滨水区在城市开发中的深层矛盾,总结出面向市场与开发的城市设计共性经验,进而结合武昌滨江区域的实际特殊情况,提出了武昌滨江区域综合开发的设计方法和控制手段,以促使武昌滨江地区的有序发展和形象塑造。  相似文献   

Monumentenwacht (Monument Watch) is an organization that specializes in the periodic inspection of built heritage to raise awareness among owners and caretakers of the importance of proper maintenance and preventive conservation. It originated in the Netherlands in 1973. It was later established in Belgium, Germany, the UK, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Slovak, Spain, France, and Portugal in the form of similar organizations and projects with similar aims. The organization promotes the idea of “prevention is better than cure” by offering periodic inspection, monitoring, and minor urgent repair and writing independent professional inspection reports as a reference for owners and users for further maintenance and conservation activities. This study explores the working mode of Monumentenwacht in Flanders, Belgium, including its historical development, organizational structure, inspection team configuration, professional inspection report, database, reporting system, and technical manuals. A brief analysis of other similar organizations and projects in various European countries is included to reveal efficient ways to promote this model while respecting different cultural, economic, social, legal, and political contexts.  相似文献   

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