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The distribution of muscle spindles (MS) in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of the rat hind limb was morphologically studied on a series of longitudinal cryostat sections. The intrafusal muscle fibers were brownishly stained with the acetylcholinesterase reaction, and the mucopolysaccharide contained in the equatorial periaxial space was stained with alcian blue. This double-staining method made it easy for us to find the MS and to decide the equatorial portion and the whole extension of MS. From a series of camera lucida drawings the distribution of all MS was reconstructed on a sheet of paper and three-dimensionally imaged on a personal computer using image reconstructing software. The MS were distributed mainly in the superficial and lateral part of EDL muscle. Additionally, an ATPase reaction was employed to detect the red muscle fibers, and it was confirmed that their distribution of them is similar to that of MS.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the proliferative activity of the donor corneal cells and to examine how this property changed during long term culture. METHOD: Fourteen human corneas from donors (ages from 50-91) were cultured in the medium (MEM+8% FBS with or without dextran). The proliferating status of corneal cells was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in the cells. Three corneas at each time point were fixed in paraformalin at day 0, day 3 and after 3 weeks cultured in medium as well as 3 weeks plus 2 or 5 days in fresh medium with 8% dextran. Paraffin-embedded corneas were sectioned to 4 microm and stained with antibody PC 10 against PCNA. The number of PCNA positive cells was identified under light microscope. RESULT: Prior to organ culture only basal limbal epithelial cells stained positive for PCNA. After 3 days in culture 50 percent of the epithelial cells were positive as were several keratocytes and some endothelial cells in the peripheral corneas. After 21 days no cells showed proliferative activity. After 21 days in culture and 5 days in fresh deswelling medium the essentially monolayered epithelium stained positively in the limbal area. The proliferative activity of the keratocytes in the anterior stroma was extensive. Endothelial cells stained positive in the peripheral cornea. CONCLUSION: Limbal epithelial cells appear to survive in the organ culture. The corneas may be worth evaluating as sources of stem cells for grafting. Likewise, the keratocytes survive organ culture and can be induced to proliferate after a change to fresh medium. The endothelium is stimulated to proliferate in organ culture and in fresh medium after long term storage.  相似文献   

It is important to study the proliferative activity of cells in the premalignant lesions of laryngeal epithelium. Using PC-10, an antibody to PCNA and a standard immunohistochemical staining, we examined 11 cases of simple hyperplasia of epithelium (SHE), 32 cases of atypical hyperplasia of epithelium (AHE) and 42 cases of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) for expression of PCNA, a protein associated with DNA polymerase delta and DNA replication. The results revealed that the PCNA indices in SHE, AHE and LSCC were 9.57%, 27.33% and 68.05%, respectively. The PCNA indices were 13.79%, 30.84% and 39.94%, in the mild, moderate and severe AHE, respectively. There were significant differences among the SHE, AHE and LSCC. A good correlation was found among different degrees of AHE. The pattern and location of PCNA positive cells in the intraepithelium had diagnostic importance. PCNA might provide a useful tool for studying cell proliferation in situ under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The classical clinical picture of amoebic infection of the liver consists of fever, right upper quadrant pain and hepatomegaly. In recent years, the widespread availability of ultrasound and serology made an early diagnosis possible, which could result in less prominent clinical pictures. Thirty six cases of liver amoebiasis diagnosed in Antwerp between 1985 and 1992, were reviewed. Three patients acquired their infection in Belgium. For the other patients, the average delay between arrival in Belgium and the first symptoms was 5.64 months. The classical triad of clinical signs (fever, right upper quadrant pain and hepatomegaly), was observed in only 13.9% of the patients, whereas it was much more frequent in earlier studies (68-75%). The right lobe was the most frequently affected (94%). The colour of the liquid, obtained by puncture, was brown in 61% of patients in whom it was reported. Amoebic cysts were found in the stools of only one patient. Amoebic serology was initially negative in only one patient, but became positive on second testing. Chest X-rays were abnormal in 34% of the patients. All patients who develop unexplained fever during the year after a stay in tropical countries should undergo an abdominal ultrasound examination and serological testing for Entamoeba histolytica.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RF-C) is a heteropentameric protein essential for DNA replication and repair. It is a molecular matchmaker required for loading of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto double-stranded DNA and, thus, for PCNA-dependent DNA elongation by DNA polymerases delta and epsilon. To elucidate the mode of RF-C binding to the PCNA clamp, modified forms of human PCNA were used that could be 32P-labeled in vitro either at the C or the N terminus. Using a kinase protection assay, we show that the heteropentameric calf thymus RF-C was able to protect the C-terminal region but not the N-terminal region of human PCNA from phosphorylation, suggesting that RF-C interacts with the PCNA face at which the C termini are located (C-side). A similar protection profile was obtained with the recently identified PCNA binding region (residues 478-712), but not with the DNA binding region (residues 366-477), of the human RF-C large subunit (Fotedar, R., Mossi, R., Fitzgerald, P., Rousselle, T., Maga, G., Brickner, H., Messner, H., Khastilba, S., Hübscher, U., and Fotedar, A., (1996) EMBO J., 15, 4423-4433). Furthermore, we show that the RF-C 36 kDa subunit of human RF-C could interact independently with the C-side of PCNA. The RF-C large subunit from a third species, namely Drosophila melanogaster, interacted similarly with the modified human PCNA, indicating that the interaction between RF-C and PCNA is conserved through eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

Although proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is known to be an indicator of malignant potential in tumors, the biological and clinicopathological significance of PCNA in tumor tissue is controversial. METHODS: Immunohistochemical expression of PCNA was examined in 58 gastric carcinoma tissues obtained at autopsy to test the clinicopathological significance. In addition, in 24 of the 58 tumor tissues we compared immunohistochemical expression of PCNA in biopsy and autopsy specimens from the same patient in order to know whether the proliferating activity of tumor cells is stationary from the early stage to the end of tumor growth. RESULTS: 1. PCNA was undetectable in some tumor tissues (12.5% in biopsy and 10.3% in autopsy specimens). 2. the frequency of PCNA positive cases and labeling index (LI) (%) of PCNA in tumor tissues were not significantly different between biopsy and autopsy specimens. 3. the intensity of PCNA reaction was not related to prognosis. 4. PCNA positive cases and LI did not correlate with survival condition. CONCLUSION: It is hard to say whether PCNA is a reliable indicator in predicting malignancy and prognosis of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

GADD45 is a ubiquitously expressed mammalian gene that is induced by DNA damage and certain other stresses. Like another p53-regulated gene, p21WAF1/CIP1, whose product binds to cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk's) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), GADD45 has been associated with growth suppression. Gadd45 was found to bind to PCNA, a normal component of Cdk complexes and a protein involved in DNA replication and repair. Gadd45 stimulated DNA excision repair in vitro and inhibited entry of cells into S phase. These results establish GADD45 as a link between the p53-dependent cell cycle checkpoint and DNA repair.  相似文献   

Support groups for individuals who stutter provide an opportunity for consumers to incorporate emerging or newly learned fluency skills in speaking situations outside of the speech-language clinic. One major theme of this article is to promote the idea that support groups can be utilized by clinicians and consumers as an important adjunct to fluency therapy. In addition to addressing feelings and attitudes associated with stuttering, the supportive environment of such groups serves to provide individuals who stutter with opportunities to work on improved communication skills with several different communication partners. For many, this is an important step in the successful transfer of fluency skills from the clinic to the "real world."  相似文献   

Meningiomas are principally benign in nature. Some meningiomas, however, grow fast or recur even after total removal. The biological behavior of meningiomas often can not be predicted from conventional histopathological studies. A monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was used to investigate the usefulness of the PCNA index as a parameter to estimate the proliferative activity of meningiomas. Fifty-two meningiomas were examined. The mean PCNA index of recurrent meningiomas (3.37 +/- 0.92%) was significantly higher than that of non-recurrent meningiomas (1.12 +/- 0.51%) (p < 0.005). The PCNA indices of recurrent cases were all higher than 2.0%. A semilog linear regression analysis between tumor doubling time and PCNA index showed a significant correlation (r = 0.90, p < 0.05). An inverse linear correlation between PCNA index and interval to recurrence was observed (r = 0.62, p < 0.05). A good linear correlation was also shown between PCNA index and BUdR labeling index (r = 0.88, p < 0.01). The results of this study suggest that, providing the methods of tissue processing, immunostaining and counting of positive nuclei are unified, the PCNA index is a useful parameter for estimating the biological behavior of meningiomas.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that immunostaining with PC10, a monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), is of prognostic value in gastric carcinoma. Gastric carcinomas from a series of 90 patients in whom survival data were known have been studied. There was no relation between the degree of PC10 immunostaining assessed semiquantitatively and survival.  相似文献   

We identified an expansion of the CAG trinucleotide repeat in the coding region of the Machado-Joseph disease gene in 7 of 24 American families diagnosed with autosomal dominant ataxia. All affected individuals were heterozygous for an expanded allele that ranged from 67 to more than 200 CAG repeats, whereas the normal allele had 14 to 33 repeats. In contrast to the Azorean-Portuguese origins of Machado-Joseph disease, the two largest American families were of German and Dutch-African descent. Clinical, pathologic, and genetic evaluations suggest that American families with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 differ from those with Machado-Joseph disease by their ethnic origins, predominant spinopontine atrophy, lack of dystonic features, and larger CAG repeat expansion.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair plays a key role in the maintenance of genetic fidelity. Mutations in the human mismatch repair genes hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1, and hPMS2 are associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is essential for DNA replication, where it acts as a processivity factor. Here, we identify a point mutation, pol30-104, in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae POL30 gene encoding PCNA that increases the rate of instability of simple repetitive DNA sequences and raises the rate of spontaneous forward mutation. Epistasis analyses with mutations in mismatch repair genes MSH2, MLH1, and PMS1 suggest that the pol30-104 mutation impairs MSH2/MLH1/PMS1-dependent mismatch repair, consistent with the hypothesis that PCNA functions in mismatch repair. MSH2 functions in mismatch repair with either MSH3 or MSH6, and the MSH2-MSH3 and MSH2-MSH6 heterodimers have a role in the recognition of DNA mismatches. Consistent with the genetic data, we find specific interaction of PCNA with the MSH2-MSH3 heterodimer.  相似文献   

To elucidate the cellular proliferative kinetics of the parathyroidal gland in patients with hyperparathyroidism, we investigated the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in parathyroidal tissues using an immunohistochemical procedure. The PCNA labeling index (LI; maximum LI, maximal stained area; average LI, evenly distributed stained area) indicating cellular proliferative activity was defined as the number of PCNA-positive cells per 1000 parathyroid cells in the region of interest. We used these indexes to compare and investigate the proliferative activity of parathyroid cells under various conditions. The specimens used for the study were 42 parathyroid glands from 21 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (19 cases of adenoma and 2 cases of primary hyperplasia due to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1) and 129 parathyroid glands from 32 patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. An additional 40 parathyroid glands resected during thyroid surgery of 30 normocalcemic patients were used as normal controls. In normally functioning parathyroids, a small number of cells in the growth phase were found. In primary hyperparathyroidism, proliferative activity was highest in the adenoma followed by primary hyperplasia. In contrast, the PCNA LIs showed a low value in the normal rim of the adenoma and normal glands resected as biopsy specimens from adenoma patients. We, therefore, assumed that proliferative activity was suppressed in these cells compared with that in normally functioning glands. In secondary hyperparathyroidism, when the cell component of the parathyroid tissues was divided into five types, PCNA immunoreactivity was lowest in the dark chief cells. Proliferative activity in cells of the oxyphil series was the same or higher than that in the clear chief cells or vacuolated chief cells. When classified according to the structure of the parathyroid glands, cell proliferation was significantly higher in the nodular type than in the diffuse type (maximum LI, 176 +/- 231 vs. 38.3 +/- 55.7; average LI, 120 +/- 188 vs. 24.8 +/- 43.5; mean +/- SD; P < 0.001). More PCNA-immunoreactive cells were found in autotransplanted glands with recurrence than in glands resected during the initial surgery. To summarize the PCNA expression classified according to the pathological types of hyperparathyroidism, the PCNA LIs were highest in secondary hyperplasia (maximum LI, 144 +/- 212; average LI, 96.0 +/- 169) and adenoma (maximum LI, 102 +/- 81.7; average LI, 67.5 +/- 67.7), followed by primary hyperplasia (maximum LI, 25.0 +/- 25.4; average LI, 19.2 +/- 22.2) and normal glands (maximum LI, 13.6 +/- 23.9; average LI, 4.40 +/- 8.90). These findings suggest that the cellular proliferative kinetics of the parathyroid gland differ depending on the type of hyperparathyroidism, glandular structure, and cell components. As the detection method of intranuclear expression of PCNA in cells is too sensitive, we should be careful not to overestimate the number of cells in the proliferative cycle. However, these results could not have been obtained using a conventional method such as DNA analysis by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and cathepsin D was performed on 60 transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) specimens from 60 patients with bladder cancer. The percentage of PCNA-positive cells (PCNA-labelling index) was determined by counting 500 or 1,000 cells, and cathepsin D expression was graded according to the extent of immunoreactivity to anti-cathepsin D antibody. The PCNA-labelling index was significantly higher in high-grade and high-stage tumors compared to that in low-grade and low-stage tumors. Cathepsin D was highly positive in grade-1 tumors. In contrast, 82% of grade-3 tumors and 76% of advanced tumors showed negative or low reactivity to anti-cathepsin D. Groups of high PCNA-labelling index and negative cathepsin D had significantly poorer prognoses compared to those of the low PCNA group and cathepsin D highly positive group, respectively, in univariate analyses. However, neither of these two factors were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analyses. These results suggest that the PCNA-labelling index and cathepsin D expression may indicate the malignant potential of TCC and may be able to provide additional information for predicting survival when stratifying for grade of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) from Brassica napus (oilseed rape) was shown to complement the lethal deletion mutation in the PCNA gene (delta POL30) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We provide unequivocal evidence that the B. napus PCNA can perform all the essential functions of the yeast PCNA in DNA replication, although some species-specific differences may exist. In addition, the B. napus PCNA expressed as a fusion polypeptide with glutathione S-transferase (GST) was shown to stimulate the activity and processivity of two delta-like DNA polymerases from wheat in vitro. These experiments provide direct biochemical evidence that the B. napus PCNA may function as an auxiliary factor in plant cell DNA replication.  相似文献   

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression has been proven to be a significant marker of cell proliferation in meningiomas, which correlates with growth rate and, as shown by several authors, possibly provides prognostic information concerning biologic behavior. However, the current method for determining PCNA labeling index (LI) is tedious and time consuming like all the nonautomated methods for evaluating cell kinetics, presenting high interobserver and interlaboratory variability and low reproducibility. In the present study, we introduce a semi-automated computer-assisted image analysis method for determining PCNA LI in 38 meningiomas, in parallel with the current nonautomated method. Image analysis technique permits unbiased cell counting, standardizes the degree of staining intensity and provides instant results. By calculating coefficient of variability, the method proved to be highly reproducible. The correlation between the results provided by the nonautomated and the semiautomated image analysis method showed a high agreement between them, with a correlation coefficient, r, of 0.82. In conclusion, we consider that image analysis contributes to the accuracy, reproducibility, and practicality of PCNA LI determination so that along with other useful parameters this significant marker may serve to predict the clinical behavior in meningiomas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The cause of growth retardation in trisomy 21 and other autosomal trisomies is not known, but may be the result of defective cell proliferation, slowing of the cell cycle, or placental structural abnormalities. Abnormalities of the fetal cell cycle may be reflected in placental growth and can be detected using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). METHODS: Twelve second-trimester and six third-trimester trisomy 21 placentas were examined histopathologically and stained immunohistochemically using antibodies to PCNA. Normal age-matched placentas were used as controls. RESULTS: The second-trimester trisomy 21 placentas all exhibited many large irregular hypovascular villi. The third-trimester trisomy 21 placentas showed two patterns: (i) many large, irregular hypovascular villi, and (ii) relatively normal-appearing villi with only a few abnormal villi and focal hypervascularity. PCNA staining was significantly greater in second-trimester placentas when compared to third-trimester placentas for both trisomy 21 and controls. There was no significant difference in PCNA staining in trisomy 21 placentas when compared to the normal age-matched controls. CONCLUSIONS: PCNA staining indicates no significant differences in proliferation between normal and trisomy 21 placentas. Trisomy 21 placentas show villus abnormalities, including hypovascularity.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research efforts to identify unique molecular alterations in breast cancer, to date, no characteristic has emerged that correlates exclusively with malignancy. Recently, it has been shown that the multiprotein DNA replication complex (synthesome) from breast cancer cells has a significantly decreased replication fidelity compared to that of nonmalignant breast cells. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) functions in DNA replication and DNA repair and is a component of the synthesome. Using two-dimensional PAGE analysis, we have identified a novel form of PCNA in malignant breast cells. This unique form is not the result of a genetic alteration, as demonstrated by DNA sequence analysis of the PCNA gene from malignant and nonmalignant breast cells. This novel form is most likely the result of an alteration in the post-translational modification of PCNA in malignant breast cells. These findings are significant in that it is now possible to link changes in the fidelity of DNA replication with a specific alteration of a component of the DNA synthetic apparatus of breast cancer cells. The novel form of PCNA may prove to be a new signature for malignant breast cells.  相似文献   

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