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1. The dynamic properties of otolith-ocular reflexes elicited by sinusoidal linear acceleration along the three cardinal head axes were studied during off-vertical axis rotations in rhesus monkeys. As the head rotates in space at constant velocity about an off-vertical axis, otolith-ocular reflexes are elicited in response to the sinusoidally varying linear acceleration (gravity) components along the interaural, nasooccipital, or vertical head axis. Because the frequency of these sinusoidal stimuli is proportional to the velocity of rotation, rotation at low and moderately fast speeds allows the study of the mid-and low-frequency dynamics of these otolith-ocular reflexes. 2. Animals were rotated in complete darkness in the yaw, pitch, and roll planes at velocities ranging between 7.4 and 184 degrees/s. Accordingly, otolith-ocular reflexes (manifested as sinusoidal modulations in eye position and/or slow-phase eye velocity) were quantitatively studied for stimulus frequencies ranging between 0.02 and 0.51 Hz. During yaw and roll rotation, torsional, vertical, and horizontal slow-phase eye velocity was sinusoidally modulated as a function of head position. The amplitudes of these responses were symmetric for rotations in opposite directions. In contrast, mainly vertical slow-phase eye velocity was modulated during pitch rotation. This modulation was asymmetric for rotations in opposite direction. 3. Each of these response components in a given rotation plane could be associated with an otolith-ocular response vector whose sensitivity, temporal phase, and spatial orientation were estimated on the basis of the amplitude and phase of sinusoidal modulations during both directions of rotation. Based on this analysis, which was performed either for slow-phase eye velocity alone or for total eye excursion (including both slow and fast eye movements), two distinct response patterns were observed: 1) response vectors with pronounced dynamics and spatial/temporal properties that could be characterized as the low-frequency range of "translational" otolith-ocular reflexes; and 2) response vectors associated with an eye position modulation in phase with head position ("tilt" otolith-ocular reflexes). 4. The responses associated with two otolith-ocular vectors with pronounced dynamics consisted of horizontal eye movements evoked as a function of gravity along the interaural axis and vertical eye movements elicited as a function of gravity along the vertical head axis. Both responses were characterized by a slow-phase eye velocity sensitivity that increased three- to five-fold and large phase changes of approximately 100-180 degrees between 0.02 and 0.51 Hz. These dynamic properties could suggest nontraditional temporal processing in utriculoocular and sacculoocular pathways, possibly involving spatiotemporal otolith-ocular interactions. 5. The two otolith-ocular vectors associated with eye position responses in phase with head position (tilt otolith-ocular reflexes) consisted of torsional eye movements in response to gravity along the interaural axis, and vertical eye movements in response to gravity along the nasooccipital head axis. These otolith-ocular responses did not result from an otolithic effect on slow eye movements alone. Particularly at high frequencies (i.e., high speed rotations), saccades were responsible for most of the modulation of torsional and vertical eye position, which was relatively large (on average +/- 8-10 degrees/g) and remained independent of frequency. Such reflex dynamics can be simulated by a direct coupling of primary otolith afferent inputs to the oculomotor plant. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The mesencephalic interstitial nucleus of Cajal (iC) is considered the neural integrator for vertical and torsional eye movements and has also been proposed to be involved in saccade generation. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of iC in neural integration of different types of eye movements and to distinguish eye movement deficits due to iC impairment from that of the immediately adjacent rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF). We addressed the following questions: (1) According to the neural integrator hypothesis, all eye movements including the saccadic system and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) share a common neural integrator. Do iC lesions impair gaze-holding function for vertical and torsional eye positions and the torsional and vertical VOR gain to a similar degree? (2) What are the dynamic properties of vertical and torsional eye movements deficits after iC lesions, e.g., the specificity of torsional and vertical nystagmus? (3) Is iC involved in saccade generation? We performed 13 uni- and three bilateral iC inactivations by muscimol microinjections in four alert monkeys. Three-dimensional eye movements were studied under head-stationary conditions during vertical and torsional VOR. Under static conditions, unilateral iC injections evoked a shift of Listing's plane to the contralesional side (up to 20 degrees), which increased (ipsilesional ear down) or decreased (ipsilesional ear up) by additional static vestibular stimulation in the roll plane, i.e., ocular counterroll was preserved. The monkeys showed a spontaneous torsional nystagmus with a profound downbeat component. The fast phases of torsional nystagmus always beat toward the lesion side (ipsilesional). Pronounced gaze-holding deficit for torsional and vertical eye positions (neural integrator failure) was reflected by the reduction of time constants of the exponential decay of the slow phase to 330-370 ms. Whereas the vertical oculomotor range was profoundly decreased (up to 50%) and vertical saccades were reduced in amplitude, saccade velocity remained normal and horizontal eye movements were not affected. Bilateral iC injections reduced the shift of Listing's plane caused by unilateral injections, i.e., back toward the plane of zero torsion. Torsional nystagmus reversed its direction and ceased, whereas vertical nystagmus persisted. In contrast to unilateral injection, there was additional upbeating nystagmus. Time constants of the position integrator of the gaze-holding system did not differ between unilateral and bilateral injections. The range of stable vertical eye positions and saccade amplitude was smaller when compared with unilateral injections, but the main sequence remained normal. Dynamic vestibular stimulation after unilateral iC injections had virtually no effect on torsional and vertical VOR gain and phase at the same time when time constants already indicated severe integrator failure. Torsional VOR elicited a constant slow-phase velocity offset up to 30 degrees toward the contralesional side, i.e., in the opposite direction to spontaneous torsional nystagmus. Likewise, vertical VOR showed a velocity offset in an upward direction, i.e., opposite to the spontaneous downbeat nystagmus. Contralesional torsional and upward vertical quick phases were missing or severely reduced in amplitude but showed normal velocity. In contrast, bilateral iC injections reduced the gain of the torsional and vertical VOR by 50% and caused a phase lead of 10-20 degrees (eye compared with head velocity). We propose that the slow-phase velocity offset during torsional and vertical VOR reflects a vestibular imbalance. It therefore appears likely that the vertical and torsional nystagmus after iC lesions is not only caused by a neural integrator failure but also by a vestibular imbalance. Unilateral iC injections have clearly differential effects on the VOR and the gaze-holding function. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The present study quantified nasalward/temporalward biases in monocular optokinetic nystagmus (MOKN) and perceived velocity in patients with either early onset esotropia, late onset esotropia and in normals. MOKN was measured with low spatial frequency, small-field gratings drifting at 9.4 degrees/s. MOKN bias was quantified as the ratio of nasalward slow-phase velocity divided by the sum of temporalward and nasalward slow-phase velocities (N/(N + T)). Observers also rated the perceived velocity of gratings moving in nasalward and temporalward directions (3 or 9.4 degrees/s) using a two interval forced choice task. MOKN and perceived velocity biases were correlated negatively in both early onset and late onset groups in the perceptual task--nasalward moving targets were rated as slower than temporalward targets, but in the MOKN task, slow-phase gain was higher for nasalward than for temporalward targets. Oscillatory-motion, visual evoked potentials (VEPs), were recorded in response to 1 c/deg gratings undergoing apparent motion at 10 Hz in a subset of the observers. VEP direction biases were quantified by calculating the ratio of first harmonic response amplitudes to the sum of first and second harmonic amplitudes. Significant correlations were found between the direction biases obtained on all three measures. Perceived velocity and MOKN bias measures were also correlated negatively. Patients with early onset esotropia (infantile esotropia) had larger biases than late onset esotropes or normals on each measure and the biases were more frequently bilateral in the early onset patients. The pattern of result is consistent with early critical periods for the mechanism(s) underlying MOKN, perceived velocity and cortical responsiveness. A single site model for all three asymmetries is unlikely, at least in simple form, because of the negative correlation between MOKN and perceived velocity biases and because of the differences in relative magnitude between the perceptual and MOKN biases.  相似文献   

After presentation of a peripheral cue, a subsequent saccade to the cued location is delayed (inhibition of return: IOR). Furthermore, saccades typically deviate away from the cued location. The present study examined the relationship between these inhibitory effects. IOR and saccade trajectory deviations were found after central (endogenous) and peripheral (exogenous) cuing of attention, and both effects were larger with an onset cue than with a color singleton cue. However, a dissociation in time course was found between IOR and saccade trajectory deviations. Saccade trajectory deviations occurred at short delays between the cue and the saccade, but IOR was found at longer delays. A model is proposed in which IOR is caused by inhibition applied to a preoculomotor attentional map, whereas saccade trajectory deviations are caused by inhibition applied to the saccade map, in which the final stage of oculomotor programming takes place. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a 4-week isotonic resistance training program using Theraband elastic tubing and lightweight dumbbells would significantly increase concentric shoulder rotator strength or velocity of serve or both in a group of elite-level tennis players. Twenty-two male and female varsity college tennis players were randomly assigned to control or 4-week training groups. Subjects were pre- and posttested in concentric internal and external rotation torque using an isokinetic dynamometer. Functional performance was assessed before and after training by recording the peak and average velocities of eight maximal serves. The experimental group exhibited significant gains in internal rotation torque at both slow (120 deg/sec) and fast speeds (300 deg/sec) for total work and in peak torque to body weight ratio and torque acceleration energy at the fast speed. This group also exhibited significant gains in external rotation torque for the same parameters at fast speed. Regarding speed to serve, the experimental group exhibited significantly greater increase in peak speed (+6.0% compared with -1.8%) and average speed (+7.9% compared with -2.3%) compared with the control group. Men exhibited greater internal and external rotation torque on all parameters and in peak and mean speed of serve on both evaluations. Men also exhibited greater imbalance in external to internal rotation torque ratios. In conclusion, resistance training using Theraband tubing and lightweight dumbbells may have beneficial effects on strength and functional performance in college-level tennis players.  相似文献   

Intracellular pressure injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to PT cells in the motor cortex of awake cats to reveal morphological properties. All PT cels recovered (N = 23) had pyramidal shaped somata located in layer V. All had apical dendrites going toward superficial layers and had basal dendrites spreading in layers V and VI. Fast and slow PT cells had axon collaterals which extended in layers V and VI. The spine density of fast PT cells in layer III was lower than that of slow ones as an average, but some fast PT cells had spines as many as slow ones. This was not in agreement with the previous report (Labelle and Deschênes16).) Morphological features to separate fast and slow PT cells were: (1)Fast PT cells had larger somata (20-50 micrometers in long axis) than slow PT cells (20-28 micrometers). (2)Horizontal spread of the dendritic field in layer V was larger in fast PT cells (mean : 654.7 micrometers) than in slow PT cells (mean : 222.0 micrometers).  相似文献   

Slow covariations in neuronal resting potentials can lead to artefactually fast cross-correlations in their spike trains. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3345-3351, 1998. A model of two lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) cells, which interact only through slow (tens of seconds) covariations in their resting membrane potentials, is used here to investigate the effect of such covariations on cross-correlograms taken during stimulus-driven conditions. Despite the slow timescale of the interactions, the model generates cross-correlograms with peak widths in the range of 25-200 ms. These bear a striking resemblance to those reported in studies of LGN cells by Sillito et al., which were taken at the time as evidence of a fast spike timing synchronization interaction; the model highlights the possibility that those correlogram peaks may have been caused by a mechanism other than spike synchronization. Slow resting potential covariations are suggested instead as the dominant generating mechanism. How can a slow interaction generate covariogram peaks with a width 100-1,000 times thinner than its timescale? Broad peaks caused by slow interactions are modulated by the cells' poststimulus time histograms (PSTHs). When the PSTHs have thin peaks (e.g., tens of milliseconds), the cross-correlogram peaks generated by slow interactions will also be thin; such peaks are easily misinterpretable as being caused by fast interactions. Although this point is explored here in the context of LGN recordings, it is a general point and applies elsewhere. When cross-correlogram peak widths are of the same order of magnitude as PSTH peak widths, experiments designed to reveal short-timescale interactions must be interpreted with the issue of possible contributions from slower interactions in mind.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The bilateral deficit is characterized by a decrease in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force during bilateral activation of homologous muscles compared with sum of the forces produced during unilateral MVC of the muscles. A proposed relationship between the bilateral deficit and the ability to activate high threshold motor units was investigated. The effects of muscle fatigue, induced using two contraction speeds, on the size of the bilateral deficit were measured. Based on previously published findings, it was expected that fast velocity isokinetic contractions compared with slow velocity isokinetic contractions would produce a larger bilateral deficit. It was hypothesized that following a unilateral fatigue protocol, the size of the bilateral deficit at the fast and slow velocities would be comparable. METHODS: The bilateral deficit was measured for isokinetic knee extension in 20 men (age:25 +/- 3 yr) before and after a fatigue protocol performed at 30 and 150 degreesxs(-1). RESULTS: The size of the bilateral deficit was initially the same at both velocities. The fatigue protocol at each contraction speed significantly decreased the maximum voluntary knee extension moment. The size of the bilateral deficit was not influenced by the 150 degrees fatigue protocol (pretest: -14.0% post-test: -12.5%; P > 0.05). However, the size of the bilateral deficit increased following the 30 degreesxs(-1) fatigue protocol (pretest: -13.7%; post-test: -21.9%; P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The failure of the size of the bilateral deficit to be comparable at 30 and 150 degreesxs(-1) following fatigue is contrary to previous published reports that suggested reduced activation of high threshold motor unit is the primary mechanism underlying the bilateral deficit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to determine in healthy young and old adult females the influence of age, rotation direction, angle, and speed on the threshold for sensing foot dorsi- and plantarflexion when standing and bearing weight on the limb. METHODS: Twelve young (YF, mean age 22 years) and 12 old (OF, 70 years) healthy adult females stood with their dominant foot on a servo-controlled platform and the other foot on a fixed platform. The platform induced either dorsi- or plantarflexion rotations at angular velocities of 0.1, 0.5, or 2.5 degrees/s to angles of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 or 0.8 degree. Subjects performed five trials at each velocity-angle combination and 30 dummy trials in which no platform rotation occurred, for a total of 180 trials. Success rates were determined for detecting both rotation (SRR) and rotation direction (SRD) for each test condition. The angular thresholds required to achieve an SRD of 75% were estimated using logistic regression. RESULTS: Age, rotation angle, and rotation speed significantly affected SRD (repeated measures ANOVA: p < .001). For the YF, DF thresholds were 0.04, 0.09, and 0.41 degree at the fast, moderate, and slow velocities, respectively. Threshold angles were three to four times larger in the OF than in the YF. A 10-fold reduction in the angular threshold was observed upon increasing the speed of rotation from 0.1 to 2.5 degrees/s. CONCLUSIONS: Both age and speed significantly affected the thresholds for sensing foot dorsiflexion and plantarflexion in women.  相似文献   

Studies of the cardiac myosin fragment 1 concentration dependence of the rate constants for adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) binding and steady-state hydrolysis reveal that the observed rate constants are remarkably dependent on the protein concentration. The kinetics for ATP binding are biphasic, and both the fast- and slow-phase rate constants and the respective fractions of fast and slow material vary as a function of protein concentration. Two different types of kinetic experiments were conducted, one in which the ATP concentration was fixed but the subfragment 1 concentration was varied and another for which the ATP/subfragment 1 ratio was fixed but both concentrations were varied. The results of these two experiments on cardiac subfragment 1 are consistent with an ATP-dependent reversible aggregation. Light-scattering experiments confirm the presence of this aggregation and the ATP dependence. Similar studies on rabbit skeletal subfragment 1 give monophasic, protein-independent kinetics consistent with a monomeric species in solution. a simple monomer--dimer mechanism can account for the cardiac subfragment 1 kinetic results when changes in tryptophan fluorescence are used. However, the light-scattering results show that cardiac myosin subfragment 1 undergoes multiple reversible molecular weight changes in solution and may be tetrameric at high concentrations.  相似文献   

Kinesin and myosin have been proposed to transport intracellular organelles and vesicles to the cell periphery in several cell systems. However, there has been little direct observation of the role of these motor proteins in the delivery of vesicles during regulated exocytosis in intact cells. Using a confocal microscope, we triggered local bursts of Ca2+-regulated exocytosis by wounding the cell membrane and visualized the resulting individual exocytotic events in real time. Different temporal phases of the exocytosis burst were distinguished by their sensitivities to reagents targeting different motor proteins. The function blocking antikinesin antibody SUK4 as well as the stalk-tail fragment of kinesin heavy chain specifically inhibited a slow phase, while butanedione monoxime, a myosin ATPase inhibitor, inhibited both the slow and fast phases. The blockage of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with autoinhibitory peptide also inhibited the slow and fast phases, consistent with disruption of a myosin-actin- dependent step of vesicle recruitment. Membrane resealing after wounding was also inhibited by these reagents. Our direct observations provide evidence that in intact living cells, kinesin and myosin motors may mediate two sequential transport steps that recruit vesicles to the release sites of Ca2+-regulated exocytosis, although the identity of the responsible myosin isoform is not yet known. They also indicate the existence of three semistable vesicular pools along this regulated membrane trafficking pathway. In addition, our results provide in vivo evidence for the cargo-binding function of the kinesin heavy chain tail domain.  相似文献   

The distributions of saccadic reaction times (SRT) often deviate from unimodal normal distributions. An excess-mass procedure was used to detect peaks in 963 data sets containing 90,927 reaction times from 170 subjects. About 55% showed one, 30% two, 12% three and 3% four peaks. According to their clustering along the reaction time scale the modes could be classified into express (90-120 msec), fast regular (135-170 msec) and slow regular (200-220 msec) modes. Among the unimodal distributions 29% had peaks in the range of the express mode and 46% had peaks in the range of the fast regular mode. Therefore, 87% of the data sets support the notion of saccadic reaction time distributions being the superposition of three modes. All experimental distributions were fitted by as many gamma distributions as determined by the excess-mass test. The significance of the multimodality for saccade generation processes is discussed.  相似文献   

The suitability of relatively slow (low absolute value of mobility) coanionic buffers in background electrolytes (BGEs) for indirect photometric detection of anions by capillary electrophoresis was investigated. As a model system, 2-(cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid (CHES) was used to buffer the indirect detection electrolyte of sodium chromate. CHES (PKa 9.55) is a zwitterionic molecule carrying a net negative charge depending on the pH (effective charge -0.5 at pH = pKa). Within its useful pH buffering range CHES acted as a competing probe coanion. System peaks were induced which had deleterious effects on the detection sensitivity of slow to medium mobility anions. The mobility of the system peak was determined by the effective mobility of CHES, both of which increased with increasing pH. The peaks of analytes that migrated near or on the system peak were distorted and lost all quantitative properties. Analytes that migrated after the system peak either were not detected or reversed their responses. Analytes that migrated well before the system peak were unaffected. Consequently, the suitability of slow coanionic buffers is limited either to (i) fast anions or, (ii) a pH range much below the PKa, where the buffering capacity is not optimal.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study in human subjects investigated whether or not the saccade system can monitor smooth changes of the eye position in total darkness. METHODS: The authors studied the properties of memory-guided saccades toward targets flashed during pursuit eye movements (target velocities of 15 degrees/s, 30 degrees/s, and 45 degrees/s) in four normal human subjects. Subjects were instructed to execute memory-guided saccades toward the position of the flashed target in total darkness when the pursuit target was extinguished. RESULTS: The vector of the saccade was more highly correlated with the vector of "spatial error" (the vector from the position of the eye at the time of the saccade to the position of the flashed target in space) than with the vector of "retinal error" (the vector from the position of the eye at the time of the presentation of the flashed target to the position of the flashed target). The amplitude and direction errors of memory-guided saccades were correlated with the amplitude of the retinal error but not with amplitude of eye deviation after the presentation of the flashed target. Pursuit velocity did not affect the error of the saccade. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the saccade system can monitor smooth changes of the eye position in total darkness, regardless of the velocity of pursuit, and that the accuracy of memory-guided saccades is dependent only on the amplitude of the retinal error.  相似文献   

The ionic components of the action potential (AP) in rabbit right papillary muscle (RRPM) were determined by simple methods such as changes in external concentrations of sodium and calcium ions and addition of MnCl2 ot the perfusion fluid. Two components (fast and slow) were clearly visible in the upstroke of AP in normal Tyrode solution. MnCl2 (5 mmol/l) eliminated the slow component which forms the overshoot (OS) leaving the fast one unaffected, indicating that the former was related to a slow inward current. Mn also drastically reduced AP duration without changing the slope of phase 3 of repolarization. Reduction of Na concentration to 90 mmol/l did not affect the peak voltage of the OS but shortened AP. This low-Na solution reduced both (Vmax)f and the amplitude of the fast component. Ca-free solution reduced OS and increased AP duration. In high-Ca Tyrode (7.2 mmol/l) OS was increased and AP shortened. The effects of MN were reversed in this solution. The results suggest that the upstroke of the RRPM action potential is determined by two different ionic currents: a fast Na current responsible for the fast component and a slow inward current carried mainly by Ca, this latter being responsible for the slow component in the upstroke and for the plateau phase. The existence of propagated, Ca-dependent slow responses was demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the major determination of the repolarization process in this type of AP is probably the inactivation of the slow inward Ca current.  相似文献   

Effects of saccades on individual neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were examined under two conditions: during spontaneous saccades in the dark and during stimulation by large, uniform flashes delivered at various times during and after rewarded saccades made to small visual targets. In the dark condition, a suppression of activity began 200-300 ms before saccade start, peaked approximately 100 ms before saccade start, and smoothly reversed to a facilitation of activity by saccade end. The facilitation peaked 70-130 ms after saccade end and decayed during the next several hundred milliseconds. The latency of the facilitation was related inversely to saccade velocity, reaching a minimum for saccades with peak velocity >70-80 degrees /s. Effects of saccades on visually evoked activity were remarkably similar: a facilitation began at saccade end and peaked 50-100 ms later. When matched for saccade velocity, the time courses and magnitudes of postsaccadic facilitation for activity in the dark and during visual stimulation were identical. The presaccadic suppression observed in the dark condition was similar for X and Y cells, whereas the postsaccadic facilitation was substantially stronger for X cells, both in the dark and for visually evoked responses. This saccade-related regulation of geniculate transmission appears to be independent of the conditions under which the saccade is evoked or the state of retinal input to the LGN. The change in activity from presaccadic suppression to postsaccadic facilitation amounted to an increase in gain of geniculate transmission of approximately 30%. This may promote rapid central registration of visual inputs by increasing the temporal contrast between activity evoked by an image near the end of a fixation and that evoked by the image immediately after a saccade.  相似文献   

Rat brain IIA sodium channel alpha-subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the sodium currents were measured by intracellular voltage clamping with large agarose-tipped electrodes and by excised membrane patch-clamp recording to separate and characterize the properties of the fast and slow channel gating modes. The currents showed biexponential inactivation properties with fast and slow phases that could be isolated as distinct gating modes through differences in their inactivation properties. At holding potentials more negative than -55 mV, fast mode currents inactivated within a few milliseconds of depolarization, and could be distinguished by their rapid recovery from inactivation. Single sodium channels in the fast mode opened early after depolarization and rarely showed re-openings. At holding potentials positive to -55 mV, fast mode currents were inactivated, revealing slow mode currents which had slower activation and inactivation kinetics and showed sustained single channel activity during depolarizing pulses. The steady-state voltage dependencies of fast and slow mode activation were very similar. In contrast, slow mode inactivation occurred at potentials 27 mV more positive than fast mode inactivation. The slow mode appears to be due to destabilization of a voltage-insensitive conformation of the channel. The fast gating process dominated at high current levels, perhaps due to alpha-subunit interactions.  相似文献   

1. KCl produced a biphasic contraction in the intact rat vas deferens. Both components were larger and the initial rapid phasic component was faster in the prostatic portion than the epididymal portion. In some experiments the epididymal phasic response was a single slow contraction, while in others it had a mixture of fast and slow responses. 2. Phentolamine reduced the phasic response but not the tonic response of the intact vas deferens. This effect was not observed after denervation produced by chronic guanethidine treatment. 3. Both phases of the response to KCl 160 mmol/l were substantially reduced by phentolamine in the epididymal portion. In the prostatic portion phentolamine produced only slight inhibition of the phasic component and had no effect on the tonic component. 4. Isoprenaline had no effect on the response to KCl 160 mmol/l but reduced both phases of the response to KCl 50 mmol/l. This effect was antagonized by propranolol. 5. It is concluded that part of the phasic component of the response to KCl in the rat vas deferens is due to the release of noradrenaline from intramural nerves.  相似文献   

Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is a reflexive eye movement with a characteristic pattern of alternating fast and slow phases (resembling a noisy sawtooth), but with significant variation in the timing and amplitude of its components. We attempt to predict the sequence of OKN fast and slow phases by embedding them in state space and forming local approximations to the resulting trajectories. There is significant predictability only in the sequence of fast phase starting and ending positions. This is presumably related to the desire of the oculomotor system to aim the eyes at a location in space where something important might be expected to appear, leading to a partially deterministic rule for generating the end points of the fast phases.  相似文献   

The authors investigated mechanisms involved in transformation of spatially extended targets into saccadic eye-movement vectors. Human subjects performed horizontal saccades to targets of varying diameter, which contained no conspicuous elements within the target shape. With increasing target size, express saccades and saccades with fast regular latencies decreased in frequency, whereas frequency of saccades with slow regular latencies increased. For all targets, saccade amplitude distributions showed a peak close to the geometric center of the targets. However, with large targets, increased scatter of saccade amplitudes and increased undershoot of the target center was observed. These effects may reflect distinct subprocesses involved in sensorimotor transformation to spatially extended targets, and may result from modulation of neuronal activity in the superior colliculus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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