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介绍了模范车间的内涵、特点以及在夯实基础管理,推动钢铁企业转型升级等方面的重要作用。山钢股份济南分公司通过建立模范车间标准体系、培育试点车间、建立闭环管控流程、健全制度体系等主要做法,探索形成具有自身特色的模范车间创建体系,推动精益思想和现场改善方法在基层落地生根,带动整体基础管理水平持续提升,为企业转型升级注入强劲动力。  相似文献   

近日,中国铝业河南分公司召开中层管理者大会,总结分析一月份生产经营工作,部署2月份及一季度生产经营工作。一是进一步贯彻落实中铝公司工作会议和河南分公司员工代表大会精神,将绩效目标责任书层层分解落实到车间、班组和个人,形成层层包保的网络系统,确保完成总部下达的各项工作任务。  相似文献   

铜陵有色金属(集团)公司学习、借鉴、运用邯钢经验,把工作着眼点落实到基层车间(区队),通过试点选择、培育指导、经验总结,摸索和制订出了一套行之有效、科学合理的车间(区队)管理评价标准。经在全公司普及推广运用,取得了显著效果。  相似文献   

金堆城钼业公司开展创建“无泄漏工厂”活动8月26日金堆城钼业公司召开了有五百多人参加的副科级以上干部会议,传达了金川会议精神,公布了金堆城钼业公司创建无泄漏工厂(车间)“实施方案”和“管理办法”。公司经理罗忠民、党委书记霍宝珊做了重要讲话,号召全公司...  相似文献   

近年来,随着莱钢集团有限公司各单位创建学习型企业、厂矿、车间(科室)、班组活动的不断开展,各单位都做了扎实有效的工作,各种学习创新措施层出不穷,涌现出一批优秀的管理方法和创新成果。莱钢股份有限公司锻压厂通过领导和职工的共同努力,在这方面也取得了长足的进步。其中轧钢车间电工班在应用新技术打造学习创新平台、  相似文献   

现在,很多企业都在建设精品基地,使自己的产品能以精品形象进入市场,来博取客户的青睐。这确实是一件大好事。但是,有些企业在塑造企业精品形象时,主要把精力放在生产环节上,对一些辅助环节重视不够,结果,往往出厂时的“精品”到了用户手中,却有些变样,引起用户的不满。近日,《宝钢日报》连续三天在头版刊登宝钢股份公司运输部创建形象工程的长篇报道,三期的大标题都很吸引人,分别是:“搬精品像搬豆腐”、“运焦炭像运鸡蛋”、“进厂房像进客厅”。拜读之下,更为其内容所感动。这不是哪位秀才在“作秀”,而是工人们实实在在…  相似文献   

“岗位点球滚动练兵法”是武钢二炼钢厂炼钢车间为提高岗位工人技术业务素质和操作水平而创造的一项极有成效的培训方法。二炼钢是武钢三个炼钢厂中转炉炼钢历史最久的一个厂,1977年建成投产,是武钢的精品名牌钢生产基地。其炼钢车间承担着17个系列400多个品种钢的冶炼任务,地位举足轻重。上世纪90年代后期,一炼钢平改转、比利时政府贷款的引进项目三炼钢投产前后,二炼钢厂的炼钢车间先后向它们输送了200多名优秀的技术、管理和操作人员,陆续补充的青工占到车间职工总人数的70%以上。虽然对这批青工都进行了岗位培训…  相似文献   

企业改制后,面临人员精减、工作业务量大、涉及面广的严峻局面。如何创建有效率的管理,使员工形成有效率的团队。文章从思想观念的建立、管理手段的实施以及技术措施的落实三方面进行详细阐述,并介绍所取得的成绩。  相似文献   

基于车间管理相对粗放的实际,宽厚板厂4300热轧车间以模范车间创建为契机,通过实施5S管理、标准化作业、强化过程管理和业绩管理、改善问题解决机制、加强理念能力建设等措施,实现了车间管理水平的整体提高,关键技术经济指标显著改善,年创效益1 270万元。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月13日,由河北钢铁邯钢最新研制的汽车高强用钢在冷轧厂连退车间首次下线,已成为邯钢高端产品家族的最新成员。这种汽车特种用钢叫双相钢,专门为国内外汽车厂家"私人订制"。该钢种是国家倡导的低碳绿色产品,主要用于汽车结构件,是车用钢最高端产品,它的成功开发,进一步开拓了汽车板市场,让邯钢汽车板品走在了全国前列。邯钢目前形成了中厚板、型棒线材、热轧卷板、板材深加工四系列精品生产线,打造12大类高端精品,成功开发了超深冲冷  相似文献   

Value management (VM) has been widely used to meet challenges arising from the construction industry. However, it has also encountered some problems such as passive participation in VM workshops and a lack of time and information to complete all tasks in the workshops. A group decision support system (GDSS), entitled interactive value management system (IVMS), has been developed by the writers to overcome these problems. This paper starts with an introduction to GDSS and a critical review of technologies used in the process of idea generation in VM workshops. This is followed by findings of a laboratory experiment designed to compare the productivity of traditional brainstorming and brainstorming with IVMS support in VM workshops. The results of the experiment showed that IVMS has a positive influence on idea generation in VM workshops. Finally, the implications of the study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Continuing medical education (CME) activities have been shown to improve the capability and capacity of physicians for appropriate management of their patients. However, doubts have been raised about the role of workshops and seminars. This study is an attempt to find out whether workshops can improve the knowledge (capability) of practicing physician. Participants of 10 randomly selected workshops conducted in whole of Sindh were included for this study. A pre-test followed by post-test methodology used for 214 participants demonstrated that physicians' knowledge increased for some of the basic facts after attending the workshop. However, when their knowledge was assessed with some problem-solving approach, no significant (P < 0.05) change could be noted. It is recommended that workshops should be designed and conducted more carefully. Besides, some innovative approaches for CME should be compared with 'workshops' approach to determine their effectiveness.  相似文献   

As value management (VM) has been increasingly applied to enhance value in public construction projects, the core subject entitled “Value Management for Construction and Property” is being offered to postgraduate students in the Department of Building and Real Estate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Under the new outcome-based curriculum, the learning outcomes, pedagogy of teaching VM, and activities of the VM workshops for the subject are described in this paper. The results of a questionnaire survey of the students’ feedback on the performance of the workshops for the academic year 2007–2008 are presented and discussed. Students believed that value management workshops are essential in the curriculum. They expressed that it was a valuable experience to participate in the VM workshop which enabled them to have a better understanding of the subject. Some improvement is also recommended for future organization and management of workshops based on the lessons learned in these workshops.  相似文献   

This article presents guidelines for developing workshops based on practical experience and a review of the literature. Health science faculty tend to prefer workshops as a method of learning. However, the success of a workshop depends on thoughtful planning. The needs and expectations of participants should be thoroughly assessed. Workshop leaders must be competent, enthusiastic, and flexible; they must create a successful adult learning environment, especially for professionals with teaching experience. Evaluation of workshops should include both formative and summative methods.  相似文献   

李正邦  傅杰 《特殊钢》1999,20(2):7-13
中国电渣冶金起步于1958年,至今,全国所有特殊钢厂都建立了电渣重熔车间,拥有工业电渣炉86台,年生产能力10万t,产品包括估质合金 与超级合金243个牌号。  相似文献   

Change ... ouch!     
Through change workshops, nurses can manage their emotions experienced during restructuring, such as losing familiarity, becoming insecure in their jobs, and grieving the loss of coworkers. The workshops focused on three themes: reminiscence, survival, and celebration.  相似文献   

Gaining innovative and useful research findings concerning construction industry best practices requires an interaction and feedback mechanism between industry respondents and academia. Typical research methods such as surveys, source document reviews, and structured interviews will work, but suffer from barriers which can hamper results. Examples of these barriers include low response rates, asynchronous communication, time commitment of the researchers and respondents, access to project data, and travel costs. Structured workshops (research “charrettes”) are a unique and useful method for facilitating data collection between industry respondents and academic researchers. They combine the best tenets of surveys, interviews, and focus groups in an accelerated time frame. This paper will explain how these workshops provide a critical avenue for industry interaction. Characteristics leading to successful charrettes will be outlined. The paper will conclude by describing the benefits of these workshops to researchers including lessons learned from successful workshops.  相似文献   

Prior to and during the recent 1956 APA convention in Chicago, the Conference of State Psychological Associations sponsored a number of workshops and panels. Of the workshops, two, the one on certification and licensure and the one on public information, are summarized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A group decision support system (GDSS) is an interactive computer-based information system that combines the capabilities of communication technologies, database technologies, computer technologies, and decision technologies to support the identification, analysis, formulation, evaluation, and solution of semistructured or unstructured problems by a group in a user-friendly computing environment. As there is a strong demand for improvements to the practice of value management (VM), research has been conducted to design a GDSS prototype system, named the interactive value management system (IVMS), to explore its potential application in VM workshops and to investigate the effect of the application. The paper begins with an introduction to the problems of implementing VM in the Hong Kong construction industry and then proceeds to an illustration of the features of the proposed system, which has been developed in the research. Two validation studies designed to test the support of the proposed system are described and the results discussed. Findings from this research indicate that IVMS is supportive in overcoming the problems and difficulties in VM workshops.  相似文献   

A series of therapeutic and educational workshops were conducted with women nursing home residents with the twin goals of improving self-esteem and self-reliance, and facilitating community building and networking. Alongside these workshops were nursing home staff trainings whereby staff were encouraged to articulate their needs and those of resident women in productive ways.  相似文献   

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