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In this study, the ability of porous silicon nanoparticles (PSi NPs) to entrap and deliver nitric oxide (NO) as an effective antibacterial agent is tested against different Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. NO was entrapped inside PSi NPs functionalized by means of the thermal hydrocarbonization (THC) process. Subsequent reduction of nitrite in the presence of d-glucose led to the production of large NO payloads without reducing the biocompatibility of the PSi NPs with mammalian cells. The resulting PSi NPs demonstrated sustained release of NO and showed remarkable antibacterial efficiency and anti-biofilm-forming properties. These results will set the stage to develop antimicrobial nanoparticle formulations for applications in chronic wound treatment.  相似文献   

The temperature at which silicon is electrochemically etched has been found to influence the structure and photoluminescence properties of porous silicon. Decreasing the temperature increased both the current efficiency of the dissolution process and the porosity of the resulting porous layer. Furthermore, a blue-shift was observed in the photoluminescence indicating that the decreased temperature allowed smaller nanocrystals to be formed. An analysis of temperature dependence of the pore initiation and propagation models currently available in the literature failed to yield a satisfactory explanation for the decrease in the average size of the nanocrystals indicated by the results presented in the present paper. Therefore it was proposed that at lower temperature smaller nanocrystals are stabilized due to a combination of their reduced solubility and the increased viscosity of the diffusion layer that leads to a higher localized concentration of silicon ions, thereby allowing smaller nanocrystals to be in equilibrium with their surroundings. The fact that previous authors did not observe blue-shifting highlights the importance of the composition of the etching solution in controlling the quality of the porous silicon produced.  相似文献   

Porous layers were produced on a p-type (100) Si wafer by electrochemical anodic etching. The morphological, nanostructural and optical features of the porous Si were investigated as functions of the etching conditions. As the wafer resistivity was increased from 0.005 to 15 Ω·cm, the etched region exhibited ‘sponge’, ‘mountain’ and ‘column’-type morphologies. Among them, the sponge-type structured sample showed the largest surface area per unit volume. Silicon nanocrystallites, 2.0 to 5.3 nm in size, were confirmed in the porous layers. The photoluminescence peaks varied in the wavelength range of 615 to 722 nm. These changes in the maximum peak position were related to the size distribution of the Si crystallites in the porous silicon. The doping levels of the wafers significantly affect the size distribution of the Si crystallites as well as the light-emitting behavior of the etched Si, which contains nanoscale Si crystallites.  相似文献   

The enhanced room-temperature photoluminescence of porous Si nanowire arrays and its mechanism are investigated. Over 4 orders of magnitude enhancement of light intensity is observed by tuning their nanostructures and surface modification. It is concluded that the localized states related to Si-O bonds and self-trapped excitations in the nanoporous structures are attributed to the strong light emission.  相似文献   

The nanoscale features in silicon nanowires (SiNWs) can suppress phonon propagation and strongly reduce their thermal conductivities compared to the bulk value. This work measures the thermal conductivity along the axial direction of SiNW arrays with varying nanowire diameters, doping concentrations, surface roughness, and internal porosities using nanosecond transient thermoreflectance. For SiNWs with diameters larger than the phonon mean free path, porosity substantially reduces the thermal conductivity, yielding thermal conductivities as low as 1 W/m/K in highly porous SiNWs. However, when the SiNW diameter is below the phonon mean free path, both the internal porosity and the diameter significantly contribute to phonon scattering and lead to reduced thermal conductivity of the SiNWs.  相似文献   

P-type silicon has been patterned using high-energy protons beam prior to electrochemical etching in hydrofluoric acid. The ion beam selectively damages the silicon lattice, resulting in an increase in the local resistivity of the irradiated regions. It is found that the photoluminescence intensity of the irradiated regions increases with proton irradiation into a 0.02 Ω.cm resistivity p-type silicon. By immersing the etched sample into potassium hydroxide, the porous silicon is removed to reveal the underlying three-dimensional structure of the patterned area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The application of porous silicon as a template for the fabrication of nanosized copper objects is reported. Three different types of nanostructures were formed by displacement deposition of copper on porous silicon from hydrofluoric acid-based solutions of copper sulphate: (1) copper nanoparticles, (2) quasi-continuous copper films, and (3) free porous copper membranes. Managing the parameters of porous silicon (pore sizes, porosity), deposition time, and wettability of the copper sulphate solution has allowed to achieve such variety of the copper structures. Elemental and structural analyses of the obtained structures are presented. Young modulus measurements of the porous copper membrane have been carried out and its modest activity in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy is declared.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Porous silicon has been prepared using a vapor-etching based technique on a commercial silicon powder. Strong visible emission was observed in all samples. Obtained silicon powder with a thin porous layer at the surface was subjected to a photo-thermal annealing at different temperatures under oxygen atmosphere followed by a chemical treatment. Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) results indicate that silicon purity is im-proved from 99.1 to 99.994 % after annealing at 900 degreesC.  相似文献   

Porous silicon microstructures were fabricated by applying potential steps through which both anodic and cathodic potentials were periodically applied to silicon wafers. The electrochemical behaviors of porous silicon layers were examined by performing polarization measurements, followed by analyzing the open-circuit potential (Eocp) and the reaction rate in terms of corrosion current density (jcorr). The surface morphologies and surface products of porous silicon were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was found that the values of Eocp and jcorr varied more significantly and irregularly during different polarization stages when the potentials were continuously applied to the wafer surface, while virtually unchanged after 2 min of periodic potential application. In addition, slower reaction rates were observed with applying potential steps, as indicated by smaller values of jcorr. The enhancement on refreshment of silicon surfaces by periodic potential polarization significantly accelerated the growth of porous silicon. The microstructures became more uniformed and better defined due to the improved passivating nature of wafer surfaces.  相似文献   

Evaluation of cytotoxicity, photoluminescence, bio-imaging, and sonosensitizing properties of silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs) prepared by ultrasound grinding of porous silicon nanowires (SiNWs) have been investigated. SiNWs were formed by metal (silver)-assisted wet chemical etching of heavily boron-doped (100)-oriented single crystalline silicon wafers. The prepared SiNWs and aqueous suspensions of SiNPs exhibit efficient room temperature photoluminescence (PL) in the spectral region of 600 to 1,000 nm that is explained by the radiative recombination of excitons confined in small silicon nanocrystals, from which SiNWs and SiNPs consist of. On the one hand, in vitro studies have demonstrated low cytotoxicity of SiNPs and possibilities of their bio-imaging applications. On the other hand, it has been found that SiNPs can act as efficient sensitizers of ultrasound-induced suppression of the viability of Hep-2 cancer cells.  相似文献   

Silicon nanoparticles (Si NPs) with a diameter size ranging from 4 to 8 nm were successfully fabricated. They exhibit a visible photoluminescence (PL) due to the quantum confinement effect. Chemical functionalization of these Si NPs with alkyl groups allowed to homogeneously disperse them in nonpolar liquids (NPLs). In comparison to most of literature results for Si NPs, an important PL peak position variation with temperature (almost 1 meV/K) was obtained from 303 to 390 K. The influence of the liquid viscosity on the peak positions is also presented. These variations are discussed considering energy transfer between nanoparticles. The high PL thermal sensitivity of the alkyl-capped Si NPs paves the way for their future application as nanothermometers.  相似文献   

The role that applied potential has in controlling the properties of porous silicon formed on highly conductive p-type silicon in diluted HF has been investigated by studying the photoluminescence characteristics along the current-voltage curve and using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) evidence to support the conclusions drawn. A dramatic decrease in the average nanocrystal size was found to take place after the etching current density switched from an exponential dependence on the applied potential to a linear relationship. Importantly this event occurred prior to reaching the Ups potential (usually consider the onset of electropolishing). This rapid decrease in particle sizes has been explained in terms of the partial formation of an oxide film. The presence of oxygen terminated porous silicon allows a trapped exciton states model to be invoked, which removes the quantum confinement restrictions on the minimum particle size. Support for the presence of a partial oxide prior to Ups comes from both FTIR measurements and previous literature related to the location of the flat-band potential.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We have developed a method for obtaining a direct pattern of silver nanoparticles (NPs) on porous silicon (p-Si) by means of inkjet printing (IjP) of a silver salt. Silver NPs were obtained by p-Si mediated in-situ reduction of Ag+ cations using solutions based on AgNO3 which were directly printed on p-Si according to specific geometries and process parameters. The main difference with respect to existing literature is that normally, inkjet printing is applied to silver (metal) NP suspensions, while in our experiment the NPs are formed after jetting the solution on the reactive substrate. We performed both optical and scanning electron microscopes on the NPs traces, correlating the morphology features with the IjP parameters, giving an insight on the synthesis kinetics. The patterned NPs show good performances as SERS substrates.  相似文献   

Morphological and optical characteristics of radio frequency-sputtered zinc aluminum oxide over porous silicon (PS) substrates were studied before and after irradiating composite films with 130 MeV of nickel ions at different fluences varying from 1 × 1012 to 3 × 1013 ions/cm2. The effect of irradiation on the composite structure was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence (PL), and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. Current–voltage characteristics of ZnO-PS heterojunctions were also measured. As compared to the granular crystallites of zinc oxide layer, Al-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) layer showed a flaky structure. The PL spectrum of the pristine composite structure consists of the emission from the ZnO layer as well as the near-infrared emission from the PS substrate. Due to an increase in the number of deep-level defects, possibly oxygen vacancies after swift ion irradiation, PS-Al-doped ZnO nanocomposites formed with high-porosity PS are shown to demonstrate a broadening in the PL emission band, leading to the white light emission. The broadening effect is found to increase with an increase in the ion fluence and porosity. XRD study revealed the relative resistance of the film against the irradiation, i.e., the irradiation of the structure failed to completely amorphize the structure, suggesting its possible application in optoelectronics and sensing applications under harsh radiation conditions.  相似文献   

Inkjet printing technique is exploited for the synthesis of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) patterned on electrochemically etched silicon-based substrates. The nanostructure morphology, here analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, is dictated by the ink composition and the printing parameters. Under suitable excitation conditions, resonant surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) performed on such metal-dielectric nanostructures can approach single-molecule detection as recently demonstrated on silvered porous silicon synthesized by immersion plating.


78.67.Bf; 78.30.-j  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nanocrystals are widely studied for their tunable optical properties, most importantly increased luminescence efficiency and emission energy. Quantum confinement effects are found for many different types of nanocrystals and these introduce a relation between the emission wavelength and size of nanocrystals. When ensembles of nanocrystals with a distribution of sizes are studied, this can have profound effects on their luminescence spectra. Here we show how photoluminescence spectra of ensembles of silicon nanocrystals can shift under different excitation conditions, resulting from differences in absorption cross section of the individual nanocrystals sizes. This effect, together with the fact that after a pulsed excitation a silicon nanocrystal can only emit a single photon, determines how the distribution of excited nanocrystals changes and leads to the spectral shift for different excitation powers. Next to this effect, also the influence of different radiative rates in such ensembles are addressed. These notions are important for interpretation of photoluminescence data for silicon nanocrystals, but can be extended to any nanoparticle system comprising size-distributed ensembles.  相似文献   

Energy transfer from photoexcited excitons localized in silicon nanoparticles to adsorbed oxygen molecules excites them to the reactive singlet spin state. This process has been studied experimentally as a function of nanoparticle size and applied external magnetic field as a test of the accepted understanding of this process in terms of the exchange coupling between the nano-Si exciton and the adsorbed O2 molecules.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectra of anti-tumoral drug emodin loaded on nanostructured porous silicon have been recorded. The use of colloidal nanoparticles allowed embedding of the drug without previous porous silicon functionalization and leads to the observation of an enhancement of fluorescence of the drug. Mean pore size of porous silicon matrices was 60 nm, while silver nanoparticles mean diameter was 50 nm. Atmospheric and vacuum conditions at room temperature were used to infiltrate emodin-silver nanoparticles complexes into porous silicon matrices. The drug was loaded after adsorption on metal surface, alone, and bound to bovine serum albumin. Methanol and water were used as solvents. Spectra with 1 μm spatial resolution of cross-section of porous silicon layers were recorded to observe the penetration of the drug. A maximum fluorescence enhancement factor of 24 was obtained when protein was loaded bound to albumin, and atmospheric conditions of inclusion were used. A better penetration was obtained using methanol as solvent when comparing with water. Complexes of emodin remain loaded for 30 days after preparation without an apparent degradation of the drug, although a decrease in the enhancement factor is observed. The study reported here constitutes the basis for designing a new drug delivery system with future applications in medicine and pharmacy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comparative photoluminescence analysis of as-prepared and chemically modified (by alkyl chains -C18H37) silicon and carbon nanoparticles dispersed in low-polar liquids is reported. Influence of the low-polar liquid nature and ambient temperature on photoluminescence of the nanoparticles has been investigated from the point of view of their possible application as thermal nanoprobes.  相似文献   

The structure and light-emitting properties of Si nanowires (SiNWs) fabricated by a single-step metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) process on highly boron-doped Si were investigated after different chemical treatments. The Si nanowires that result from the etching of a highly doped p-type Si wafer by MACE are fully porous, and as a result, they show intense photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature, the characteristics of which depend on the surface passivation of the Si nanocrystals composing the nanowires. SiNWs with a hydrogen-terminated nanostructured surface resulting from a chemical treatment with a hydrofluoric acid (HF) solution show red PL, the maximum of which is blueshifted when the samples are further chemically oxidized in a piranha solution. This blueshift of PL is attributed to localized states at the Si/SiO2 interface at the shell of Si nanocrystals composing the porous SiNWs, which induce an important pinning of the electronic bandgap of the Si material and are involved in the recombination mechanism. After a sequence of HF/piranha/HF treatment, the SiNWs are almost fully dissolved in the chemical solution, which is indicative of their fully porous structure, verified also by transmission electron microscopy investigations. It was also found that a continuous porous Si layer is formed underneath the SiNWs during the MACE process, the thickness of which increases with the increase of etching time. This supports the idea that porous Si formation precedes nanowire formation. The origin of this effect is the increased etching rate at sites with high dopant concentration in the highly doped Si material.  相似文献   

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