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吉林石化公司700kt/a乙烯装置是国内乙烯装置中唯一一套溶剂吸收技术和列管式恒温加氢技术两条工艺路径并存的装置,在2005年检修开车过程中,其乙炔吸收单元出现吸收剂中毒问题,影响了产品合格和开车整体进度的推进。主要原因为在开车过程中脱乙烷塔塔顶温度波动,大量重组分带入到乙炔吸收单元,导致吸收剂中毒,对该过程进行了阐述和剖析。  相似文献   

文章扼要介绍乙炔回收系统的工艺技术和投运情况及出现的典型问题。  相似文献   

苯乙烯装置尾气吸收系统不仅充分回收了乙苯脱氢尾气中乙苯、苯乙烯等芳烃物质,使之循环回反应系统进行再利用,同时经洗涤的脱氢尾气作为蒸汽过热炉的燃料或者氢气压缩系统的原料输出界外。原有装置尾气吸收系统中经洗涤的脱氢尾气仍然饱和有许多水和烃化物,对下游装置产生一定的不利影响。考虑在尾气吸收工艺流程基本不变以及设备充分利旧的前提下,对原有吸收系统进行改造,充分吸收脱氢尾气中的芳烃物质以及水分,使之满足下游装置的需要。对尾气吸收改造系统进行流程模拟计算,脱氢尾气中水和烃化物的质量分数有大幅度降低;同时对改造系统换热器、系统压降、能耗等进行核算,确定尾气吸收改造总体方案切实可行。改造后的尾气吸收系统实际运行效果良好。  相似文献   

介绍了应用微机控制系统实现生产环境恶劣的乙炔装置的自动控制,以减轻操作人员的工作强度,降低设备的故障率,保证连续稳定的生产。  相似文献   

分析了干法乙炔装置电石加料系统氧含量和乙炔含量超标的原因,通过更换设备,改进工艺,降低了安全风险,改善了生产环境.  相似文献   

耦合吸附吸收(ADAB)系统性能实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有吸附式热泵应用研究中单组分循环工质对操作压力过高或过低的现状 ,提出一种新型的混合吸附工质对———分子筛、水和氨 ,构成耦合吸附吸收 (ADAB)系统。实验研究发现 :ADAB系统可在接近大气压环境下实现吸附解吸循环 ,为吸附式热泵系统工业化可行性提供条件。通过实验分析讨论了影响ADAB系统性能的结构参数及操作参数 ,为系统优化提供理论基础  相似文献   

催化裂化装置吸收稳定系统技术改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李培鸿 《现代化工》2003,23(2):40-42
针对催化裂化装置吸收稳定系统存在的问题采用JF复合浮阀塔板、双股进料流程等新技术、新工艺对其进行一系列技术改造。介绍了技术改造的主要内容,并对经济效益和运行效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过程序提供的顺序控制器指导操作人员完成对乙炔干燥再生所进行的控制。  相似文献   

DMF回收系统焦油塔操作条件的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验测定了不同压力温度条件下DMF水溶液的水解度,分析总结了DMF水溶液的酸度及DMF的水解度随压力温度的下降而下降的变化规律,为DMF焦油塔的减压操作改造方案研究提供了实验依据:研究了二甲胺含量对焦油塔喂料酸度及DMF水解度的影响,归纳了焦油塔喂料酸度随二甲胺加入比例的增加而减小的变化规律,为焦油塔的常压优化改造方案研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

应用PRO-Ⅱ工艺计算软件中的多级计算程序,模拟了通用的1.7 MPa PC液吸收、闪蒸、常解、真解、气提的吸收-再生系统,得出了碳丙脱碳吸收-再生系统各主要控制点的物性数据;对实际生产中因脱碳塔进液温度升高、闪蒸塔压力波动等参数的改变对生产工况的影响进行了变量模拟,结果表明,通过程序调节提出补救措施,在参数的改变情况下也能达到正常生产工况.  相似文献   

洪开健 《贵州化工》2003,28(2):46-48
注重观念转变,强化质量意识。通过贯标认证,创立适应市场经济的质量管理新体系。通过实施名牌发展战略,努力提高产品质量。加强计量监督管理,确保“完善计量检测体系”认证复审合格。依靠技术进步,实施技术创新,满足用户需求。以用户满意为宗旨,切实抓好售后服务,坚定不移地走质量效益型发展道路。  相似文献   

The photodegradation of poly(phenylmethylsilane) (PPMS) was studied using two sources of irradiation: a commercial Hg lamp and a neodymium: yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) laser tuned to a wavelength of 266 nm. The degradation products were studied using a coupled system: Gel Permeation Chromatography/Light Scattering (GPC/LS). We focus on the importance of having a multiangle detector on the line with the GPC to obtain information related to molecular conformation, molecular weight, polydispersity and mass during the photodegradation. The results obtained were a function of the UV source. At the beginning of the photodegradation, the PPMS was strongly affected by the Hg lamp; and, the molecular weight as a function of volume retention showed the presence of at least two different species that contained differently shaped molecules. In the photodegradation of PPMS using Nd:YAG laser, the molecular weight as a function of volume retention showed a single conformation. On the basis of the polydispersity as a function of UV exposure time, it was observed that after 10 seconds of irradiation using either the Hg lamp or the laser source, homolytic scission of silicon–silicon bonds in the termini of the polymer chain was the main depolymerization process. Finally, after 25 seconds (with Hg lamp) and 60 seconds (with laser) of exposure the polydispersity was considerably increased owing to random chain scissions.  相似文献   

结合质量管理体系内部审核的经验,探索化工企业提高内部审核有效性的的方法和关注点,以建立自我完善的内部改进机制,提高企业管理体系运行的有效性。  相似文献   

The direct solid state polycondensation (DSSP) reaction of tetramethylenediammonium and hexamethylenediammonium terephthalate (4 T and 6 T salts) in a laboratory scale autoclave reactor was investigated. The autoclave reactor is 3 orders of magnitude larger than the TGA micro‐reactor we used previously. The larger scale reactor allows more extensive analyses such as analysis of the formed condensate by titration and allows investigation of operating conditions that are important on industrial scale, such as batch (closed system) versus semibatch (open system) operation and flow of nitrogen used. Comparing the two scales has given important insight into the parameters that are important in scaling‐up direct solid‐state polycondensation. Furthermore, the effect of scaling up on the quality of the final semiaromatic polyamide products was determined, by comparing the obtained thermal properties, the solution viscosity and the end‐group concentrations obtained by 1H‐NMR spectroscopy. When operating the open reactor with a gentle nitrogen stream, the results show that products of similar properties were obtained from the micro and the laboratory scale reactors if critical parameters like temperature and pressure time profile were kept the same. The solid character of the reacting mass was retained only when maintaining the reactor at atmospheric pressure, allowing the condensation water to be removed. When keeping the autoclave reactor closed, both polyamide (PA) products (i.e., PA4T and PA6T) were agglomerated as a result of a solid melt transition during the direct solid state polycondensation. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017 , 134, 45080.  相似文献   

通过工作实践,介绍可编程控制器(PLC)在袋式除尘器中脉冲反吹控制仪的脉冲跟踪和由一套发送装置向多个料仓输送物料时的逻辑选仓两方面的应用。实践证明,只要合理地应用PLC,就能使其有效地满足输送工艺要求。  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is implicated in hypertension and kidney disease. The developing kidney can be programmed by various early-life insults by so-called renal programming, resulting in hypertension and kidney disease in adulthood. This theory is known as developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD). Conversely, early RAAS-based interventions could reverse program processes to prevent a disease from occurring by so-called reprogramming. In the current review, we mainly summarize (1) the current knowledge on the RAAS implicated in renal programming; (2) current evidence supporting the connections between the aberrant RAAS and other mechanisms behind renal programming, such as oxidative stress, nitric oxide deficiency, epigenetic regulation, and gut microbiota dysbiosis; and (3) an overview of how RAAS-based reprogramming interventions may prevent hypertension and kidney disease of developmental origins. To accelerate the transition of RAAS-based interventions for prevention of hypertension and kidney disease, an extended comprehension of the RAAS implicated in renal programming is needed, as well as a greater focus on further clinical translation.  相似文献   

根据工业水处理药剂生产过程的特点和对控制的要求,采用SIMATIC S7-300PLC可编程控制器以及其他控制设备,构成对工业水处理药剂生产中的配料罐配料选择、输送泵的启动关停及物液输送、聚合釜进料、聚合反应、保温、蒸馏、冷却、中和等过程的 顺序控制。并对安全系统的紧急排放进行PLC控制处理,从而实现了安全、高效、低耗的目的。  相似文献   

Carbamates are widely used and known around the world as pesticides in spite of also having medical applications. This class of chemicals is classified as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, blocking acetylcholine hydrolyzation in a reversible manner. Their lack of species selectivity and their reported high toxicity can induce, upon exposure, adverse outcomes in male fertility that may lead to infertility. In addition, they are also considered endocrine-disrupting chemicals and can interfere with the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis, essential for the normal function of the male reproductive system, thus being able to provoke male reproductive dysfunctions. Although the molecular mechanisms are not fully understood, various signaling pathways, such as those mediated by acetylcholine or kisspeptin, are affected by exposure to carbamates, thus compromising steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. Over the last decades, several studies, both in vitro and in vivo, have reported a myriad of negative effects of carbamates on the male reproductive system. In this review, an up-to-date overview of the impact of carbamates on the male reproductive system is discussed, with an emphasis on the role of these compounds on acetylcholine regulation and the male endocrine system.  相似文献   

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