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This paper investigates single-machine coupled-task scheduling where each job has two tasks separated by an exact delay. The objective of this study is to schedule the tasks to minimize the makespan subject to a given job sequence. We introduce several intriguing properties of the fixed-job-sequence problem under study. While the complexity status of the studied problem remains open, an O(n2) algorithm is proposed to construct a feasible schedule attaining the minimum makespan for a given permutation of 2n tasks abiding by the fixed-job-sequence constraint. We investigate several polynomially solvable cases of the fixed-job-sequence problem and present a complexity graph of the problem.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of preemptively scheduling n imprecise computation tasks on m?1 uniform processors, with each task Ti having two weights wi and . Three objectives are considered: (1) minimizing the maximum w-weighted error; (2) minimizing the total w-weighted error subject to the constraint that the maximum w-weighted error is minimized; (3) minimizing the maximum w-weighted error subject to the constraint that the total w-weighted error is minimized. For these objectives, we give polynomial time algorithms with time complexity O(mn4), O(mn4) and O(kmn4), respectively, where k is the number of distinct w-weights. We also present alternative algorithms for the three objectives, with time complexity O(cmn3), O(cmn3+mn4) and O(kcmn3), respectively, where c is a parameter-dependent number.  相似文献   

Memorization is a technique which allows to speed up exponential recursive algorithms at the cost of an exponential space complexity. This technique already leads to the currently fastest algorithm for fixed-parameter vertex cover, whose time complexity is O(k1.2832k1.5+kn), where n is the number of nodes and k is the size of the vertex cover. Via a refined use of memorization, we obtain an O(k1.2759k1.5+kn) algorithm for the same problem. We moreover show how to further reduce the complexity to O(k1.2745k4+kn).  相似文献   

Scheduling is one of the most successful application areas of constraint programming mainly thanks to special global constraints designed to model resource restrictions. Among these global constraints, edge-finding and not-first/not-last are the most popular filtering algorithms for unary resources. In this paper we introduce new O(n log n) versions of these two filtering algorithms and one more O(n log n) filtering algorithm called detectable precedences. These algorithms use a special data structures Θ-tree and Θ-Λ-tree. These data structures are especially designed for “what-if” reasoning about a set of activities so we also propose to use them for handling so called optional activities, i.e. activities which may or may not appear on the resource. In particular, we propose new O(n log n) variants of filtering algorithms which are able to handle optional activities: overload checking, detectable precedences and not-first/not-last.  相似文献   

An optimal scheduling algorithm is presented for real-time tasks with arbitrary ready times and deadlines in single processor systems. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n log n), which improves the best previous result of O(n2). Furthermore, the lower bound of the worst-case time complexity of the problem is shown to be of O(n log n) and therefore the time complexity of the presented algorithm is shown to be lower bound.  相似文献   

We study the “inter-distance constraint,” also known as the global minimum distance constraint, that ensures that the distance between any pair of variables is at least equal to a given value. When this value is 1, the inter-distance constraint reduces to the all-different constraint. We introduce an algorithm to propagate this constraint and we show that, when variables domains are intervals, our algorithm achieves arc-B-consistency. It provides tighter bounds than generic scheduling constraint propagation algorithms (like edge-finding) that could be used to capture this constraint. The worst case complexity of the algorithm is cubic but it behaves well in practice and it drastically reduces the search space. Experiments on special Job-Shop problems and on an Air-Traffic problem known as the “Runway Sequencing” problem.  相似文献   

We present new filtering algorithms for Disjunctive and Cumulative constraints, each of which improves the complexity of the state-of-the-art algorithms by a factor of log n. We show how to perform Time-Tabling and Detectable Precedences in linear time on the Disjunctive constraint. Furthermore, we present a linear-time Overload Checking for the Disjunctive and Cumulative constraints. Finally, we show how the rule of Not-first/Not-last can be enforced in quadratic time for the Cumulative constraint. These algorithms rely on the union find data structure, from which we take advantage to introduce a new data structure that we call it time line. This data structure provides constant time operations that were previously implemented in logarithmic time by the Θ-tree data structure. Experiments show that these new algorithms are competitive even for a small number of tasks and outperform existing algorithms as the number of tasks increases. We also show that the time line can be used to solve specific scheduling problems.  相似文献   

分组排序算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出了分组排序算法,详细分析了算法的原理及其时间与空间复杂度,得出了在最坏情况下的时间复杂度是θmn);最好情况和平均情况下的时间复杂度均是θnlog(n/mk));在最坏情况下的空间复杂度是O(mn-m2m);最好情况和平均情况下的空间复杂度均是O(mklog(n/mk));并用多组随机数据与效率较高的快速算法进行仿真对比实验,试验结果说明了文中结论的正确性。这一结果,将有助于进一步设计高效的海量数据分析方法。  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of routing messages on a slotted ring network in this paper. We study the computational complexity and algorithms for this routing by means of the results known in the literature for the multi-slot just-in-time scheduling problem. We consider two criteria for the routing problem: makespan, or minimum routing time, and diagonal makespan. A?diagonal is simply a schedule of ring links i=0,??,q?1 in q consecutive time slots, respectively. The number of diagonals between the earliest and the latest diagonals with non-empty packets is referred to as the diagonal makespan. For the former, we show that the optimal routing of messages of size k, is NP-hard in the strong sense, while an optimal routing when k=q can be computed in O(n 2log2 n) time. We also give an O(nlogn)-time constant factor approximation algorithm for unit size messages. For the latter, we prove that the optimal routing of messages of size k, where k divides the size of the ring q, is NP-hard in the strong sense even for any fixed k??1, while an optimal routing when k=q can be computed in O(nlogn) time. We also give an O(nlogn)-time approximation algorithm with an absolute error 2q?k.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design and analysis of improved algorithms for determining the optimal length resolution refutation (OLRR) of a system of difference constraints over an integral domain. The problem of finding short explanations for unsatisfiable Difference Constraint Systems (DCS) finds applications in a number of design domains including program verification, proof theory, real-time scheduling, and operations research. These explanations have also been called “certificates” and “refutations” in the literature. This problem was first studied in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009), wherein the first polynomial time algorithm was proposed. In this paper, we propose two new strongly polynomial algorithms which improve on the existing time bound. Our first algorithm, which we call the edge progression approach, runs in O(n 2 · k + m · n · k) time, while our second algorithm, which we call the edge relaxation approach, runs in O(m · n · k) time, where m is the number of constraints in the DCS, n is the number of program variables, and k denotes the length of the shortest refutation. We conducted an extensive empirical analysis of the three OLRR algorithms discussed in this paper. Our experiments indicate that in the case of sparse graphs, the new algorithms discussed in this paper are superior to the algorithm in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009). Likewise, in the case of dense graphs, the approach in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009) is superior to the algorithms described in this paper. One surprising observation is the superiority of the edge relaxation algorithm over the edge progression algorithm in all cases, although both algorithms have the same asymptotic time complexity.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the non-resumable case of the single machine scheduling problem with a fixed non-availability interval. We aim to minimize the weighted sum of completion times. No polynomial 2-approximation algorithm for this problem has been previously known. We propose a 2-approximation algorithm with O(n2) time complexity where n is the number of jobs. We show that this bound is tight. The obtained result outperforms all the previous polynomial approximation algorithms for this problem.  相似文献   

The AtMostSeqCard constraint is the conjunction of a cardinality constraint on a sequence of n variables and of n???q?+?1 constraints AtMost u on each subsequence of size q. This constraint is useful in car-sequencing and crew-rostering problems. In van Hoeve et al. (Constraints 14(2):273–292, 2009), two algorithms designed for the AmongSeq constraint were adapted to this constraint with an O(2 q n) and O(n 3) worst case time complexity, respectively. In Maher et al. (2008), another algorithm similarly adaptable to filter the AtMostSeqCard constraint with a time complexity of O(n 2) was proposed. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for achieving arc consistency on the AtMostSeqCard constraint with an O(n) (hence optimal) worst case time complexity. Next, we show that this algorithm can be easily modified to achieve arc consistency on some extensions of this constraint. In particular, the conjunction of a set of m AtMostSeqCard constraints sharing the same scope can be filtered in O(nm). We then empirically study the efficiency of our propagator on instances of the car-sequencing and crew-rostering problems.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling a set of n tasks in a system having r resources. Each task has an arbitrary, but known, processing time and a deadline, and may request use of a number of resources. A resource can be used either in shared mode or exclusive mode. In this article, we study algorithms used for determining whether or not a set of tasks is schedulable in such a system, and if so, determining a schedule for it. This scheduling problem is known to be NP-complete and hence we methodically study a set of heuristics that can be used by such an algorithm. Due to the complexity of the problem, simple heuristics do not perform satisfactorily. However, an algorithm that uses combinations of these simple heuristics works very well compared to an optimal algorithm that takes exponential time complexity. For the combination that performs the best, we also determine the scheduling costs as a function of the size of the task set scheduled.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of scheduling spawned tasks when a query is issued to a database which resides on a MIMD multiprocessor. These tasks have the property that their associated dependency scheme can be presented as a directed tree. We present a theoretical framework with extensive experimental simulations which increase the throughput of database applications. We derive a family of algorithms for scheduling tasks. Their performance is tested on several common multiprocessor configurations. For better performance the adaptation of the scheduling algorithm to the multiprocessor configuration is examined and analyzed. The scheduling algorithms are divided into two cases: (a) permitted changes in the resources connection scheme of the multiprocessor, and (b) no changes allowed. The algorithms are scalable and their complexity is computed. In particular, we present an algorithm for scheduling tasks in the case where the construction of a central storage location is permitted. One of the main tools for the construction of the above algorithms is the notion of (t, 1)-domination and k-domination sets. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local search is widely used for solving the propositional satisfiability problem. Papadimitriou (1991) showed that randomized local search solves 2-SAT in polynomial time. Recently, Schöning (1999) proved that a close algorithm for k-SAT takes time (2−2/k)n up to a polynomial factor. This is the best known worst-case upper bound for randomized 3-SAT algorithms (cf. also recent preprint by Schuler et al.).We describe a deterministic local search algorithm for k-SAT running in time (2−2/(k+1))n up to a polynomial factor. The key point of our algorithm is the use of covering codes instead of random choice of initial assignments. Compared to other “weakly exponential” algorithms, our algorithm is technically quite simple. We also describe an improved version of local search. For 3-SAT the improved algorithm runs in time 1.481n up to a polynomial factor. Our bounds are better than all previous bounds for deterministic k-SAT algorithms.  相似文献   

Schöning 《Algorithmica》2002,32(4):615-623
A simple probabilistic algorithm for solving the NP-complete problem k -SAT is reconsidered. This algorithm follows a well-known local-search paradigm: randomly guess an initial assignment and then, guided by those clauses that are not satisfied, by successively choosing a random literal from such a clause and changing the corresponding truth value, try to find a satisfying assignment. Papadimitriou [11] introduced this random approach and applied it to the case of 2-SAT, obtaining an expected O(n 2 ) time bound. The novelty here is to restart the algorithm after 3n unsuccessful steps of local search. The analysis shows that for any satisfiable k -CNF formula with n variables the expected number of repetitions until a satisfying assignment is found this way is (2? (k-1)/ k) n . Thus, for 3-SAT the algorithm presented here has a complexity which is within a polynomial factor of (\frac 4 3 ) n . This is the fastest and also the simplest among those algorithms known up to date for 3-SAT achieving an o(2 n ) time bound. Also, the analysis is quite simple compared with other such algorithms considered before.  相似文献   

Summary The problem to be considered is one of scheduling nonpreemptable tasks in multiprocessor systems when tasks need for their processing processors and other limited resources, and when mean flow time is the system performance measure. For each task the time required for its processing and the amount of each resource which it requires, are given. Special attention is paid to the computational complexity of algorithms for determining the optimal schedules for different assumptions concerning the environment. For the case of scheduling independent, arbitrary length tasks when each task may require a unit of an additional resource of one type, an O(n 3) algorithm is given. For more complicated resource requirements, however, it is proved that the problem under consideration is NP-hard in the strong sense, even for the case of two processors.  相似文献   

We present semi-streaming algorithms for basic graph problems that have optimal per-edge processing times and therefore surpass all previous semi-streaming algorithms for these tasks. The semi-streaming model, which is appropriate when dealing with massive graphs, forbids random access to the input and restricts the memory to bits.Particularly, the formerly best per-edge processing times for finding the connected components and a bipartition are O(α(n)), for determining k-vertex and k-edge connectivity O(k2n) and O(n⋅logn) respectively for any constant k and for computing a minimum spanning forest O(logn). All these time bounds we reduce to O(1).Every presented algorithm determines a solution asymptotically as fast as the best corresponding algorithm up to date in the classical RAM model, which therefore cannot convert the advantage of unlimited memory and random access into superior computing times for these problems.  相似文献   

We present anO(nlog2 n) time andO(n) space algorithm for computing the shortest line segment that intersects a set ofn given line segments or lines in the plane. If the line segments do not intersect the algorithm may be trimmed to run inO(nlogn) time. Furthermore, in combination with linear programming the algorithm will also find the shortest line segment that intersects a set ofn isothetic rectangles in the plane inO(nlogk) time, wherek is the combinatorial complexity of the space of transversals andk≤4n. These results find application in: (1) line-fitting between a set ofn data ranges where it is desired to obtain the shortestline-of-fit, (2) finding the shortest line segment from which a convexn-vertex polygon is weakly externally visible, and (3) determing the shortestline-of-sight between two edges of a simplen-vertex polygon, for whichO(n) time algorithms are also given. All the algorithms are based on the solution to a new fundamental geometric optimization problem that is of independent interest and should find application in different contexts as well.  相似文献   

We study the classical Bandwidth problem from the viewpoint of parametrised algorithms. Given a graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, the Bandwidth problem asks whether there exists a bijective function β:{1,…,∣V∣}→V such that for every edge uvE, ∣β−1(u)−β−1(v)∣≤k. It is known that under standard complexity assumptions, no algorithm for Bandwidth with running time of the form f(k)nO(1) exists, even when the input is restricted to trees. We initiate the search for classes of graphs where such algorithms do exist. We present an algorithm with running time n⋅2O(klogk) for Bandwidth on AT-free graphs, a well-studied graph class that contains interval, permutation, and cocomparability graphs. Our result is the first non-trivial algorithm that shows fixed-parameter tractability of Bandwidth on a graph class on which the problem remains NP-complete.  相似文献   

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