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近日,半导体照明技术评价联盟、中国半导体照明/LED产业与应用联盟发布了LED双端灯安全要求、性能要求和非定向自镇流LED灯规格分类、性能要求等4项LED照明产业急需标准。  相似文献   

4项 半导体照明技术评价联盟、中国半导体照明/LED产业与应用联盟近日发布了LED双端灯安全要求、性能要求和非定向自镇流LED灯规格分类、性能要求等4项LED照明产业亟须标准。  相似文献   

, 《新材料产业》2013,(8):76-79
欧洲LED照明能效标准将于9月实施 2013年9月1日,欧洲LED照明产品最新能效要求正式开始实施。鉴于LED照明技术的日益成熟,近年来,美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家和地区纷纷制定相关的标准,对LED产品的安全、性能、能效等方面的要求予以规范。  相似文献   

<正>今春以来,LED照明市场呈爆发性增长态势,与LED照明和灯具相关的器件正在进入疯狂热买浪潮。上海一家生产室内LED照明驱动电源芯片的公司,今年4月份LED驱动电源芯片出货量已达1亿颗,几乎是2013年出货量的1/4。LED照明市场对室内驱动电源芯片的需求量大大超出了商家对未来市场的预测。不断改革创新的LED照明技术,不断涌现的LED照明光源和灯具创新设计技术与方案,不断诞生的新一代LED照明用新材料和新工艺,对LED照明市场的汹涌发展起到了推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   

LED照明产品的广泛应用和技术的迅猛发展,给LED照明产业标准化工作提出了更高的要求。标准体系推进方案的缺失已成为制约广东省LED照明产业快速发展的瓶颈。本文从广东省LED照明产业发展实际需要出发,沿着《广东省LED照明产业发展技术路线图》研究路径,运用标准化路线图理论与方法,充分考虑标准化对象、标准化研究、标准化示范与试点、标准实施监督四方面问题,按时间和阶段进行规划,制定了广东省LED照明产业标准化路线图(包括总体路线图和产品路线图),符合LED照明产业发展需要,对于理清技术、产品、市场、应用与标准之间的关系,有序、有效地实施战略性新兴产业技术标准规划具有重要指导作用和意义。  相似文献   

龙宗慧 《质量探索》2014,(10):17-18
3~5年前谁也不会想到LED的发展会如此迅速,技术和市场会在这么短的时间内趋于成熟。LED照明应用已经渗透到商业照明和家居照明领域,取代传统照明的步伐明显加快。室内照明和人们的生活息息相关,LED市场的成熟仅仅依靠市场规范显然不够。  相似文献   

<正>LED自20世纪60年代诞生以来,应用领域不断拓展。上世纪90年代以来,全彩色高亮度LED的发展带动了以LED大屏幕显示为代表的应用市场的显著提升。进入21世纪,大功率LED技术日新月异,背光源、照明等的成功应用,推动LED照明市场迅速升温。LED巨大的市场发展空间,既给产业界带来  相似文献   

本文论述了我国发光二极管(LED)照明产业高端制造装备的已有成就和存在的问题,分析了我国LED照明产业高端制造装备所面临的机遇和挑战,提出我国LED照明产业高端制造装备自主发展的战略目标,并从形成LED照明产业生态的视角,研究成立国家制造装备创新平台、完善市场化运作机制、构建创新驱动发展的政策环境和公平竞争的市场环境等战略路径。  相似文献   

<正>未来3~4年内智慧照明市场或大爆发据了解,飞利浦2014年LED灯泡销售较2013年增长5成以上,数量超过100万颗拿下约20%市占率,在全球与台湾,都是拿下第1名的位置。台湾飞利浦集团照明事业部总经理柏健生指出,先前LED灯泡价格大幅下滑,今年价格降幅可能会减少一点,除成熟市场LED灯具的替换率快速攀升外,目前LED照明市场有7成是来自新兴市场如大中华、印度与拉美等市场驱动。除目前LED一般照明外,柏健生更看好未来LED在物联网上运用商机更大,可以利用手机APP来控制灯光,就像飞利浦个人连网智慧照明一般,LED灯泡连  相似文献   

浅谈半导体照明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于冰 《硅谷》2010,(5):28-28
LED具有节能、寿命长等优点,已被广泛应用于背景照明、显示照明以及景观照明中,LED作为一种照明装置应用于普通照明时,也必须满足照明设计标准对普通照明的要求。因此,对半导体照明的技术原理与应用前景进行分析。  相似文献   

How latecomers from emerging countries catch up on technological innovation is an important topic for industrial practitioners, policymakers, and academic researchers. This study systematically reviews 37 empirical studies on the precursors of industry catch-up in emerging countries. A general framework on what makes a successful catch-up in latecomer industries is suggested based on literature review. The framework comprises six generic determinants, including technological capability, business ecosystem, government roles, market condition, technological regime, and windows of opportunity. In addition, this framework is applied to the Chinese LED industry, and a case analysis of the catch-up is performed in Chinese LED firms.  相似文献   

•  In the past two decades, emerging market countries have opened their markets, resulting in increasing competition from foreign firms. To cope with the influx of new competition, these firms need to develop skills and competencies on par with their new international rivals. One of the strategies employed by firms in these markets is the use of serial acquisitions to build capabilities and has been referred to as the springboard perspective.  相似文献   

With the advantages of long lifetime, high lighting effect and non-pollution, LED lighting has taken a leading role in the lighting sector. LED street and tunnel lights have no unified product interface, so the products of different enterprises cannot interchange with each other, restraining the development of the whole industry due to the large-scale production problem. The alliance standard CSA 016-2013 has been approved as a national standard project, paving the way for the orderly development of LED industry. Interpreting the CSA 016 standard, the paper expounds on the technical requirements for interchangeable interface in the optical, mechanical, electrical and thermal aspects.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of industry agglomeration and its interaction with sub-national institutions on the profitability of multinational enterprises (MNEs) subsidiaries operating in an emerging economy. We argue that in an emerging economy like China, competition in product and factor markets is more intense between foreign firms than between foreign and domestic firms owning to market segmentation. Consequently, industry agglomeration with other foreign firms has negative impact on the profitability of foreign subsidiaries. In contrast, foreign firms agglomerating with domestic firms may reap gains owning to less competition and improved access to local resources and knowledge. We find that these effects are more pronounced to domestic-market-oriented foreign firms. Furthermore, sub-national institutions moderate the relationships between industry agglomeration and the profitability of foreign firms. Our arguments are supported by the empirical analysis based on a comprehensive dataset of foreign firms operating in China over the period from 1999 to 2005.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(LCA)作为一种重要的环境管理工具,不仅能够对材料或产品全生命周期所涉及的环境问题进行评价,而且能为可持续发展决策提供依据,有利于促进产品、行业甚至整个产业链的行为更符合可持续发展的原则。但是目前国内还尚未有关于LED照明产品的生命周期评价。本文综述了生命周期评价方法在LED照明领域的应用,并提出我们的新思路,即将产品设计要素、经济成本要素及环境影响相结合的LED照明产品全生命周期评价方法。  相似文献   

Institutional distance has been known to be an important driver of Multinational Enterprises’ strategies and performance in host countries. Based on a large panel dataset of 10,562 firms operating in 17 emerging markets and spanning 80 home countries, we re-examine the relationship described by Gaur and Lu (J Manage 33(1):84–110, 2007) between regulatory institutional distance and subsidiary performance. We extend this research by (1) examining this relationship in the context of emerging markets, (2) examining the moderating effects of ownership strategy and host-country experience within the context of emerging markets and (3) accounting for a greater variety of institutions by including a large number of home and host countries. We find that institutional distance negatively affects subsidiary performance in emerging markets. Our findings also show that the negative effects of institutional distance on subsidiary performance are lesser for subsidiaries with partial ownership (than for subsidiaries with full ownership) and for subsidiaries with greater host-country experience. We discuss our findings with respect to Gaur and Lu’s model, which explores the relationships between these variables in a general context.  相似文献   

制造质量强国指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建了制造质量强国指标体系,分为质量安全、质量发展和质量基础三个维度,建立了11个评价指标。通过实证分析将我国制造业产品质量与部分国家进行了比较,并分析了我国制造业质量水平变化的趋势。结论表明:我国制造业质量经历了一个稳步提升的过程,2008年金融危机后提升幅度明显下降;与新兴制造国家相比,我国产品质量表现出一定优势;与发达国家相比,仍存在安全、性能差距,影响了我国制造业的出口贸易。  相似文献   

LED智能照明产品创新设计应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
裴悦舟  刘颍希 《包装工程》2016,37(16):14-17
目的以LED照明产品的信息可视化、智能化为核心创新目标,以集成化、模块化为原则,聚焦于现代家居环境中具有安防功能的LED照明类产品的集成化整合研究。方法对现有家居照明产品及用户需求进行市场和用户调研,确定目标消费群并研究其生活方式、照明需求以及消费习惯,为确定设计方向、产品风格、产品功能提供依据;然后设计出能满足技术要求的LED照明产品;最后运用"信息可视化"手段为用户提供优良的交互体验。结论将打造出具有家居安防功能、信息可视化、远程控制及智能交互新体验的创新产品。  相似文献   

  • Recent literature recommends greater analysis of institutional contexts in order to better adapt strategies in emerging market economies. This paper explores cognitive challenges in understanding institutional contexts, and reveals an outdated vernacular around emerging markets. Unwittingly, we may be crafting strategies based on how we would like emerging markets to be, rather than on how emerging markets actually are.
  • Institutional context is investigated through metaphor analysis. As conceptual constructions that link the abstract to the concrete, metaphors can yield rich insights when analyzed. The metaphor analysis performed finds powerful cognitive simplifications and preconceptions of emerging markets.
  • Eliciting novel metaphors around the labels ??emerging markets??, ??developing countries??, and ??third world?? uncovers a fragmented rather than holistic view of institutional context. Strategies unresponsive to emerging markets may flow from a fragmented view of institutional context.
  • In terms of theory, the use of metaphor analysis highlights the importance of considering subjective and even messy elements of institutional context. Prevailing discussions in the international business literature often focus on streamlined, objective measures of institutional context. This paper emphasizes that a complex process of institutionalization is being observed rather than a steady state of objective outcomes.

  • While the last years have witnessed a tremendous economic boom in many emerging markets around the world, the knowledge of management practices in these countries lags behind their growing relevance in the world economy. One reason for this is that concepts, such as guanxi, jugaad, ubuntu, and blat, are not adequately reflected by traditional Western management theories.
  • We call for more context-specific research and for drawing on indigenous thought in developing new theories that do not only help to better understand management practices in emerging markets, but contribute to global management knowledge as well.
  • Examples of indigenous management concepts are illustrated and adequate context-sensitive research methods, such as locally-meaningful constructs and measures, participatory research, storytelling, and visual ethnography, are discussed. Moreover, we provide an overview of current research and conclude with major implications for indigenous management research.

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