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以湘南地区具有代表性的传统聚落为研究对象,分析了其选址、布局、形制、材料与构造等方面所蕴藏的大量生态智慧特征,以积极化的理念总结其中的生态技术与发展规律,特别是在利用自然要素和采用协助自然要素的生态技术来创建适应环境的、反映地域特征的聚落方面,进行了总结与反思. 相似文献
以湘南地区具有代表性的传统聚落为研究对象,分析了其选址、布局、形制、材料与构造等方面所蕴藏的大量生态智慧特征,以积极化的理念总结其中的生态技术与发展规律,特别是在利用自然要素和采用协助自然要素的生态技术来创建适应环境的、反映地域特征的聚落方面进行了总结与反思。 相似文献
从生态学的角度看,乡村社会在精神层面上对大自然缺乏敬畏之心,实践层面上大肆破坏生态环境,乡村的生态危机日益显现。这两个层面的问题源于工业文明时代对科技的滥用、迷信和对传统村落生产生活中生态智慧的舍弃。而传统村落生产生活中蕴含的生态智慧、生态经验、生态知识并非都是过时的,它们不仅有可能与现代生产生活方式相结合,而且对工业化、城镇化有诸多有益的启示,包括维护生态链条、物尽其用、尊重自然规律等。 相似文献
基于新疆南部特殊的气候、资源和人文环境背景,对阿图什传统民居进行文献收集、实地调研、居民访谈和总结分析,并对传统民居的营造特征与成因进行梳理,挖掘其中所蕴含的生态基因与智慧,在传承传统营造经验和地域特色的基础上,针对民居的自然采光、通风、空间布局与建构特征进行深入研究,提出了有效的优化提升策略,为该地区传统民居的未来发展提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
文章主要围绕当前杭州智慧生态城市规划建设,介绍了杭州市智慧城市的总体架构、应用体系的规划,其中包括基础设施的规划、资源环境规划和民生领域的规划. 相似文献
生态文明背景下,传统村落的保护与发展引起社会各界的高度关注,西南山地传统村落作为中国少有的古代规划与营建知识体系的鲜活载体和典范工程,具有重要的研究价值和保护意义。面对西南山地传统村落人居环境恶化、资源趋紧、特色缺失、文化断层等一系列突出问题,归纳提炼其所蕴含的三大生态智慧核心,包括"遵循自然的形制格局""功能融合的空间形态"和"物尽其用的营造法则"。针对其当代发展困境,基于生态智慧理念分别从"消减胁迫因子,提升生态韧性""精明管理土地,优化产业结构""传承空间要素,更新场所环境""关注人文感知,回归设计本原"4个层面提出西南山地传统村落保护策略,以期为山地人居环境的可持续发展提供有益借鉴和参考。 相似文献
珠三角围田区传统聚落景观的生态智慧分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
围田区是珠三角地区的农业景观中最具有代表性的区域,众多传统聚落分布其中,从选址布局、场所构建、空间营造等各个方面都显现了人们营造聚落的生态智慧。以围田区内具有代表性的传统聚落为研究对象,对聚落的景观环境从宏观、中观和微观3 个层次进行分析,揭示传统聚落的宏观环境体现了人们“安居乐业”的生态智慧,表现为因地制宜的聚落择址和循环利用的农业生产体系;中观环境体现的是“安身立命”的生态智慧,包括满足使用功能的功能性场所和承载聚落非物质文化遗产的精神性场所;微观环境则体现“心安理得”的生态智慧,表现为安心舒适的庭院空间和顺应气候的民居建筑。 相似文献
Linda C. Dalton 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(4):303-309
In this essay, the author reflects on her career as a planner and planning educator. In what is partially a personal memoir, Dalton presents several epigrams for planning practice, providing examples as well as the related theory that connects them. In the process, she offers some observations about continuity and change in the context and practice of planning in the United States over a half-century, and speculates about the continuing role of planners in the future. 相似文献
作为福布斯中国名人榜上出现次数最多、最富争议的80后富豪作家,郭敬明以其出色的商业运作成为积极迎合"市场—读者"并空前成功的典型人物,《小时代》系列则将他的影响力推向了极致。然而,《小时代》中的人物关系引人深思,极度宣扬物质至上的消费主义背后,是年轻一代所面临的情感焦虑:对长辈世界的毫无信仰,对下一代的排斥和回避;而在同龄人的群体交往中,他们对物质与情感的双重苛求使其陷入焦虑状态。书中所描述的爱情和友情都以悲剧而终结,由消费符号构建起的"小时代城堡"只是一座毫无出路的当代"围城"。而该书的畅销与大批青少年粉丝的无条件拥趸,足以证明这种"物质和情感的双重焦虑"已经成为困扰当前年轻一代的一种普遍症候。 相似文献
绿色基础设施:概念,理论及实践 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
"绿色基础设施"这一概念的提出是针对大多数人的孤岛状绿地模式的想法,而进行的一种理念上的推进和强化.在此概念推动下的实践,力求规避既往时代中以人为主的城市建设模式和以自然为主的局部保护模式,尤其在城市开发中寻求二者的有机融合,从而达到可持续发展以及人类与自然互利双赢.在土地国有的中国,在待发展地区,一旦绿色基础设施的理念被政府与公众接受,它所产生的实践性影响将是最迅速也是最巨大的. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The authors argue that race neutral policies will be inadquate to overcome the historical momentum of race conscious behaviors and stereotypes that perpetuate segregation; explicitly race conscious policies that take account of the dynamics of racial transition will be needed. Such policies are socially desirable because they break a key link in a self-perpetuating cycle of racial inequality and prejudice and can be accomplished in ways that do not contradict other social goals. A detailed case study of Shaker Heights, Ohio, shows how these interventions can be efficacious and avoid creating negative side effects. 相似文献
Li Zhigang 《China City Planning Review》2022,(1):17-19
Public emergencies have posed great risks both to the stable develop-ment of national economy and society and to the safety of people's lives and properties,acc... 相似文献
本文指出当前普遍对于参数化设计的误解,并以研究项目及实践项目为例,系统地从理论、研究、总结、实践各阶段全面介绍参数化设计的原理、方法和设计成果,对参数化设计提供有价值的参考。 相似文献
本文指出当前普遍对于参数化设计的误解,并以研究项目及实践项目为例,系统地从理论、研究、总结、实践各阶段全面介绍参数化设计的原理、方法和设计成果,对参数化设计提供有价值的参考。 相似文献
In 1988, water undertakers in England and Wales were charged with producing asset management plans as a prelude to privatization. These plans had to provide an auditable statement with respect to the condition and performance of underground assets, with a view to defining and setting priorities for investment requirements.
Some water authorities were ill-prepared for producing the required formalized plans, resulting in variable confidence limits being placed on the identified investment requirements. A need existed to refine most plans, which was reinforced by a statutory requirement to update the asset management plans.
This paper deals particularly with water distribution systems and provides an insight into the production of asset management plans. A brief review of the current approach used by a certain major water plc, to update and refine their plans, is also included. The contribution of asset management plans to the effective management of distribution network investment and operation in England and Wales should not be underestimated and is equally relevant in Scotland. 相似文献
Some water authorities were ill-prepared for producing the required formalized plans, resulting in variable confidence limits being placed on the identified investment requirements. A need existed to refine most plans, which was reinforced by a statutory requirement to update the asset management plans.
This paper deals particularly with water distribution systems and provides an insight into the production of asset management plans. A brief review of the current approach used by a certain major water plc, to update and refine their plans, is also included. The contribution of asset management plans to the effective management of distribution network investment and operation in England and Wales should not be underestimated and is equally relevant in Scotland. 相似文献