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The phase equilibrium diagram of the ternary system NaF–LiF–UF4 described in this paper is based on evidence from thermal analysis and from microscopic and X-ray analyses of samples obtained from thermal gradient quenching experiments. Temperature-composition relations were established through the temperature interval between the liquidus and a lower limit of about 300°C. All the stable compounds in the binary systems LiF–UF4 and NaF-UF4, (including the subsolidus compound NaF·2UF4) display primary phase fields in the ternary system. No ternary compounds of NaF–LiF–UF4 occur. The following eutectics are to be found in the ternary system: 60 NaF, 21 LiF, 19 mole % UF4, 480°C.; 35 NaF, 37 LiF, 28 mole % UF4, 480°C.; 24.3 NaF, 43.5 LiF, 32.2 mole % UF4, 445°C.; and 24.5 NaF, 29 LiF, 46.5 mole % UF4, 602°C. The compounds 7NaF · 6UF4 and 7LiF · 6UF4 display limited solubility in each other. The exact limits of the miscibility gap in the 7NaF · 6UF4-7LiF · 6UF4 join have not been determined.  相似文献   

As part of a study of materials potentially useful as fluid fuels for high-temperature reactors, equilibrium diagrams for the condensed systems UF4–ThF4 and LiF-UF4–ThF4 have been determined. Both thermal analysis and quenching techniques were used with phase identification accomplished by microscopic and X-ray dsraction analyses. A complete series of solid solutions without maximum or minimum is formed by UF4 and ThF4. Within the system LiF-UF4–ThF, there occur three invariant points and seven primary phases of which four are ternary solid solutions. Optical properties for all the solid solutions, fractionation paths for the ternary solid solutions, and compatibility triangles for the ternary invariant points have been determined.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria in the condensed system NaF-ThF4-UF4 were determined by cooling-curve and thermal-gradient quenching experiments from the liquidus to ∼450°C. A phase diagram of the ternary system was constructed, showing three singular points and eleven invariant points, including two eutectics, occurring in association with the primary phases of ten solid solutions and two pure solids. The eutectic mixture having the composition 75.5NaF-10.5ThF4-14UF4 (mole %) melts at 575°C, the lowest liquidus temperature in the system. Except for NaF, NaF-ThF4, and ThF4-UF4 solid solutions, phases crystallizing from molten NaF-ThF4-UF4 mixtures are solid solutions formed by interchange of U4+ and Th4+ ions in NaF-ThF4 and NaF-UF4 compounds. No ternary compounds were found. Phase diagrams of the systems NaF-ThF4 and NaF-UF4, revised in the course of this study to include the newly identified phases, 7NaF.2ThF4 and 7NaF.2UF4, are presented. X-ray diffraction and optical data are given for the pure crystal phases, 4NaF.ThF4, 7NaF.2ThF4, 7NaF.2UF4, 3NaF.UF4, and for 3NaF.2ThF4-5NaF.3UF4 solid solutions. The system is unique among the fluoride systems reported in containing so wide a variety of substitutional solid solutions and in containing a continuous solid solution formed of binary compound pairs 3NaF.2ThF4 and 5NaF.3UF4 which are isomorphous but of different stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The phase diagram for the ternary fused-salt system LiF-BeF2-UF4 was determined from 300°C to the liquidus by differential thermal analysis, thermal-gradient quenching studies, and high-temperature filtration techniques. The samples prepared by quenching were examined by polarized-light microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. The experimental methods are described. The primary-phase fields for the compounds LiF, 7LiF·6UF4, LiF·4UF4, and UF4 covered most of the liquidus surface. Small areas of the liquidus surface were covered by the compounds BeF2, 2LiF·BeF2, and 4LiF·UF4. The compound 4LiF·UF4, which was stable at the binary liquidus temperature, decomposed in the ternary system when the liquidus temperature decreased below 480°C. No ternary compounds or solid solutions were observed. Two ternary eutectics were found. The first, containing 48 mole % LiF, 51.5 mole % BeF2, and 0.5 mole % UF4, melted at 350°C. The second, containing 69.5 mole % LiF, 22.5 mole % BeF2, and 8 mole % UF4, melted at 427°C.  相似文献   

Phase equilibrium relations in the system Na2O-GeO2 have been determined using standard quenching techniques supplemented by differential thermal analysis. Two congruently melting compounds, Na2O·GeO2 and 2Na2O·9GeO2, exist; the melting points are 1103°± 15°C and 1073°± 3°C, respectively. The eutectic temperature between GeO2 and 2Na2O·9GeO2 is 950°±f 10°C at 94.5 wt GeO2. The eutectic temperature between 2Na2O · 9GeO2 and Na2O·GeO2 is 790° f 10°C at about 75 wt% GeO2. Both the refractive index and the density of glasses in the system Na2O-GeO2 exhibit maximum values at about 16 to 18 mole % Na2O. The Ge-O-Ge absorption band at 890 cm−1 shifts toward lower wave numbers with the addition of Na2O.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the phase equilibria of the binary systems CaO-CuO and CaO-Bi2O3. Corrected compositions are reported for Ca.Bi6O13 and Ca2Bi2O5 and a new metastable high-temperature phase is reported for a composition near Ca6Bi7O16.5. The composition and decomposition temperatures for Ca1–x.CuO2 are given for both air and 1 atm of oxygen at 755 ± 5° and 835 ± 5°C, respectively.  相似文献   

The liquidus, solidus, and subsolidus in the system MgO-MgCrz04 were redetermined. Petro-graphic studies indicated that 47 wt% Cr203 could enter into the periclase lattice at about 235OO C. X-ray and optical data showed that the solid solution decreased to 32 wt% Cr202 at 2165OC, 11 wt% at 1600°C, 5 wt% at 1400°C, 2.5 wt% at 1200°C, and 0 wt% at 1000°C. Petro-graphic studies also suggested that picrochromite could contain about 5 wt% MgO in solid solution. The liquidus was much higher than has been indicated on previously published phase equilibrium diagrams.  相似文献   

The ion-exchange mechanism between copper and alkali ions, when 20R2O · 10Al2O3· 70SiO2 (R = Li, Na, and K) glasses are immersed in divalent copper-containing molten salts in air and nitrogen at 550°C, has been investigated. In molten CuCl2, the ion-exchange behavior in both air and nitrogen was very close to that in molten CuCl in air reported previously. This is explained by assuming that CuCl2 decomposes into CuCl and Cl2 at 550°C and the Cu+ ions thus formed mainly diffuse in glasses to replace alkali ions, where Cl2 acts as an oxidizing agent just like oxygen. In the case of molten CuSO42SO4, a small amount of Cu+ which is present in the molten state plays a primary role in the Cu ⇌ R+ ion exchange process, although the contribution of direct Cu2+⇌ 2R+ ion exchange cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

Phase relations in the ternary system were determined by solid- state reaction, quenching, and electron microscopy of the immiscible liquid region. The limits of the stable 2-liquid region and the approximate limits of the metastable 2-liquid region were determined. Relations in the region of homogeneous glass formation in the system, which included the joins CaSiO3-PbSiO3 and CaSiO3-Pb2SiO4, were determined by quenching. Two new compounds were discovered, 3CaO-PbO.SiO2 and 2CaO.3PbO.SiO2, and extensive solid-state trials permitted the compatibility triangles to be established. The accumulated data were assembled in the form of an equilibrium diagram for the system including joins, boundary lines, and isotherms.  相似文献   

Phase relations in the ternary system were determined by solid-state reaction, quenching, and electron microscopy of the immiscible liquid region. The limits of the stable 2-liquid region and the approximate limits of the metastable 2-liquid region were determined. Relations in the region of homogeneous glass formation in the system, which included the joins SrSiO3-PbSiO3, SrSiO3-Pb2SiO4, and SrSiO3-Pb4SiO6, were determined by quenching. The solid-solution limits of SrSiO3 in Pb2SiO4 and Pb4SiO6 and of PbSiO3 in SrSiO3 were established. Two new compounds were discovered, 3SrO.2PbO.SiO2 and 2SrO.3PbO.SiO2, and extensive solid-state trials permitted the compatibility triangles to be established. The accumulated data were assembled in the form of an equilibrium diagram for the system, including joins, boundary lines, and isotherms.  相似文献   

The phase equilibria of the systems SrO-CuO and SrO-1/2Bi2O3 were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis of quenched powder samples. The compounds SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3 melt incongruently at 1085° and 1225°C, respectively. The newly found compound Sr6Bi2O9 decomposes at 965°C into SrO and Sr3Bi2O6 melts incongruently into SrO and liquid at 1210°C. SrBi2O4 undergoes a phase transition at ∼825°C, and although both are nonstoichiometric, the low-temperature phase is slightly poorer in SrO with 33.5 mol% SrO than the high-temperature phase.  相似文献   

Stability relations in the systems KF-AlF3, KAlF4-RbAlF4, and KAlF4-RbAlF4-KBF4 were established using DTA, direct observational analysis, and quenching techniques. Two KF-AlF3 compounds, K3AlF6 and KAlF4, are stable and, on cooling, cubic KAlF4 inverts (between -23° and +50°C) to an orthorhombic modification. On heating, the cubic form is stable to the congruent melting temperature of 574°± 1°C. Melting points of K3AlF6, and AlF3 are 985° and 990°C, respectively. The compounds KAlF4 and RbAlF4 form a complete solid solution with a relatively narrow solidus-liquidus interval. As little as 5 mole % RbAlF4 in the KAlF4 lattice greatly affects the low-temperature inversion, causing it to occur below the temperature of liquid nitrogen (−196°C).  相似文献   

The phase diagram of the system CaF2-AlF3 was established from microscopic, powder X-ray diffraction, quench, and DTA data obtained from samples encapsulated in sealed Pt tubes and either reacted in the solid state or melted. Two compounds, CaAlF5 and Ca2AlF7, melted incongruently at 873°° 3° and 845°°3°C, respectively. Previously unreported Ca2AlF7 was successfully indexed as orthorhombic with α0= 18.22 Å, b 0=9.06 Å, and c 0= 7.11 Å. The only eutectic in the system exists at 836°° 3°C and 37.5 mol% AlF3.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria in the system MgO-B2O3 were investigated using DTA and quenching techniques. The system contains 4 invariant points. The compounds MgO·2B2O3 and 2MgO·B2O3 melt incongruently at 995° and 1312°C, respectively, whereas 3MgO·B2O3 melts congruently at 1410°C. A eutectic occurs at 1333°C and 71% MgO.  相似文献   

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