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Combustion synthesis (CS) of α-silicon nitride (Si3N4) powders was accomplished at a nitrogen pressure lower than 3 MPa. The combination of mechanical activation and chemical stimulation was effective in enhancing the reactivity of Si powder reactants, which was responsible for the reduction of the minimum nitrogen pressure normally required for the CS of Si3N4. This breakthrough indicates that nitriding combustion of silicon in pressurized nitrogen could be promoted by activating the solid reactants instead of by increasing the nitrogen pressure. The phase content of α-Si3N4 in the as-synthesized product is over 90 wt%. Scanning electronic microscopy observation showed that the combustion-synthesized Si3N4 powders are submicron-sized particles with spherical morphologies.  相似文献   

Morphology, composition, and growth defects of α'-SiAION have been studied in a fine-grained material with an overall composition Y0.33Si10Al2O1N15 prepared from α-Si3N4, AlN, Al2O3, and Y2O3 powders. TEM analysis has shown that fully grown α'-SiAloN grains always contain an α-Si3N4 core, implicating heterogeneous nucleation operating in the present system. The growth mode is epitaxial, despite the composition and lattice parameter difference between α-Si3N4 and α'-SiAlON. The inversion boundary that separates two domains in the seed crystal is seen to continue in the grown α'-SiAION. Lacking a special growth habit, the growth typically proceeds from more than one site on the seed crystal, and the different growth fronts impinge on each other to give an equiaxed appearance of α'-SiAlON. Misfit dislocations on the α/α'interface are identified as [0001] type ( b = 5.62 Å) and 1/3 [1 2 10] type ( b = 7.75 Å). These nucleation and growth characteristics dictate that microstructural control of α'-SiAlON must rest on the size distribution of the starting α-Si3N4 powder.  相似文献   

Single crystals of α-Si3N4 several millimeters in diameter and several millimeters long have been grown by chemical vapor deposition. Some of the microstructural and mechanical properties have been evaluated using X-ray diffracometry, optical and transmission electron microscopy, and high-temperature microhardness testing. The crystallographic growth direction determines the quality of the crystals, including the density of internal microcracks and the nature and quantity of special boundaries. The measurement of crack lengths associated with microindentations has shown that cleavage in α-Si3N4 is relatively isotropic. Finally, indentation fracture toughness values agree well with theoretical predictions based on recent bond-energy calculations.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional grain size distribution in an experimental β-Si3N4 material has been determined using the hexagonal prism as a model of β-Si3N4 grain shape. Results from quantitative microscopy of polished and etched sections were compared with computer-generated two-dimensional stereological parameters of hexagonal prisms with different aspect ratios in order to determine an average grain shape (i.e., aspect ratio) in the microstructure. Section parameter distributions for the average grain shape were obtained from the computer simulations and used in a three-dimensional reconstruction of the microstructure. The results showed that this Si3N4 ceramic had the postulated fibrous microstructure and a broad grain size distribution.  相似文献   

The kinetics of anisotropic β-Si3N4 grain growth in silicon nitride ceramics were studied. Specimens were sintered at temperatures ranging from 1600° to 1900°C under 10 atm of nitrogen pressure for various lengths of time. The results demonstrate that the grain growth behavior of β-Si3N4 grains follows the empirical growth law Dn– D0n = kt , with the exponents equaling 3 and 5 for length [001] and width [210] directions, respectively. Activation energies for grain growth were 686 kJ/mol for length and 772 kJ/mol for width. These differences in growth rate constants and exponents for length and width directions are responsible for the anisotropy of β-Si3N4 growth during isothermal grain growth. The resultant aspect ratio of these elongated grains increases with sintering temperature and time.  相似文献   

First-principles molecular orbital calculations are performed by the discrete variational Xalpha method using model clusters of rare-earth-doped β-Si3N4 and the interface between prismatic planes of β-Si3N4 and intergranular glassy films. On the basis of the total overlap population of each cluster, the rare-earth ions are implied to be stable in the grain-boundary model, while they are not stable in the bulk model. These results are consistent with experimental observations showing significant segregation of Ln3+ ions at the grain boundary and no solubility of Ln3+ into bulk β-Si3N4. Grain-boundary bonding is weakened with an increase of the ionic radius of the rare-earth ions, which provides a reasonable explanation for the ionic size dependence of the crack propagation behaviors as well as the growth rate of the prismatic plane in the rare-earth-doped β-Si3N4 during liquid-phase sintering.  相似文献   

Beta-type CVD-Si3N4 plates (up to 1.1 mm thick) have been prepared by adding TiCl4 vapor to the system SiCl4-NH3-H2 at deposition temperatures of 1350° to 1450°C, while α-type or amorphous CVD-Si3N4 was obtained without TiCl4 vapor at the same deposition temperature. Three to four wt % 777V was included in the β-type CVD-Si3N4 matrix. The density, preferred orientation, and lattice parameters of β-type CVD-Si3N4 were examined.  相似文献   

The in situ β-Si3N4/α'-SiAlON composite was studied along the Si3N4–Y2O3: 9 AlN composition line. This two phase composite was fully densified at 1780°C by hot pressing Densification curves and phase developments of the β-Si3N4/α'-SiAlON composite were found to vary with composition. Because of the cooperative formation of α'-Si AlON and β-Si3N4 during its phase development, this composite had equiaxed α'-SiAlON (∼0.2 μm) and elongated β-Si3N4 fine grains. The optimum mechanical properties of this two-phase composite were in the sample with 30–40%α', which had a flexural strength of 1100 MPa at 25°C 800 MPa at 1400°C in air, and a fracture toughness 6 Mpa·m1/2. α'-SiAlON grains were equiaxed under a sintering condition at 1780°C or lower temperatures. Morphologies of the α°-SiAlON grains were affected by the sintering conditions.  相似文献   

The rate of dissolution of β-Si3N4 into an Mg-Si-O-N glass was measured by working with a composition in the ternary system Si3N4-SiO2-MgO such that Si2N2O rather than β-Si3N4 was the equilibrium phase. Dissolution was driven by the chemical reaction Si3N4(c)+SiO2( l )→Si2N2O(c). Analysis of the kinetic data, in view of the morphology of the dissolving phase (Si3N4) and the precipitating phase (Si2N2O), led to the conclusion that the dissolution rate was controlled by reaction at the crystal/glass interface of the Si3N4, crystals. The process appears to have a fairly constant activation energy, equal to 621 ±40 kJ-mol−1, at T=1573 to 1723 K. This large activation energy is believed to reflect the sum of two quantities: the heat of solution of β-Si3N4 hi the glass and the activation enthalpy for jumps of the slower-moving species across the crystal/glass interface. The data reported should be useful for interpreting creep and densification experiments with MgO-fluxed Si3N4.  相似文献   

BetaSi3N4 coatings were obtained by chemical vapor deposition in a fused-silica reaction tube by outside heating of the system SiCl4-NH3-N2 at a deposition temperature (reaction tube temperature) of 1300°C, whereas α- and α+β-phase coatings were obtained at depositon temperatures of 1150° and 1250°C, respecively. Formation of β-phase coatings at relatively low temperatures is explained in terms of the effect of a catalytic impurity, SiO vapor from the reaction tube. The X-ray diffraction patterns and sulface morphologies of the coatings were studied.  相似文献   

α/β-Si3N4 composites with various α/β phase ratios were prepared by hot pressing at 1600°–1650°C with MgSiN2 as sintering additives. An excellent combination of mechanical properties (Vickers indentation hardness of 23.1 GPa, fracture strength of about 1000MPa, and toughness of 6.3 MPa·m1/2) could be obtained. Compared with conventional Si3N4-based ceramics, this new material has obvious advantages. It is as hard as typical in-situ-reinforced α-Sialon, but much stronger than the latter (700 MPa). It has comparable fracture strength and toughness, but is much harder than β-Si3N4 ceramics (16 GPa). The microstructures and mechanical properties can be tailored by choosing the additive and controlling the heating schedule.  相似文献   

Solid-solution formation of magnesium in β-Si3N4 containing AlN:Al2O3 was investigated. Samples were hot-pressed at 1700°C. Under the condition studied, very little or no magnesium entered the β-Si3N4 lattice.  相似文献   

β-Si3N4 ceramics sintered with Yb2O3 and ZrO2 were fabricated by gas-pressure sintering at 1950°C for 16 h changing the ratio of "fine" and "coarse" high-purity β-Si3N4 raw powders, and their microstructures were quantitatively evaluated. It was found that the amount of large grains (greater than a few tens of micrometers) could be drastically reduced by mixing a small amount of "coarse" powder with a "fine" one, while maintaining high thermal conductivity (>140 W·(m·K)−1). Thus, this work demonstrates that it is possible for β-Si3N4 ceramics to achieve high thermal conductivity and high strength simultaneously by optimizing the particle size distribution of raw powder.  相似文献   

The effects of initial particle size on the microstructure of silicon nitride ceramics produced by pressureless sintering have been investigated. The microstructures of the silicon nitride ceramics varied considerably with the size of the initial powder. With decreasing powder size, abnormal grain growth was enhanced, which resulted in significant bimodal distribution of grain size. The observed results are discussed in relation to the two-dimensional nucleation and growth theory for faceted crystals.  相似文献   

The fracture energies of the tape-cast silicon nitride with and without 3 wt% rod-like β-Si3N4 seed addition were investigated by a chevron-notched-beam technique. The material was doped with Lu2O3–SiO2 as sintering additives for giving rigid grain boundaries and good heat resistance. The seeded and tape-cast silicon nitride has anisotropic microstructure, where the fibrous grains grown from seeds were preferentially aligned parallel to the casting direction. When a stress was applied parallel to the fibrous grain alignment direction, the strength measured at 1500°C was 738 MPa, which was almost the same as room temperature strength 739 MPa. The fracture energy of the tape-cast Si3N4 without seed addition was 109 and 454 J/m2 at room temperature and 1500°C, respectively. On the contrary, the fracture energy of the seeded and tape-cast Si3N4 was 301 and 781 J/m2 at room temperature and 1500°C, respectively, when a stress was applied parallel to the fibrous gain alignment. The large fracture energies were attributable primarily to the unidirectional alignment fibrous Si3N4 grains.  相似文献   

Single-crystalline α-Si3N4 nanowires were synthesized by thermal decomposition of a polysilazane preceramic polymer using FeCl2 powders as catalyst. The nanowires, which are 20–40 nm in diameter and up to several mm in length, possess smooth surfaces and uniform diameters along the entire length and contain no detectable structural defects such as dislocation or stacking faults. The study also revealed that all nanowires grow along [100] direction. The growth of the nanowires is attributed to a novel solid–liquid–gas–solid reaction/crystallization process. The mechanism that governs the formation of nanowires rather than nanobelts is discussed.  相似文献   

Composites containing 30 vol%β-Si3N4 whiskers in a Si3N4 matrix were fabricated by hot-pressing. The composites exhibited fracture toughness values between 7.6 and 8.6 MPa · m1/2, compared to 4.0 MPa · m1/2 for unreinforced polycrystalline Si3N4. The improvements in fracture toughness were attributed to crack wake effects, i.e., whisker bridging and pullout mechanisms.  相似文献   

First-principles molecular-orbital calculations of α- and ß-Si3N4 with a trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) ion at the interstitial site are conducted using model clusters that are composed of 41-43 atoms, neglecting lattice relaxation effects. When an interstitial Ln3+ ion is present, strong antibonding between the Ln3+ ion and Si3N4 is found. The magnitude of the antibonding is almost the same between the alpha- and ß-Si3N4 matrices. On the other hand, the Si-N bond around the Ln3+ ion is notably reinforced in alpha-Si3N4 but not so much in ß-Si3N4. The different electronic response to the presence of the Ln3+ ion for the Si-N bond is concluded to be the origin of the different solubilities of interstitial Ln3+ ions between alpha- and ß-SiAlONs that are reported experimentally. The contribution of the electric field that is induced by the presence of a trivalent charge at the interstitial site is examined in detail; we have found that the Si-N bond strength is not simply determined by the electric field but rather in a more complex manner.  相似文献   

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