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MOS characteristics of ultrathin gate oxides prepared by furnace oxidizing Si in N2O have been studied. Compared to control oxides grown in O2, N2O oxides exhibit significantly improved resistance to charge trapping and interface state generation under hot-carrier stressing. In addition, both charge to breakdown and time to breakdown are improved considerably. MOSFETs with N2O gate dielectrics exhibit enhanced current drivability and improved resistance to gm degradation during channel hot-electron stressing  相似文献   

The work function of TiB2 was measured using Fowler-Nordheim tunneling in MOS capacitors, Schottky diode current measurements, capacitance-voltage techniques, and contact resistance. The resulting data place the Fermi level of TiB2 about 0.9 eV below the silicon conduction band. Given this barrier height, Schottky diodes of TiB2/p-Si exhibit ohmic characteristics, but the contact resistance of TiB2 to n+ junctions is an order of magnitude higher than the generally desired value. Boron outdiffusion from TiB2 into underlying silicon was observed at temperatures of 1000°C and greater. Boron diffusion from TiB2 into silicon above 1000°C is enhanced compared to the conventionally accepted value of the boron diffusivity  相似文献   

This work reports on the characteristics of polysilicon oxide grown in pure N2O (N2O-grown polyoxide). The obtained polyoxide has a desirable polarity asymmetry of J-E characteristic, i.e., a lower leakage current and a higher breakdown electric field, which are ideal for the nonvolatile memory application, when the top electrode is positively biased. The asymmetry is due to the smoother surface of the N2O-grown polyoxide. Comparing to conventional polyoxides, the N2O-grown polyoxide has a lower electron trapping rate and a larger Qbd, which are attributed to the incorporated nitrogen at the polyoxide/poly-1 interface. The centroids of trapped charges of the N2O-grown polyoxide are more away from the polyoxide/poly-1 interface and this affects the polarity dependence of trapping  相似文献   

Furnace annealing in N2O is a convenient technique for improving the reliability of thermal oxides without significant modifications of the process flow. We investigate the impact of N2O nitridation on MOSFET device performance, assessing the various factors contributing to the observed degradation of electron mobility. Estimates based on low-frequency C-V and charge pumping measurements show that nitridation causes a significant increase of the interface trap density in the vicinity of the conduction band. Interface traps contribute a parasitic component to the gate-channel capacitance, thus leading to an overestimate of the inversion charge. This effect accounts for a substantial fraction of the mobility degradation which is observed for the nitrided devices. The remaining degradation can be ascribed to an enhancement of Coulomb scattering, maybe due to differences in dopant segregation, and to a change of the surface roughness characteristics.  相似文献   

Effects of N2O pressure during oxynitridation on the characteristics of ultrathin gate dielectrics have been investigated. Reoxidation in N2O ambient showed three distinguished oxidation regions as a function of tube pressure; that is, enhancement at 10-40 torr, retardation at 40-100 torr, and enhancement at 100-600 torr. The N2O-nitridation at 40 torr incorporated much less nitrogen in oxide bulk than that at near-atmospheric pressure. The 40 torr N2O-nitridation case exhibited about 70% of nitrogen incorporation at the Si/SiO2 interface compared to that of the 600 torr N2O-nitridation case. The low-pressure N2 O-nitridation at 40 torr results in improvement of TDDB of gate dielectrics and the transconductance of nMOSFETs compared to the nitridation at near-atmospheric pressure. These data suggest that low pressure oxynitridation should be more recommendable for device application  相似文献   

Silicon MOS capacitors fabricated solely by low-temperature processes (under 600 °C) are treated with nitridation using N2O or NO plasma. Their properties are investigated at room temperature under high-field stress. It is found that both kinds of plasmas are effective in improving the gate-oxide hardness against stress-induced damage, which is characterized by a smaller shift in flatband voltage and smaller increase in interface states after the stress. Moreover, NO-nitrided device shows better performance than N2O-nitrided one. These results show that plasma nitridation has positive effects on the reliability of low-temperature-fabricated devices, which play an important role in flat-panel display systems on glass.  相似文献   

The identification of the bonding environments and their progressive modifications upon reaching the oxynitride/silicon interface, in a SiO2/SiOxNy/Si structure, have been investigated by means of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The SiO2 film was grown at 850 °C by means of a mixed dry-steam process, followed by a 60 min, 950 °C furnace oxynitridation in N2O gas. A depth profile analysis was carried out by a progressive chemical etching procedure, reaching a residual oxide thickness of about 1.2 nm. XPS analysis of the Si 2p and N 1s photoelectron peaks pointed out that the chemistry of the oxynitride layer is a rather complex one. Four different nitrogen bonding environments were envisaged. Both the overall nitrogen content, which rises up to 2.5%, and its bonding configurations are progressively changing while moving towards the silicon interface.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical review and classification of the studies of SiSiO2 interface state parameters and energy distributions by means of MOS tunneling in structures with ultrathin SiO2 layers (10–100 Å). Suggestions are made of experiments that will help to elucidate the importance of materials and processing conditions on these states, and to separate the various mechanisms involving charge exchange with the metal, the conduction band, and the valence band of the semiconductor.  相似文献   

When the gate insulator of a metal–oxide–semiconductor structure is subjected to electrical stress, traps or defects are progressively generated inside the oxide that eventually lead to the formation of a low-resistance conducting path between the electrodes. The occurrence of such event can be detected either as a gradual or as a sudden change in the system’s conductance and is associated with the appearance of a localized conduction mechanism in parallel with the area-distributed tunneling current. According to the magnitude and shape of the resulting current–voltage characteristic, the failure mode is usually referred to as soft or hard breakdown. However, because of the random nature of the phenomenon, interpretation and modelling of the electron transport mechanism involved has turned out to be very challenging from the physical point of view. Several models have been proposed to this aim, which can be classified basically according to the underlying mechanism: junction-like, hopping, percolation and tunneling conduction. Within this latter mechanism we can mention direct, Fowler–Nordheim, trap-assisted, resonant, inelastic tunneling and point contact conduction. In this paper, after an overview of a variety of physical and engineering aspects of post-breakdown, we critically examined the foundations and limitations of the proposed conduction models in the light of others and ours experimental results, putting special emphasis on those approaches providing final closed expressions.  相似文献   

The origin of enhanced injection in n++-poly/SiOx /SiO2/p-sub MOS capacitors under accumulation is investigated. Starting from experimental evidences as the structural homogeneity of the off-stochiometric oxide and the temperature dependence of current in n++-poly/SiOx/p-sub capacitors, we developed a new transport model. In this picture, transport consists on the Poole-Frenkel and multistep tunneling of the SiOx barrier and the Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunnel of the SiO 2 barrier, the latter definitely limiting the current flowing through the MOS. The model explains how the presence of two barriers and an accelerating electric field in the SiOx gives rise to the injection enhancement, respect to the case of a single conventional n ++-poly/SiO2 barrier. In fact, after the trap-assisted tunnel of the first barrier, the electron arrives at the SiOx/SiO2 interface with an excess energy furnished by the electric field. There, it sees an FN barrier lower than in the conventional case. Experiment and model calculations are in excellent agreement  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the superior diffusion barrier properties of NO-nitrided SiO2 in suppressing boron penetration for p+-polysilicon gated MOS devices. Boron penetration effects have been studied in terms of flatband voltage shift, decrease in inversion capacitance (due to polysilicon depletion effect), impact on interface state density, and charge-to-breakdown. Results show that NO-nitrided SiO2, as compared to conventional thermal SiO2, exhibits much higher resistance to boron penetration, and therefore, is very attractive for surface channel PMOS technology  相似文献   

An inverse modeling technique for doping profile extraction from MOS C-V measurements is presented. The method exploits the “kink” effect observed near flat bands in low-temperature C-V curves to accurately estimate the dopant concentration at the oxide-silicon surface. The inverse modeling approach, based on a self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson solver, overcomes the limitations of previous analytical methods. The accuracy of the doping extraction is demonstrated by successfully reconstructing doping profiles from simulated C-V curves, including abrupt variations of doping in the vicinity of the oxide interface. When applied to experimental data from boron- and phosphorus-doped samples, the technique is shown to provide a substantial improvement in resolution with respect to room-temperature C-V measurements  相似文献   

Advances in lithography and thinner SiO2 gate oxides have enabled the scaling of MOS technologies to sub-0.25-μm feature size. High dielectric constant materials, such as Ta2O5 , have been suggested as a substitute for SiO2 as the gate material beyond tox≈25 Å. However, the Si-Ta 2O5 material system suffers from unacceptable levels of bulk fixed charge, high density of interface trap states, and low silicon interface carrier mobility. In this paper we present a solution to these issues through a novel synthesis of a thermally grown SiO2(10 Å)-Ta2O5 (MOCVD-50 Å)-SiO2 (LPCVD-5 Å) stacked dielectric. Transistors fabricated using this stacked gate dielectric exhibit excellent subthreshold behaviour, saturation characteristics, and drive currents  相似文献   

The impact of various rapid thermal annealing used during the integration on the La2O3/HfO2 and HfO2/La2O3 stacks deposited by Atomic Layer deposition was analyzed. The consequences of lanthanum localization in such stacks on the evolution of the films during the rapid thermal annealing are investigated in term of morphology, crystalline structure, silicate formation and film homogeneity as a function of the depth. It appeared that the La2O3 location has an impact on the temperature of the quadratic phase formation which could be linked to the formation of SiOHfLa silicate and the resistance of the films to dissolution in HF 0.05 wt%.  相似文献   

In this work, the electrical properties of fresh and stressed HfO2/SiO2 gate stacks have been studied using a prototype of Conductive Atomic Force Microscope with enhanced electrical performance (ECAFM). The nanometer resolution of the technique and the extended current dynamic range of the ECAFM has allowed to separately investigate the effect of the electrical stress on the SiO2 and the HfO2 layer of the high-k gate stack. In particular, we have investigated this effect on both layers when the structures where subjected to low and high field stresses.  相似文献   

In this paper, n++-poly/SiOx/SiO2/p-sub capacitors with enhanced electron injection under substrate accumulation are extensively studied. First, systematic investigation of the role of technology parameters in the PECVD deposition of the SiOx films is presented. In particular, the effect of the silane dilution parameter on the device performance is investigated and the SiOx film optimized in terms of reliability and electron injection enhancement. Then, investigation of the electrical behavior of n++ -poly/SiOx/SiO2/p-sub MOS capacitors is presented. As a result, a picture of the space defect distribution in the SiOx films is proposed. In SiOx films, a relevant density of trapped charge adds to ionized impurities. In particular, the net charge is negative in the bulk of the dielectric, indicating that trapped electrons exceed all the other charge contributions. The space distribution of defects is strongly nonuniform and has the maximum in the vicinity of the SiOx/SiO2 interface. After dc current stress, the devices undergo electrical degradation, the dominant mechanism of degradation being the creation of interface hole traps. The trap generation model is based on the release of hydrogen and pairs generation in the SiOx films. The time-scale of trap filling during the stress is tens of seconds, which suggests that the stress-induced traps are deep in the energy gap  相似文献   

We review the hot-carrier injection phenomena in gate-oxide and the related degradation in silicon MOSFETs. We discuss the basic degradation mechanisms and the nature of the created defects by carrier injections through the gate-oxide. Emphasis is put on the discussion of dynamic hot-carrier injections in MOSFETs and on the stress induced leakage currents in very thin (< 5 nm) gate-oxide.  相似文献   

Metal–oxide–nitride–oxide–silicon(MONOS)capacitorswiththermallygrownSiO2asthetunnellayer arefabricated,andtheeffectsofdifferentambientnitridation(NH3,NOandN2O)onthecharacteristicsofthememory capacitors are investigated.The experimental results indicate that the device with tunnel oxide annealed in NO ambient exhibits excellent memory characteristics,i.e.a large memory window,high program/erase speed,and good endurance and retention performance(the charge loss rate is 14.5%after 10 years).The mechanism involved isthatmuchmorenitrogenisincorporatedintothetunneloxideduringNOannealing,resultinginalowertunneling barrier height and smaller interface state density.Thus,there is a higher tunneling rate under a high electric field and a lower probability of trap-assisted tunneling during retention,as compared to N2O annealing.Furthermore,compared with the NH3-annealed device,no weak Si–H bonds and electron traps related to the hydrogen are introduced for the NO-annealed devices,giving a high-quality and high-reliability SiON tunneling layer and SiON/Si interface due to the suitable nitridation and oxidation roles of NO.  相似文献   

利用射频磁控溅射方法,制成纳米SiO2层厚度一定而纳米Si层厚度不同的纳米(SiO2/Si/SiO2)/p-Si结构和纳米(SiO2:A1/Si/SiO2:A1)/p-Si结构,用磁控溅射制备纳米SiO2:A1时所用的SiO2/A1复合靶中的A1的面积百分比为1%。上述两种结构中Si层厚度均为1-3nm,间隔为0.2nm。为了对比研究,还制备了Si层厚度为零的样品。这两种结构在900℃氮气下退火30min,正面蒸半透明Au膜,背面蒸A1作欧姆接触后,都在正向偏置下观察到电致发光(EL)。在一定的正向偏置下,EL强度和峰位以及电流都随Si层厚度的增加而同步振荡,位相相同。但掺A1结构的发光强度普遍比不掺A1结构强。另外,这两种结构的EL具体振荡特性有明显不同,对这两种结构的电致发光的物理机制和SiO2中掺A1的作用进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

This letter reports on a novel reoxidation technique for SiO2 /Si3N4 (ON) stacked films by using N2 O as oxidant. Effect of in-situ rapid thermal N2O reoxidation (RTNO) on the electrical characteristics of thin ON stacked films are studied and compared with those of in-situ rapid thermal. O 2 reoxidation (RTO). Prior to reoxidation, the Si3N4 film was deposited by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RT-CVD) using SiH4 and NH3. Results show that RTNO of the Si3N4 films significantly improves electrical characteristics of ON stacked films in terms of lower leakage current, suppressed charge trapping, reduced defect density and improved time-dependent-dielectric-breakdown (TDDB), as compared to RTO of the Si3N4 films  相似文献   

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