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In this paper, a novel rotor position estimation scheme is described that was developed to overcome the drawbacks of the previous sensorless techniques, which were proposed for switched reluctance (SR) motor drives. It is based on fuzzy-logic, and does not require complex mathematical models or large look up tables. The scheme was implemented by using a digital signal processor. The real-time experimental results given in this paper show that the position estimation method proposed can provide accurate and continual position data over a wide range of speeds (zero/low/high), and can also function accurately at different operating conditions (chopping/single pulse mode and steady state/transient operation)  相似文献   

The paper addresses a fundamental control issue in switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives — the torque ripples. Normally, torque ripple minimization is achieved by using a look-up tables, i.e., the look-up tables uses stored magnetic characteristics to provide the reference current, on-angle, and off-angle for a given torque. A number of techniques for the generation of reference current profiles that minimize the torque ripples have also been suggested in the past. But due to highly nonlinear characteristics of the SRM, all these schemes are not fully successful. Moreover, their performance depends greatly on the accuracy of the magnetic characteristics measurements of the motor on which most of these algorithms work. Our work is primarily motivated to modulate the reference phase current pattern with the aid of fuzzy logic which is well suited to compensate for the nonlinearities of the system, so that the torque ripples are further suppressed. Performance of the proposed strategy is verified by computer simulation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel angle estimation scheme for a real time digital signal processor (DSP) based switched reluctance motor drive using fuzzy logic where several unique techniques are implemented to improve the estimation accuracy. First, an optimized fuzzy model of the motor was created using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based on accurately measured flux linkage data. Secondly, an improved fuzzy optimal sensing phase selector was developed based on the analysis of both modeling error and measurement error. Lastly, a delayless polynomial predictive filter and an online phase winding resistance estimator are also implemented to further improve the position estimation accuracy. Both simulation and experiment results on a DSP based real time drive are presented to show the effectiveness of this scheme.  相似文献   

In many applications where motor drives are used, concern. Thus, a major consideration is the reliability of position estimation schemes when sensor less SR motor drive control is employed. Hence, in this paper, the robust of a fuzzy logic based angle estimation algorithm for the switched reluctance motor (SR) motor is described. It is shown using theoretical analysis and experimental results, that by using logic, the angle estimation scheme gains a high level of robustness and reliability. A theoretical and quantitative analysis of the noise and error commonly found in practical motor drives is given, and how this can affect SR motor position estimation. An analysis is also given on the concepts of robustness and reliability. It is shown that the fuzzy logic based scheme is robust to erroneous and noisy signals commonly found in motor drives  相似文献   

Due to magnetic nonlinearities, switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive control is complicated and normally requires a microprocessor or a digital signal processor. This paper presents a simple and reliable SRM drive using an innovative encoder based on optical graphical programming technology. There is no microprocessor in the drive, no A/D or D/A circuitry, with a drive system that matches the simplicity of the motor construction. It features a simple and effective control capability. Current waveform optimization for the encoder is carried out offline, for high efficiency, and programmed directly into the encoder. Experimental results validate the concept  相似文献   

Bifurcation and chaos characteristics of single phase power converter in switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive system are studied by establishing its corresponding discrete iterative map model in this article. The discrete iterative map model of the converter is first derived. The stability theoretical analysis shows that the system may lose stability as the variation of system parameters in periodic-1 operation. With the bifurcation diagrams and Lyapunov exponents’ analyses, the operation state regions of current-controlled single phase of SRM drive can shift among stable periodic-1 region, chaos region and multi-periodic region. To verify the theoretical analysis results, time-domain waveforms and power spectra of current-controlled single phase of SRM drive are obtained by Runge–Kutta algorithm. Moreover, theoretical analysis and simulation results are verified by experimental circuit.  相似文献   

A sensorless control scheme for the switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive at low speed is presented in this paper. The incremental inductance of each active phase is estimated using the terminal measurement of this phase. The estimated phase incremental inductance is compared to an analytical model, which represents the functional relationships between the phase incremental inductance, phase current, and rotor position, to estimate the rotor position. The presented sensorless control scheme requires neither extra hardware nor huge memory space for implementation. It can provide accurate rotor position information even as the magnetic characteristics of the SRM change due to aging. Combined with other inductance model-based sensorless control techniques, the proposed method can be used to develop an inductance model-based sensorless control scheme to run the SRM from standstill to high-speed. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

A self-tuning controller for switched reluctance motors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A self-tuning controller for switched reluctance motors is presented, A torque ripple minimizing controller is implemented with online system identification and adaptation technique. The controller uses a nonlinear model of the machine that is updated online using a recursive identification algorithm. The real-time approach improves the overall robustness of the system. Experimental results are presented to validate the self-tuning algorithm  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for estimating the shaft position of a switched reluctance motor (SRM). The shaft position of the SRM is obtained by on-line estimation of the self-inductances of the motor, and a closed-loop drive system can thus be achieved. The drive system performs well in both the pulse-width-modulated (PWM) region and the single pulse region. The adjustable speed range of the system is from 20 rev/min to 2000 rev/min. In addition, the drive system is automatically started from standstill to a required speed and exhibits good transient and load disturbance responses. The detailed theoretical analysis and several experimental results are presented in the paper. First, the basic principle of the proposed method is explained. The self-inductance estimating technique is derived by using the mathematical model of the SRM. Then, the relationship between the self-inductance and the shaft position of the motor is discussed. Next, a starting technique is presented. It is then shown how a 32-bit microprocessor system is used to estimate the position and speed, speed-loop control, and the generation of three-phase current commands. Several simulated and experimental results validate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

Most previous work about the hardware design of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) intended to either improve its inference performance for real-time applications or to reduce its hardware cost. To our knowledge, there has been no attempt to design a hardware FLC that can perform an adaptive fuzzy inference for the applications of on-line adaptation. The purpose of this paper is to present such an adaptive memory-efficient FLC and its applications. Taking advantage of the adaptability provided by a symbolic fuzzy rule format and the dynamic membership function generator, as well as the high-speed integration capability afforded by VLSI, the proposed adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) can perform an adaptive fuzzy inference process using various inference parameters, such as the shape and location of a membership function, dynamically and quickly. Three examples are used to illustrate its applications, and the experimental results show the excellent adaptability provided by AFLC  相似文献   

A photovoltaic (PV) pumping system using a switched reluctance motor (SRM) is investigated in this work. the motor is supplied by a DC voltage through a simple switching circuit. This drive circuit is much simpler than the normal DC/AC inverter required to supply an induction motor. the efficiency of the SRM is considerably higher than that of equivalent DC or induction motors. In addition, because of its simple construction, the SRM is cheaper than these conventional drives. These advantages give the proposed system higher efficiency and lower cost compared with other systems. In this paper, which has a substantial tutorial content, a design example is studied in detail to explore the advantages of PV pumping systems based on the new drive. Study of the performance of the proposed system showed that the operating efficiency of the motor is about 85% during most of its working time. the matching efficiency between the PV array and the proposed system approaches 95%. the major part of the losses takes place in the pump and the riser pipes; this loss represents one-third of the total available energy.  相似文献   

为改善开关磁阻电机(简称SRM )的非线性特性问题,提高开关磁阻电机调速系统(简称SRD )的响应特性和稳定性,对 SRD 采用双闭环控制,即速度外环和电流内环。其中速度外环采用模糊 PI 控制技术,借助 MATLAB/SIMULNK对系统进行建模和仿真。将其仿真结果与常规PI仿真结果进行分析比较。结果表明基于模糊PI控制的开关磁阻电机调速系统,响应速度提高了40%,超调量减小1.2%,调节精度和稳定性都大大提高,系统震荡也明显减小。  相似文献   

文中针对开关磁阻电机转矩脉动大及其控制系统难以实现快速精确调速的缺点,提出了一种自适应二阶滑模控制与直接转矩控制相结合的复合控制方案,并对该方案中的自适应二阶滑模控制器进行设计。该控制器采用超螺旋算法,同时对其增益采用自适应调节,克服了传统二阶滑模控制器增益确定依赖于扰动导数界值的缺点。仿真结果表明,文中所采用的控制方案不仅能对电机转速实现快速精确控制,而且能对电机转矩脉动进行有效抑制。  相似文献   

A configuration of a unipolar power converter with improved switching performance suitable for switched-reluctance motor supply is presented. The switched-reluctance motor operation principle is presented and its ideal characteristics are considered. The proposed converter is described and its operation is analyzed. The converter characteristics are studied with the aid of computer simulation. Current control of the proposed converter is considered. A prototype converter has been built to verify the analysis results and to validate the simulation. The design procedure is presented and experimental results which confirm the analysis are given and discussed  相似文献   

The linear switched reluctance motor (LSRM) has emerged to be the most promising alternative due to the development of power controllers in the past years. In this paper, a novel configuration of LSRM with an active-stator-passive-translator is proposed for the traction propulsion system. It comprises a short active stator retrofitted with the transit mover, while a long stationary translator is considered as rail guidance of the system. In this paper, high grade M-19 cold-rolled non-oriented steel is utilized for manufacturing the stator and translator cores. The proposed configuration of electric locomotive makes use of force generated from linear switched reluctance motors to propel it on parallel rails and pushes the coaches attached to the wagon for carrying the functional load. Finally, the motor characterization is performed in ANSYS electromagnetic simulation tool, to determine the applied forces, coupling inductance, and strength of magnetic field of the proposed LSRM for the traction propulsion system. Thus, the experimental evaluation is carried out for various parameters to depict the sustainability and suitability of the LSRM for high-speed transition system.  相似文献   

针对单绕组磁悬浮开关磁阻电机结构参数的优化问题,提出了基于相关向量机与混合粒子群优化的方法。通过有限元分析计算了电机悬浮力和转矩与结构参数的关系,构建基于相关向量机非参数模型。以电机平均悬浮力和平均转矩最大输出为优化目标,采用混合粒子群优化算法获取最优结构参数,通过对比仿真实验说明了该算法的准确性与优越性,电机性能得到明显提升。  相似文献   

Switched reluctance motor drives may be used in many commercial applications due to their simplicity and low cost. These drives require rotor position feedback to operate. However, in many systems, rotor position sensors have disadvantages. In this paper, a position sensorless scheme is described which uses fuzzy modeling, estimation and prediction. An important feature is that saturation and real-time nonideal effects are not ignored, but that no mathematical model is required. Instead, a fuzzy logic-based model is constructed from both static and real-time motor data, and from this model the rotor position is estimated. The system also incorporates fuzzy logic-based methods to provide a high robustness against noise. This includes a fuzzy predictive filter which combines both fuzzy logic-based time-series prediction, as well as a heuristic knowledge-based algorithm to detect and discard feedback signal error. In addition, the method uses heuristic knowledge to choose the most desirable phase for angle estimation in order to minimize the effect of feedback error. It is also shown that, by using fuzzy logic, the estimation scheme offers a high robustness and reliability and is thus well suited to a wide range of systems  相似文献   

文中主要介绍了开关磁阻的实时仿真平台。基于PC机直接控制开关磁阻电机的运行的目的,采用Matlab中的实时代码生成工具箱将Simulink中的程序编译成C程序,由PC机发出信号,经PCI数据采集卡被传送至驱动电路,驱动电路再提供一个12 V的驱动电压的方法控制电机运行。实验结果显示PC机控制电机运行正常,仿真波形图显示A、B、C三相脉冲间隔相等,分别在0°、30°、60°时开通,每次开通角为10°符合设定值。本仿真平台达到实时控制电机的要求。  相似文献   

A modified converter topology for star-connected switched reluctance motors suitable for low-voltage applications is proposed. A dual-time-constant freewheeling circuit has been designed to improve the drive performance and efficiency over a wide range of speeds. The different modes of operation of the converter are discussed, and a comparison is made with other converter configurations  相似文献   

4相8/6开关磁阻电机建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于开关磁阻电机的双凸极结构特点和开关性供电特点,使其难以简单地用传统电机的分析方法解析计算。在开关磁阻电机数学模型基础上,借助离线堵转实验得到的数据,分析得到了SRM的电感模型,并对该模型进行傅里叶分析,建立基于MATLAB/SIMULINK的开关磁阻电机非线性动态模型。仿真与实验结果证实模型的正确性、控制策略的有效性和系统运行可靠,为将来开关磁阻电机调速系统的优化改进提供了参照。  相似文献   

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