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In this paper the authors reveal the first-of-its-kind method for the design of truly smart city projects and the elaboration of smarter urban planning. The Intelligenter Method is based on the innovative idea of collaborations discovery in urban systems. The Intelligenter Method shows that what makes an urban project or a plan smart is not its sophisticated architecture or complex master planning in a technological environment, but rather qualitative and quantitative collaborations that the urban subsystem being planned or projected can establish with related subsystems, to safeguard sustainability while promoting urban development and improving resilience. The authors of this research are now sharing with the research community the Method they developed to teach intelligenter smart urban planning and projecting. This Method is also applicable to intelligenter urban policy making and regulation drafting. This second part of the methodology is published in a separate paper in this Cities issue with the title “The Intelligenter Method (II) for ‘smarter’ urban policy-making and regulation drafting”.  相似文献   

This paper explores what can be lost, both theoretically and pedagogically, if we reduce “planning” to “plan-making.” Under conditions of political conflict and plurality, complexity and connectedness, a subject-centered theory of reflective practice should give way to a situated and relational, inter-subjective and learning-oriented deliberative practice. By exploring diverse planners’ practices in Italy, based on 31 grounded, practice-focused oral histories, this paper represents an innovation, in terms of method and theory, in assessments of contemporary Italian urban and regional planning. The innovation is in identifying significant issues such as relationship-building, joining expertise with political power, integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches, refining participatory intelligence systems, and assuring public accountability in the conduct of planning for further analysis, and it identifies topics, strategies and skills that planning educators can and should address as well. Throughout, we explore not formal legal issues but informal social and political characteristics of critically pragmatic and interactive, deliberative practices that will be resonant with experiences of readers and practitioners in many contexts.  相似文献   

Attitudes influence behavior towards urban green spaces. But determining attitudes toward urban green spaces is not well operationalized in urban planning research. A study was conducted in the West Island, Montreal, Canada to elaborate the design and development of a valid and reliable instrument to measure the dimensions of citizen attitudes toward urban green spaces. The use of qualitative and quantitative phases in the instrument design strengthened the operationalization of the attitude concept. In the qualitative stage, a novel approach integrating collaborative geographic information system (GIS) techniques and informal interviews generated complementary insights about the spatial and non-spatial factors influencing attitude towards urban green spaces. Affinity analysis aggregated the issues into three homogeneous categories that guided the construction of questionnaire items. A self-administered mail-back questionnaire was developed and distributed to 322 households using a multistage cluster sampling strategy; 179 questionnaires were returned (55.6%). In the quantitative phase, factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied to the items set to create a valid attitude measurement scale. The analysis shows that households are characterized by a two-factor attitude structure towards urban green spaces: behavior and usefulness. It is concluded that urban green spaces attitude is a multi-dimensional construct. The implications for green spaces planning are outlined.  相似文献   

在城市发展过程中出现的大量的立 交桥下区域,已成为城市的“失落空间”及城 市双修阶段城市更新改造的重点区域。本文 首先梳理了城市进程中的失落空间以及更新 方式,然后以杨公桥立交为案例对重庆市立 交桥下失落空间非正规发展状况进行实证研 究,分析使用者行为需求和空间运行机制, 探索当下规划政策应对的盲区,并对此类空 间的更新策略与治理手段提出具体建议。  相似文献   

刘颂  刘蕾 《中国园林》2020,36(2):11-16
保护区域生态环境、实现区域生态安全是新型城镇化进程中不容忽视的重要问题。区域生态空间规划是实现生态安全格局的有效途径。当前区域生态空间规划侧重于在静态生态安全格局构建的基础上提出蓝图式规划愿景,忽视了城市扩张对生态安全格局的动态干扰和应对风险的适应性弹性策略研究。以动态生态安全格局构建为目标,分析城市扩张对生态安全格局干扰影响机制,在建立城镇空间发展预测模型和生态空间格局安全性评价体系的基础上,提出"动态多情景模拟预测-生态空间安全性评价-方案协调弹性响应"的区域生态空间弹性规划途径,为实现城乡空间协调发展、提升生态空间安全性,以及优化区域生态空间规划方法提供参考。  相似文献   

新数据环境下,建筑及城乡规划设计领域产生了新的研究范式与研究工具,空间定量分析逐渐成为城乡规划与设计过程的重要组成部分。利用数据化分析技术完善教学体系与模式,培养学生工具理性的思维习惯,成为当下城乡规划本科教育面临的重要课题。结合专题教学,以滨海城市空间定量分析为例,从教学内容、教学设计及案例选取入手,探讨面向新时期的城乡规划专题教学方案,着眼于建筑与城市空间的定量认识与技术,探讨新数据化环境下的城市专题化教学方法,为完善城乡规划专业的特色教学提供参考。  相似文献   

战明松  朱京海 《风景园林》2017,24(6):119-125
改革开放后30年,我国经济逐渐由计划经济转变为市场经济模式,随之而来的是规划编制工作的变革。针对文化迷失的现象,本文基于供求关系模型,以本溪市青云山公园规划策划为研究对象,采用定性分析与量化规划分析相结合的研究方法,对市场需求背景下城市文化规划内容和框架进行初步探讨。对应市场—空间规划策划的四步骤:文化需求、文化供给、市场落实和空间落实。以市场供求模型为基础,总结出以品质要求为导向满足消费者预期、以可持续供给为导向整合提升地域文化资源、以统筹区域文化资源为导向差异化市场落实、以提升空间品质为导向布局功能结构的规划策划研究。  相似文献   

赵珂 《新建筑》2013,(6):54-58
城市设计实质是社会一空间的调查研究过程,不仅要调查分析物质空间单元之间的关系,而且更重要的是揭示隐含在物质空间中社会、经济行为和文化内涵,沿着"城市空间自身生产"的方向,优化城市空间。传统城市设计偏重物质空间,缺少对复杂社会问题的解决。然而人工调查方法,不仅难以保证调查信息的完备和准确,而且凭个人经验的调查分析结果具有很大的随意性。,针对上述问题,基于城市空间是社会空间和物质空间高度互动的融合,提出以GIS为平台、以Unit为载体的城市社会一空间信息数字化调查方法;以空间使用为导向挖掘空间信息,发现城市空间关系及发展规律的数字化研究方法。通过这一方法,拓展和深化对空间信息的认识和理解,促使社会经济发展规划融入物质空间设计,促进城市设计决策从定性分析向定性与定量相结合的科学论证的转变。  相似文献   

公众参与地理信息系统在风景园林规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴代新  谢民 《风景园林》2016,(7):98-104
"公众参与地理信息系统"(PPGIS)源于美国国家地理信息与分析中心(NCGIA)的两个会议,PPGIS利用GIS技术扩大政策制定、城市规划、风景园林等领域的公众参与程度。简要回顾了PPGIS的理论,介绍了PPGIS在风景园林中的应用范围和平台框架;选取PPGIS分别应用在城市公园效益、国家公园规划、区域景观评价项目的 3个案例,阐述PPGIS在拓展公众对项目信息的获取途径、收集公众参与产生的数据、反馈公众意愿中的技术方法,总结了PPGIS的优势与局限性,并提出其未来研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

This paper summarises the findings of a study to evaluate the use in Ireland of the different flood estimation methodologies that can be applied to urban or urbanising catchments. The study, undertaken as part of the Office of Public Works' (OPW) Flood Studies Update (FSU) programme, comprised both quantitative (posted questionnaires) and qualitative research (focus groups) targeting a range of organisations involved with planning and design issues pertaining to urban flooding. A total of 291 questionnaires were circulated. Of these, 100 were returned, yielding a response rate of 34%. Results indicate that formulae and methods for determining runoff rates in urban and urbanising catchments are being applied very generally without due consideration being given to the statistical foundation underlying the methods. The resulting inconsistencies in estimated runoff rates highlight the need for national guidance for flow estimation in urban and urbanising catchments in Ireland.  相似文献   

空间叙事学源自以历史学、文学等社会科学理论为基础的叙事学;在人文科学空间转型之际,被引入城市地理研究中。在此之际,空间叙事理论与行为主义、后现代主义城市地理学思想、方法融合形成,侧重指导城市规划与设计、定性与定量结合的空间叙事方法,并具体应用于城市情感空间、空间政治、景观规划与设计、遗产地规划的研究。这些研究方法还需在研究范式、理论与方法方面改进,以促进未来理论与实践。  相似文献   

陈育文  乔珂 《规划师》2007,23(4):47-49
城市用水量需求预测常见的方法有经验预测法、统计分析法、规划估算法、灰色预测法。在规划设计中,应遵循定性与定量分析相结合的原则,综合运用多种方法、多方案进行比较分析,以便得到较理想、更符合实际的预测结果。灰色预测法可作为一种供推荐运用的城市用水量需求预测方法。  相似文献   

为了缓解城市问题,实现城市经济、社会、环境的可持续发展,可持续城市形态自可持续发展理念提出以来备受国外学者的关注,因此梳理国外研究成果对我国健康城市建设和城市转型发展具有重要意义。基于健康城市视角,本文梳理了国外学者对理想城市形态的探索成果,试图回答可持续发展与城市形态的关系、什么是可持续城市形态以及如何实现城市形态的可持续发展等三个关键逻辑问题。文章分析了可持续发展与城市形态两者在经济、社会、环境三个维度的关系,从概念和特征角度回答了什么是可持续城市形态,又分别从设计模式、研究层面、量化评估方法和技术、模型和政策角度回答了如何实现可持续城市形态。在分析我国可持续城市形态研究现状的基础上,指出国外研究成果在设计关键原则、研究技术方法、重视空间规划和环境规划方面对我国研究的可参考借鉴性。  相似文献   

在多学科视角梳理韧性概念内涵的基础上,综述了国内城市与区域语境下的韧性研究进展。文献分析结果显示国内相关研究形成了5个主要领域,韧性城市及其相应的规划策略、治理措施、评价方法等已经成为了目前国内城市与区域语境下韧性研究的新前沿。将国内城市与区域语境下的韧性研究划分为萌发阶段(2006—2012年)、成长阶段(2013—2016年)和繁荣阶段(2017—2019年);分别对三个阶段的理论研究、实证研究和学术事件进行了分析,总结了研究的成果与不足,并对韧性研究的尺度、焦点、方法和应用等关键议题进行了解析;提出未来可以从城市与区域韧性的测度方法和模型的系统化、韧性演变的历史路径和空间分异、韧性与现有规划体制和法律体系的结合、基于韧性的管治网络与决策机制等方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Built environment,causality and urban planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Informed by critical realist philosophy of science, this paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the issue of causality within urban and planning research. The concept of causality dominating within certain influential disciplinary and philosophical traditions is difficult to reconcile with research into influences of the built environment on human actions. This paper promotes a conceptualizing of causality in terms of generative mechanisms operating in different combinations in normally non-closed systems, and discusses in what sense the built environment can be said to exert causal influences on human actions. In order to integrate knowledge about causal influences at the level of the individual and at the city level, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods is recommended.  相似文献   

王纪武  张丽璐 《规划师》2009,25(4):83-85
当前,我国城市化进程的快速推进为城市规划教育社区化带来了发展的良机.城市规划教育的社区化发展要在办学思想、办学形式、教学方式等方面进行全方位的转变,依托社区教育服务管理机构,在社区内设立常效体制,建设社区化的城市规划教育平台,选择适合学习的教育内容,构建具有特色的发展模式.  相似文献   

In the face of global warming, human thermal comfort has become an increasing important aspect in applied urban planning. As the urban heat island is not a homogenous factor the microclimate conditions play an important role also for single buildings and the situation inside. For a better consideration of this aspect in the planning process, qualitative and especially quantitative assessment tools are required. To get a better knowledge about the quantitative dimension of urban climates investigations on thermal comfort in outdoor and indoor spaces are carried out in selected city quarters in the city of Kassel in Germany. These studies consist of experimental investigations including field interviews about usage of urban open spaces and thermal sensation and numerical simulations on thermal comfort under recent as well as future regional climate conditions. The added‐value of the interdisciplinary research project is based on the correlation of findings from human‐biometeorology with the outcomes from sociologic questionnaires and building physics, which will be used to plan and design structures in a high spatial resolution. The thermal conditions outside continue inside the building, a combination of internal and external climate considerations must be made. The aim of a research at the University of Kassel is the examination and presentation of different microclimate and its influence on the thermal behavior of buildings.  相似文献   

The current debate on demographic change often revolves around seniors (over 65 years old), their housing preferences, and their spatial mobility. Our study asked future retirees between age 50 and 60 whether they intend to keep their current residence or whether they are considering moving to some other place upon retirement. The study applied a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. It was conducted in nine German cities with different spatial structural characteristics. This research contributes to current research as the prospective perspective of potential movers, movers, and non-movers pays close attention as well as the reasons for planning and not planning to move. The analysis of the vast amount of data (140 qualitative interviews and 5500 questionnaires) shows extraordinarily high satisfaction with residents’ current housing situation. The results reflect a high attachment with the place of residence and the surrounding neighborhood. The partly high rates of home ownership give reason to expect continuously high levels of remaining in place among future senior citizens. The few potentially mobile ones intend to either move within the region or use their second residences more frequently so that they are likely to live in multiple locations in the future “Aging in place” therefore proves to be the main preference among future seniors in Germany.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that age brings an increasing attachment to social and physical environments. However, the extent to which the experience of place attachment may vary between different types of locations remains underexplored in ageing research. Using a mixed-method approach consisting of two consecutive phases, this article aims to identify contextual factors that either promote or impede older people's attachment to place. In the first phase, quantitative data from the Belgian Ageing Studies were used to purposively select four municipalities: two with relatively strong and two with relatively weak place attachments among the older population. In the second, qualitative phase, two focus groups with local stakeholders and 20 semi-structured interviews with older residents were conducted in each of the four case study areas in order to explain and build on the quantitative results. The qualitative findings focus on two contextual factors that have been linked to place attachment: the physical–spatial environment and population turnover. The study identifies the various pathways between these factors and older people's attachments. The article concludes by discussing practical and policy issues raised by the research.  相似文献   

语义分析法在城市色彩规划领域中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对语义分析法在城市色彩规划领域应用现状的总结分析,探讨语义分析法在城市色彩规划领域中应用的可行性和意义,提出一种城市色彩规划领域中前期调研阶段色彩感知评价的调查方法,使对城市色彩感知评价由感性上升到理性及定量分析成为可能。并根据应用现状情况,提出应用中的主要问题,针对此类问题,分析原因并归纳出主要解决方法的操作要点,提出了问卷设计优化、重视差异并使用修正值、评价结果具体量化等方法以及评价结论的意义。  相似文献   

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