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仿人灵巧臂逆运动学(IK)问题可转化为等效的最小化问题,并采用数值优化方法求解.和声搜索(HS)是模拟乐师在音乐演奏中调整音调现象的一种启发式搜索方法,目前还尚未在机器人机械臂逆运动学问题中得到应用.本文提出一种基于粒子群体智能的全局和声搜索方法(GHSA),该方法在和声搜索算法中引入微粒群操作(PSO),采用粒子群策略替代常规和声搜索算法中的搜索法则创作新和声,通过粒子自身认知和群体知识更新和声变量位置信息平衡算法对解空间全局探索与局部开发间能力;同时算法还引入变异操作增强算法跳出局部最优解能力,基准函数测试表明该方法改善了全局搜索能力及求解可靠性.在此基础上以七自由度(7-DOF)冗余仿人灵巧臂为例,考虑以灵巧臂末端位姿误差和“舒适度”指标构建适应度函数并采用GHSA算法求解其逆运动学(IK)问题,数值仿真结果表明了该方法是解决仿人灵巧臂逆运动学问题的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

提出了具有7自由度和双球型髋关节的仿人机器人下肢机构.它和传统的6自由度双足步行机构相比,具有下述两大优点.首先双球型髋关节使机器人在不增加腰部关节的情况下实现腰部的基本运动功能,使机器人能够直立行走;其次在给定腰和足部位置时,它也能和人类一样实现转动双腿的动作.本文还对该复杂机构进行了运动特性分析、运动学求解、运动规划和实验验证.  相似文献   

针对异构遥操作系统在作业过程中,从端机器人控制灵活性受限的问题,提出了一种基于主从工作空间与速度的双模比例映射控制方法.限定主从端的操作空间,并采用比例度映射的方式实现主端对从端运动控制.采用Phantom Omni力反馈设备与Kinova仿人机械臂分别作为遥操作系统的操作主端和工作从端,构建了双边控制系统及实物抓取实验,结果表明:在映射的工作空间内,主端能够有效完成对从端的运动控制;在实物抓取实验过程中,主端能够有效对从端实现作业控制.所设计的系统满足控制精度需求,操作灵活.  相似文献   

阐述了仿人跑步机器人研究的必要性,介绍了几款国外典型的仿人机器人机构设计和驱动系统设计,对仿人跑步机器人的步态规划问题进行了综述,并指出仿人跑步机器人领域的研究难点和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

针对大时滞系统,提出了一种仿人智能二自由度控制方法.该方法通过使用仿人智能控制器代替PID控制器,使系统的鲁棒性和抗扰性得到明显改善。仿真研究结果表明,即使对于大纯滞后且有扰动的系统,其参数与结构发生变化时,系统仍能获得较好的控制性能。  相似文献   

仿人机器人柔性腰部机构研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
仿人机器人腰部的构成对仿人机器人的运动学、动力学性能起着重要的作用.本 文着重分析了目前仿人机器人腰部机构存在的问题,提出了一种具有柔性特征的仿人机器人 腰部设计方案,并分析了此腰部机构对机器人的运动稳定性、操作柔顺性的影响.本设计使 仿人机器人具有良好的柔顺性,提高了机器人与人协作时的安全性、稳定性和抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

为使烹饪机器人具备高超的划散技艺,基于对人工划散的总结,提出了一种仿人划散机构.运用D-H法建立了该机构的坐标系,得出了其末端端点的轨迹方程和速度、加速度方程.通过仿真分析得知,该机构的末端端点在锅具中心处的运动速度快而在锅具边沿处的运动速度慢,基包络线能够迅速覆盖整个锅具壁面,且末端加速度呈较大范围的周期性波动,充分...  相似文献   

利用Inventor设计仿人机器人外壳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言仿人机器人不同于一般意义上的工业机器人,它是一种形状与人类似、具有移动功能、操作功能、感知功能、记忆和自治能力、能够与人交流的智能机器。世界上有很多研究机构在其研究中投入了相当的人力和物力,其中以日本的本田和索尼公司成绩最为引人注目。自1996年以来,日本本田公司的P2、P3相继问世,2002年在横滨机器人博览会上本田最新式的Asimo的出场再次引起轰动。其后本田的Asimo被以每年数十万美金的价格出租给IBM,它在世界各地的巡回展览给研究者带来了经济效益。同时,索尼公司推出的SDR-4X在博览会上更是大展风采。SDR-4…  相似文献   

国外仿人机器人发展概况   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李允明 《机器人》2005,27(6):561-568
介绍了国外仿人机器人发展的特点,详细分析了日本、美国和韩国等国几种仿人机器人的主要技术及其技术指标.根据国外的样机设计,作者讨论了仿人机器人各部分自由度的选用,分析了仿人机器人传动和控制设计中的一些问题.就国外仿人机器人发展对中国的启示提出了看法.  相似文献   

本文系统介绍BHR-3型仿人机器人,包括系统构成,机器人的控制系统设计、步行规划设计等,通过实验验证设计方法的有效性。广东科学中心展出该机器人,是国内第一家使用完全自主知识产权的高端仿人机器人进行科技展示的单位。展示验证了BHR-3系统的可靠性和仿人机器人进行科技展示的可行性。  相似文献   

This study describes the design of a novel flexible robotic hand that can adapt its configurations to different grasping demands. Firstly, a mathematical model, based on the Yeoh strain energy function and virtual work principle, is established to investigate deformation properties of the designed soft finger. To achieve a flexible grasping capability, a changeable palm is presented with its variable configurations in terms of target objects with different sizes and shapes. A kinematic model of the flexible robotic hand is established, and then the numerical simulations based on the Monte-Carlo method and Matlab is applied to analyse the workspace of the hand and address the parameter optimisation problem of the rigid-flexible coupled system. Furthermore, an optimised grasping strategy on the basis of the principle of optimal efficiency is proposed to obtain an optimal grasping pose for the target object. Finally, a prototype is developed and tested in a laboratory to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed hand. The results of practical experiments show that the robotic hand cannot only stably grasp objects with different sizes and shapes but also flexibly manipulate soft and fragile ones.  相似文献   

This study develops a face robot with human-like appearance for making facial expressions similar to a specific subject. First, an active drive points (ADPs) model is proposed for establishing a robotic face with less active degree of freedom for bipedal humanoid robots. Then, a robotic face design method is proposed, with the robot possessing similar facial appearance and expressions to that of a human subject. A similarity evaluation method is presented to evaluate the similarity of facial expressions between a robot and a specific human subject. Finally, the proposed facial model and the design methods are verified and implemented on a humanoid robot platform.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design, optimization, and motion control of a radiocontrolled, multi-link, free-swimming biomimetic robotic fish based on an optimized kinematic and dynamic model of fish swimming. The performance of the robotic fish is determined by both the fish's morphological characteristics and kinematic parameters. By applying ichthyologic theories of propulsion, a design framework that takes into consideration both mechatronic constraints in physical realization and feasibility of control methods is presented, under which a multiple linked robotic fish that integrates both the carangiform and anguilliform swimming modes can be easily developed. Taking account of both theoretic hydrodynamic issues and practical problems in engineering realization, the optimal link-lengthratios are numerically calculated by an improved constrained cyclic variable method, which are successfully applied to a series of real robotic fishes. The rhythmic movements of swimming are driven by a central pattern generator (CPG) based on nonlinear oscillations, and up-and-down motion by regulating the rotating angle of pectoral fins. The experimental results verify that the presented scheme and method are effective in design and implementation.  相似文献   

为了提高研发效率,需要将机器人的设计过程和分析过程集成起来;针对这一集成要求,提出了基于Pro/E二自由度的机器人仿真平台,并建立两自由度平移运动并联机器人运动仿真模型;验证了机构的实际工作空间和运动情况,指出了该机构的在实际中的应用;最后通过仿真了机器人的位置轨迹、速度轨迹以及加速度轨迹来验证,文章所设计的二自由度机器人性能良好、工作灵活,很好地满足了设计指标要求,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

满意度原理研究与应用的现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从令人满意准则到满意优化、满意决策和满意控制,满意度原理经历了几个发展阶段,并在许多领域产生了一定的影响。然而这方面的介绍在国内却未见报道,因此对满意度原理的产生、发展和研究现状进行综述,并展望了满意度原理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(9):879-907
This paper presents a task-oriented design method for robot kinematics based on the Grid Method, which is widely used in the finite difference method and heat transfer/fluid flow analyses. This approach drastically reduces the complexity of the whole problem and increases the efficiency compared with previous approaches. More specifically, the Grid Method with a new formulation simplifies the design to a problem of a four-design-variable unit grid, which does not require solving inverse/forward kinematics. The efficiency of the Grid Method has been confirmed through a kinematics design of a planar robot for nuclear power plants and spatial robots.  相似文献   

针对多地貌环境下的移动机器人路径规划问题,建立多目标优化模型,并采用微粒群算法解决该问题.首先,采用区域权值表示机器人在各种地形下的通行困难度;然后,结合局部优化准则计算机器人的通行时间,通过计算机器人与危险源之间覆盖的面积来衡量路径的危险程度,并将上述问题转化为两目标优化问题;最后,采用多目标微粒群优化算法优化上述问题.仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algebraic approach to polynomial spectral factorization, an important mathematical tool in signal processing and control. The approach exploits an intriguing relationship between the theory of Gröbner bases and polynomial spectral factorization which can be observed through the sum of roots, and allows us to perform polynomial spectral factorization in the presence of real parameters. It is discussed that parametric polynomial spectral factorization enables us to express quantities such as the optimal cost in terms of parameters and the sum of roots. Furthermore an optimization method over parameters is suggested that makes use of the results from parametric polynomial spectral factorization and also employs two quantifier elimination techniques. This proposed approach is demonstrated in a numerical example of a particular control problem.  相似文献   

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