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An experimental analysis of the mechanical and electrical power consumption of feed drive systems is presented in this paper. The main components affecting the power consumption are the motor, bearings, ball-screw, and table. The power consumption of the motor has been investigated experimentally through the study of the electrical efficiency. The efficiency has been calculated from the acquired angular velocity and supplied torque for several velocities and loads. The study shows how the working conditions of the motor heavily influence the efficiency of the motor and therefore the power consumption of the whole feed drive system. Moreover, the mechanical power consumption of each component of the feed drive has been investigated, showing that the main component responsible for the consumption is the ball-screw. Thus, in order to clarify the influence of the constructive parameters of the ball-screw on the power consumption, four kinds of ball-screws differing in the lead dimension and the preload condition have been considered. Furthermore, it clarifies the relation between the power consumption of the feed drive system and the working velocity of the table. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of each feed drive mechanical configuration are discussed, emphasizing that the driven factor that affects the power consumption the most is the angular velocity, due to the trade-off between the motor efficiency and the mechanical power loss from the friction of the components in relative motion. This research can help the selection of the lead of the ball-screw, from an energetic point of view, in order to get higher efficiency of the feed drive.  相似文献   

程明 《机械设计》2013,30(9):42-46
链传动是以链条为中间挠性件的啮合传动,它由装在平行轴上的主、从动链轮和绕在链轮上的链条所组成,并通过链条和链轮的啮合来传递运动和动力,被广泛应用在工农业及国民生产各部门。链传动存在多边形效应和动载荷作用,文中首先从理论上分析这些特性,然后基于Recurdyn软件对链传动过程进行仿真,最后分析仿真结果并得出相应结论。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the configuration design of flexure hinges with a prescribed compliance matrix and preset rotational center position. A new method for the topology optimization of flexure hinges is proposed based on the adaptive spring model and stress constraint. The hinge optimization model is formulated by maximizing the bending displacement with a spring while optimizing the compliance matrix to a prescribed value. To avoid numerical instability, an artificial spring is used as an auxiliary calculation, and a new strategy is developed for adaptively adjusting the spring stiffness according to the prescribed compliance matrix. The maximum stress of flexure hinge is limited by using a normalized P-norm of the effective von Mises stress, and a position constraint of rotational center is proposed to predetermine the position of the rotational center. In addition, to reduce the error of the stress measurement, a simple but effective filtering method is presented to obtain a complete black-and-white design. Numerical examples are used to verify the proposed method. Topology results show that the obtained flexure hinges have the prescribed compliance matrix and preset rotational center position while also meeting the stress requirements.  相似文献   

Harmonic drive systems are precise and specific transmission gear systems which are beneficial in terms of the high transmission ratio and almost zero backlash. These inherent and spectacular properties result in using this mechanism in robotic and space sciences where the precision and lightwieght play an important role. This paper presents a vibration analysis of harmonic drive systems using the shell theory. Equations of vibration for the flexspline and the circular spline of the system are derived and used to find the natural frequencies for both parts and, moreover, vibration response of the system under the operating condition is calculated. Also, obtained vibration equations are utilized to study the effects of different involved parameters such as the geometry of the flexspline and its gear tooth, eccentricity, and unbalancing on the vibrational behavior of the system.  相似文献   

阐述了变速传动轴承历史发展,分析了推杆活齿传动机构的演变过程,并在此基础上提出了变速传动轴承性能改善和结构改进的新思路,对变速传动轴承及其活齿传动机构的研究发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

拉臂机构作为拉臂式垃圾车的关键部位,直接决定整车的可靠运行与人员操作体验,文中在分析拉臂机构的力学特性基础上,计算出在装卸工况下的载荷,利用有限元分析软件,对拉臂机构关键部位进行静态有限元分析与模态分析,分析结果表明拉臂机构符合动态性能要求,但其工作时强度不足,需对此进行结构优化.通过对拉臂机构进行局部修改,采取必要的...  相似文献   

本文主要介绍双联驱动桥的结构及工作原理,分析常见故障,提出排除方法及使用注意事项。  相似文献   

精密柔索传动是一种通过主、从动轮之间有适当预紧的传动介质来实现的挠性摩擦传动方式,具有布局灵活、高精度、轻量化等特点,在多种灵巧性精密机电装置和伺服机构中得到了广泛的应用。本文归纳了柔索传动技术在精密指向机构、人机交互机器人、跑步机器人、灵巧手和微创手术末端器械等方面的应用进展;总结了亟待解决的基础理论和应用研究相关问题,主要包括传动机理研究、伺服系统的应用研究、针对典型应用需求的工程设计方法研究等;最后,对进一步发展精密柔索传动理论分析与工程设计技术提出了建议。  相似文献   

汽车的驱动桥是车辆运行中提供动力和承载力的主要构件。其桥壳的设计和生产质量的优劣将影响车辆的安全性和实用性。对桥壳的设计和模拟实验的关键环节作了阐述,介绍了桥壳有限元分析方法和提高桥壳强度措施。  相似文献   

轮式装载机的湿式驱动桥结构是由多个零、部件装配起来的复杂结构,由于该结构造型复杂并存在零、部件间的接触非线性、螺栓预紧力施加以及轴承合理简化等问题,其结构有限元分析具有较大难度。经反复研究实验,利用商用软件ANSYS成功地对该结构进行了详尽的有限元分析计算,获得了该结构的变形及应力分布,据此可以对车桥进行强度校核、结构改进,并为车桥结构的优化设计提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

采用CAD三维造型技术与数值计算相结合的方法计算分析了各种加工误差及装配误差对TI蜗杆传动齿面接触的影响。其结果对有效提高TI蜗杆副的制造精度有指导意义。  相似文献   

为了实现足翼混合驱动两栖机器人水中高效、稳定浮游,开展了仿生水翼水动力分析与试验研究.首先针对非常规翼型的三维水翼进行结构简化,采用数值方法建立了单翼拍动水动力学模型,基于该模型分析了拍动周期、拍动幅值和拍动相位差等参数对水翼推进性能的影响;然后采用切片法,从翼尖轨迹特征、翼面压力分布以及尾涡脱落等角度,阐述了水翼水动...  相似文献   

介绍发明问题解决方法(TR IZ)的物场分析方法及标准解解决问题的思路,并将基于物场分析方法与标准解应用到顶驱钻杆上卸扣装置故障分析中,构建出故障部件或机构的物场模型,对其出现的问题应用标准解从理论上定性分析,找出切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

谐波齿轮的主要失效形式是柔轮的破坏,所以对柔轮的强度研究是谐波齿轮传动的重要课题。本文通过对柔轮应力的理论分析,得出柔轮厚径比和筒体长度是柔轮强度的主要影响因数。进而结合实例在Pro/E中建立包含轮齿的柔轮的精确三维实体模型,导入到ANSYS中进行应力分析,得到柔轮厚径比和筒体长度对柔轮应力的影响规律,然后在此基础上对柔轮的参数进行了改进。最后利用Matlab按最小二乘原理对得到的试验数据进行曲线拟合,证明了理论计算的正确性。  相似文献   

汽车传动轴中间支承及变速器输出轴受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者根据汽车传动轴的布置形式,对传动轴的中间支承和变速器输出轴的受力特性给予分析。阐明了中间支承和变速器输出轴,承受的扭矩与中间支承的布置有关,并提出使其处于受力良好状态的措施。  相似文献   

带式输送机大扭矩传动滚筒的有限元分析及优化设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在三维CAD软件SolidWorks中创建带式输送机传动滚筒三维模型,用有限元分析软件COSMOSWORKS对其进行了静力分析,基本掌握了传动滚筒的受力和变形情况。根据有限元计算结果,通过改变滚筒辐板厚度和增设加强环结构,经反复建模验算后,最终得到较满意的优化设计结果。  相似文献   

The safety of human–robot interaction is an essential requirement for designing collaborative robotics. Thus, this paper aims to design a novel variable stiffness actuator (VSA) that can provide safer physical human–robot interaction for collaborative robotics. VSA follows the idea of modular design, mainly including a variable stiffness module and a drive module. The variable stiffness module transmits the motion from the drive module in a roundabout manner, making the modularization of VSA possible. As the key component of the variable stiffness module, a stiffness adjustment mechanism with a symmetrical structure is applied to change the positions of a pair of pivots in two levers linearly and simultaneously, which can eliminate the additional bending moment caused by the asymmetric structure. The design of the double-deck grooves in the lever allows the pivot to move freely in the groove, avoiding the geometric constraint between the parts. Consequently, the VSA stiffness can change from zero to infinity as the pivot moves from one end of the groove to the other. To facilitate building a manipulator in the future, an expandable electrical system with a distributed structure is also proposed. Stiffness calibration and control experiments are performed to evaluate the physical performance of the designed VSA. Experiment results show that the VSA stiffness is close to the theoretical design stiffness. Furthermore, the VSA with a proportional–derivative feedback plus feedforward controller exhibits a fast response for stiffness regulation and a good performance for position tracking.  相似文献   

谐波链传动中链条的理论长度变化及其影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谐波链传动在传动过程中所需链条的理论长度呈周期性变化 ,分析了传动中波发生器处在不同位置时链条理论长度的变化情况 ,并指出了这种变化对从动链轮角速度及传动比的影响。  相似文献   

为了解决仿人多自由度手指机构结构复杂的问题,提出了一种基于欠驱动原理的腱传动机构,介绍了该机构的具体实现方法,主要包括手指结构设计、关节及其转角分析、扭簧设计、电机功率计算、位置/力传感器选择和自动控制系统设计等内容,在对三维模型进行分析的基础上,设计制造出了一个手指实物模型.运动试验结果表明,该手指实物模型具有结构简单的特点,能够通过弯曲和张开动作实现物体抓取.  相似文献   

基于Pro/E与Ansys软件的集成分析平台,对推土机终传动齿轮进行参数化设计、有限元分析及模态分析,提高了建模和分析效率,实现了对齿轮的绿色设计,为其他产品绿色设计提供可靠、有效的技术支持和技术依据。  相似文献   

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