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Developing security-critical systems is difficult and there are many well-known examples of security weaknesses exploited in practice. Thus a sound methodology supporting secure systems development is urgently needed. In particular, an important missing link in the construction of secure systems is finding a practical way to create reliably secure crypto protocol implementations. We present an approach that aims to address this need by making use of a domain-specific language for crypto protocol implementations. One can use this language to construct a compact and precise yet executable representation of a cryptographic protocol. This high-level program can be verified against the security goals using automated theorem provers for first order logic. One can then use it to provide assurance for legacy implementations of crypto protocols by generating test-cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe Teapot, a domain-specific language for writing cache coherence protocols. Cache coherence is of concern when parallel and distributed systems make local replicas of shared data to improve scalability and performance. In both distributed shared memory systems and distributed file systems, a coherence protocol maintains agreement among the replicated copies as the underlying data are modified by programs running on the system. Cache coherence protocols are notoriously difficult to implement, debug, and maintain. Moreover, protocols are not off-the-shelf, reusable components, because their details depend on the requirements of the system under consideration. The complexity of engineering coherence protocols can discourage users from experimenting with new, potentially more efficient protocols. We have designed and implemented Teapot, a domain-specific language that attempts to address this complexity. Teapot's language constructs, such as a state-centric control structure and continuations, are better suited to expressing protocol code than those of a typical systems programming language. Teapot also facilitates automatic verification of protocols, so hard to find protocol bugs, such as deadlocks, can be detected and fixed before encountering them on an actual execution. We describe the design rationale of Teapot, present an empirical evaluation of the language using two case studies, and relate the lessons that we learned in building a domain-specific language for systems programming  相似文献   

Capturing physical data in the context of measurement systems is a demanding process that often requires many repetitions with different settings. To assist in this activity, a domain-specific modeling language (DSML) called Sequencer has been developed to enable the improved definition of measurement procedures. With Sequencer, the level of abstraction has been raised and sophisticated changes in measurement procedures are now enabled. Although there are numerous DSMLs like Sequencer in the existing literature, there are some obstacles working against the more widespread adoption of DSMLs in practice. One challenge is the lack of supporting tools for DSMLs, which would improve the capabilities of end-users of such languages. For instance, support for debugging a model expressed in a DSML is often neglected. The lack of a debugger at the proper abstraction level limits the domain experts in discovering and locating bugs in a model. In this paper, Sequencer is presented together with debugging facilities (called Ladybird) that are integrated in a modeling environment. Ladybird supports different execution modes (e.g., steps, breakpoints, animations, variable views, and stack traces) that can be helpful during the debugging of a model. Ladybird's primary contribution is in showing the value of error detection in complicated industrial environments, such as data acquisition in automotive testing. The paper contributes to a discussion of the implementation details of DSML debugging facilities and how such a debugger can be reused to support domains other than the measurement context of Sequencer.  相似文献   

DSP处理器的功能日益强大,软件程序的复杂程度也在不断增大,软件的代码量迅速增加。采用LZW字典压缩对由源程序指令代码经过编译、汇编后生成的二进制机器代码进行压缩,可减少指令代码存储空间大小,这样在BWDSP处理器存储空间有限的条件下可以存储更多指令程序代码,同时增加Cache命中率,提高BWDSP处理整体性能。BWDSP处理器指令Cache代码压缩系统以指令Cache块为压缩单元。在高性能BWDSP处理器平台上对典型雷达信号程序代码压缩进行仿真实验,得出平均代码压缩率为60%左右。  相似文献   

Context-awareness refers to systems that can both sense and react based on their environment. One of the main difficulties that developers of context-aware systems must tackle is how to manage the needed context information. In this paper we present MLContext, a textual Domain-Specific Language (DSL) which is specially tailored for modeling context information. It has been implemented by applying Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques to automatically generate software artifacts from context models. The MLContext abstract syntax has been defined as a metamodel, and model-to text transformations have been written to generate the desired software artifacts. The concrete syntax has been defined with the EMFText tool, which generates an editor and model injector.  相似文献   

Measuring time in mass sporting competitions is, typically, performed with a timing system that consists of a measuring technology and a computer system. The first is dedicated to tracking events that are triggered by competitors and registered by measuring devices (primarily based on RFID technology). The latter enables the processing of these events. In this paper, the processing of events is performed by an agent that is controlled by the domain-specific language, EasyTime. EasyTime improves the flexibility of the timing system because it supports the measuring of time in various sporting competitions, their quick adaptation to the demands of new sporting competitions and a reduction in the number of measuring devices. Essentially, we are focused on the development of a domain specific language. In practice, we made two case studies of using EasyTime by measuring time in two different sporting competitions. The use of EasyTime showed that it can be useful for sports clubs and competition organizers by aiding in the results of smaller sporting competitions, while in larger sporting competitions it could simplify the configuration of the timing system.  相似文献   

We propose a novel high level programming notation, called FIDO, that we have designed to concisely express regular sets of strings or trees. In particular, it can be viewed as a domain-specific language for the expression of finite state automata on large alphabets (of sometimes astronomical size). FIDO is based on a combination of mathematical logic and programming language concepts. This combination shares no similarities with usual logic programming languages. FIDO compiles into finite state string or tree automata, so there is no concept of run-time. It has already been applied to a variety of problems of considerable complexity and practical interest. We motivate the need for a language like FIDO, and discuss our design and its implementation. Also, we briefly discuss design criteria for domain-specific languages that we have learned from the work with FIDO. We show how recursive data types, unification, implicit coercions, and subtyping can be merged with a variation of predicate logic, called the Monadic Second-order Logic (M2L) on trees. FIDO is translated first into pure M2L via suitable encodings, and finally into finite state automata through the MONA tool  相似文献   

safeDpi: a language for controlling mobile code   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
safeDpi is a distributed version of the Picalculus, in which processes are located at dynamically created sites. Parametrised code may be sent between sites using so-called ports, which are essentially higher-order versions of Picalculus communication channels. A host location may protect itself by only accepting code which conforms to a given type associated to the incoming port. We define a sophisticated static type system for these ports, which restrict the capabilities and access rights of any processes launched by incoming code. Dependent and existential types are used to add flexibility, allowing the behaviour of these launched processes, encoded as process types, to depend on the host's instantiation of the incoming code. We also show that a natural contextually defined behavioural equivalence can be characterised coinductively, using bisimulations based on typed actions. The characterisation is based on the idea of knowledge acquisition by a testing environment and makes explicit some of the subtleties of determining equivalence in this language of highly constrained distributed code.  相似文献   

Dynamic programming algorithms are traditionally expressed by a set of matrix recurrences—a low level of abstraction, which renders the design of novel dynamic programming algorithms difficult and makes debugging cumbersome.Bellman's GAP is a declarative, domain-specific language, which supports dynamic programming over sequence data. It implements the algebraic style of dynamic programming and allows one to specify algorithms by combining so-called yield grammars with evaluation algebras. Products on algebras allow to create novel types of analyses from already given ones, without modifying tested components. Bellman's GAP extends the previous concepts of algebraic dynamic programming in several respects, such as an “interleaved” product operation and the analysis of multi-track input.Extensive analysis of the yield grammar and the evaluation algebras is required for generating efficient imperative code from the algebraic specification. This article gives an overview of the analyses required and presents several of them in detail. Measurements with “real-world” applications demonstrate the quality of the code produced.  相似文献   

Various implementation approaches for developing a domain-specific language are available in literature. There are certain common beliefs about the advantages/disadvantages of these approaches. However, it is hard to be objective and speak in favor of a particular one, since these implementation approaches are normally compared over diverse application domains.The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical results from ten diverse implementation approaches for domain-specific languages, but conducted using the same representative language. Comparison shows that these discussed approaches differ in terms of the effort need to implement them, however, the effort needed by a programmer to implement a domain-specific language should not be the only factor taken into consideration. Another important factor is the effort needed by an end-user to rapidly write correct programs using the produced domain-specific language. Therefore, this paper also provides empirical results on end-user productivity, which is measured as the lines of code needed to express a domain-specific program, similarity to the original notation, and how error-reporting and debugging are supported in a given implementation.  相似文献   

Conclusions The memory gain given by the present algorithms, in comparison with the algorithms of [2], depends on the class of problems to be solved and can be quite substantial in the solution of problems in which the unknowns have long forms as their values. The cost in time connected with the more complex structures of the lists must, in general, be compensated by the less frequent calls to the procedures described in [2] for the so-called garbage-collector-optimizer and by the replacement of copying of values by the copying of references (the marks ). It remains to be noted that if the values of the unknowns or the function identifiers are constants, then the algorithms reduce to those described in [2].Translated from Kibernetika, No. 1, pp. 69–74, January–February, 1977.  相似文献   

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