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任帅  索丽  张弢  杨涛  慕德俊 《计算机应用》2017,37(6):1616-1619
针对秘密信息在公开网络传输的安全性和容量性问题,提出了一种基于高效率视频编码(HEVC)背景的信息隐藏算法。利用HEVC中多视点图像的背景图作为载体,首先对其进行lαβ分解得到三个灰度分量子图,然后选取αβ分量子图作离散余弦变换,最后将秘密信息重复嵌入到载体区域中。隐藏区域选取能量权重较低的αβ分量子图的离散余弦变换中频系数区域,且进行重复嵌入,使得算法具有良好的不可见性和鲁棒性。实验结果表明,所提算法比基于帧间和帧内算法不可见性分别提高16.1%和11.4%,鲁棒性分别提高55.5%和20.2%。  相似文献   

The multiprocessor system ATOMS has been used to solve 3D Navier-Stokes problems. ATOMS was originally designed at AT&T Bell Laboratories for Molecular Dynamics calculations. However, certain hardware features were included in the design to permit data transfer between processor boards as closely coupled linear array of processors. In this mode we refer to the multiprocessor system as DNSP (AT&T's/Delft Navier-Stokes Processor).

An algorithm for calculating the buoyancy-driven laminar/turbulent flow in a 3D cavity has been implemented on the DNSP. For this algorithm an efficiency of 35% (which amounts to 14 Mflops) is obtained. This high efficiency can be reached thanks to the strong coupling between the algorithm and the architecture of the multiprocessor system. The speed is obtained at very low cost, resulting in a cost/performance ratio for the DNSP which is at least an order of magnitude lower than (mini-)supercomputers.  相似文献   

Constructions of cryptographic primitives based on general assumptions (e.g., one-way functions) tend to be less efficient than constructions based on specific (e.g., number-theoretic) assumptions. This has prompted a recent line of research aimed at investigating the best possible efficiency of (black-box) cryptographic constructions based on general assumptions. Here, we present bounds on the efficiency of statistically-binding commitment schemes constructed using black-box access to one-way permutations; our bounds are tight for the case of perfectly-binding schemes. Our bounds hold in an extension of the Impagliazzo-Rudich model: we show that any construction beating our bounds would imply the unconditional existence of a one-way function (from which a statistically-binding commitment scheme could be constructed “from scratch”).  相似文献   

为了提高自动驾驶汽车环境感知的性能,增强单目相机对障碍物三维和边界信息的感知能力,提出了一种基于地面先验的3D目标检测算法。基于优化的中心网络(CenterNet)模型,以DLA(deep layer aggregation)为主干网络,增加目标3D边沿框中心点冗余信息预测。根据自动驾驶场景的地面先验信息,结合针孔相机模型,获取目标3D中心深度信息,以优化深度网络学习效果。使用KITTI 3D数据集评测算法性能,结果表明:在保证2D目标检测准确性的基础上,该算法运行帧率约20 fps,满足自动驾驶感知实时性要求;同时相比于CenterNet模型,在平均方位角得分(average orientation score)和鸟视图平均准确率(bird eye view AP)上分别有4.4和4.4%的性能提升。因而,该算法可以提高自动驾驶汽车对障碍物三维和边界信息的感知能力。  相似文献   

A fast 3D seed-filling algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 3D seed-filling algorithm that fills consecutive object voxels at a time has shown higher efficiency than the method of filling only one voxel at a time. However, it searches seeds for filled voxels already containing no seeds. This paper presents a fast 3D seed-filling algorithm that uses a 2D pointer array of linked lists to avoid the redundant seed searches. The linked lists record the spans of filled voxels. Five comparison cases determine the current filling span, and the neighboring spans for searching seeds are either non-overlapping, or completely or partially overlapping. Seed searches are executed only for the non-overlapping span or part (in the case of the partial overlapping span) to minimize the searches. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is effective in eliminating the redundant seed searches and achieves high efficiency.  相似文献   

Sato的滤波器可以有效地滤除3D数据中的面状结构和球状结构,但是对于背景信息滤除效果不佳。基于Sato的血管增强原理,提出了一种改进算法。新算法将背景像素的Hessian矩阵特征值也考虑到滤波器的设计中,增强了滤波器滤除背景像素的功能。基于临床颈动脉的CTA数据和脑部血管MRA数据,做了实验分析。实验结果表明,在保留原算法优点的情况下,背景内容被大幅度移除,图像对比度得到进一步提高,血管结构更加清晰可辨。  相似文献   

一种DCT变换的三维网格物体盲水印方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于DCT变换的3D网格物体鲁棒性盲水印方案。首先将3D物体模型转换到仿射不变空间,抽取三维物体重心到顶点的距离生成一个一维的离散信号,将该离散信号进行DCT变换,改变其系数以嵌入水印。然后经过逆DCT变换生成带水印的3D物体模型。在仿射不变空间下,实现了3D物体模型对平移、旋转、比例变换的鲁棒性,采用DCT变换使3D模型具有很强的水印不可见性,而且具有一定的噪声鲁棒性。试验结果也表明该方法不仅对于旋转、平移、比例变换具有很强的鲁棒性,而且具有良好的水印不可见性。  相似文献   

李林国  顾耀林 《计算机应用》2006,26(12):2922-2923
提出了一种基于3D网格物体的鲁棒性盲水印方案。先将3D物体模型转换到仿射不变空间,然后把顶点坐标转换到球面坐标,利用球面坐标来嵌入水印。由于在仿射不变空间下,3D物体模型不受平移、旋转和比例变换的影响,故该水印方案对于此类变化具有很强的鲁棒性。试验结果也证明了这一点,且该水印具有良好的不可见性。  相似文献   

针对现有的三维定位算法过分依赖于锚节点的信息,缺乏网络计算效率和定位精度等问题,提出一种应用于三维无线传感器网络的局部四面体内点测试定位算法。以未知节点为原点建立局部坐标系,获取邻居节点的相对位置关系,选取合适的邻居节点建立局部四面体;通过四面体内点测试方法,找到包含未知节点的四面体;采用质心算法求得未知节点的物理坐标。仿真结果表明,该算法充分利用邻居节点的位置信息,缩小了定位范围,减小了质心定位的误差。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that embedded DRAM (eDRAM) is a promising approach for 3D stacked last-level caches (LLCs) rather than SRAM due to its advantages over SRAM; (i) eDRAM occupies less area than SRAM due to its smaller bit cell size; and (ii) eDRAM has much less leakage power and access energy than SRAM, since it has much smaller number of transistors than SRAM. However, different from SRAM cells, eDRAM cells should be refreshed periodically in order to retain the data. Since refresh operations consume noticeable amount of energy, it is important to adopt appropriate refresh interval, which is highly dependent on the temperature. However, the conventional refresh method assumes the worst-case temperature for all eDRAM stacked cache banks, resulting in unnecessarily frequent refresh operations. In this paper, we propose a novel temperature-aware refresh scheme for 3D stacked eDRAM caches. Our proposed scheme dynamically changes refresh interval depending on the temperature of eDRAM stacked last-level cache (LLC). Compared to the conventional refresh method, our proposed scheme reduces the number of refresh operations of the eDRAM stacked LLC by 28.5% (on 32 MB eDRAM LLC), on average, with small area overhead. Consequently, our proposed scheme reduces the overall eDRAM LLC energy consumption by 12.5% (on 32 MB eDRAM LLC), on average.  相似文献   

何辰  王磊  王春萌 《计算机应用》2016,36(2):546-550
针对三维(3D)网格模型的存储与网络传输问题,提出一种新颖的三维模型压缩算法。该算法基于对网格模型的切片处理,主要由以下三个步骤组成:切片顶点的计算、切片边界的均匀采样以及对切片所得图像的编码。对于一个给定的三维模型,首先,计算模型的包围盒;然后,沿包围盒长度最长的方向进行切片;同时计算切片与网格模型表面每条边的交点,构成一个多边形,这个多边形即为切片的边界;其次,对切片边界进行均匀的重采样,使每层切片具有相同的顶点数;最后,把每层的顶点坐标转化为极坐标形式,这样,所有层顶点的ρ-坐标以及θ-坐标能分别构成一张图像,原始的三维模型即能由这两张图像表示。这种表示方法具有以下两个明显的优势:第一,降低了数据的维度,有效减少了数据量;第二,具有极大的数据相关性,进一步减少了数据的熵。基于这两个优势,该算法对图像数据进行差值编码以及算术编码,最后得到压缩后的文件。与增量参数细化(IPR)方法相比,在解码模型同等质量的前提下,所提算法的编码效率提高了23%。实验结果表明,所提算法在模型存储和传输应用中能取得很好的压缩效率,有效减少了数据量。  相似文献   

对基于内容的三维模型检索的应用背景和现有算法进行了研究。结合物理学的基本原理,提出了一种静电场电通量描述子,在三维模型的模拟电场中设置测试球壳,计算各个测试球壳内部的电通量,用以描述三维模型。该描述子具有平移、旋转和缩放不变的特征,并对噪声有较强的鲁棒性。实验证明该描述子具有较强的检索能力。  相似文献   

一种快速有效实现三维实体重建的算法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从图的数组表示法这一基本表示方法,作为基点出发,将点、线、面、面环等信息用数组形式存储,从数组元素出发逐步实现了基于三视图的三维重建。实践表明,该方法充分利用数组形式的有序、对应、直接等特点,大大提高了三维重建的效率,减少了传统方法庞大的搜索空间和降低了时间复杂度。  相似文献   

在研究APIT—3D定位算法思想基础上,提出了一种改进的定位算法APIT—VP。新算法解决了APIT—3D算法在节点分布不均匀的情况下定位精度和定位覆盖率较低的问题;在一定程度上避免了PIT—3D测试中出现的OutToIn和InToOut误判错误;并且利用基于中垂面分割法代替原先的网格扫描算法,降低定位运算复杂度,减少能耗。仿真实验结果表明:在无线传感器网络环境理想、300个节点随机部署在100 m×100 m×100 m的三维区域情况下,APIT—VP算法定位覆盖率可达90%,定位误差控制在25%左右,并且与APIT—3D算法相比有效降低了计算复杂度。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中近似四面体内点三维(APIT-3D)定位算法存在的问题,提出一种基于球切割的APIT(APIT-SC)定位算法.该算法改善在节点分布不均匀时定位精度和定位覆盖率差的问题,用体积规则减少PIT-3D测试中出现OutToIn和InToOut错误.以球切割法和轮回选择法改善算法性能,降低计算复杂度.仿真实验表明:500个节点随机部署在100m ×100m ×100m的理想网络环境下,APIT-SC算法定位覆盖率可达91%,定位误差在23%左右.与APIT-3D算法相比,降低了计算复杂度,提高了定位精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, two novel methods suitable for blind 3D mesh object watermarking applications are proposed. The first method is robust against 3D rotation, translation, and uniform scaling. The second one is robust against both geometric and mesh simplification attacks. A pseudorandom watermarking signal is cast in the 3D mesh object by deforming its vertices geometrically, without altering the vertex topology. Prior to watermark embedding and detection, the object is rotated and translated so that its center of mass and its principal component coincide with the origin and the z-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system. This geometrical transformation ensures watermark robustness to translation and rotation. Robustness to uniform scaling is achieved by restricting the vertex deformations to occur only along the r coordinate of the corresponding (r, /spl theta/, /spl phi/) spherical coordinate system. In the first method, a set of vertices that correspond to specific angles /spl theta/ is used for watermark embedding. In the second method, the samples of the watermark sequence are embedded in a set of vertices that correspond to a range of angles in the /spl theta/ domain in order to achieve robustness against mesh simplifications. Experimental results indicate the ability of the proposed method to deal with the aforementioned attacks.  相似文献   

New acceleration schemes and restarting procedures are defined and studied in view of application to the EM algorithm. In most cases the introduced algorithms circumvent the problems of stagnation and degeneracy. Their behavior is analyzed on real data sets.  相似文献   

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