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采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,3个奶酪槽中原料乳热处理条件分别设为未杀菌,63℃(30min)杀菌,72℃(15s)杀菌。研究干酪加工中原料乳热处理条件对Mozzarella干酪的品质的影响。结果表明,未杀菌乳制干酪的蛋白水解、硬度及弹性与杀菌乳制干酪的蛋白水解、硬度及弹性值具显著差异(p<0.05),未杀菌乳制干酪的蛋白水解显著增加,弹性及硬度显著降低;63℃(30min)及72℃(15s)不同杀菌温度处理的乳制得的干酪之间蛋白水解、硬度及弹性无显著差异;不同热处理乳制干酪之间的融化性和油脂析出性在统计学上无显著差异。  相似文献   

本文概述了Mozzarella干酪的功能特性,并对影响Mozzarella干酪功能特性的原料乳及其处理方式、乳酸菌种和发酵剂、生产工艺条件等因素进行分析,提出了我国南方奶水牛养殖地区发展水牛乳Mozzarella加工产业化的设想和有利条件.  相似文献   

采用直接酸化工艺,用柠檬酸将原料乳pH分别调节为6.37、6.09和5.73,研究了原料乳不同酸化的pH对Mozzarella干酪功能特性的影响。结果表明,随着原料乳预酸化pH的降低,干酪的TPA硬度显著降低(p<0.05),TPA粘性显著增加(p<0.05),对TPA弹性影响不显著,干酪的融化性和拉伸性显著增强(p<0.05)。   相似文献   

研究了原料奶脂肪与干物质不同比例对水牛奶Mozzarella鲜干酪质地的影响.实验以原料奶脂肪与干物质比例、实验批次和干酪槽为试验因素,设计3×3拉丁方实验方案.结果表明,原料奶的脂肪与干物质比例对干酪的硬度有极显著影响,对干酪的黏着性、耐嚼性、油脂析出性和成品率有显著影响,对干酪的弹性和融化性无显著影响.原料奶的脂肪与干物质比例为0.5时,干酪的总体品质较差.  相似文献   

选择不同的拉伸温度和拉伸时间,研究拉伸工艺对Mozzarella干酪组成、游离水分和功能特性的影响。结果表明,随着拉伸温度的升高和拉伸时间的延长,干酪的游离水分增加,脂肪和蛋白质质量分数下降,干酪产量下降。拉伸温度为60℃时,干酪的融化性最高,油脂析出性适中,拉伸性较好。延长拉伸时间,导致干酪产量下降,功能特性没有明显提升。本研究确定的最佳拉伸工艺:拉伸温度60℃,拉伸时间10min。  相似文献   

NaCl含量对Mozzarella干酪品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
任星环  任发政  雷蕾 《食品科学》2004,25(11):89-94
Mozzarella干酪中NaCl的含量影响Mozzarella干酪的品质。本试验采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,三个奶酪槽中凝乳磨碎后分别加NaCl为1%、2%、3%。研究干酪中NaCl的浓度对Mozzarella干酪的品质的影响。结果表明随着干酪中NaCl的浓度的增加,油脂析出性显著降低(p<0.05),干酪的蛋白质水解显著降低(p<0.05),干酪中NaCl的浓度对Mozzarella干酪的融化性,硬度及弹性没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

不同发酵剂对Mozzarella干酪品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用嗜热链球菌和嗜热乳杆菌作为Mozzarella干酪的发酵剂,研究单一嗜热链球菌发酵剂与嗜热链球菌和嗜热乳杆菌组成的混合发酵剂对Mozzarella干酪品质的影响。结果表明,混合菌作发酵剂制得的干酪品质优于用单一嗜热链球菌作发酵剂的干酪。  相似文献   

通过改进传统Mozzarella干酪的工艺,制备了非成熟Mozzarella干酪,使用质构测定仪、改良的Schreiber实验法、电子显微等方法分别测定了样品的TPA质构、融化性、油脂析出性、拉丝性和微观结构.结果表明,非成熟Mozzarella干酪的功能特性与传统Mozzarella干酪相比有所提高;微观结构显示成熟...  相似文献   

通过设定不同脂肪含量,研究低脂Mozzarella干酪的蛋白水解、TPA质构、功能特性和微观结构.结果表明,低脂Mozzarella干酪的各个指标较全脂Mozzarella干酪均有所降低.其中,脱脂Mozzarella干酪的品质明显降低,接受性差;中脂Mozzarella干酪品质接近于全脂Mozzarella干酪,部分脱脂Mozzarella干酪介于脱脂和中脂Mozzarella干酪之间,具有可接受性.  相似文献   

通过设定不同脂肪质量分数,研究了低脂Mozzarella干酪的蛋白水解、TPA质构、功能特性和微观结构.结果表明,低脂Moz-zareUa干酪的各个指标较全脂Mozzarella干酪均有所降低.其中, 脱脂Mozzarella干酪的品质明显降低,接受性差;中脂Mozzarella干酪品质接近于全脂Mozzarella干酪,部分脱脂Mozzarella干酪介于脱脂和中脂Mozzarella干酪之间,也有一定的可接受性.  相似文献   

To better exploit manufacturing facilities and standardize cheese quality, milk composition could be standardized by fortifying its protein content with a milk protein concentrate (MPC) addition so avoiding partially skimming the milk. With this aim Mozzarella cheese was obtained adding citric acid into milk standardized at 4% protein and a fat to protein ratio of 1.0. Protein fortification was obtained adding MPC produced by ultrafiltration. Milk, whey, curd, cheese and stretching water were weighed and analysed for total solid, fat and protein content, to measure component recovery and yield. Yield increase (from 13.8% to 16.7%) was due to the higher recovery of the milk total solids and proteins in MPC cheese (48.2 and 78.3%, respectively) and to the slightly higher cheese moisture, obtained with a little modification of the cheese technology when adding MPC. Milk fat in cheese was lower than that reported in literature. Hot water stretching of the curd resulted in very low losses (1%) of protein and considerable losses (14%) of fat for both control and MPC cheeses. The likely reasons of this low recovery are discussed and it can be supposed that a further cheese yield increase is possible by changing the curd stretching procedures.  相似文献   

本文分析了尼里-拉菲及其不同杂交代水牛奶的理化特性,并研究了以尼里-拉菲及其不同杂交代水牛奶制备的Mozzarella鲜奶酪的理化指标、感官、盐水贮存中的含水率及在26℃冷柜内保存期间p H变化。结果表明,不同杂交代水牛奶的蛋白质、脂肪、总乳固体含量均高于尼里-拉菲,不同杂交代水牛奶制备的Mozzarella鲜奶酪蛋白质含量13%、脂肪含量23%、水分含量59%、出品率20%左右,采用尼杂二代、三代及以上的水牛奶制备的Mozzarella鲜奶酪质量较好,鲜奶酪在26℃的冷柜内保存宜控制在10d内。   相似文献   

Microfluidization of cheese milk at different temperatures and pressures altered the meltability and rheological properties of Mozzarella cheese. Pasteurized milks, standardized to 1.0 (low-fat (LF)) or 3.2 (full fat (FF)) g fat/100 g milk, heated to 10, 43, or 54 °C, and then microfluidized at pressures of 34, 103, or 172 MPa, were used to manufacture Mozzarella cheese. Cheeses made from nonmicrofluidized milks served as controls. During the hot water step, only control cheeses and cheeses made with milk microfluidized at 10 °C could be stretched while all others had short curds that did not fuse together. Cheese responses to different stresses (heat, compression, torsion, and oscillatory shear) were measured after 1 and 6 weeks of storage. FF cheeses made with the control milks and milks processed at 10 °C/34 MPa or 10 °C/103 MPa were softer and less rigid, and had the lowest visco-elastic properties and the highest meltabilities of all the cheeses. Microfluidization of the cheese milk did not improve the melt or rheology of LF cheeses. Microfluidization of milk with fat in the liquid state at higher pressures resulted in smaller lipid droplets that altered the component interactions during the formation of the cheese matrix and resulted in LF and FF Mozzarella cheeses with poor melt and altered rheology.  相似文献   

目的研究脂肪替代物对部分脱脂Mozzarella干酪的流变学特性及微观结构的影响。方法通过测定不同脂肪替代物(菊粉、麦芽糖醇、WPC-80、大豆卵磷脂)制成的部分脱脂干酪的基本组分、流变学特性、粘弹性模量变化、微观结构,研究不同脂肪替代物对干酪的影响。结果菊粉、WPC-80、大豆卵磷脂均能提高部分脱脂干酪的水分含量,加入脂肪替代物的干酪的pH明显低于对照组部分脱脂干酪的pH。WPC-80 G"菊粉G"大豆卵磷脂G"麦芽糖醇G"对照G",说明加入脂肪替代物能显著改善部分脱脂干酪的黏弹流变学特性。结论麦芽糖醇作为脂肪替代物替代脂肪的效果较好,能提高蛋白分子间疏水作用,加入麦芽糖醇的部分脱脂干酪的黏弹性与对照组最为接近。  相似文献   

凝乳酸度影响酪蛋白胶束中的钙含量,导致影响从原料奶到干酪的转移率.为了研究适合于水牛奶Mozzarella干酪生产的凝乳酸度,最大限度减少原料奶钙的损失,以凝乳酸度为试验考察因素、试验批次和不同干酪槽为辅助试验因素,设计3×3拉丁方试验方案,凝乳酸度设置pH值为6.40,6.20和6.00三个水平,研究其对原料奶中的钙转移到干酪的比率的影响.结果表明,采用pH值≥6.20的酸度凝乳,可以使干酪获得更高的钙转移率,而不影响其他主要化学成分的转移率及成品率.  相似文献   

不同的热烫拉伸温度对Mozzarella干酪的组织结构、凝块中微生物以及酶的活性有很重要的影响,进而会影响其成熟过程中蛋白质的降解以及最终品质的形成,该研究对不同热烫拉伸温度的Mozzarella干酪成熟过程中的蛋白降解及质构特性指标进行测定。结果表明,同一成熟期内,随着热烫温度(对照、70 ℃、90 ℃)的提高,干酪的pH 4.6可溶性氮(SN)显著下降(P<0.05),12%三氯乙酸-可溶性氮(TCA-SN)有所下降(P>0.05),而干酪的硬度、咀嚼性均显著增大(P<0.05),弹性增大而黏附性有所下降(P>0.05),融化性、油脂析出性均显著下降(P<0.05)。因而采取70 ℃的热烫拉伸温度更有利于干酪成熟后形成良好的质构特性及充分的蛋白降解。  相似文献   

成熟温度对Mozzarella干酪蛋白水解和质构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了温度为4,7,10℃时对干酪成熟过程中蛋白水解和质地的影响。结果表明,随着干酪成熟温度的升高,成熟期间干酪中可溶性氮与总氮的比值增加较快,干酪的硬度下降速度也较快。说明在较高的成熟温度下,干酪在较短的时间内能够达到成熟的状态。  相似文献   

Over a 14-month period, bulk tank milk was collected twice a week and was adjusted with cream and skim milk powder to provide six levels each of fat and protein varying from 3·0 to 4·0%. Milk samples were analyzed for total solids, fat, protein, casein, lactose and somatic cell count and were used for laboratory-scale cheesemaking. Data obtained from the milk input and the cheese output were used to determine actual, moisture adjusted, theoretical yield, and efficiency of yield. Least squares analyses of data indicated that higher cheese yields were obtained from higher fat and protein contents in milk. Higher yield efficiency was associated with higher ratios of protein to fat and casein to fat. Regression analysis indicated that a percentage increase in fat content in milk resulted in an increase of 1·23–1·37% in moisture adjusted yield in the different protein levels. For a similar increase of protein in milk, there were 1·80–2·04% increase in moisture adjusted yields in different fat levels.  相似文献   

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