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Drying kinetic curves and modelling for cassava chips were determined using a pilot-size air dryer. Operating conditions involved temperatures ranging from 35 to 90 ° C, air flow velocities from 0.5 to 2.0 m/ s, and air moisture content from 0.005 to 0.060 kg water/ kg dry air. Sorption isotherms at temperatures of 23, 45 and 60 ° C were obtained. Results for the drying experiments can be used to calculate the optimal drying conditions for dehydration of cassava roots in multilayers  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in a solar simulator to study the influence of air temperature (25-40°C), air relative humidity (40-80%), air velocity (0.95-2.2 m/s), radiation intensity (0-916 W/m2), and loading density (10-30 kg/m2) on the drying rate of a bed of cassava chips (2×2×2 cm). Well-known thin-layer drying equations were fitted to the experimental data, and the empirical constants were used in a statistical analysis of the influence of process conditions on the drying rate. The air temperature, air velocity, radiation intensity, and loading density influenced the drying rate significantly (p=0.05). The effects of the air temperature and the radiation intensity were attributed to the temperature-dependent diffusion of moisture within the chips, while the effect of the air velocity was ascribed to the resistance to mass transfer at the air-chip interface. Equations were presented to express the empirical constants as functions of the process variables.  相似文献   


Experiments were carried out in a solar simulator to study the influence of air temperature (25-40°C), air relative humidity (40-80%), air velocity (0.95-2.2 m/s), radiation intensity (0-916 W/m2), and loading density (10-30 kg/m2) on the drying rate of a bed of cassava chips (2×2×2 cm). Well-known thin-layer drying equations were fitted to the experimental data, and the empirical constants were used in a statistical analysis of the influence of process conditions on the drying rate. The air temperature, air velocity, radiation intensity, and loading density influenced the drying rate significantly (p=0.05). The effects of the air temperature and the radiation intensity were attributed to the temperature-dependent diffusion of moisture within the chips, while the effect of the air velocity was ascribed to the resistance to mass transfer at the air-chip interface. Equations were presented to express the empirical constants as functions of the process variables.  相似文献   

Agar-agar is a polysaccharide extracted as a hydrocolloid from red seaweed, whose gels are homogeneous, stable and transparent. The characterization of ternary equilibrium and mass transfer kinetics in the agar-water-air system is essential for designing operations in the extractive process as well as for ascertaining the behaviour of these gels and sols during evaporation. humectation and swelling.

In this work, the convective thermal drying of agar gels using a laboratory scale discontinuous drier has been studied, the raw data being interfaced to an ancillary microprocessor and generalized according to the characteristic curve formalism useful in the design of full scale driers.  相似文献   

Implicit equations relating the dimensionless drying rate to the reduced moisture content for porous non-hygroscopic slabs have been determined. This study is based on the receding evaporative front model and on the assumption of a parabolic moisture content profile in the diffusional zone of the wet region. The characteristic functions derived depend on the relative position of the receding evaporative front. Two cases were considered : the drying of thick products and the drying of thin products. It has been observed that the relationships corresponding to the C.D.C obtained for thick products depend on the initial. On the other hand, it was observed that experimental CDC. of plaster slabs determined for many thicknesses and various plaster textures depend strongly on these two parameters. Furthermore, the model presented gives good results only for thin products.  相似文献   


Implicit equations relating the dimensionless drying rate to the reduced moisture content for porous non-hygroscopic slabs have been determined. This study is based on the receding evaporative front model and on the assumption of a parabolic moisture content profile in the diffusional zone of the wet region. The characteristic functions derived depend on the relative position of the receding evaporative front. Two cases were considered : the drying of thick products and the drying of thin products. It has been observed that the relationships corresponding to the C.D.C obtained for thick products depend on the initial. On the other hand, it was observed that experimental CDC. of plaster slabs determined for many thicknesses and various plaster textures depend strongly on these two parameters. Furthermore, the model presented gives good results only for thin products.  相似文献   

陈克权 《合成纤维》1989,18(5):50-53
本文通过测定干燥后PET切片的特性粘度及所纺成纤维的强伸度,研究了直接酯化法生产的PET切片在连续式充填干燥器中干燥过程中所发生的固相缩聚。研究结果表明干燥温度和干燥时间对固化反应的速度和程度都有很大影响,固相缩聚后的干切片粘度和分子量有所提高,并将导致熔体温度和POY强度提高。干燥温度和时间的波动会导致干切片特性粘度的不均,并进一步导致纤维的不匀率提高。  相似文献   


Variation on the rate of drying of brown coal powder as a function of environmental and intrinsic properties has been studied in a gravimetric laboratory-scale drier.

Raw data have been treated to correlate the constant rate of drying and the equilibrium moisture content as a function of flow rate and temperature of the gas phase, particle size and surface additives. The characteristic drying curve occurs when the reduced rate of drying is plotted as a function of a dimensionless moisture potetial.  相似文献   

Variation on the rate of drying of brown coal powder as a function of environmental and intrinsic properties has been studied in a gravimetric laboratory-scale drier.

Raw data have been treated to correlate the constant rate of drying and the equilibrium moisture content as a function of flow rate and temperature of the gas phase, particle size and surface additives. The characteristic drying curve occurs when the reduced rate of drying is plotted as a function of a dimensionless moisture potetial.  相似文献   

PA6切片连续气流干燥国产化技术的开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了引进装置的PA6切片干燥工艺流程和设备的特点,介绍了巴陵石油化工设计院开发的30t/dPA6切片连续气流干燥设备和工艺。该工艺采用了卧式脱水机和国产HC-1型脱氧催化剂及其他国产干燥设备,投产后切片含水达到0.06%,符合高速纺丝要求,与进口设备相比节省投资约2/3。  相似文献   


An explicit assessment has been carried out, using the experimental data of Pang (1994), of the applicability of the concept of a characteristic drying curve to the drying of Pinus radiata softwood timber. This concept has been used recently by Pang and Keey (1994) and Nijdam and Key (1996) when investigating the expected drying behaviour of a complete stack of timber. The concept appears to be applicable over the range of wet-bulb depressions which are common inside the stacks of timber, supporting its use in kiln-wide analysis of drying behaviour.  相似文献   

本文通过生产实践,对Karl Pischer's(缩写K.F)聚酯切片干燥装置生产过程中影响切片预结晶质量的主要工艺参数进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(10):1919-1939

The aim of this paper is to show the interest of the covariance analysis applied to measurement error in the particular case of the identification of a drying characteristic curve from experimental drying data. The modelisation of drying by use of the Drying Characteristic Curve (DCC) method is first presented with usual specifications (power function, critical moisture content …). The experimental procedure used to obtain drying curves and the data processing are detailled and analysed. Measurements errors are identified at the first step of the procedure and their effects on the estimation error of the exponent α of the power function are estimated. Three different methods for estimating α are presented under their matrix form: the least square method and two methods based on the «Gauss–Markov» or «Maximum likelihood» theorem, firstly under a simplified form suited if the estimation errors are uncorrelated and secondly under a complete form suited even if the estimation errors are correlated. These three methods are applied to experimental results obtained with ginger roots drying. The value of the exponent α of the power function and then the distances between the three corresponding theoretical drying curves (representing product water content vs. time) and the experimental points are studied. It is shown that in this particular application, the complete Gauss–Markov method leads to the better fitting and that the simplified Gauss–Markov method, since it is a priori non appliable in this case where errors are correlated, gives quite better results than the oridnary least squares method. The covariance matrices of the estimation errors of reduced water content, reduced drying rate and exponent α are also presented in order to show the correlations existing between the measurement errors of each variable during a drying cycle.  相似文献   

Drying of lightly salted sardine (Sardinella aurita) was accomplished using three air temperatures (35°C, 40°C, 50°C) and three air velocities (0.5 m/s, 1.5 m/s, 2 m/s); the effects of drying conditions on drying kinetics were studied. As for all biological products, air temperature is the main factor influencing the drying kinetics. However, over a given temperature which seems to correspond to protein modification (50°C), and at a high air flow rate (2 m/s and 2.5 m/s) a crust formation on the surface of the fish, due to the combined effect of heat and salt was observed. This phenomenon inhibited the drying rate. From the drying curves, two falling rate periods were observed. The dimensionless drying rate versus a dimensionless moisture content data were regressed by the Marquardt Levenberg non-linear optimization method to obtain an empirical equation describing the salted sardine characteristic drying curve.  相似文献   


High temperature convective drying of single wood chips with air and superheated steam respectively is studied theoretically. The two-dimensional model presented describes the coupled transport of water, vapour, air and heat. Transport mechanisms included are the convection of gas and liquid, intergas as well as bound water diffusion. In the initial part of the drying process, moisture is transported to the surface mainly due to capillary forces in the transversal direction where evaporation occurs, As the surface becomes dry, the drying front moves towards the centre of the particle and an overpressure is simultaneously built up which affects the drying process

The differences between drying in air and steam respectively can be assigned to the physical properties of the drying medium. The period of constant drying rate which does not exist (or is very short) in air drying becomes more significant with decreasing amounts of air in the drying medium and is clearly visible in Dure superheated steam drying. The maximal drying rate is larger in air drying, and shorter drying times are obtained since the heat flux to the wood chip particle increases with increasing amounts of air in the drying medium. The period of falling drying rate can be divided into two parts: in the first, the drying rate is dependent upon the humidity of the drying medium whereas in the second, there is no such correlation.  相似文献   

High temperature convective drying of single wood chips with air and superheated steam respectively is studied theoretically. The two-dimensional model presented describes the coupled transport of water, vapour, air and heat. Transport mechanisms included are the convection of gas and liquid, intergas as well as bound water diffusion. In the initial part of the drying process, moisture is transported to the surface mainly due to capillary forces in the transversal direction where evaporation occurs, As the surface becomes dry, the drying front moves towards the centre of the particle and an overpressure is simultaneously built up which affects the drying process

The differences between drying in air and steam respectively can be assigned to the physical properties of the drying medium. The period of constant drying rate which does not exist (or is very short) in air drying becomes more significant with decreasing amounts of air in the drying medium and is clearly visible in Dure superheated steam drying. The maximal drying rate is larger in air drying, and shorter drying times are obtained since the heat flux to the wood chip particle increases with increasing amounts of air in the drying medium. The period of falling drying rate can be divided into two parts: in the first, the drying rate is dependent upon the humidity of the drying medium whereas in the second, there is no such correlation.  相似文献   


A model for a pneumatic conveying dryer is presented. Although the main emphasis is put on superheated steam drying of wood chips, it can be used for other porous materials as well

The model includes a comprehensive two-dimensional model for the drying of single wood chips which accounts for the main physical mechanisms occurring in wood during drying. The external drying conditions in a pneumatic conveying dryer were calculated by applying the mass, heat and momentum equations for each incremental step in dryer length. A plug flow assumption was made for the dryer model and the single particle and dryer models were solved in an iterative manner. The non-spherical nature of wood chips were accounted for by measuring the drag and heat transfer coefficients

Model calculations illustrate the complex interactions between steam, particles and walls which occur in a flash dryer. The drying rate varies in a very complex manner through the dryer. The internal resistance to mass transfer becomes very important in The drying of less permeable wood species such as spruce. Two effects were observed as the particle size was increased: firstly the heat transfer rate decreased, and secondly the residence time increased. To some extent, these effects compensate for each other, however, the net result is that larger chips have a higher final moisture content.  相似文献   

李延民 《合成纤维》1996,25(5):22-26,35
该文介绍了当前压缩空气除湿设备的现状和趋势.分析了各种除湿方法及其性能,着重阐述了冷冻式除湿机与吸附式除湿机.研究分析了切片干燥系统中空气除湿系统是如何满足工艺要求的.并介绍了该系统的特点.  相似文献   

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