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Scattering matrix approach to STW resonators 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Soluch W 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2002,49(3):327-330
The scattering matrix method was used for the analysis of surface transverse wave (STW) resonators on quartz. An expression for the transfer function of the resonators with different numbers of electrodes in the reflectors was derived. It was found that, for a proper ratio of these numbers, the spurious signal level below the resonance frequency can be lowered. The STW resonator for the frequency near 1090 MHz was designed, fabricated, and measured. By matching the measured and calculated transfer functions, the velocity, the electromechanical coupling coefficient, and the reflection coefficient of one aluminium strip of the STW on the 36°Y-cut quartz were determined. The insertion loss about 7 dB, loaded quality coefficient near 4200, and the spurious signal level about 5 dB lower compared with the resonance one were obtained for the resonator 相似文献
Soluch W 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1999,46(5):1324-1326
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators on ST cut quartz, with synchronous placement of the interdigital transducers (IDT), were designed, fabricated, and measured. The basic structure of the resonators was a two-port one. The one-port resonators were obtained by parallel connection of the two IDT or by short circuiting one of them. The IDT were apodized to eliminate coupling to spurious modes. The transfer function of the two-port resonators was calculated by using the scattering matrix method. Several models of these resonators were investigated in the frequency range from about 300 to 715 MHz. By matching the theoretical and experimental transfer functions, the loss coefficient as a function of frequency and the SAW velocity in the reflector area as a function of aluminium layer thickness were determined. The responses of the resonators were free of any spurious modes. 相似文献
Yantchev VM Strashilov VL 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2002,49(3):331-336
Surface transverse wave (STW) resonators exhibit substantial advantages over conventional surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators. However, their analysis is more involved because of the complicated nature of STW. Many parameters have been studied, but the one that has been difficult to analyze accurately is the quality factor Q, which is of great importance for characterizing the devices. At present, none of the available analytical models is concerned with quantitative loss consideration, and the establishment of reliable design rules is difficult. We present a theoretical study that allows one to conduct coupling-of-modes (COM) STW loss analysis and estimate the resonator Q from material and layout parameters. The COM transmission coefficient χ11 is derived by Floquet analysis. Its imaginary part is obtained by numerically fitting available experimental data for the Q-factor of particular resonators. It is a measure of STW propagation loss that adds to the electrode reflection loss 相似文献
Soluch W 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2008,55(4):879-882
The scattering-matrix method was used for design of a surface transverse wave (STW) in-line acoustically coupled resonator filter on quartz. In this filter, two one-port STW resonators were coupled by means of a center reflector, grating phase shifters were placed between interdigital transducers and reflectors, and the pass band of the filter was located near the center frequency of the reflectors. At a frequency of about 509 MHz, insertion loss of about 5 dB and a 3 dB bandwidth of about 0.23 MHz was obtained. Differences between the measured and calculated amplitude responses are explained and design guidelines are presented. High STW velocity, low insertion loss, and very weak transverse mode make this filter attractive for high-frequency applications. 相似文献
Doubly rotated contoured quartz resonators 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sinha BK 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2001,48(5):1162-1180
Doubly rotated contoured quartz resonators are used in the design of temperature-compensated stable clocks and dual-mode sensors for simultaneous measurements of pressure and temperature. The design of these devices is facilitated by models that can predict frequency spectra associated with the three thickness modes and temperature and stress-induced frequency changes as a function of crystalline orientation. The Stevens-Tiersten technique for the analysis of the C-mode of a doubly rotated contoured quartz resonator is extended to include the other two thickness modes. Computational results for harmonic and anharmonic overtones of all three thickness modes of such resonators help in optimizing the radius of curvature of the contour and electrode shape for suppression of unwanted modes and prevention of activity dips. The temperature and stress-induced changes in thickness-mode resonator frequencies are calculated from a perturbation technique for small dynamic fields superposed on a static bias. The static bias refers to either a temperature or stress-induced static deformation of the resonator plate. Phenomenological models are also used for calculating the temperature and stress-induced changes in resonant frequencies as a function of crystalline orientation. Results for the SBTC-cut quartz plate with a spherical convex contour of 260 mm indicate that normal trapping occurs for the third (n=3) and fifth (n=5) harmonic of the A-mode, the fundamental (n=1) and third (n=3) harmonic of the B-mode, and the fundamental (n=1) and fifth (n=5) harmonic of the C-mode 相似文献
B. P. D'yachenko 《Measurement Techniques》1970,13(8):1240-1243
Measurement Techniques - 相似文献
Design and test of 3 GHz, fundamental mode surface transverse wave resonators on quartz 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Bigler E Gavignet E Ballandras S Denissenko S Cambril E 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1997,44(2):399-405
Surface transverse wave (STW) resonators, based on the propagation of high velocity shear horizontal waves on Y-rotated quartz were designed, fabricated and tested. A model is presented to predict the resonant frequency of a 3-grating structure as a function of design parameters such as periodicities, metal thickness, and finger-to-gap ratio. Experimental devices have been fabricated by direct e-beam lithography with linewidth geometries in the range of 0.3-0.5 mum, and an operating frequency close to 3 GHz in fundamental mode. Two different designs using either a quasi synchronous structure (type 1) or a change of periodicity inside the cavity (type 2) were tested. The best experimental factor of merit is close to the best results already published for quartz STW resonators. 相似文献
Aliev VS Avramov ID 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1994,41(5):694-698
A method for precision frequency trimming of surface acoustic wave (SAW) and surface transverse wave (STW) based resonant devices using a Xe(+) heavy ion bombardment technique is described. The devices are downtrimmed in frequency in an in-situ monitoring process by means of a Kaufmann type ion source that allows first a rough and then a fine frequency trimming with an accuracy of 1 ppm in a single continuous in-situ monitoring process. An improvement of the device insertion loss and unloaded Q as a result of the trimming process is achieved. Single mode 776 MHz STW resonators can be downtrimmed by more than 5000 ppm without deteriorating their parameters while SAW resonators allow a much lower frequency downshift. The method is simple and can cost effectively be applied to SAW and STW device fabrication. 相似文献
Influence of a magnetic field on quartz crystal resonators 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Brendel R. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1996,43(5):818-831
The magnetic sensitivity of quartz crystal resonators is a consequence of the ferromagnetic properties of the metal used as support for the vibrating plate. Various magneto-mechanic interactions can contribute to the overall sensitivity, the most important of which is shown to be the change in Young's modulus of the spring material submitted to a magnetic field, which in turn modifies the stress in the quartz plate and then induces a change in the crystal resonant frequency. The experimental setup and procedure are described and a large number of experimental results obtained with resonators of different technologies are presented and discussed. A comparison between the magnetic behavior of identical resonators mounted with different materials definitely proves the responsibility of the supports in the magnetic sensitivity of resonators and gives interesting information on its reduction 相似文献
Rubiola E Groslambert J Brunet M Giordano V 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2000,47(2):361-368
Frequency flicker of quartz resonators can be derived from the measurement of S(phi) (f), i.e., the power spectrum density of phase fluctuations phi. The interferometric method appears to be the best choice to measure the phase fluctuations of the quartz resonators because of its high sensitivity in the low power conditions, which is required for this type of resonator. Combining these two ideas, we built an instrument suitable to measure the frequency flicker floor of the quartz resonators, and we measured the stability of some 10-MHB high performance resonators as a function of the dissipated power. The stability limit of our instrument, described in terms of Allan deviation sigma(y)(tau), is of some 10(-14). 相似文献
Theoretical and experimental mass-sensitivity analysis of polymer-coated SAW and STW resonators for gas sensing applications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Polymer-coated surface transverse waves (STW) resonators have recently been successfully studied for organic gas sensing applications. The first results indicate increased absolute and even relative sensitivity as compared to similar resonators with surface acoustic waves (SAW). However, the gain in sensitivity is accompanied by the adverse effect of an increased attenuation and the advantage frame is difficult to establish quantitatively. In this paper, a new set of experimental samples with Parylene C-coated quartz substrates are studied. The samples are matched in frequency and wavelength. The results are compared and the obtained features explained using available theoretical algorithms for analyzing layered SAW and Love configurations, and a recently developed STW algorithm. The approximate limits of advantageous applicability of the STW resonator gas sensors are discussed. 相似文献
Yook-kong Yong Patel M. Vig J. Ballato A. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2009,56(2):353-360
The quartz resonator Q with aluminum electrodes was studied with respect to its fundamental thickness shear mode frequency and its viscoelastic, viscopiezoelectric, and viscopiezoelectromagnetic behaviors. The governing equations for viscoelasticity, viscopiezoelectricity, and viscopiezoelectromagnetism were implemented for an AT-cut quartz resonator. To simulate the radiation conditions at infinity for the viscopiezoelectromagnetic model, perfectly matched layers over a surface enclosing the resonator were implemented to absorb all incident electromagnetic radiation. The shape of the radiation spectrum of a 5.6 MHz AT-cut quartz resonator was found to compare relatively well the measured results by Campbell and Weber. The mesa-plate resonator was studied for a frequency range of 1.4 GHz to 3.4 GHz. The resonator Q was determined to be influenced predominantly by the quartz viscoelasticity; however at frequencies greater than 2.3 GHz, the quartz electromagnetic radiation had an increasingly significant effect on the resonator Q. At 3.4 GHz, the electromagnetic radiation accounted for about 14% of the loss in resonator Q. At frequencies less than 2 GHz, the calculated resonator Q compared well with the intrinsic Qx provided by the formula Qx = 16 times 106/f where f was in MHz. At frequencies higher than 2.3 GHz, the aluminum electrodes had significant effects on the resonator Q. At 3.4 GHz, the electromagnetic radiation loss in the electrodes was an order of magnitude greater than their viscoelastic loss; hence, the vibrating aluminum electrodes became an efficient emitter of electromagnetic waves. The effects of electrical resistance in both the electrodes and quartz were determined to be negligible. 相似文献