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In this paper we investigate the capacity of sound & timing information during typing of a password for the user identification and authentication task. The novelty of this paper lies in the comparison of performance between improved timing-based and audio-based keystroke dynamics analysis and the fusion for the keystroke authentication. We collected data of 50 people typing the same given password 100 times, divided into 4 sessions of 25 typings and tested how well the system could recognize the correct typist. Using fusion of timing (9.73%) and audio calibration scores (8.99%) described in the paper we achieved 4.65% EER (Equal Error Rate) for the authentication task. The results show the potential of using Audio Keystroke Dynamics information as a way to authenticate or identify users during log-on.  相似文献   

针对多传感器数据融合分类中,DS证据理论基本概率赋值难以解决的问题,提出了一种结合SVM与DS证据理论的信息融合改进方法。根据SVM对输入数据分类的实际情况和基于混淆矩阵得到的分类器局部识别可信度来构造基本概率赋值函数,实现了两者的有效结合,建立了SVM与DS证据相结合的多传感器信息融合模型。在决策融合过程中,重视和考虑了分类器局部识别可信度信息,并对算法进行了复杂度分析。基于UCI数据集和人工数据集的仿真结果表明该方法能够有效地降低融合识别的误差率,提高识别的可信度。  相似文献   

针对水下运动体测速中存在的难度大、精度低等问题,提出一种基于加速度计和机械测速装置的融合测速方法。该方法实质上是一种改良的模糊自适应卡尔曼滤波,在常规卡尔曼滤波的基础上,引入了自适应参数,并通过模糊控制器对残差的监控来实时调整自适应参数。经Matlab仿真和实际试验证实:该方法可以有效地提高卡尔曼滤波器的跟踪性,并改善滤波效果,适用于通用的水下运动体测速。  相似文献   

建立了一种对声纳和视觉图像进行融合的模型,提出了采用高斯方法和对水下环境进行描述建立融合地图的新的表达方法。首先假定传感器的观测信息为高斯分布,通过空间关系的变换和投影将声纳和视觉投影到公共的状态空间,然后对各传感器的其它信息进行加权,并嵌入到其中,得到适合计算机处理的传感器地图。提出了对水下机器人进行位置估计及地图匹配的算法,在导航过程中通过找出当前地图与参考地图的最大相关系数,从而对机器人位置进行更新,得出其最佳位置估计。仿真结果显示:采用融合地图对水下机器人的位置估计是连续的、可计算的、有效的。  相似文献   

A primary challenge in the field of automatic speech recognition is to understand and create acoustic models to represent individual differences in their spoken language. Individual’s age, gender; their speaking styles influenced by their dialect may be few of the reasons for these differences. This work investigates the dialectal differences by measuring the analysis of variance of acoustic features such as, formant frequencies, pitch, pitch slope, duration and intensity for vowel sounds. This paper attempts to discuss methods to capture dialect specific knowledge through vocal tract and prosody information extracted from speech that can be utilized for automatic identification of dialects. Kernel based support vector machine is utilized for measuring the dialect discriminating ability of acoustic features. For the spectral feature shifted delta cepstral coefficients along with Mel frequency cepstral coefficients gives a recognition performance of 66.97 %. Combination of prosodic features performs better with a classification score of 74 %. The model is further evaluated for the combination of spectral and prosodic feature set and achieves a classification accuracy of 88.77 %. The proposed model is compared with the human perception of dialects. The overall work is based on four dialects of Hindi; one of the world’s major languages.  相似文献   

研究了配置高度计和多普勒速度计(DVL)的欠驱动水下机器人地形跟踪控制问题.采用Takagi-Sugeno推理方法对高度计和DVL两种传感器的高度信息进行融合,提高了高度信息感知能力.将地形跟踪分为速度控制和深度控制问题,分别使用S面控制方法设计速度控制器和反步法设计欠驱动深度控制器.最后,通过实际海洋实验对研究的方法进行了验证,实验结果表明该文提出的方法是有效的.  相似文献   

针对多传感异步信息融合分类问题,提出了一种新颖的基于耦合隐马尔可夫模型(CHMM)结构的中期 融合分类策略,该策略既考虑到了多传感信息在时间上的相关性,又解决了信息流之间的异步问题;其次,通过 限制信息流的状态数量和限制信息流之间的异步程度,简化了模型结构;此外,为解决CHMM的算法实现问题, 提出了一种CHMM与双流HMM的等效变换方法,从而利用经典的HMM算法解决了CHMM的模型实现。最后 在唇读语音双模态数据库上的实验证明,该异步信息融合策略实现了比早期同步融合更理想的识别结果,证明 了该  相似文献   


In this paper, an adaptive neural network approach to classification which combines modified probabilistic neural network and D-S evidence theory (PNN-DS) is proposed. It attempts to deal with the drawbacks of information uncertainty and imprecision using single classification algorithm. This PNN-DS approach firstly adopts a modified probabilistic neural network (PNN) to obtain posteriori probabilities and make a primary classification decision in feature-level fusion. Then posteriori probabilities are transformed to masses noting the evidence of the D-S evidential theory. Finally advanced D-S evidential theory is utilized to gain more accurate classification results in the last decision-level fusion. In order to implement PNN-DS, covariance matrices are firstly employed in the modified PNN module to replace the singular smoothing factor in the PNN’s kernel function, and linear function is utilized in the pattern of summation layer. Secondly, the whole scheme of the proposed approach is explained in depth. Thirdly, three classification experiments are carried out on the proposed approach and a large amount of comparable analyses are done to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Experiments reveal that the PNN-DS outperforms BPNN-DS, which provides encouraging results in terms of classification accuracy and the speed of learning convergence.


In this paper, an adaptive neural network approach to classification which combines modified probabilistic neural network and D-S evidence theory (PNN-DS) is proposed. It attempts to deal with the drawbacks of information uncertainty and imprecision using single classification algorithm. This PNN-DS approach firstly adopts a modified PNN to obtain posteriori probabilities and make a primary classification decision in feature-level fusion. Then posteriori probabilities are transformed to masses noting the evidence of the D-S evidential theory. Finally advanced D-S evidential theory is utilized to gain more accurate classification results in the last decision-level fusion. In order to implement PNN-DS, covariance matrices are firstly employed in the modified PNN module to replace the singular smoothing factor in the PNN’s kernel function, and linear function is utilized in the pattern of summation layer. Secondly, the whole scheme of the proposed approach is explained in depth. Thirdly, three classification experiments are carried out on the proposed approach and a large amount of comparable analyses are done to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Experiments reveal that the PNN-DS outperforms BPNN-DS, which provides encouraging results in terms of classification accuracy and the speed of learning convergence.  相似文献   

梁冰  陈德运  程慧 《控制理论与应用》2011,28(10):1461-1466
为了提高噪音环境中语音识别的准确性和鲁棒性,提出了基于自适应视听信息融合的抗噪语音识别方法,视听信息在识别过程中具有变化的权重,动态的自适应于环境输入的信噪比.根据信噪比和反馈的识别性能,通过学习自动机计算视觉信息的最优权重;根据视听信息的特征向量,利用隐马尔科夫模型进行视听信息的模式匹配,并根据最优权重组合视觉和声音隐马尔科夫模型的决策,获得最终的识别结果.实验结果表明,在各种噪音水平下,自适应权重比不变权重的视听信息融合的语音识别性能更优.  相似文献   

刘纯平 《计算机应用》2007,27(8):2004-2006
基于D-S证据理论提出了一种多源遥感图像分类融合的新方法。首先通过人为选择感兴趣的分类区域,提取特征获取基本概率分配函数,将待分类的多源图像进行分类融合,从而得到最终的分类结果。试验表明,相比于K-mean分类方法,这种分类融合方法可以有效地减少分类过程中的不确定性信息,提高分类精度。  相似文献   

为了使自动导引小车系统具有足够的柔性,将实时数字图像处理和传感器联合控制等技术应用到系统的设计中.采用图像信息识别行走路径,传感器信息控制速度及起停动作,基于这两者的信息融合实现柔性自导.实验表明,基于该设计方案的柔性自导小车实现了无线化和自动化,在现代物流业中有较大的实用价值.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2001,79(20-21):1943-1957
This paper presents design optimization of the geometry of a vehicle hat-shelf. At first two existing finite element discretizations are investigated for two different element types. The structural model is then parameterized. Only four design variables have been chosen to control the shape modification of the hat-shelf. The aim of this paper is to decrease the vehicle interior noise due to three different excitations for two cases of fluid damping. With respect to the support conditions of the hat-shelf these three load cases and the two cases of different damping are considered simultaneously by maximizing the lowest eigenfrequency of the structural model. Although remarkable differences in the natural frequencies are discovered for the four discretizations, a similar dependence of the objective function in terms of the design variables is observed. Thus, a multigrid strategy can be applied. The coarsest mesh is used to obtain suitable initial sets of optimization variables, one of the finer meshes serves for a pre-optimization and the finest mesh is optimized to find the final set of parameters. While the lowest eigenfrequency of the original model is found at about 31 Hz, the corresponding value in the optimized variant exceeds 100 Hz being the upper bound of the frequency range under consideration. Evaluation of the noise transfer function proves that this strategy decreases its average between 4.4 and 13.9 dB.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel automatic speaker age and gender identification approach which combines seven different methods at both acoustic and prosodic levels to improve the baseline performance. The three baseline subsystems are (1) Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based on mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features, (2) Support vector machine (SVM) based on GMM mean supervectors and (3) SVM based on 450-dimensional utterance level features including acoustic, prosodic and voice quality information. In addition, we propose four subsystems: (1) SVM based on UBM weight posterior probability supervectors using the Bhattacharyya probability product kernel, (2) Sparse representation based on UBM weight posterior probability supervectors, (3) SVM based on GMM maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) matrix supervectors and (4) SVM based on the polynomial expansion coefficients of the syllable level prosodic feature contours in voiced speech segments. Contours of pitch, time domain energy, frequency domain harmonic structure energy and formant for each syllable (segmented using energy information in the voiced speech segment) are considered for analysis in subsystem (4). The proposed four subsystems have been demonstrated to be effective and able to achieve competitive results in classifying different age and gender groups. To further improve the overall classification performance, weighted summation based fusion of these seven subsystems at the score level is demonstrated. Experiment results are reported on the development and test set of the 2010 Interspeech Paralinguistic Challenge aGender database. Compared to the SVM baseline system (3), which is the baseline system suggested by the challenge committee, the proposed fusion system achieves 5.6% absolute improvement in unweighted accuracy for the age task and 4.2% for the gender task on the development set. On the final test set, we obtain 3.1% and 3.8% absolute improvement, respectively.  相似文献   

Acoustic event classification may help to describe acoustic scenes and contribute to improve the robustness of speech technologies. In this work, fusion of different information sources with the fuzzy integral (FI), and the associated fuzzy measure (FM), are applied to the problem of classifying a small set of highly confusable human non-speech sounds. As FI is a meaningful formalism for combining classifier outputs that can capture interactions among the various sources of information, it shows in our experiments a significantly better performance than that of any single classifier entering the FI fusion module. Actually, that FI decision-level fusion approach shows comparable results to the high-performing SVM feature-level fusion and thus it seems to be a good choice when feature-level fusion is not an option. We have also observed that the importance and the degree of interaction among the various feature types given by the FM can be used for feature selection, and gives a valuable insight into the problem.  相似文献   

郝晶晶  朱建军 《控制与决策》2015,30(6):1044-1052
研究一类基于双重信息融合的群体聚类方法。依据偏好信息下专家意见相似关系挖掘群体分类偏好信息;考虑专家决策依据向量的相似程度,设计一致性和非一致性测度指标,以表征双重维度下群体聚类的一致及差异度;以群体聚类结果差异最小为目标构建规划模型,测算属性权重,并以编网聚类的思想给出聚类结果。算例研究验证了所提出方法的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient target classification and fusion scheme for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is proposed and evaluated. When a classification algorithm for WSN nodes is designed, parametric approaches such as Gaussian mixture model (GMM) should be more preferred to non-parametric ones due to the hard limitation in resources. The GMM algorithm not only shows good performances for target classification in WSNs but it also requires very small resources. Based on the classifier, a decision tree generated by the classification and regression tree algorithm is used to fuse the information from heterogeneous sensors. This node-level classification scheme provides a satisfactory classification rate, 94.10%, with little resources. Finally, a confidence-based fusion algorithm improves the overall accuracy by fusing the information among sensor nodes. Our experimental results show that the proposed group-level fusion algorithm improves the accuracy by an average of 4.17% accuracy with randomly selected nodes.  相似文献   

For the past decades there has been a rising interest for wireless sensor networks to obtain information about an environment. One interesting modality is that of audio, as it is highly informative for numerous applications including speech recognition, urban scene classification, city monitoring, machine listening and classifying domestic activities. However, as they operate at prohibitively high energy consumption, commercialisation of battery-powered wireless acoustic sensor networks has been limited. To increase the network’s lifetime, this paper explores the joint use of decision-level fusion and dynamic sensor activation. Hereby adopting a topology where processing – including feature extraction and classification – is performed on a dynamic set of sensor nodes that communicate classification outputs which are fused centrally. The main contribution of this paper is the comparison of decision-level fusion with different dynamic sensor activation strategies on the use case of automatically classifying domestic activities. Results indicate that using vector quantisation to encode the classification output, computed at each sensor node, can reduce the communication per classification output to 8 bit without loss of significant performance. As the cost for communication is reduced, local processing tends to dominate the overall energy budget. It is indicated that dynamic sensor activation, using a centralised approach, can reduce the average time a sensor node is active up to 20% by leveraging redundant information in the network. In terms of energy consumption, this resulted in an energy reduction of up to 80% as the cost for computation dominates the overall energy budget.  相似文献   

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