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This paper presents a new method of formulating the finite element relationships based on the least squares criterion. To overcome the high degree of inter-element continuity, a method of reducing the original governing differential equation to a set of equivalent system of first-order differential equations is proposed. The validity of the method is demonstrated by means of several numerical examples. In particular, application of the method to problems with unknown variational functionals is considered.  相似文献   

A mixed triangular finite element model has been developed for plate bending problems in which effects of shear deformation are included. Linear distribution for all variables is assumed and the matrix equation is obtained through Reissner's variational principle. In this model, interelement compatibility is completely satisfied whereas the governing equations within the element are satisfied ‘in the mean’. A detailed error analysis is made and convergence of the scheme is proved. Numerical examples of thin and moderately thick plates are presented.  相似文献   

A numerical technique for solving unsteady gas dynamic equations is presented. The technique is based on least squares finite element concepts with elements that are constructed in both space and time. Both linear and quadratic interpolation is used on individual elements. The technique is tested against a problem whose solution is known so that numerical accuracy can be ascertained.  相似文献   

This article advocates a new methodology for the finite element solution of contact problems involving bodies that may undergo finite motions and deformations. The analysis is based on a decomposition of the two-body contact problem into two simultaneous sub-problems, and results naturally in geometrically unbiased discretization of the contacting surfaces. A proposed two-dimensional contact element is specifically designed to unconditionally allow for exact transmission of constant normal traction through interacting surfaces.  相似文献   

An adaptive finite element procedure is developed for modelling transient phenomena in elastic solids, including both wave propagation and structural dynamics. Although both temporal and spatial adaptivity are addressed, the novel feature of the formulation is the use of mesh superposition to produce spatial refinement (referred to as s‐adaptivity) in transient problems. Spatial error estimation is based on superconvergent patch recovery of higher‐order accurate stresses and is used to guide mesh adaptivity, while the temporal error estimation is based on the assumption of linearly varying third‐order time derivatives of the displacement field and is used to adjust the time step size for the HHT‐α variant of the Newmark direct numerical integration method. Spatial adaptivity of the mesh is performed using a hierarchical h‐refinement scheme that is efficiently implemented using a structured version of finite element mesh superposition. This particular spatial adaptivity scheme is extremely fast and consequently makes it feasible to repeatedly update both the mesh and the time increment as required in an adaptive transient analysis. This work represents the initial effort in applying this type of spatial adaptivity to transient problems. Three example problems are given to demonstrate the performance characteristics of the s‐adaptive procedure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Galerkin/least‐squares (GLS) finite element formulation for problem of consolidation of fully saturated two‐phase media is presented. The elimination of spurious pressure oscillations appearing at the early stage of consolidation for standard Galerkin finite elements with equal interpolation order for both displacements and pressures is the goal of the approach. It will be shown that the least‐squares term, based exclusively on the residuum of the fluid flow continuity equation, added to the standard Galerkin formulation enhances its stability and can fully eliminate pressure oscillations. A reasonably simple framework designed for derivation of one‐dimensional as well as multi‐dimensional estimates of the stabilization factor is proposed and then verified. The formulation is validated on one‐dimensional and then on two‐dimensional, linear and non‐linear test problems. The effect of the fluid incompressibility as well as compressibility will be taken into account and investigated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a p-version least-squares finite element formulation of the convection-diffusion equation. The second-order differential equation describing convection-diffusion is reduced to a series of equivalent first-order differential equations for which the least-squares formulation is constructed using the same order of approximation for each of the dependent variables. The hierarchical approximation functions and the nodal variable operators are established by first constructing the one-dimensional hierarchical approximation functions of orders and and the corresponding nodal variable operators in ξ and η-direction and then taking their products. Numerical results are presented and compared with analytical and numerical solutions for a two-dimensional test problem to demonstrate the accuracy and the convergence characteristics of the present formulation. The Gaussian quadrature rule used to calculate the numerical values of the element matrices, vectors as well as the error functional I(E), is established based on the highest degree of the polynomial in the integrands. It is demonstrated that this quadrature rule with the present p-version formulation produces excellent results for very low as well as extremely high Peclet numbers (10-106) and, furthermore, the error functional I (sum of the integrals of E2) is a monotonically decreasing function of the number of degrees of freedom as the p-levels are increased for a fixed mesh. It is shown that exact integration with the h-version (linear and parabolic elements) produces inaccurate solutions at high Peclet numbers. Results are also presented using reduced integration. It is shown that the reduced integration with p-version produces accurate values of the primary variable even for relatively low p-levels but the error functional I (when calculated using the proper integration rule) has a much higher value (due to errors in the derivatives of the primary variable) and is a non-monotonic function of the degrees of freedom as p-levels are increased for a fixed mesh. Similar behaviour of the error functional I is also observed for the h-models using linear elements when reduced integration is used. Although the h-models using parabolic elements produce monotonic error functional behaviour as the number of degrees of freedom are increased, the error values are inferior to the p-version results using exact integration.  相似文献   

In this paper a finite element formulation is developed for the solution of frictional contact problems. The novelty of the proposed formulation involves discretizing the contact interface with mortar elements, originally proposed for domain decomposition problems. The mortar element method provides a linear transformation of the displacement field for each boundary of the contacting continua to an intermediate mortar surface. On the mortar surface, contact kinematics are easily evaluated on a single discretized space. The procedure provides variationally consistent contact pressures and assures the contact surface integrals can be evaluated exactly. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the incremental non-linear theory of solid bodies and the Hellinger-Reissncr principle, a mixed updated Lagrangian formulation of the large displacement motion of solid bodies is derived, and an associated mixed finite element model is developed. The model contains the displacements and stresses as the nodal degrees of freedom. The model is used for the large deformation elasto-plastic analysis of plane problems. In solving non-linear problems, the Newton-Raphson method with arc-length control is adopted to trace the post-buckling response. The computational steps to calculate the elasto-plastic stress increments at Gauss points in the elasto-plastic analysis by the present mixed model are described in detail. Numerical results are presented and compared with those of the displacement model and existing solutions to show the accuracy of the present mixed model in the large deformation elasto-plastic analysis of plane problems.  相似文献   

A finite element formulation for solving multidimensional phase-change problems is presented. The formulation considers the temperature as the unique state variable, it is conservative in the weak form sense and it preserves the moving interface condition. In this work, an approximate jacobian matrix that preserves numerical convergence and stability is also derived. Furthermore, a comparative analysis with other different phase-change finite element techniques is performed. Finally, several numerical examples are analysed in order to show the performance of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This work concerns the variational formulation and the numerical computation of internal acoustic problems with absorbing walls. The originality of the proposed approach, compared to other existing methods, is the introduction of the normal fluid displacement field on the damped walls. This additional variable allows to transpose formulations in frequency domain to time domain when the fluid is described by a scalar field (pressure or fluid displacement potential). With this new scalar unknown, various absorbing wall models can be introduced in the variational formulation. Moreover, the associated finite element matrix system in symmetric form can be solved in frequency and time domain. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a mixed least squares finite element method for solving problems in linear elasticity is proposed. The developed numerical technique allows the use of separate unknowns for displacements and stresses, discontinuous interpolation functions for displacements, and the resulting linear system has a symmetric and positive definite coefficient matrix. The approximate solution of the linear elasticity problem is obtained by minimization of a least squares functional based on the constitutive equations and equations of equilibrium. The proposed method is implemented in an original computer code written in C programming language. Its performance is tested on classical examples from theory of elasticity with well-known exact analytical solutions. Results from the implementation of a constant displacement-bilinear stress element and bilinear displacement-bilinear stress element are discussed.  相似文献   

A new approach in the formulation of finite elements using the concepts of least squares in conjunction with collocation is developed. No numerical integration is required in the stiffness formulation and the resulting matrix has the advantage of being always symmetrical. This approach has also been applied to the finite strip method and provides a means for rapid and accurate analysis of high order partial differential equations. The accuracy and versatility of the method are demonstrated by several examples.  相似文献   

Earlier formulations of the finite element approach to cylindrical (rz) field problems led initially to variational expressions containing a simple term in 1/r and consequent attempts to remove it by appropriate choice of interpolation functions. The present paper uses new interpolation functions which ensure that the field behaviour near the axis is correctly modelled. High-order finite elements up to order four are derived and tested on a special cylindrical geometry to confirm, in a practical case, the theoretical claims of improved rates of convergence in solving problems of engineering significance.  相似文献   

A spatial mesh adaptation procedure in semidiscrete finite element analysis of 2D linear elastodynamic problems is presented. The procedure updates, through an automatic remeshing scheme, the spatial mesh when found necessary in order to gain control of the spatial discretization error from time to time. An a posteriori error estimate developed by Zienkiewicz and Zhu (1987) for elliptic problems is extended to dynamic analysis to estimate the spatial discretization error at a certain time, which is found to be reasonable by analyzing an a priori error estimate. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the performance of the procedure. It is indicated that the extended error estimation and the procedure are capable of monitoring the moving of steep stress regions by updating the spatial mesh according to a prescribed error tolerance, thus providing a reliable finite element solution in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the initial strain method, a variable stiffness method is presented for creep analysis. The method is developed by incorporating the change in stress state during a time interval in determining the creep strain increments concurrent with the change. It is shown by means of examples that this method provides solution stability for relatively large time intervals for which the initial strain method may fail to function properly.  相似文献   

We present a second gradient elastoplastic model for strain‐softening materials based entirely on a finite element displacement formulation. The stress increment is related to both the strain increment and its Laplacian. The displacement field is the only field needed to be discretized using a C1 continuity element. The required higher‐order boundary conditions arise naturally from the displacement field. The model is developed to regularize the ill‐posedness caused by strain‐softening material behaviour. The gradient terms in the constitutive equations introduce an extra material parameter with dimensions of length allowing robust modelling of the post‐peak material behaviour leading to localization of deformation. Mesh insensitivity is demonstrated by modelling localization of deformation in biaxial tests. It is shown that both the thickness and inclination of the shear‐band zone are insensitive to the mesh directionality and refinement and agree with the expected theoretical and experimental values. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interfacial layers are thermally and mechanically described in the presented approach. The combination of temperature evolution and mechanical loading influences significantly the deformation and thermal behavior. A consistent framework is derived from principle thermodynamical laws and balance equations. The approach is incorporated in the finite element analysis framework, wherein the unknown temperature- and displacement fields are obtained, e.g. by a Newton-type solution scheme. The derived finite element equations are linearized and a fully coupled interface element formulation is given with respect to thermomechanical residuals and stiffnesses. Bonds between the opening crack flanks are the main mechanisms of the delamination process. These bonds can be of different nature, depending on the bulk material. They are constitutively described in the presented approach in terms of transmission of tractions and heat. Numerical examples are shown in order to demonstrate the predictive capabilities of the thermomechanical interface element.  相似文献   

We present a finite element formulation based on a weak form of the boundary value problem for fully coupled thermoelasticity. The thermoelastic damping is calculated from the irreversible flow of entropy due to the thermal fluxes that have originated from the volumetric strain variations. Within our weak formulation we define a dissipation function that can be integrated over an oscillation period to evaluate the thermoelastic damping. We show the physical meaning of this dissipation function in the framework of the well‐known Biot's variational principle of thermoelasticity. The coupled finite element equations are derived by considering harmonic small variations of displacement and temperature with respect to the thermodynamic equilibrium state. In the finite element formulation two elements are considered: the first is a new 8‐node thermoelastic element based on the Reissner–Mindlin plate theory, which can be used for modeling thin or moderately thick structures, while the second is a standard three‐dimensional 20‐node iso‐parametric thermoelastic element, which is suitable to model massive structures. For the 8‐node element the dissipation along the plate thickness has been taken into account by introducing a through‐the‐thickness dependence of the temperature shape function. With this assumption the unknowns and the computational effort are minimized. Comparisons with analytical results for thin beams are shown to illustrate the performances of those coupled‐field elements. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper describes a special finite element for three-dimensional, large displacement analysis of contact problems with slip and friction. This element may be used to model contact between several finite element bodies or contact between a finite element body and a flexible or rigid geometrical surface fixed in space or moving with time. The contact formulation is based on the concept of a spring-supported, moving disk that transfers normal contact forces and Coulomb friction forces. The contact surface has a finite, prescribed boundary.The contact element has been incorporated into the general-purpose, nonlinear, finite element program FENRIS. Three examples of its application are described in the paper.J. W. Simons was previously NTNF Fellow, Division of Technology, Trondheim, Norway  相似文献   

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