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玉米秸秆青贮饲料添加剂的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用糖蜜、甲酸、食盐、乳酸菌作为玉米秸秆青贮的添加剂,并确定了添加剂的最适添加量。结果证明:若同时使用,可大大缩短玉米秸秆青贮的时间。  相似文献   

为研究复合酶和乳酸菌制剂对玉米秸秆青贮发酵品质的影响,共设2个处理组,试验组:玉米秸秆+1kg/t复合酶制剂+20g/t乳酸菌制剂;对照组:玉米秸秆。结果表明:试验组干物质和粗蛋白质含量都显著高于对照组(P0.05),而中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量均显著低于对照组(P0.05)。试验组乳酸、乙酸和丙酸水平均显著高于对照组(P0.05),而pH值、丁酸和氨态氮浓度都显著低于对照组(P0.05)。综合分析得出,添加复合酶和乳酸菌制剂可使玉米秸秆青贮发酵品质得以明显改善。  相似文献   

采用正交试验的方法,向青绿玉米秸秆中添加不同配比的乳酸菌,进行厌氧发酵,20天后检测pH值,分析得出青贮饲料最佳的乳酸菌组合,即明串珠球菌1×104 cfu/g、植物乳杆菌1 × 104 cfu/g、短乳杆菌1×106 cfu/g.在此基础上添加纤维素酶和亚硝酸钠作为发酵促进荆,进行优化试验,得到pH值3.65,氨态氮与总氮的比值7.5,乳酸含量1.21%.  相似文献   

研究了乳酸菌和纤维素酶对青贮大豆秸秆发酵品质和营养成分的影响。试验分为5个处理组,分别为试验I组(添加20g/t乳酸菌)、试验II组(添加400g/t纤维素酶)、试验III组(添加10%麸皮+20g/t乳酸菌)、试验IV组(添加10%麸皮+400g/t纤维素酶)和试验V组(添加10%麸皮+20g/t乳酸菌+400g/t纤维素酶),每个处理组设3个重复。结果表明:试验V组的感官评定和V-Score评分分数均最高;试验II组的pH值,氨态氮、乙酸、丙酸和丁酸的含量最高;与试验I组相比,试验III~V组的粗蛋白质含量分别升高了15.66%、11.52%和10.25%,可溶性碳水化合物含量分别升高了89.01%、57.14%和21.98%,单宁含量分别升高了20.69%、51.86%和70.61%;酸性洗涤纤维含量分别下降了7.76%、10.23%和13.62%(P0.05)。综上所述,在青贮大豆秸秆中添加麸皮、乳酸菌和纤维素酶能够影响其发酵品质和营养成分。  相似文献   

发酵玉米黄秸秆乳酸菌的分离纯化及发酵条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵萍  宋佳  赵瑛  王雅  刘笑笑  陈强 《食品工业科技》2013,34(16):228-231
从17种天然发酵的玉米秸秆饲料中得到LB2、LC2两株乳酸菌,对所分离的菌株进行形态特征、生理生化特性和16SrDNA序列分析,并得到一株产酸量较高的乳酸菌LC2,将其作为实验菌种。对影响秸秆发酵的因素进行了研究,影响秸秆发酵的主要因素是接种量、发酵温度及发酵时间。结果表明,较适宜的发酵条件为发酵温度30℃,接种量1%,发酵时间为10d。玉米黄秸秆经发酵,其中蛋白质含量达到14.35%。   相似文献   

将玉米秸秆以10、26 mm两种不同长度切碎后青贮,分别以直接和全混合日粮(TMR)揉碎两种形式饲喂奶牛进行比较研究.结果表明:两种切碎长度对玉米秸秆青贮质量无明显影响;但无论采用何种饲喂方法,将切碎长度为26 mm的青贮玉米秸秆饲喂给奶牛,奶牛产奶量提高,胎衣不下减少,空怀母牛降低,各种疾病发生减少;同时切碎长度增加还可以提高青贮劳动效率.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆水解与木糖酒精发酵的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
在实验室规模上,对玉米秸秆粉的稀酸水解条件以及水解糖液中木糖的乙醇发酵进行了初步研究,在121℃、90min、固形物20%、1.5%硫酸的条件下可得27.0%的总糖转化率,热带假丝酵母菌株(Candida tropicalis SQY2-30)在29~30℃、摇床90r/min的条件下发酵糖度为7%的玉米秸秆粉水解糖液,可得到16.9g/L的乙醇浓度。  相似文献   

以玉米秸秆为原料,设置对照组(CK)和5个试验组(分别添加布氏乳杆菌(L1)、植物乳杆菌(L2)、戊糖片球菌(L3)、复合菌剂(L4)、复合菌剂及酸化剂(L5))。选取不同发酵时间(0 d、15 d、30 d、45 d、60 d、90 d)取样,测定玉米秸秆中乳酸菌数、酵母菌数以及pH随时间的变化规律,并在青贮饲料发酵90 d结束后检测青贮发酵产物及有氧稳定性。结果表明,与对照组相比,乳酸菌剂的添加均能提高青贮饲料品质,但戊糖片球菌提升效果较差;复合菌剂与单独添加布氏乳杆菌或植物乳杆菌之间无明显差异(P>0.05);酸化剂的添加显著提高了青贮饲料有氧稳定性(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

玉米秸秆发酵生产燃料酒精   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
吕伟民  王宇  傅国红  麻名汉 《酿酒》2002,29(5):84-84
实验室研究表明,玉米秸秆经稀硫酸处理,半纤维素水解成木糖、阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖等混合糖液后,其剩余纤维素可在纤维素酶作用下转化成葡萄糖,同时加入产朊假丝酵母和酒精酵母可将水解混合糖液发酵成酒精。  相似文献   

Effects of 8 chemical and bacterial additives on the quality of corn silage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This project aimed to evaluate the effects 8 additives on the fermentation, dry matter (DM) losses, nutritive value, and aerobic stability of corn silage. Corn forage harvested at 31% DM was chopped (10 mm) and treated with (1) deionized water (control); (2) Buchneri 500 (BUC; 1 × 105 cfu/g of Pediococcus pentosaceus 12455 and 4 × 105 cfu/g of Lactobacillus buchneri 40788; Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI); (3) sodium benzoate (BEN; 0.1% of fresh forage); (4) Silage Savor acid mixture (SAV: 0.1% of fresh forage; Kemin Industries Inc., Des Moines, IA); (5) 1 × 106 cfu/g of Acetobacter pasteurianus-ATCC 9323; (6) 1 × 106 cfu/g of Gluconobacter oxydans-ATCC 621; (7) Ecosyl 200T (1 × 105 cfu/g of Lactobacillus plantarum MTD/1; Ecosyl Products Inc., Byron, IL); (8) Silo-King WS (1.5 × 105 cfu/g of L. plantarum, P. pentosaceus and Enterococcus faecium; Agri-King, Fulton, IL); and (9) Biomax 5 (BIO; 1 × 105 cfu/g of L. plantarum PA-28 and K-270; Chr. Hansen Animal Health and Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI). Treated forage was ensiled in quadruplicate in mini silos at a density of 172 kg of DM/m3 for 3 and 120 d. After 3 d of ensiling, the pH of all silages was below 4 but ethanol concentrations were least in BEN silage (2.03 vs. 3.24% DM) and lactic acid was greatest in SAV silage (2.97 vs. 2.51% DM). Among 120-d silages, additives did not affect DM recovery (mean = 89.8% ± 2.27) or in vitro DM digestibility (mean = 71.5% ± 0.63). The SAV silage had greater ammonia-N (0.85 g/kg of DM) and butyric acid (0.22 vs. 0.0% DM) than other treatments. In contrast, BEN and Silo-King silages had the least ammonia-N concentration and had no butyric acid. The BEN and A. pasteurianus silages had the lowest pH (3.69) and BEN silage had the least ethanol (1.04% DM) and ammonia nitrogen (0.64 g/kg DM) concentrations, suggesting that fermentation was more extensive and protein degradation was less in BEN silages. The BUC and BIO silages had greater acetic acid concentrations than control silages (3.19 and 3.19 vs. 2.78% DM), but yeast counts did not differ. Aerobic stability was increased by 64% by BUC (44.30 h) and by 35% by BEN (36.49 h), but other silages had similar values (27.0 ± 1.13 h).  相似文献   

徐永建  敬玲梅 《中华纸业》2010,31(24):20-24
研究了玉米秸秆制备微晶纤维素的预水解乙醇法制浆工艺,对预水解的保温温度、保温时间以及加酸量,乙醇法制浆的保温时间及加酸量进行了研究。研究结果表明:预水解的最佳工艺为,液比1:6,升温时间30min,保温时间120min,水解温度160℃,加酸量1%;乙醇法制浆的最佳工艺为,乙醇溶液(配比为乙醇:水=6:4),液比1:6,60min内升温达160℃后装锅,继续升温到达最高温度195℃,乙酸用量8%,保温时间60min。  相似文献   

Twenty multiparous Holstein cows, 4 of them surgically fitted with ruminal cannulas, were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square to compare the effects of whole-plant silage and grain produced from NutriDense (ND), leafy NutriDense (LND), or a conventional yellow dent (YD) hybrid on ruminal fermentation, total tract nutrient digestibility, and performance of lactating dairy cows. On a DM basis, diets contained 30.6% corn silage and 27.7% corn grain provided from the 3 hybrids according to the following combinations: 1) YD grain and YD silage, 2) YD grain and LND silage, 3) ND grain and YD silage, and 4) ND grain and LND silage. The average concentrations of crude protein, neutral and acid detergent fiber, and ether extract of LND silage and ND grain were higher, but the contents of nonfibrous carbohydrates and starch were lower than those of their YD counterparts. Although DM intake was similar among treatments, feeding ND grain, LND silage, or both reduced the intakes of nonfibrous carbohydrates and starch but increased the intake of ether extract. Apparent digestibility of starch in the total tract was highest for the diet that contained LND silage and YD grain, whereas the amount and percentage of ether extract that were apparently digested in the total tract was increased and tended to be increased, respectively, by the addition of ND grain, LND silage, or both to the diets. Ruminal fermentation parameters were unaffected by treatments except for the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the ruminal fluid, which tended to be increased by the feeding of ND grain, LND silage, or both. Production of milk, crude and true protein, fat, lactose, and total solids did not differ among diets. Concentration of milk urea nitrogen increased when the ND grain, LND silage, or both were fed to the cows. Results indicate that ND grain and LND silage were similar to the conventional grain and silage for the feeding of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

In 2 consecutive years, whole plant corn was ensiled in laboratory silos to investigate the effects of various silage additives on fermentation, dry matter (DM) recovery and aerobic stability. In yr 1, chopped forage was treated with 1) no additive (untreated, U), 2) Lactobacillus buchneri40788, 4 × 105 cfu/g of fresh forage (LLB4), 3) L. buchneri 11A44, 1 × 105 cfu/g (PLB), 4) Biomax 5 (Lactobacillus plantarum PA-28 and K-270), 1 × 105 cfu/g (B5), 5) Silo Guard II (sodium metabisulfite and amylase), 0.05% of fresh forage weight (SG), 6) a buffered propionic acid-based additive, 0.1% (Ki-112), 7), sodium benzoate, 0.1% of fresh weight (SB), or 8) potassium sorbate:EDTA (1:1), 0.1% of fresh weight (PSE). Silage treated with LLB4 had the highest concentration of acetic acid compared with other treatments, and yeasts were undetectable in LLB4 (<log2 cfu/g). Silages treated with SB and PSE had the highest concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates, the greatest recoveries of DM, and the lowest concentrations of ethanol. Silages treated with B5, SG, and Ki-112 had no effects on fermentation, DM recovery, or aerobic stability. The aerobic stabilities of silages treated with LLB4, SB, and PSE were greatest among all treatments. In yr 2, treatments were: 1) U, 2) LLB4, 3) PLB, 4) PLB at 4 × 105 cfu/g (PLB4), and 5) B5. Silages treated with L. buchneri had greater concentrations of acetic acid but lower concentrations of ethanol than did U- and B5-treated silages. Yeasts were undetected in all silages except in silage treated with B5, which had the poorest aerobic stability of all treatments. Treatments had no effect on DM recovery. Silages treated with PLB, PLB4, and LLB4 remained stable for >210 h.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of damaging ears of corn in the field prior to harvest and the use of various additives on the production of selected mycotoxins, silage fermentation, and aerobic stability of whole plant corn. In experiment 1, ears of corn were undamaged or were slashed with a knife 7 d before harvesting, exposing damaged kernels to the environment. Corn plants were harvested (about 35% DM) and treated in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were undamaged or damaged plants, untreated or treated with Lactobacillus buchneri 40788 (400,000 cfu/g of fresh forage) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (100,000 cfu/g). Damaging ears prior to harvest increased the amount of fumonisin but decreased the amount of starch in harvested corn plants. After ensiling, corn silage made from plants damaged before harvest had lower starch but greater concentrations of deoxynivalenol and fumonisin than silage made from plants that were undamaged. Microbial inoculation resulted in fewer yeasts and lower concentrations of zearalenone in silage when compared to uninoculated silage. Inoculated silage also had more acetic acid and 1,2-propanediol than did uninoculated silage. In experiment 2, ears of corn were undamaged or were slashed with a knife 27 d or 9 d before harvesting for corn silage. Whole plants were harvested at about 36% DM in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors were time of damaging the ears (27 d, 9 d, or no damage) relative to harvest and no additive or 0.1% (fresh weight) potassium sorbate. Damaging plants 9 d prior to harvest did not affect the concentrations of deoxynivalenol, fumonisin, and zearalenone in plants at harvest. However, concentrations of deoxynivalenol and fumonisin were increased in fresh forage that had ears damaged at 27 d when compared to corn plants that were undamaged. Corn plants damaged for 27 d prior to harvest also had a lower concentration of starch than corn damaged for 9 d but was higher in acid detergent fiber than other treatments. The addition of potassium sorbate at harvest had no effect on the concentrations of mycotoxins in the resulting silage, but concentrations of mycotoxins were still greatest in silage made from plants that were damaged the longest prior to harvest (27 d). Silages treated with potassium sorbate had fewer yeasts and molds than silages without the additive. Damaging ears of corn before harvest had no effects on the aerobic stability of silages in both experiments. In contrast, the addition of the inoculant and potassium sorbate improved aerobic stabilities of silages when compared to untreated silages. These studies showed that physical damage to ears of corn prior to harvest can result in the production of mycotoxins in the field. This finding suggests that producers should test corn silage for mycotoxins prior to feeding especially if the forage has been subjected to physical damage prior to ensiling.  相似文献   

Effects of silage pH on voluntary intake of corn silage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated effects of silage pH on corn silage intake. Sixteen Holstein heifers (292 kg) were fed control corn silage during a 2-wk preliminary period. This was followed by an 8-wk experimental period in which animals were fed silage neutralized with 0, 2, 4, or 6% sodium bicarbonate (dry matter) added prior to feeding with corresponding pH's 3.72, 4.46, 5.62, and 8.05. Organic matter intake was increased 1.0 and 1.2 kg/day by addition of 2 and 4% sodium bicarbonate versus controls whereas 6% sodium bicarbonate reduced intake .7 kg/day. An equation developed to predict organic matter intake from silage pH was: Y = 3.20 + 3.92 (pH) -.35 (pH)2 with coefficient of determination .66. This equation predicted maximum organic matter intake at pH 5.6. It appears that silage pH is a factor that affects voluntary consumption of corn silage and that pH 5 to 6 is optimum, whereas silage pH above and below may reduce intake.  相似文献   

不同微生物青贮剂对全株玉米青贮饲料的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用两种不同的青贮发酵剂对全株玉米进行发酵,观察发酵8 d、10 d、20 d、40 d两种青贮发酵剂对全株玉米微生物消长及营养品质的影响。结果表明,经两种青贮发酵剂处理后,全株玉米青贮饲料均有酒香味;发酵前期(8 d、10 d)乳酸菌生长迅速,酵母菌生长相对缓慢。两种发酵剂对全株玉米青贮饲料的pH值、水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分和粗纤维含量的影响差异不大,但对总酸、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量影响差异较大,青贮发酵剂B适合短期发酵使用,而青贮发酵剂A适合长期发酵保藏使用。两种青贮发酵剂处理的全株玉米青贮饲料中的限制因子(挥发性盐基氮、霉菌、黄曲霉毒素B1、玉米赤霉烯酮、呕吐毒素)均符合相关标准要求。  相似文献   

将无施胶条件下玉米秸秆碎料模压成型的制品作为研究对象,用正交表安排试验方案,并结合极差分析和方差分析来探讨制品握钉力与压制温度、压力和含水率之间的关系,得出了因素的显著性水平和初步最佳工艺条件.  相似文献   

Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows were used in a 6-wk randomized block design trial with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of feeding ground corn (GC) or steam-flaked corn (SFC) in diets based on either annual ryegrass silage (RS) or a 50:50 blend of annual ryegrass and corn silages (BLEND). Experimental diets contained 49.6% forage and were fed as a total mixed ration once daily for 4 wk after a 2-wk preliminary period. No interactions were observed among treatments. Cows fed BLEND consumed more dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) than those fed RS, but total-tract digestibility of OM, NDF, and ADF was greater for RS than for BLEND. No differences in nutrient intake were observed among treatments during wk 4 when nutrient digestibility was measured, but digestibility of DM and OM was greater for SFC than for GC. Cows fed BLEND tended to produce more energy-corrected milk than those fed RS, resulting in improved efficiency (kg of milk per kg of DM intake). When diets were supplemented with SFC, cows consumed less DM and produced more milk that tended to have lower milk fat percentage. Yield of milk protein and efficiency was greatest with SFC compared with GC. Blood glucose and milk urea nitrogen concentrations were similar among treatments, but blood urea nitrogen was greater for cows fed GC compared with those fed SFC. Results of this trial indicate that feeding a blend of annual ryegrass and corn silage is more desirable than feeding diets based on RS as the sole forage. Supplementing diets with SFC improved performance and efficiency compared with GC across forage sources.  相似文献   

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