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CpG islands in chromatin organization and gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve female rats weighing approximately 150 g received in the submaxillary gland a pellet capable of releasing 3.5 microg GHRH/h for 60 days. Another eight sex- and weight-matched animals received placebo pellets in the same place. After two months the animals were killed, heart blood was collected and pituitary and submaxillary glands were carefully dissected. Pituitary GH content in both placebo- and GHRH-treated animals showed similar values, but plasma GH and IGF-I levels were significantly lower in the animals carrying GHRH pellets (P<0.03); these animals also had a significantly higher GH content in the submaxillary gland (19.2+/-8 ng/mg protein) compared with the placebo-treated group (1.1+/-0.3 ng/mg protein). GH mRNA was present only in the submaxillary gland of GHRH-treated rats as determined by PCR-Southern blot and by in situ hybridization methods. It is concluded that high local GHRH levels are capable of inducing transdifferentiation in submaxillary gland cells to synthesize GH.  相似文献   

Estimation of gene number in mammals is difficult due to the high proportion of noncoding DNA within the nucleus. In this study, we provide a direct measurement of the number of genes in human and mouse. We have taken advantage of the fact that many mammalian genes are associated with CpG islands whose distinctive properties allow their physical separation from bulk DNA. Our results suggest that there are approximately 45,000 CpG islands per haploid genome in humans and 37,000 in the mouse. Sequence comparison confirms that about 20% of the human CpG islands are absent from the homologous mouse genes. Analysis of a selection of genes suggests that both human and mouse are losing CpG islands over evolutionary time due to de novo methylation in the germ line followed by CpG loss through mutation. This process appears to be more rapid in rodents. Combining the number of CpG islands with the proportion of island-associated genes, we estimate that the total number of genes per haploid genome is approximately 80,000 in both organisms.  相似文献   

This study examined features of patients that clinicians identified as good examples of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder to identify core features of the disorder and to determine which set of criteria (DSM-III-R, two definitions in the DSM-IV Options Book, or DSM-IV Negativistic) best characterized the identified patients. A national sample of licensed psychologists (N = 68) identified a patient who (based on symptoms) was a good example of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder. They then rated the patient on a symptom checklist composed of the Passive-Aggressive and Negativistic criteria, as well as other personality-disorder symptoms that overlap with Passive-Aggressive. Clinicians identified patients they considered exemplars for Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder, and there was moderate consensus about their characteristic symptoms. DSM-III-R symptoms received the highest ratings, and there was little overlap with other personality disorders. Principal-component factor analysis suggested that a general pattern of passive resistance, along with a behavioral manifestation of procrastination and a second group of symptoms suggesting interpersonal difficulties, were the features of these passive-aggressive patients. More male patients were identified as good examples of the disorder, and female patients presented a more heterogeneous diagnostic picture. Implications and directions for future research are discussed, including the need to integrate research findings from the differing perspectives on personality disorders.  相似文献   

The present study assessed whether prenatal androgen and estrogen exposure affected adult spatial learning and hippocampal morphology. Water maze performance, the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell field, and the dentate gyrus-granule cell layer (DG-GCL) morphology were assessed at adulthood (70+ days of age) in males, females, androgen-treated (testosterone propionate, TP, or dihydrotestosterone propionate, DHTP) females (2-4 mg/day), estradiol benzoate (EB)-treated females (100 microgram/day), and males treated with the antiandrogen flutamide (8 mg/day). Pregnant rats were injected daily (sc) between Embryonic Day 16 and birth; all pups were delivered by cesarean section. Flutamide-treated males were castrated upon delivery, and adult castrates were used to control for activational effects. Steroid-sensitive sex differences were observed in water maze performance in favor of males. Males had larger CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell field volumes and soma sizes than females, which were feminized with flutamide treatment. TP and EB, but not DHTP, masculinized CA1 pyramidal cell field volume and neuronal soma size; CA3 was masculinized in both TP- and DHTP-treated females, while EB was ineffective. No effects were observed in cell density, number, or DG-GCL volume or due to adult hormone levels. Thus, prenatal androgens and estrogen influence sex differences in adult spatial navigation and exert differential effects on CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell morphology. Hence, in addition to the previously reported postnatal component, there is also a prenatal component to the critical period in which gonadal steroids organize the neural mechanisms underlying sex differences in adult spatial ability.  相似文献   

The extractability of the different histone types from rat liver chromatin was studied following the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrUdR) in liver DNA. This was accomplished by a continuous application of 20 mumol BrUdR/ml/h 17--41 after partial hepatectomy. As a result, thymidine (TdR) replacement by BrUdR of about 80% in the newly-synthesized DNA strand of approx. 30% of total liver DNA was obtained; this causes remarkable changes in the histone--DNA interactions as determined from the release of histones from liver nuclei by ammonium sulfate and ethidium bromide (EB), respectively. In particular, the relative amounts of the two slightly lysine-rich histones H2A and H2B remaining on the BrUdR chromatin proved to be about 3-fold higher than those remaining on the control chromatin of TdR-treated animals. Similarly, histones H1 and H3 tend to bind closer to BrUdR-containing DNA. These results may be of interst with regard to the well-known selective effects of BrUdR on differentiation processes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that DNA-protein attachment sites form during the induction of hematopoietic cell differentiation. Affinity phase-partitioning studies of DNA/protein complexes demonstrated that the DNA involved is not randomly distributed throughout the genome. The object of this study was to use filter binding followed by two-dimensional (2D) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (using a neutral 6% gel in the first dimension and a denaturing gradient gel in the second dimension) to gain insight into changes in DNA-protein interactions during induced granulocytic and monocytic differentiation of HL60 cells. Nitrocellulose filter-binding enriched samples for protein-associated DNA sufficiently to change the pattern of DNA spots on 2D gels. The patterns of spots obtained was reasonably reproducible between experiments and highly reproducible within experiments. Gels obtained from cells induced to differentiate by either phorbol ester or all-trans retinoic acid (RA) showed identical patterns for the majority of spots but changes in a small proportion of spots with respect to uninduced controls. Both intensification and reduction/disappearance of spots was observed, demonstrating the existence of both invariant and variant DNA/protein attachment sites during the early stages of hematopoietic cell differentiation. Previous studies have implicated DNA topoisomerase II in chromatin structural changes that are necessary for induction of granulocytic differentiation. We therefore examined the filter-binding DNA preparation by 5'-exonuclease digestion (since topoisomerase II is known to bind covalently to the 5'termini on either side of its cleavage sites). The filter-associated DNA exhibited increased 5' exonuclease protection (with respect to filter flow-through DNA), and the degree of protection increased significantly with exposure to phorbol ester and less markedly with retinoic acid. However, since not all filter DNA was 5' protected, it remains unresolved whether the specific differentiation-associated DNA-protein interactions revealed here involve DNA topoisomerase II or some other protein.  相似文献   

Contained in this report is a review of available data on pituitary cytokines in domestic species of agricultural importance. The concept is advanced that the pituitary gland is essential to appropriate generation of host defense mechanisms and thus should be considered among other tissues contributing to innate immunity. The functions of these intrapituitary cytokines, principally IL-6, are discussed in the context of potential regulation of the pituitary-adrenal axis (ACTH secretion) via intrapituitary PGE2 generation during the acute-phase response to infectious/inflammatory stimuli. Data from other species are cited as appropriate for comparative purposes and elaboration of proposed mechanisms. However, the scope of the review is not intended to comprehensively cover the vast literature on proinflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins generated peripherally and centrally during host responses to inflammatory stimuli.  相似文献   

Although respiratory failures following exposure to waterproofing sprays have been reported worldwide, their mechanism remains unknown. In this study, we sorted each of 12 commercial waterproofing sprays into either the Toxic Group (No 1-4) or the Non-Toxic Group (No 5-12) and compared the pathological changes produced in the lungs of mice after their inhalation. Then we determined the diameters of each product's mist particles and their adhesion rates to cloth. The 4 products in the Toxic Group, reported as toxic to human beings, caused severe damage to mice lungs, whereas the 8 products in the Non-Toxic Group, not reported as toxic, caused little if any damage. The percentage of particle < or = 10 microns were significantly higher in the Toxic Group than in the Non-Toxic Group. The adhesion rate to cloth correlated to the mean particle diameter and was significantly lower in the Toxic Group than in the Non-Toxic Group. The toxic sprays generated mists of smaller particle diameter than the non-toxic sprays, suggesting that the mist particle diameters of waterproofing sprays are related to their toxicity.  相似文献   

We isolated fragments containing parts of CpG islands from human chromosomal regions chosen for expected differences in gene density by segregation of partly melted molecules. Restriction fragments of P1 bacteriophage clones covering a region of 11q13 and those of cosmid clones derived from Xp22 were recovered from bands in denaturing gradient gels that were retained following prolonged exposure to electric field. Forty-five independent fragments derived from 11q13 and five from Xp22 were isolated. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that 11 of the 45 fragments from 11q13 contained CpG islands including four derived from known genes in 11q13. None of the five fragments derived from Xp22 resembled CpG islands. The number of CpG island fragments obtained was consistent with the expectation based on the number of Not I restriction endonuclease sites present at these regions. Adjustment of parameters in our quasi-theoretical approach to the rate of fragment dissociation improves the discrimination between retention and non-retention. The results support probable identification of CpG island fragments by their reduced rate of strand dissociation when retarded in a denaturing gradient gel.  相似文献   

Hormonal factors have a profound influence on the development, treatment, and outcome of breast cancer. The absence of steroid hormone receptors is highly correlated with resistance to antihormonal treatments. Work in cultured human breast cancer cell lines has shown that the absence of estrogen receptor (ER) gene expression in ER- cells is associated with extensive methylation of the ER gene 5' CpG island, and treatment with agents that demethylate the ER gene CpG island results in the production of functional ER protein. The current study shows that CpG islands in the 5' region of the ER and progesterone receptor (PR) genes are methylated in a significant fraction of primary human breast cancer tissues. The ER CpG island is methylated at the methylation-sensitive NotI restriction site in 9 of 39 (25%) of primary ER- breast cancers but remains unmethylated in 53 ER+ breast cancers and 9 normal breast specimens. Three methylation-sensitive restriction sites in the PR gene CpG island are not methylated in normal breast specimens and PR+ human breast cancers but are hypermethylated in 40% of PR- human breast tumors. These data demonstrate that methylation of the ER and PR gene CpG islands is associated with the lack of ER and PR gene expression in a significant fraction of human breast cancers.  相似文献   

The type I restriction-modification system EcoR124I recognizes and binds to the split DNA recognition sequence 5'-GAAN(6)RTCG-3'. The methyltransferase, consisting of HsdM and HsdS subunits with the composition M2S, can interact with one or more subunits of the HsdR subunit to form the endonuclease. The interaction of the methyltransferase with HsdR has been investigated by surface plasmon resonance, showing that there are two non-equivalent binding sites for HsdR which differ in binding affinity by at least two orders of magnitude. DNA footprinting experiments using Exonuclease III suggest that the addition of HsdR to the methyltransferase (at a stoichiometry of either 1:1 or 2:1) increases the stability of the resulting DNA-protein complex but does not increase the size of the footprint. More extensive in situ footprinting experiments using copper-phenanthroline on the DNA-protein complexes formed by M2S, R1M2S and R2M2S also show no difference in the detailed cleavage pattern, with approximately 18 nucleotides protected on both strands in each complex. Thus the HsdR subunit(s) of the endonuclease stabilise the interaction of the M2S complex with DNA, but do not directly contribute to DNA binding. In addition, the thymidine nucleotide in the tetranucleotide recognition sequence GTCG is hyper-reactive to cleavage in each case, suggesting that the DNA structure in this region is altered in these complexes.  相似文献   

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