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基于Hough变换的圆形物体的检测 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Hough变换在图像处理中占有重要地位,但本身具有存储空间大、计算时间长的缺点。利用圆的几何特性,针对Hough变换的缺点进行改进,并将其应用到图像中存在多个圆的情况。实验表明:该算法能较好地减少存储空间,并降低计算时间,同时,能很好地对图像中多个圆进行检测。 相似文献
Shapiro SD Iannino A 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1979,(3):310-317
Graphical techniques are presented for estimating Hough transform performance for detecting straight lines in noisy digital pictures. The methods show explicitly the influence of noise due, for example, to quantizing errors on the accuracy of estimating the underlying sets of collinear points. Exact bounds are obtained for sets of collinear points showing that under quite general conditions only the endpoints are of significance. Theorems governing grid size for the accumulator method are given. 相似文献
改进随机Hough变换在虹膜定位中的应用 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
针对随机Hough变换(RHT)中随机采样造成的大量无效采样和无效积累问题,提出了基于连续曲线段检测的RHT(CRHT)算法并应用于虹膜定位中,它利用了边缘图像的连续特性来减少无效采样的数量。实验结果证明,改进的CRHT变换提高了虹膜定位速度。 相似文献
随机Hough变换是检测圆的一种有效方法,但在处理多圆复杂图像时随机采样带来的大量无效累积会导致计算量过大。文中提出一种基于随机Hough变换的快速多圆检测算法,除去三类噪声点,通过随机采样到的一点按照一定规则搜索另外两点来确定候选圆,用原始图像对候选圆进行证据积累以判断是否为真圆。理论分析和实验结果表明:该算法较其他算法能更快地检测出图像中的多个圆,具有较好的应用价值。 相似文献
The Generalized Hough Transform is an established technique for geometric shape matching. An analogous technique is presented here for approximate solution of subgraph isomorphism problems. Its chief advantages are that it can also be used to find partial isomorphisms and that it can be readily implemented in parallel on a network of simple processors. 相似文献
Inherent bias and noise in the hough transform 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Considering the Hough transformation as a linear imaging process recasts certain well-known problems, provides a useful vocab-ulary, and possibly indicates a source of applicable literature on the behavior of the Hough transformation in various forms of noise. A consideration of the analytic form of peaks in parameter space sets the stage for the idea of using complementary (negative) votes to cancel off-peak positive votes in parameter space, thus sharpening peaks and reducing bias. 相似文献
利用Hough变换检测地形图中的方里网网点坐标,并由地形图图幅编号计算得到方里网网点的理论坐标,再把方里网网点的理论坐标与相应Hough变换搜索得到的方里网网点图像坐标进行最小二乘拟合,以纠正扫描地形图的误差得到精确的方里网网点坐标。结合该技术形成了自动扫描生成DRG的软件系统。 相似文献
Exact predictions of the performances of the Hough detection of straight lines in two-dimensional images are presented for rectangular and circular retinas, in Cartesian and normal parameterization, in the case of noisy signals. Detection of circles, under the same assumptions, is discussed. The limits of adaptive quantization to reduce intrinsic noise are presented, and it is shown that a signal processing approach is especially convenient to measure the performances of a detector based on the Hough transform. 相似文献
The slope-intercept Hough transform (SIHT) is one of the two types of line-detection methods. However, the disadvantage of the SIHT is its low memory utilization, say 50%. Based on the affine transformation, this paper presents a new method to improve the memory utilization of the SIHT from 50% to 100%. According to the proposed affine transformation, we first present a basic SIHT-based algorithm for detecting lines. Instead of concerning floating-point operations in the basic SIHT-based algorithm, an improved SIHT-based algorithm, which mainly concerns integer operations, is presented. Besides the memory utilization advantage, experimental results reveal that the improved SIHT-based algorithm has more than 60% execution time improvement ratio when compared to the basic SIHT-based algorithm and has more than 33% execution time improvement ratio when compared to another type of line-detection methods, such as the (r,θ)-based HT algorithm and its variant. The detailed complexity analyses for all the related algorithms are also investigated and we show that the time complexity required in the improved SIHT-based algorithm is the least. 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce a new Randomised Hough Transform aimed at improving curve detection accuracy and robustness,
as well as computational efficiency. Robustness and accuracy improvement is achieved by analytically propagating the errors
with image pixels to the estimated curve parameters. The errors with the curve parameters are then used to determine the contribution
of pixels to the accumulator array. The computational efficiency is achieved by mapping a set of points near certain selected
seed points to the parameter space at a time. Statistically determined, the seed points are points that are most likely located
on the curves and that produce the most accurate curve estimation. Further computational advantage is achieved by performing
progressive detection. Examples of detection of lines using the proposed technique are given in the paper. The concept can
be extended to non-linear curves such as circles and ellipses.
ID="A1"Correspondance and offprint requests to: Q. Ji, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA.
E-mail: qji@ecse.rpi.edu 相似文献
A. P. Vinogradov 《Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis》2008,18(4):712-715
A sequential approach to estimating approximate symmetries of two-and three-dimensional shapes is proposed. A shape is described using a set of base k-point configurations such that the orbits of significant symmetries for each of them are found using Hough transforms fine-tuned to certain types of adjacent classes in the SO3 manifold. Optimal solutions are found taking into account the ergodic property of the sequential random choice. Alexander P. Vinogradov. Born 1951. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1974. Received candidate’s degree in mathematical cybernetics in 1978. Scientific interests: geometric and algebraic methods in data analysis and image processing. Author of about 50 papers. 相似文献
This paper describes a divide-and-conquer Hough transform technique for detecting a given number of straight edges or lines in an image. This technique is designed for implementation on a pyramid of processors, and requires only O(log n) computational steps for an image of size n × n. 相似文献
In this paper, a new, called the adaptive modulated wavelet transform (AMWT) image representation is presented. One of the attractive features is that the informative instantaneous frequencies of images can be taken into account to improve the representation performance via adaptation of the modulating frequencies involved. The transform coefficients in both wavelet and modulated wavelet domains are uniformly quantized with several quantization levels. The computed peak signal-to-noise ratio values and entropies are used as rate distortion curves for performance comparison. Experimental results show that AMWT out performs wavelet transform for representing images containing textures with rapid variation in grays. 相似文献
This paper describes computer recognition of printed Hebrew characters, in which the Hough Transform space is used as the feature domain. The sequentially built recognition scheme has a first stage coarse classification by end points of strokes and a second stage classifier divided into two parts: in one part the decision is based on matching features in the transform space and in the other part a structural classification is applied. The method was tested on a sample set of eighteen print-simulated alphabets and a recognition rate of 99.6% was achieved. A performance comparison with two other recognition methods is also given. 相似文献
A fast and robust algorithm for extracting line segments from an image through use of the Hough Transform is presented. The framework for our algorithm comes from the work of Illingworth and Kittler. We have extended their Adaptive Hough Transform algorithm to handle lines of arbitrary slope, multiple lines, and lines in very low signal to noise environments. We present our Modified Adaptive Hough Transform along with experimental results obtained with data from a tactile sensor. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Hand gesture is a natural interaction method, and hand gesture recognition is familiar in human–computer interaction. Yet, the variations, as well as the... 相似文献
The present paper proposes a digital image watermarking scheme using the characteristics of the human visual system (HVS), spread transform technique and statistical information measure. Spread transform (ST) scheme is implemented using the transform coefficients of both the host and the watermark signal. Watermark embedding strength is adaptively adjusted using frequency sensitivity, luminance, contrast and entropy masking of HVS model. The choice of Hadamard transform as watermark embedding domain offers several advantages, such as low loss in image information (higher image fidelity), greater reliability of watermark detection and higher data hiding capacity at high degree of compression. Performance of the proposed method is compared with a number of recently reported watermarking schemes based on spread spectrum (SS) and quantization index modulation (QIM). 相似文献
基于自适应脊波变换的边缘检测 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过分析现有的一些方法,提出了一种基于自适应脊波变换的边缘检测方法。这种方法以脊波变换为理论基础,具有多方向和多尺度性,能对图像中的不同方向的边缘特征进行有效的表示和检测。实验表明,对于边缘主要表现为直线而其他位置光滑的图像,该检测方法抗噪声更强,定位更准确。 相似文献
《Computers & Electrical Engineering》2014,40(8):117-129
Blocking effect caused by coefficient quantification during image compression is an annoying problem. The main effect of quantification is to eliminate high frequency component in the image. Therefore, it will lead to noticeable discontinuous leaps which causes block effect and degrade the image. A deblocking method based on Curvelet transform is proposed in this paper. Based on the fact that the Curvelet coefficients in different scale layers correspond to different block effect of the degraded image, our method adaptively process the coefficients in each layer to recover the degraded images. As proved by the experiments, our method can retain more details and get better recovery results under both subjective and objective criterions than traditional spatial domain and wavelet deblocking methods. 相似文献
An automatic method of inspecting the scaling accuracy of needle-type instrument gauges using a two-stage Hough transform technique is described. The system measures and verifies the relative accuracy of a gauge's response to a specified set of analog input signals. The method does not require that the gauge's position, orientation, or size be known a priori and the algorithm is very suitable for high-speed hardware implementation. 相似文献