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在测距雷达与经纬仪组成的测量网络中,为了提高目标的跟踪定位能力和获取更多的弹道数据,提出了雷达与经纬仪的联合定位方法.根据雷达与经纬仪实时跟踪目标时的几何关系,推导出目标定位的计算公式.将经纬仪的测角信息和雷达测距信息进行数据融合,得到目标相对于经纬仪的距离,进而确定目标的三维位置信息.分析了定位误差的主要来源,明确了该方法的适用范围.在雷达与经纬仪跟踪远距离目标过程中加以应用.结果表明,雷达与经纬仪间的测量基线越小,该方法的定位误差越接近雷达的测距误差.  相似文献   

光电经纬仪测量飞行器三维坐标方法及误差分析   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
介绍一种用于光电经纬仪精确测量飞行器三维坐标的计算方法,该方法利用空间两异面光轴公垂线估计交会点位置,克服了常规处中的模型误差,分析了观测量误差 产生的原因并提出了改正方法,对定位测量误差进行了仿真,结果表明,利用该方法并合理布站可显著提高从标测量精度,对于机动大目标的坐标测量误差小于0.20m。  相似文献   

利用基于坐标变换的三轴误差计算模型,推导了轴系误差对光电经纬仪测角误差影响的计算公式,然后通过MATLAB仿真,深入分析了基于坐标变换和基于球面三角学原理两种误差模型下,轴系误差对经纬仪测角误差的影响规律.结果表明:基于球面三角学原理的误差模型相比基于坐标变换的误差模型,计算更加简单、适用.  相似文献   

为了提高飞行器的事后定位精度,提出了一种基于多台雷达光电经纬仪外测数据融合的处理方法.给出了雷达光电经纬仪外测数据的数学模型,将样条约束方法应用于角度、距离和速度测量数据的融合处理,建立了飞行器位置参数和设备系统误差的联合求解模型,通过充分利用雷达测量数据来增加模型的冗余度.仿真结果表明,与单纯的角度数据融合相比,角度、距离和速度测量数据进行融合可以显著提高飞行器位置参数和设备系统误差的估计精度.  相似文献   

 光电经纬仪垂直轴系由于负荷重、转动惯量大,其刚度将直接影响经纬仪的跟踪性能,所以它的方位谐振频率显得尤为重要.针对这种情况,采用三维软件UG NX4.0自身的建模仿真一体化功能,对经纬仪垂直轴系进行建模、仿真分析,得到了垂直轴系前三阶固有频率及振型.仿真结果满足实际工作需要,符合试验测定值;并且找到了刚性很好的环节,基于轻量化的考虑,对刚性较好的部件进行尺寸优化设计,在不影响总体结构刚度的情况下,优化了结构,减轻了重量.  相似文献   

为了分析光电经纬仪机架的温度变形,建立了经纬仪机架结构的三维模型,利用Ansys/Workbench有限元分析软件对整机机架进行了稳态热分析.给出了机架温度场分布、机架总体变形以及沿Z轴方向的变形情况.通过仿真结果与实验对比分析表明,光电经纬仪机架在太阳照射不均匀及环境温度变化条件下,局部会发生较大变形.机架结构在27.938℃时的最大变形为0.133 mm,左右立柱变形造成水平轴倾斜2.8",机架变形会降低经纬仪的指向精度.这些分析为下一步机架结构优化设计、温度传感器布点及局部温度控制提供了参考信息.  相似文献   

赵强 《中国科技博览》2014,(46):278-278
基于光电经纬仪靶场校飞试验测角总误差的误差修正中,其调焦行差对光电经纬仪的测角总误差的影响。以Gw—1208光电经纬仪为例,讨论了其光学系统中存在的调焦行差,并定量分析了调焦行差对电经纬仪方位和高低测量数据的影响,通过对靶场校飞试验数据的分析,在测量数据处理中对光电经纬仪的调焦行差进行了修正,结果表明,修正后测角总误差满足技术指标要求。本文针误差处理中对调焦行差的修正,也可以为解决今后光电经纬仪在靶场校飞试验的类似问题提供参考。  相似文献   

精确修正光电经纬仪中的系统误差方法研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对运动目标进行精确的轨道测量是光电经纬仪的首要任务。在此 ,探讨了一种高精度的系统误差修正方法——球谐函数修正法 ,并将该方法运用于光电经纬仪中对系统误差进行修正 ,获得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

郎小龙  赵强 《光电工程》2006,33(3):17-19,77
提出了一种光电经纬仪单项差检测新方案,光电经纬仪以正镜瞄准不同俯仰角度目标测得的方位角与高精度经纬仪标定的方位角真值有一定差异,利用这种差异与光电经纬仪的照准差和不垂直度误差之间的内在联系,推导出光电经纬仪的照准差和不垂直度误差。新检测方案的单项差测量误差小于10",对由于结构限制不能进行倒镜测量的机载光电测量系统单项差修正有实际意义。  相似文献   

为改善雷达光电跟踪系统目标运动参数估计性能,提出了一种考虑测速无偏转换的数据融合算法。基于雷达多普勒径向速度量测与光电跟踪系统角速度信息,推导了测速信息在笛卡尔坐标系下的无偏转换量测,分析了转换后量测噪声的统计特性,给出了基于解耦序贯更新滤波的数据融合算法。仿真表明,本文方法改善了目标运动参数估计精度,提高了速度分量估计误差收敛速度,研究结果亦可为航迹起始、目标威胁度初判提供参考。  相似文献   

A pilot study on errors of commission (EOCs) was performed for a Swiss nuclear power plant, with the goals of (a) evaluating PSI's Commission Errors Search and Assessment (CESA) method for identifying potential EOC situations, and (b) obtaining an estimate of the potential risk significance of the analyzed EOCs. The EOC search and screening process of the method proceeds from a given action to scenarios in which the action is inappropriate. A catalog of key actions required in the responses to the plant events is first compiled. This catalog is then used in a systematic search of context-action combinations, to obtain a set of situations with EOC opportunities to be examined in detail. The results show that the CESA identification process is feasible and effective: it is able to identify plausible situations in which EOCs may occur. A preliminary quantification of four of these has been performed; the analyses so far show that the situations identified in the pilot study deserve careful consideration. Although the identification approach in CESA covers a subset of EOC types, the demonstration of the CESA method in the pilot study and the resulting identification of EOC cases is encouraging in terms of progress on the issue of EOCs.  相似文献   

光扭矩传感器信号转换误差分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光扭矩传感器的输出信号在进行光电转换过程中,由于温度影响,造成了直流电平漂移误差,影响系统的测量精度。对直流电平漂移误差进行了分析,针对产生误差的原因提出了采用正负温度补偿、热敏电阻和差动电路三种补偿方案,并进行了比较。实验结果表明,采用差动补偿电路的方法,效果良好,能有效地消除直流电平漂移误差。  相似文献   

光电跟踪测量仪器的系统误差的修正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张孟伟 《光电工程》1995,22(6):47-51
对于现代光电跟踪测量仪器来说,为获得较高的实际使用精度,必须对仪器的系统误差进行检测并加以修正。本文是根据从事精度检测工作的实际经验,着重讨论在外场对静态系统误差进行检测和修正的方法,并且指出了采用系统误差修正的方法对于仪器设计和仪器使用的指导意义。  相似文献   

Currently, comparison between countries in terms of their road safety performance is widely conducted in order to better understand one's own safety situation and to learn from those best-performing countries by indicating practical targets and formulating action programmes. In this respect, crash data such as the number of road fatalities and casualties are mostly investigated. However, the absolute numbers are not directly comparable between countries. Therefore, the concept of risk, which is defined as the ratio of road safety outcomes and some measure of exposure (e.g., the population size, the number of registered vehicles, or distance travelled), is often used in the context of benchmarking. Nevertheless, these risk indicators are not consistent in most cases. In other words, countries may have different evaluation results or ranking positions using different exposure information. In this study, data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a performance measurement technique is investigated to provide an overall perspective on a country's road safety situation, and further assess whether the road safety outcomes registered in a country correspond to the numbers that can be expected based on the level of exposure. In doing so, three model extensions are considered, which are the DEA based road safety model (DEA-RS), the cross-efficiency method, and the categorical DEA model. Using the measures of exposure to risk as the model's input and the number of road fatalities as output, an overall road safety efficiency score is computed for the 27 European Union (EU) countries based on the DEA-RS model, and the ranking of countries in accordance with their cross-efficiency scores is evaluated. Furthermore, after applying clustering analysis to group countries with inherent similarity in their practices, the categorical DEA-RS model is adopted to identify best-performing and underperforming countries in each cluster, as well as the reference sets or benchmarks for those underperforming ones. More importantly, the extent to which each reference set could be learned from is specified, and practical yet challenging targets are given for each underperforming country, which enables policymakers to recognize the gap with those best-performing countries and further develop their own road safety policy.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, considerable effort has been spent to understand what is meant by an “error of commission” (EOC), to complement the traditional notion of an “error of omission” (EOO). This paper argues that the EOO–EOC dyad, as an artefact of the PSA event tree, is insufficient for human reliability analysis (HRA) for several reasons: (1) EOO–EOC fail to distinguish between manifestation and cause; (2) EOO–EOC refer to classes of incorrect actions rather than to specific instances; (3) there is no unique way of classifying an event using EOO–EOC; (4) the set of error modes that cannot reasonably be classified as EOO is too diverse to fit into any single category of its own. Since the use of EOO–EOC leads to serious problems for HRA, an alternative is required. This can be found in the concept of error modes, which has a long history in risk analysis. A specific system for error mode prediction was tested in a simulator experiment. The analysis of the results showed that error modes could be qualitatively predicted with sufficient accuracy (68% correct) to propose this method as a way to determine how operator actions can fail in PSA-cum-HRA. Although this still leaves the thorny issue of quantification, a consistent prediction of error modes provides a better starting point for determining probabilities than the EOO–EOC dyad. It also opens a possibility for quantification methods where the influence of the common performance conditions is prior to and more important than individual failure rates.  相似文献   

带绕式空心脉冲变压器电感的测量及误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对带绕式空心脉冲变压器电感的计算进行了详细的理论推导,并根据已制作成功的变压器尺寸,用MATLAB编程进行电感的计算。理论计算值与用HP4284A型精密RLC仪测量的结果进行了比较,误差小于10%,满足实验精度要求。此外,本文对理论推导和实际测量中存在的各种误差及其产生误差的原因进行了分析,并提出了一些电感测量中减小误差的方法。  相似文献   

应用PZT作为微位移驱动机构,研制成2D-SROP-1型光学轮廓测量仪,它的垂直分辨率可达1nm,可测量Rn<0.1um的表面。本文分析了微位移调制误差对仪器的影响,导出了测量相位偏差4ψ与调制误差△β的关系,考查了串联电容对微位移特性的影响。结果表明,在微位移调制器上串联一适当电容,使在仪器工作频率范围内响应线性度达到1.08%,保证了仪器的测量精度。  相似文献   

Being supported by scarce empirical data, most of the performance influencing factors in human reliability analysis (HRA) have to be assessed on the basis of the analyst's knowledge on the human performance in given tasks and their context. Therefore, the outcome of HRA may only be warranted by a proper application of their knowledge based on sufficient information about the tasks and situations. However, most of the HRA methodologies, including the newly developed ones, focus on the provision of cognitive models, error mechanisms, error types and analysis method while leaving the information collection mostly in the hands of the analyst. This paper suggests structured information analysis (SIA), which helps HRA analysts in collecting and structuring such information on tasks and contexts. The SIA consists of three parts: the scenario analysis, the goal-means analysis, and the cognitive function analysis. An expert evaluation showed that this three-part information analysis allowed more expressiveness and hence more confidence on the error prediction than ASEP HRA.  相似文献   

在克服著名电子发票服务IBS协议缺陷的基础上,提出了一个新的电子发票服务协议。同时,采用新的基于扩展Kailar逻辑的分析方法对新协议进行了公平性形式化分析与修改,最终得到一个可以工作在不可靠信道上的公平电子发票服务协议。  相似文献   

一种快速运动目标检测与跟踪算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
运动目标的检测与跟踪是计算机视觉和图象编码研究的主要内容,有着广泛的应用领域。基于光流场的检测与跟踪是其常用的方法之一,但其计算结果和效率是不能令人满意的。提出了基于帧间差阈值法和光流场相结合的快速运动目标检测与跟踪算法,诸结果表明该算法简单实用、运算速度快,克服了单纯光流场方法的不足。  相似文献   

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