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In this paper, we present a secure and robust content-based digital signature scheme for verifying the authenticity of JPEG2000 images quantitatively, in terms of a unique concept named lowest authenticable bit rates (LABR). Given a LABR, the authenticity of the watermarked JPEG2000 image will be protected as long as its final transcoded bit rate is not less than the LABR. The whole scheme, which is extended from the crypto data-based digital signature scheme, mainly comprises signature generation/verification, error correction coding (ECC) and watermark embedding/extracting. The invariant features, which are generated from fractionalized bit planes during the procedure of embedded block coding with optimized truncation in JPEG2000, are coded and signed by the sender's private key to generate one crypto signature (hundreds of bits only) per image, regardless of the image size. ECC is employed to tame the perturbations of extracted features caused by processes such as transcoding. Watermarking only serves to store the check information of ECC. The proposed solution can be efficiently incorporated into the JPEG2000 codec (Part 1) and is also compatible with Public Key Infrastructure. After detailing the proposed solution, system performance on security as well as robustness will be evaluated.  相似文献   

In this digital era, where Internet of Things (IoT) is increasing day by day, use of resource constrained devices is also increasing. Indeed, the features such as low cost, less maintenance, more adaptive to hostile environment, etc. make the wireless multimedia devices to be the best choice as the resource constrained devices. For the security, the end user device requires to establish the session key with the server before transferring the data. Mobile is one of the device having more and more usage as wireless multimedia device in recent years. In 2013, Li et al. proposed an efficient scheme for the wireless mobile communications and claimed it to be secure against various attacks. Recently, Shen et al. claimed that the scheme of Li et al. is still vulnerable to the privileged insider attack, the stolen verifier attack and finally proposed a scheme to withstand the mentioned and other attacks. However, in this paper we claim that the scheme of Shen et al. is still susceptible to the user anonymity, the session specific temporary information attack and the replay attack. In addition, Shen et al.’s scheme requires more time due to many operations. Further, we propose an efficient scheme that is secure against various known attacks and due to reduced time complexity our scheme is a preferred choice for the wireless mobile networks and hence for wireless multimedia systems.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - With the speedy progress in technology, the Internet has become a non-separable part of human life. It is obvious to use the Internet in all fields and medical...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - For Multimedia Medical Information System (MMIS), security and privacy are the significant measures. For the guarantee of MMIS significant measures, several...  相似文献   

Social networking is one of the major source of massive data. Such data is not only difficult to store, manipulate and maintain but it’s open access makes it security prone. Therefore, robust and efficient authentication should be devised to make it invincible against the known security attacks. Moreover, social networking services are intrinsically multi-server environments, therefore compatible and suitable authentication should be designed accordingly. Sundry authentication protocols are being utilized at the moment and many of them are designed for single server architecture. This type of remote architecture resists each user to get itself register with each server if multiple servers are employed to offer online social services. Recently multi-server architecture for authentication has replaced the single server architecture, and it enable users to register once and procure services from multiple servers. A short time ago, Lu et al. presented two authentication schemes based on three factors. Furthermore, both Lu et al.’s schemes are designed for multi-server architecture. Lu et al. claimed the schemes to be invincible against the known attacks. However, this paper shows that one of the Lu et al.’s scheme is susceptible to user anonymity violation and impersonation attacks, whereas Lu et al.’s second scheme is susceptible to user impersonation attack. Therefore an enhanced scheme is introduced in this paper. The proposed scheme is more robust than subsisting schemes. The proposed scheme is thoroughly verified and validated with formal and informal security discussion, and through the popular automated tool ProVerif. The in-depth analysis affirms that proposed scheme is lightweight in terms of computations while attaining mutual authentication and is invincible against the known attacks, hence is more suitable for automated big data analysis for social multimedia networking environments.  相似文献   

随着多媒体数据的广泛使用,其内容的真实性和完整性越来越受到人们的关注,基于内容的多媒体数据鉴别技术成为了一个重要的热点研究领域。根据静态图像的特征,提出了一个用于数字图像的、块对独立的鉴别方法。提取JPEG压缩不变量作为特征,并引入参考块来辅助篡改定位。实验证明,它可以在一定程度上容忍JPEG压缩,对篡改操作敏感,并可以在8^*8像素块的量级上对篡改区域进行精确定位。  相似文献   

Conventional password authentication schemes require password files or verification tables to validate the legitimacy of the login user. In addition, for remote access, these schemes cannot withstand an attack by replaying a previously intercepted login request. In this paper, we propose a remote password authentication scheme based on the digital signature methods. This scheme does not require the system to maintain a password file, and it can withstand attacks based on message replaying.  相似文献   

It is a challenging work to design a robust audio watermarking scheme against various attacks. Wavelet moment invariances are new features combining the moment invariant features and the wavelet features, and they have some excellent characteristics, such as the ability to capture local information, robustness against common signal processing, and the linear relationship between a signal and its wavelet moments etc. Based on wavelet moment and synchronization code, we propose a new digital audio watermarking algorithm with good auditory quality and reasonable resistance against most attacks in this paper. Firstly, the origin digital audio is segmented and then each segment is cut into two parts. Secondly, with the spatial watermarking technique, synchronization code is embedded into the statistics average value of audio samples in the first part. And then, map 1D digital audio signal in the second part into 2D form, and calculate its wavelet moments. Finally, the watermark bit is embedded into the average value of modulus of the low-order wavelet moments. Meanwhile combining the two adjacent synchronization code searching technology, the algorithm can extract the watermark without the help from the origin digital audio signal. Simulation results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is not only inaudible and robust against common signals processing such as MP3 compression, noise addition, resampling, and re-quantization etc., but also robust against the desynchronization attacks such as random cropping, amplitude variation, pitch shifting, and jittering etc.  相似文献   

User authentication is one of the most important security services required for the resource-constrained wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In user authentication, for critical applications of WSNs, a legitimate user is allowed to query and collect the real-time data at any time from a sensor node of the network as and when he/she demands for it. In order to get the real-time information from the nodes, the user needs to be first authenticated by the nodes as well as the gateway node (GWN) of WSN so that illegal access to nodes do not happen in the network. Recently, Jiang et al. proposed an efficient two-factor user authentication scheme with unlinkability property in WSNs Jiang (2014). In this paper, we analyze Jiang et al.’s scheme. Unfortunately, we point out that Jiang et al.’s scheme has still several drawbacks such as (1) it fails to protect privileged insider attack, (2) inefficient registration phase for the sensor nodes, (3) it fails to provide proper authentication in login and authentication phase, (4) it fails to update properly the new changed password of a user in the password update phase, (5) it lacks of supporting dynamic sensor node addition after initial deployment of nodes in the network, and (6) it lacks the formal security verification. In order to withstand these pitfalls found in Jiang et al.’s scheme, we aim to propose a three-factor user authentication scheme for WSNs. Our scheme preserves the original merits of Jiang et al.’s scheme. Our scheme is efficient as compared to Jiang et al.’s scheme and other schemes. Furthermore, our scheme provides better security features and higher security level than other schemes. In addition, we simulate our scheme for the formal security analysis using the widely-accepted AVISPA (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications) tool. The simulation results clearly demonstrate that our scheme is also secure.  相似文献   

The drawbacks of the current authentication watermarking schemes for JPEG images, which are inferior localization and the security flaws, are firstly analyzed in this paper. Then, two counterferiting attacks are conducted on them. To overcome these drawbacks, a new digital authentication watermarking scheme for JPEG images with superior localization and security is proposed. Moreover, the probabilities of tamper detection and false detection are deduced under region tampering and collage attack separately. For each image block, the proposed scheme keeps four middle frequency points fixed to embed the watermark, and utilizes the rest of the DCT coefficients to generate 4 bits of watermark information. During the embedding process, each watermark bit is embedded in another image block that is selected by its corresponding secret key. Since four blocks are randomly selected for the watermark embedding of each block, the non-deterministic dependence among the image blocks is established so as to resist collage attack completely. At the receiver, according to judging of the extracted 4 bits of watermark information and the corresponding 9-neighbourhood system, the proposed scheme could discriminate whether the image block is tampered or not. Owing to the diminishing of false detection and the holding of tamper detection, we improve the accuracy of localization in the authentication process. Theoretic analysis and simulation results have proved that the proposed algorithm not only has superior localization, but also enhances the systematic security obviously. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60572027), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China (Grant No. NCET-05-0794), the Sichuan Youth Science & Technology Foundation (Grant No. 03ZQ026-033), the National Defense Pre-research Foundation of China (Grant No. 51430804QT2201) and the Application Basic Foundation of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 2006 J13-10)  相似文献   

高婧  黄望宗 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(12):3980-3982,4029
为解决卫星干扰、非法盗用卫星资源的问题,分析了卫星通信网络的特点,并综合考虑卫星网络的安全认证的需求,提出了一种基于ELGamal数字签名的卫星网络安全双向认证方案。该方案对ElGamal数字签名算法本身进行了改进,加快了ElGamal数字签名的签名速度,节约了通信性能的开销。在某专用卫星通信系统信息传输中实际应用结果表明,该方案有效克服了传统认证方案中存在的认证效率较低和认证过程较复杂等问题。  相似文献   


The vulnerability of digital audio signals for different types of risks requires an imperceptible and robust digital audio watermarking scheme. In this research, we propose creating one such imperceptible and robust hybrid watermarking scheme based on a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Schur decomposition hybrid method. The proposed scheme embeds the foreground bits of the watermarking image into the least significant bit of the diagonal coefficients of the triangular matrix S generated from Schur decomposition. Schur decomposition is applied on the second sub-band HL2 generated from applying a second-level 2D-Haar DWT on the first channel of the original audio signal. We analyze the proposed digital audio watermarking scheme’s performance in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR), objective difference grades (ODG), and subjective difference grades (SDG) that resulting 81.43, 4.78 and 0.184, respectively. The resulting of payload capacity, NC, and BER are as high as 319.29 bps, 0.9911, and 0.0135, respectively. Experimental results confirm that the proposed scheme is inaudible and robust against common types of attacks such as Gaussian noise, re-quantization, re-sampling, low-pass filter, high-pass filter, echo, MP3 compression, and cropping. In comparison with state-of-the-art audio watermarking schemes, the proposed scheme’s performance is superior in term of imperceptibility, robustness, and data payload size.


提出了一种稳健的自适应混合域数字音频水印算法,该算法具有以下特点:(1)通过采纳更为稳健的同步信号及其全新嵌入策略,提高了音频水印的抗攻击能力;(2)充分利用DWT的多分辨率特性和DCT的能量压缩特性,改善了数字水印的隐藏效果;(3)结合听觉掩蔽特性自适应确定量化步长,提高了数字水印的不可感知性;(4)以保证不可感知性和稳健性的良好平衡为前提,实现了数字水印的盲检测.仿真实验表明,所提出的算法不仅具有较好的不可感知性,而且对诸如重新采样、重新量化、叠加噪声、低通滤波、随机剪切等攻击均具有较好的稳健性.特别地,该算法对于最为普通的MP3压缩攻击具有极强的抵抗能力(尤其是高压缩比下).  相似文献   

张倩 《传感器与微系统》2012,31(3):22-24,28
无线传感器网络(WSNs)由于其部署环境的开放性、资源的有限性等特点,比传统网络更易受到安全方面的威胁,其安全问题变得极为重要。针对WSNs中的认证机制的效率和安全问题,提出了一种有效的强实体认证协议。通过采用秘密共享方案,通过多个节点对用户进行认证,能够有效地防止非法用户加入网络。通过实验分析和对比表明:协议既能满足网络对安全的需求,又能最大程度地节约传感器节点的能量。  相似文献   

We present a tamper-proof and lightweight challenge-response authentication scheme, based on 2-level noisy Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF). We present a security reduction, which shows the scheme to be secure against passive attacks, provided that it is hard to learn a threshold of halfspaces under the uniform distribution. Furthermore, we provide an extensive analysis of PUFs. In particular, we thoroughly derive a linear model for delay based PUFs, and finally we explore extensions of PUFs to produce efficient and tamper-resilient n-to-n mappings.  相似文献   

When utilizing services over public networks, a remote user authentication mechanism forms a first line of defense by rejecting illegal logins from unauthorized users. On-line applications over the Internet such as E-learning, on-line games, etc. are ever more common; remote user participation via networks plays a vital role in security and should be guaranteed. Without this countermeasure, malicious users are likely to enable agents to communicate with remote on-line systems. While existing remote user authentication schemes rarely address this issue, this paper highlights the problem of guaranteeing remote user participation. This proposed user authentication scheme benefits from combining CAPTCHA techniques and visual secret sharing to ensure deliberate human interaction. This scheme provides mutual authentication and is secure against certain known attacks, as well as low in computation cost.  相似文献   

This paper presents an image authentication scheme that can verify the origin of the received image and, moreover, detect if the image has been tampered with. The underlying technologies of the scheme are digital watermarking and image secret sharing. Different from other schemes that use one piece of watermark information for one purpose and a different piece for another, the watermark information used for original verification is also utilized for tamper detection. Moreover, unlike other schemes that employ a fixed strength value for embedding watermarks, the scheme automatically utilizes two different strength values, one for flat regions and the other for complex regions. The experimental results prove that using different strength values increases the robustness of the watermark with little sacrifice in image quality. The results also demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme for the origin verification as well as the tamper detection.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate that Chaudhry et al.’s recent biometrics-based three factor authentication scheme is vulnerable to the denial of service attack, and it also fails to provide perfect forward secrecy because it only uses the lightweight symmetric key primitives to ensure security. To enhance the information security, this article presents a new robust biometrics-based mutual authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography for client-server architecture based applications in mobile environment. The proposed scheme supports session key agreement and flawless mutual authentication of participants, which is proved under the BAN logic. Moreover, the proposed scheme provides prefect security attributes and resists all known attacks, and it has perfect performance in communication cost. Thereby, the proposed scheme is more suitable for client-server architecture based applications.  相似文献   

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