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于政文  张春雨 《工程力学》1999,3(A03):818-823
本文将配点法与子域法相结合,求解了弹性基础上简支圆板的大挠度塑性动力中响应问题。给出板的弯矩,挠度,速度及停止运动时间表达式,了弹性基础模量对停止运动时间和板的残余挠度的影响。  相似文献   

爆炸载荷作用下双向加筋方板的大挠度塑性动力响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分别列出加筋板面板以及加强筋的运动方程出发,分析了爆炸载荷作用下双向加筋固支方板的大挠度塑性动力响应。分析表明:取决于加强筋的相对刚度以及爆炸载荷峰值的大小,加筋板的运动将呈现3种不同的模式。该文限于讨论加筋板的总体变形模式,具体讨论了十字加筋以及双十字加筋固支方板在忽略弯矩影响下的薄膜解法。理论结果与已有的试验结果在多数情况下符合良好,表明该文提出的简化理论分析方法能对爆炸载荷下双向加筋方板的永久变形做出较为合理的预报。  相似文献   

冲击载荷作用下简支方板的理论解   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从理论上分析了受均布冲击载荷作用下,位于弹性基础上的简支理想刚塑性方板的塑性动力响应,文中给出了中载和高载情况下各相的解析解。  相似文献   

冲击载荷作用下框架结构的非线性动力响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大变形动力控制方程并应用有限差分离散求解.对冲击载荷作用下框架结构的非线性动力响应进行了初步研究.通过对响应过程中轴力、弯矩、变形以及塑性耗能分布规律的细致分析,探讨了框架结构的非线性响应模式和变形机制.研究表明,冲击载荷作用下,撞击点处"驻定塑性铰"是动力响应过程的主要变形机制,而框架柱"塑性铰"或"塑性区"是响应过程的又一主要模式,且此变形模式的表现形式会随初始动能的差异而发生变化.为验证本文理论计算的准确性,数值计算结果与已有文献的实验数据进行了比较,两者吻合很好.  相似文献   

该文中对套箍系数分别为1、1.15和1.9的两端简支钢管混凝土梁在侧向冲击载荷作用下的动力响应进行了实验和理论研究。动载试验在DHR-9401落锤式冲击实验机上进行,实验中得到了试件破坏模态和冲击力时程曲线等特征量。进而基于实验研究结果,并考虑撞击时局部变形的影响,建立了局部变形和整体变形的关系,推导出钢管混凝土梁在低速冲击下整体变形的计算公式,其结果与实验结果较为吻合,并为临界破坏冲击能的计算提供了方法。  相似文献   

冲击载荷作用下大挠度圆板的弹塑性动力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用已知弹性解分析阶跃载荷作用下大挠度回板的弹塑性动力响应,提出了本征函数法。这是对文献[3,4]的进一步发展。此外在文献[3,4]中,解决大挠度问题时,采用基于卡门方程的混合法,但在本文中,采用了位移法,它在进行分析计算时更为有利。  相似文献   

从分别列出加筋板面板以及加强筋的运动方程出发,详细分析了爆炸载荷作用下单向加筋固支方板的大挠度塑性动力响应.分析表明:取决于加强筋的相对刚度以及载荷峰值的大小,加筋板的运动将呈现三种不同的模式.限于讨论加筋板的总体变形模式.首先讨论了同时计及弯矩和面力(轴力)作用的解析解,在此基础上进一步讨论了忽略弯矩影响的薄膜解以及能量解.理论结果与已有的试验结果在多数情况下符合良好,表明提出的简化理论分析方法能对爆炸载荷下单向加筋固支方板的永久变形做出较为合理的预报.  相似文献   

高超音速飞行器薄壁结构在工作环境下承受着复杂的高温强噪声载荷,高温会使材料性能发生变化,导致局部区域出现热声疲劳破坏,影响结构的耐久性和完整性。针对此类问题,基于薄壁结构大挠度非线性振动理论,构建热声载荷下四边固支C/SiC薄壁层合板结构的数值仿真模型,并对其进行了动力学响应计算,研究了不同热声载荷组合下的振动响应规律,并采用线性累计损伤理论对结构进行疲劳寿命的预估和分析。结果表明,热声载荷对碳/碳化硅薄壁层合板的非线性响应影响不同,热载荷通过改变结构基频来影响结构非线性响应。四边固支C/SiC薄壁层合板在热声载荷作用下表现出非线性随机振动特性,并且呈现在平衡位置随机振动、随机跳变等多种运动状态,跳变运动给结构造成更大的的损伤更大。  相似文献   

目前在ABAQUS软件中计算迫击炮座钣模型时选择的土壤计算模型是软件中自带的D-P(Drucker-Prager)模型,与实际情况存在一定差距.为提高某迫击炮座钣-土壤耦合模型的计算精度,建立座钣-土壤耦合有限元仿真模型,将一种修正的D-P准则应用于迫击炮座钣-土壤耦合计算中的土壤屈服准则,该准则引入了一种角隅模型,考...  相似文献   

利用MTS试验机对聚乙烯醇纤维(PVA)/水泥复合材料板进行准静态冲切试验,研究了不同PVA纤维掺量对其破坏形态和承载力的影响。结果表明:掺入PVA纤维能够将水泥基板的破坏形态由脆性破坏转为延性破坏。PVA/水泥复合材料板的冲切极限荷载和耗能能力均随PVA纤维掺量增加而增大,其中耗能能力的增大更显著。进一步采用Instron 落锤冲击系统对PVA纤维体积分数为2vol%的PVA/水泥复合材料板进行动力冲切试验,研究冲切速度(2.0~4.2 m/s)对PVA/水泥复合材料板的破坏形态、初裂荷载、极限荷载、初始刚度及耗能性能的影响。结果表明:与准静态试验相比,冲切荷载作用下PVA/水泥复合材料板的极限荷载增大,而耗能减少;此外相对初裂荷载和耗能,极限荷载的冲切速度相关性最显著。基于上述结果,构建了纤维增强水泥复合材料四线型拉伸本构模型,并通过反算模型和塑性铰线方法对纤维增强水泥复合材料板的冲切力学性能进行模拟,并得到材料的本构参数。本研究可以为PVA/水泥复合材料的抗冲切设计提供技术支撑。   相似文献   

To attain a better understanding of the failure behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) beams under impact load, series of high speed impact experiments were performed using an instrumented drop-weight impact machine. The test program was successful in providing a substantial volume of test data including impact loads, mid-span deflections, crack profiles and strains. These data was analyzed, focusing on the impact load characteristics and the impact behaviors of RC beams. Various characteristic values and their relationships were investigated such as the drop height, the static flexural load-carrying capacity, the input impact energy and the beam response values. Two empirical formulas were proposed to estimate the maximum and residual deflection of the beam based on the static flexural load-carrying capacity and the input impact energy. The applicability of the proposed equations was confirmed by comparison with the experimental results obtained by other researchers.  相似文献   

采用Abaqus软件建立了圆锥形子弹正冲击芳纶/玻璃纤维复合材料层合板的有限元模型,将模拟结果与文献中的实验结果相比较验证了模型的可靠性,进而研究子弹以不同的速度对不同铺陈角度下的复合材料层合板冲击后初始速度与剩余速度的关系以及层合板的破坏特征。结果表明:当层合板铺陈角度不变且子弹击穿层合板时,子弹初始速度与剩余速度接近于线性关系;在子弹未穿透层合板时,[0/90°]铺陈角度的层合板抗弹性能最好,在子弹以600~900 m/s的较高速度穿透层合板时,[45/-45°]铺陈角度的层合板吸能效果最好;由破坏特征图表明铺陈角度对层合板的损伤面积和破坏机制影响不大。该研究可为防护装备的设计和优化提供参考。  相似文献   

周昊  郭锐  刘荣忠  刘涛 《复合材料学报》2019,36(5):1226-1234
基于ABAQUS有限元仿真软件,建立了不同夹芯相对密度的碳纤维增强聚合物(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer,CFRP)复合材料方形蜂窝夹层结构在水中爆炸冲击波载荷作用下的仿真模型,分析了结构的变形过程、夹芯的压缩特性及结构的失效及破坏情况。数值模拟结果表明,CFRP复合材料蜂窝夹芯压缩量在前面板速度降至与后面板相同时达到最大; CFRP复合材料蜂窝夹芯的最大压缩量随着初始压力的增大呈先缓慢增大后快速增大的趋势,其增大趋势在夹芯接近完全压缩时又趋于缓慢; CFRP复合材料夹层结构失效随夹芯相对密度和初始压力的变化呈现不同的模式,且其防护性能优于等重的层合结构。研究结果可以为复合材料夹层结构在水中冲击波载荷防护中的应用提供参考。   相似文献   

The bearing properties of recently developed hybrid fiber/metal laminates, or COmmingled Boron/glass fiber Reinforced Aluminum laminates (COBRA), are investigated in this study. The bolt-type bearing tests on GLass REinforced aluminum laminates (GLARE), non-commingled hybrid boron/glass/aluminum fiber/metal laminates (HFML) and COBRA were carried out as a function of e/D ratio, metal volume fraction, fiber volume fraction, and fiber orientation. Experimental results show that with the same joint geometry and metal volume fraction, the commingling of boron fibers improves the bearing strength of fiber/metal laminates. Observations show the boron/glass fiber prepreg, transverse to the loading direction, results in a bearing mechanism that effectively increases the bearing strength. The bearing strength of COBRA with longitudinal fibers is lower than that with transverse fibers due to the fact that shearout failure takes place before maximum bearing strength is reached. The experimental results show that, with only either transverse fiber orientation or longitudinal fiber orientation, COBRA with 18% boron fiber volume fraction possesses a higher bearing strength when compared to HFML with 6% boron fiber volume fraction. In addition to the properties in COBRA with parallel-plies commingled prepreg, the bearing properties of various COBRA with [0°/90°] and [0°/90°/90°/0°] cross-ply commingled prepregs are also discussed.  相似文献   

In order to establish a rational verification method for each limit state (mainly the serviceability and ultimate limit states) in the case of impact-resistant reinforced concrete structures, an experimentally-based study using not only small-scale but also prototype models should be conducted. However, it is not easy or economical to conduct prototype experiments. If a satisfactory numerical analysis method could be established then it would be easier to perform than experiments, due to the advances in computer technology. However, it is not easy to numerically analyze prototype structures under impact loading by means of 3D elasto-plastic finite element (FE) analysis method because very large matrices must be handled. Here, in order to establish a modified method for the tensile strength of the concrete so as to be able to satisfactorily perform the analysis using a coarse mesh, an equivalent tensile fracture energy concept for the concrete elements is proposed and its applicability is investigated by comparing with the experimental results. From this study, it is shown that even though a coarse mesh is used for the prototype reinforced concrete girder, similar results to those using a fine mesh can be obtained and these results are in good agreement with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

Low-velocity impact tests are performed on fiberglass/AZ31B-H24 magnesium fiber-metal laminates (FMLs) with various configurations in order to gain a better understanding of the effect of an impactor's features on the response of this type of FML. For that, impactors with two different shapes (hemispherical and sharp-edged) and sizes are used to impact the specimens. The impact response data, such as the deformation of the contact location and energy absorption, is obtained directly during the impact tests through the impact equipment, while mechanical sectioning was carried out to establish the extent of delaminated area and post-impact residual deformation. While the sharp-edged impactor caused the development of cracks on the metal constituent, and delamination within the specimens, the hemispherical ones imposed more influence over the residual deformation. Noticeable differences are observed in response of FML specimens made with two and three layers of magnesium, especially with respect to the energy absorption capacity. Moreover, finite-element analysis, as a major part of this study, has been employed to simulate the low-velocity impact response of FML specimens. The behavior of specimens has been simulated using the commercial finite-element code ABAQUS. The results imply that there is a good agreement between the experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   

为深入分析雷电环境下含紧固件碳纤维增强树脂(CFRP)复合材料的损伤机制及尺寸对损伤面积的影响规律,对两种不同尺寸含紧固件CFRP进行雷电损伤试验和仿真研究。根据热电耦合理论在ABAQUS中建立含紧固件CFRP的热-电耦合模型,得到单一雷电流A分量作用下CFRP的温度场分布规律;雷电损伤试验中采用超声C扫描方法评估试件损伤特性。试验和仿真结果表明:此雷击条件下,雷电流通过紧固件扩散到CFRP层合板整个厚度,试件在雷电流峰值不太大的情况下损伤面积较小,但随电流峰值的增大,损伤面积剧增、分层损伤严重。电流相近情况下不同尺寸的含紧固件CFRP的损伤分层、损伤形态及面积相近,尺寸对试件的损伤特性影响较小。试验和仿真研究为CFRP的结构设计提供一定的仿真和试验数据支撑。   相似文献   

通过拉伸试验,研究了恶劣环境作用后纤维增强聚合物(FRP)片材的拉伸性能。试验参数包括恶劣环境类别和作用方式、FRP片材种类和层数。试验结果表明,常温环境下、冻融和干湿循环作用后,碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)片材和玻璃纤维增强聚合物(GFRP)片材的拉伸应力-应变关系近似为直线;常温环境下,CFRP片材和GFRP片材的拉伸强度和延伸率几乎不受片材层数的影响;冻融循环对GFRP片材的影响大于CFRP片材,冻融循环75次时,CFRP片材和GFRP片材的拉伸强度分别是未冻融的0.978倍和0.898倍,并且随着循环次数的增加,CFRP片材和GFRP片材拉伸强度逐渐下降;干湿循环作用对GFRP片材拉伸性能没有明显的影响。基于对有关文献及本文试验结果的分析,提出了恶劣环境下FRP片材拉伸强度的计算方法。  相似文献   

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