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文章充分考虑全局优化控制和自治区域离网运行的主动配电网多源协调控制策略,提出了分布式电源双层优化模型。上层优化模型以综合成本净现值最小为目标,引入了计及主动配电网离网运行能力的系统综合安全性指标为约束,以保证规划结果的安全性;下层优化模型基于上层得到的规划结果,采用全局优化控制策略决策可控单元出力,模拟主动配电网经济运行工况。文章还设计了改进的粒子群算法对双层规划模型进行求解,并通过算例仿真验证了所提模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

何頔  张彼德  龙杰  邓钧  张强 《水电能源科学》2014,32(12):191-194
针对粒子群算法易出现"惰性"粒子的问题,提出新型混合粒子群算法,即首先利用混沌理论初始化粒子群,使生成的初始解遍历整个搜索空间,再融入交叉、变异、混沌扰动操作帮助"惰性"粒子跳出局部最优,进而以有功网络损耗最小为目标函数,应用新型混合粒子群算法对IEEE33节点配电系统中分布式电源的位置和容量进行规划。结果表明,新型混合粒子群算法应用于含分布式电源的配电网规划中具有可行性。  相似文献   

针对分布式电源在主动配电网中的优化配置问题,给出了一种系统有功网损评价指标,建立了综合考虑分布式电源投资运行效益、系统有功损耗及电压偏差的多目标优化配置数学模型。并提出一种改进的快速非支配萤火虫优化算法用于分布式电源在主动配电网中的优化配置,即在计算过程中引入累积排序适应度赋值策略改善算法的全局搜索能力,并利用模糊隶属决策技术从最优pareto解集中选取最优方案。对IEEE 33节点配电网仿真计算表明,该方法能提供全面合理的多样性优化配置方案,有助于实际工程应用。  相似文献   

潘超  孟涛  尹杭 《水电能源科学》2014,32(12):186-190
为进一步降低配电网系统网损、提高系统运行电压水平,将广义电源的有功和无功功率作为控制变量,考虑分布式电源出力随机波动特性对配电网广义电源优化配置的影响,从而合理规划广义电源接入,构建同时考虑配电网运行安全性和经济性的多目标无功优化规划模型,利用萤火虫优化算法解决广义电源优化规划问题,并通过改进的IEEE-33节点系统验证了所提模型和算法的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   

随着智能电网的不断发展,分布式电源逐步接入主动配电网运行,十分有必要对分布式电源进行合理规划,以保证主动配电网的运行安全性和经济性。本文基于全局优化控制策略和主动配电网独立运行多电源协调控制策略的角度,提出分布式电源双层优化模型。上层模型以主动配电网独立运行安全性指标为约束条件,以运营成本净值最小为规划目标;下层模型根据上层模型的规划结果,基于全局优化控制策略对发电单元的输出进行科学控制,来模拟主动配电网的经济运行工况;并对模型进行最优解寻取运算。通过算例分析验证本文所提出双层优化模型的有效性和科学性。  相似文献   

分布式电源(DG)的优化配置是主动配电网(ADN)规划中的重要环节,ADN中DG的合理配置对ADN的稳定运行具有重要意义。从电能供给侧出发,建立了考虑DG的投资和主动管理费用、系统网损及电压偏移的多目标联合优化配置模型,并根据1-9标度法对各目标权重系数进行设定。针对传统灰狼算法(GWO)在全局寻优能力和收敛速率上的不足,提出了引入混沌序列的GWO算法,并在IEEE33节点系统中对所提模型进行求解。结果表明,改进方法能对DG进行有效的优化配置,其收敛速度和寻优能力亦优于传统算法。  相似文献   

基于指标关联的分布式电源并网规划策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为解决新能源并网时的电源规划与风光消纳问题,考虑风光能源功率波动特性并计及储能单元提出一种计及风光协调出力的电网规划策略。综合考虑电压波动、新能源消纳及新能源发电效益建立多指标规划模型,采用引入指标关联策略的粒子群优化方法对模型进行求解,确定分布式电源及储能的位置和容量。进一步分析优化方案在电能质量方面的规划效果,统计对比电压累计概率密度对规划方案进行评价。以某电网45节点配电系统为例,采用所提分布式电源并网规划策略进行仿真,决策风光储并网方案,并验证所提策略的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

分布式电源大规模并入配电网对其经济运行和电能质量等产生了较大影响,对其进行合理配置至关重要。分布式电源的出力和配电网负荷具有不确定性,提出一种计及分布式电源出力和节点负荷不确定性因素的配电网分布式电源优化布置模型。首先,以网络损耗最小、系统电压稳定性最高、电压偏移最小为优化目标,利用机会约束规划建立分布式电源优化选址定容模型;然后,采用广义回归神经网络和多目标粒子群算法对模型进行求解,求得其Pareto解集;最后以IEEE 37节点配电网算例对所提方法的有效性进行验证。  相似文献   

为了使分布式电源接入配电网效益达到最大化,提出含分布式电源的配电网重构。针对常用的含分布式电源的配电网结构原型,提出了一种基于邻接矩阵和粒子群优化的混合算法。根据含分布式电源配电网的结构特点,建立了含分布式电源配电网的数学模型,并以负荷损失最小为主要目标函数。运用Matlab对算法进行编程,将该算法运用到此配电网模型中,对算例仿真结果进行分析,表明该算法不依赖网络的原始结构,并且具有迭代次数少、求解快速、简单有效的特点,避免了复杂的数学运算,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

分布式电源的大量接入给主动配电系统的规划研究带来了新的挑战。结合主动配电网的运行特征,从元件建模、优化调度和规划研究等方面对其规划问题进行了综述。总结并分析了面向规划的主动配电系统优化调度的模型及求解算法等方面的成果。对分布式电源和储能的选址定容,以及配电网网架规划等方面作了详细介绍。最后对相关领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

以降低电力消费的总成本为目的,在考虑机组的年利用小时数、建设成本和发电成本的前提下,建立不含风电和含风电的电源长期规划模型,采用K-T方法将第二阶段合理反应集转化为第一阶段的约束条件,并利用改进的混合遗传算法对其进行求解。实例分析表明,将风电纳入电源长期规划,整个地区装机总容量将比不考虑风电要高,考虑风电以后各类机组的装机容量也有不同变化。该研究为进行电源的长期规划提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

With development of distributed generation(DG), configuration of optimization equipment is crucial for absorbing excess electricity and stabilizing fluctuations. This study proposes a two-layer configuration strategy coordinates active cyber control and the physical energy storage(ES) system. First, an upper economic model is developed. Based on chanceconstrained programming, an operation model accounts for inherent uncertainty are then developed. Under constraint of voltage risk level, a lower operation model is developed. Finally, a solution based on differential evolution is provided.An IEEE 33 bus system simulation was used to validate efficacy of model. The effects of risk level, equipment price, and chance-constrained probability were analyzed, providing a foundation for power consumption and expansion of cyberphysical systems.  相似文献   

为了有效地提高分布式能源的利用率,增加主动配电网供电的可靠性和经济性,提出了一种基于负荷预测的分布式能源和储能系统联合选址定容规划方法。采用需求相关性分组-多时间点方法对负荷进行预测;综合考虑线路损耗、储能系统调峰和新能源发电成本对局域配电系统影响,以功率平衡为约束条件建立了多目标优化模型;采用改进的遗传算法进行多目标优化求解;基于IEEE-RTS 24总线系统对配电网进行规划。结果表明,文章所提出的规划方法能够合理配置分布式系统容量,保证电网经济运行,为主动配电网规划和扩容提供依据和方法。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to present the state of art of research work carried out on the optimal planning of distributed generation (DG) systems under different aspects. There are number of important issues to be considered while carrying out studies related to the planning and operational aspects of DG. The planning of the electric system with the presence of DG requires the definition of several factors, such as: the best technology to be used, the number and the capacity of the units, the best location, the type of network connection, etc. The impact of DG in system operating characteristics, such as electric losses, voltage profile, stability and reliability needs to be appropriately evaluated. For that reason, the use of an optimization method capable of indicating the best solution for a given distribution network can be very useful for the system planning engineer, when dealing with the increase of DG penetration that is happening nowadays. The selection of the best places for installation and the preferable size of the DG units in large distribution systems is a complex combinatorial optimization problem.This paper aims at providing a review of the relevant aspects related to DG and its impact that DG might have on the operation of distributed networks. This paper covers the review of basics of DG, DG definition, current status of DG technologies, potential advantages and disadvantages, review for optimal placement of DG systems, optimizations techniques/methodologies used in optimal planning of DG in distribution systems. An attempt has been made to judge that which methodologies/techniques are suitable for optimal placement of DG systems based on the available literature and detail comparison(s) of each one.  相似文献   

李松  吕林  雷成  李敏 《可再生能源》2014,(11):1644-1649
考虑分布式电源接入对配电网运行电压和网损的影响,提出基于电压灵敏度的分布式电源规划思路。文章分析节点的负荷与电压之间变量关系,从而引入节点电压灵敏度,建立以DG为等效负荷的分布式电源接入容量模型,结合有功网损敏感度选址准则,规划出DG容量接入方案。采用IEEE33节点系统对方案进行验证,分析结果表明,网络损耗及电能质量均得到了明显改善,验证了该方案的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   

Distributed generation expansion planning (DGEP) has been frequently reported in the literature around the world. In this scope, renewable technologies which are considered as a kind of distributed generations are developing due to their environmental benefits. However, only a few renewable energies have proven to be competitive so far, while their economic viability is also limited to certain regions of the world. In this paper, an encouraging mechanism is proposed in favor of clean technologies in the planning process. This mechanism is defined based on a grant function of emission not polluted which is paid to DG owners to promote renewable and clean technologies. In the planning process, a multi-objective optimization algorithm is applied to produce a Pareto set of optimal planning schemes by taking into account different objective functions (cost and grant functions). The best planning scheme among the Pareto set is chosen based on a composite utility which are obtained through a Monte Carlo simulation of uncertain situations. Distributed generation technologies which are considered in this paper are conventional and renewable technologies, namely photovoltaic (PV), wind turbine (WT), fuel cell (FC), micro turbine (MT), gas turbine (GT), and reciprocal engine (RE). To assess the ability of the proposed method, a typical distribution system is used for expansion planning under two environmental scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic multi-objective model for distribution network expansion, considering the distributed generations as non-wire solutions. The proposed model simultaneously optimizes two objectives namely, total costs and technical constraint satisfaction by finding the optimal schemes of sizing, placement and specially the dynamics (i.e., timing) of investments on DG units and/or network reinforcements over the planning period. An efficient heuristic search method is proposed to find non-dominated solutions of the formulated problem and a fuzzy satisfying method is used to choose the final solution. The effectiveness of the proposed model and search method are assessed and demonstrated by various studies on an actual distribution network.  相似文献   

分析了质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的机理模型,在此基础上运用MATLAB的Simulink仿真工具,建立了PEMFC发电系统带负载模型。通过仿真,分析了负载对PEMFC电堆的各项动态特性(燃料的流量、效率、输出电压等)的影响,以及DC/DC、负载端的电压响应。仿真结果中负载电压呈三相交流正弦波形,表明搭建的整个PEMFC发电系统是基本正确的,为实现PEMFC并网的实时分析和动态优化提供了理论依据和参考方法。  相似文献   

分布式能源发展的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布式能源系统因其具有高效、清洁、环保等优势而拥有巨大的发展潜力,它的推广应用与技术、政策、市场等各方面因素密切相关,例如并网的技术标准、能源价格、电力市场的开放和监管以及社会的认可度等。文章介绍了欧美国家分布式能源发展的主要障碍、以及对策措施等。  相似文献   

In 2021, the world's total installed capacity of generation units based on renewable energy sources (not including hydropower) amounted to about 1674 GW: over 825 GW and 849 GW of wind and solar power plants were installed respectively. The growing of the installed capacity of these distributed generators is a response to the increasing the power consumption, global environmental issues and has also become possible due to the development of technology in field of power semiconductor devices. However, on the way of large-scale implementation of distributed generators based on renewable energy sources, traditional electric power system meets new challenges to ensure the reliability and sustainability of new electric power systems with renewable energy sources. In particular, distributed generators change processes in the electric power system, impact to the parameters and power balance, change the magnitude and direction of power flow and short-circuit current, which determines the need to update the settings of the relay protection and automation systems of traditional electric power system and to coordinate their operation with automatic control systems of installed distributed generators. The above-mentioned tasks form a number of scientific research directions, one of which is a task of determining optimal size and location of distributed generators. The main purpose of this optimization task is to reduce power losses, operating and total electricity cost, improve the voltage profile, etc. In addition, the correct and reasonable placement of distributed generators defines an effective planning of the operating modes of electric power system and power plants (especially based on renewable energy sources, the operating modes of which depend on weather conditions and can be sharply variable).The paper highlighted the impacts of distributed generators on power losses, the voltage level, maintaining the power balance and the possibility of participating in the frequency regulation, and short-circuit current in power system. The optimization criteria, the main limiting conditions, as well as methods for solving this optimization problem are considered. This review will help the System operators and investing companies, especially in Russia, to form the main aim, objective function and constraints that will aid to meet their load demand at minimum cost and to choose from the options available for optimization of location and capacity of distributed generators.  相似文献   

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