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管道结构中含同轴穿孔管时的声传播特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵松龄  盛胜我 《声学技术》1999,18(3):103-106
本文着重分析研究管道结构中含同轴穿孔管时的声传播特性,借助成熟的管道声学理论对典型结构作了严格的分析,阐明了结构内的存在两种类型声波:一为普通的平面声波,声压的相位和振幅在穿孔管内外区域保持相同;另一为特殊的声波,它由于穿孔管壁的耦合作用而产生,其声压的相位在内外区域正好相反,而振幅与截面积成反比,并且波数也与平面波的波数有所不同。文中对含同轴穿孔管的一些典型结构,作了定量分析,导出进口界面上声阻  相似文献   

喻敏  樊丁繁  张烨  刘航 《声学技术》2023,42(4):419-425
声波穿过涡流场时声传播特性会发生改变,可由此判断涡流场的存在及其特征参数。文章首先推导了二维稳态涡流场的射线微分方程组,实现了声波通过涡流场的声线轨迹模拟。然后开展水池超声传感器实验,采用现代计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)仿真方法获取涡流场参数。最后将通过涡流场声信号的时延结果,与实验测量值进行对比分析。结果表明,对于涡核半径为30 mm,最大切向速度为1.2 m·s-1的涡流场,数值模拟误差小于10%,验证了基于射线声学的水下稳态涡流场声传播数值模拟的有效性。  相似文献   

有源消声是一种有效的低频噪声控制方法.而次源声反馈问题一直是影响管道有源消声系统的关键问题之一.从传递函数的角度分析了管道有源消声的次源声反馈问题,并提出了解决上述问题的方法.通过实验验证,此方法效果良好.  相似文献   

严谨  刘敬喜  张娟 《振动与冲击》2012,31(3):127-131
地下管道漏损的准确定位问题一直是困扰世界范围内供水系统和市政建设的难题。管道漏损不仅会浪费大量的资源,而且还会造成严重的事故以及环境污染。针对埋地管道这样一个典型的土-管-液三相耦合问题,将管道周围土壤做弹性体考虑,对弹性介质中充液管道的声传播特性进行了解析研究。推导了低频域周向波数n=0的轴对称管道振动耦合方程,通过数值方法分别得到了流体波(s=1)和壳体压缩波(s=2)的复波数解。结果显示,管外土介质会使管道流体波波数减少(也即加快波的传播速度),而对壳体压缩波的传播影响较小。由于管-土作用产生的能量辐射,在整个研究频段s=1波和s=2波都有较大的衰减。研究结果可为埋地管道漏损的精确检测提供理论支持。  相似文献   

详细分析了道路声屏障工程中常出现的声屏障底部漏声问题,并结合道路噪声特性,提出了一种专门用于解决这一问题的护栏声屏体技术。实例验证表明护栏声屏体使原有的道路声屏障的降噪量提高了3~4dB,能很好地解决道路声屏障底部安装缝隙的漏声问题,提高声屏障的整体降噪效果,同时也提升了道路声屏障的整体视觉效果。  相似文献   

汽车风洞气动噪声测试中,由于射流和汽车绕流场的存在,流场外测量不能获取汽车声源的准确信息?研究以两种流场对声传播方向(声源漂移量)的影响开展?通过在风洞射流核心区安放特定声源和实车的试验,分别得到了射流和汽车绕流场对声传播的影响?研究表明两种流场对声传播都会产生较大影响,试验分析应加以考虑;研究分别对风洞射流和汽车绕流进行了气动数值仿真,据此拟合出剪切层和汽车绕流场速度分布线性化模型,并结合几何声学方法,建立了连续多层均匀运动介质声传播模型,得到了预测射流和汽车绕流产生声漂移量的方法?研究表明该方法可以有效预测风洞声学实验中介质运动对声传播方向的影响,并可用于风洞声学试验中流动对传播方向影响的修正?  相似文献   

不同雷诺数下圆柱绕流气动噪声数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
龙双丽  聂宏  许鑫 《声学技术》2011,30(2):111-116
基于大涡模拟和声类比相结合的混合方法对不同雷诺数下二维圆柱绕流的远场气动噪声进行预测.预测值与试验数据吻合良好.根据预测结果分析圆柱绕流气动噪声的声场特性,研究流场振荡规律对远场噪声的影响和圆柱绕流气动噪声的辐射特性,并寻找降低圆柱绕流气动噪声的途径.结果表明:随着雷诺数的增加,远场各测量点的总声压级增大;声场的最大声...  相似文献   

传递损失是评价消声器声学性能的一个重要指标。提出了一种方法—管道声模态法代替传统方法估算传递损失。对进出口截面积较小的消声器进行计算和检验,与传统方法比较,结果基本吻合,且过程简单,提高传递损失的计算效率。对进出口截面积较大的消声器,中高频段由于大量高次波的出现,传统方法失效;但低频段管中声波以平面波为主,其结果与传统法一致。因此可以采用管道声模态法快速估算传递损失。  相似文献   

针对航空发动机风扇管道径向声模态模拟与测试问题,研究了径向声模态模拟技术以及径向声模态识别技术。采用基于径向排布的声源阵列形式,调节阵列预设的各扬声器幅值及相位实现径向模态声源模拟。建立声源管道下游多圈环形阵列,根据阵列位置信息构造求解模态的传递函数矩阵,运用Tikhonov正则化方法减小传递函数矩阵的条件数,从而实现径向声模态识别能力。通过理论推导和数值计算,设计风扇管道径向声模态试验装置,并在消声室进行试验验证。通过试验验证了该系统具备周向4阶以内,径向2阶以内的径向声模态模拟与识别能力。  相似文献   

计算声场脉冲响应是数字式可听化研究的核心工作,文章研究了室内声场中存在障碍物的情况下,如何用数值方法模拟脉冲响应的问题,首先提出了根据障碍物特点进行分类研究的方法。然后利用声线跟踪技术和统计学方法,设计了几类障碍物(屏风,隔墙等)情况下模拟声场分布的具体算法,在这些算法中,对镜面反射,扩散反射,散射和透射等现象作了不同程度的考虑,最后,将一个复杂声场模型的仿真计算结果和理论分析作比较,检验了算法的可行性。  相似文献   

The coupling of the boundary element method (BEM)/the traction boundary element method (TBEM) and the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) is proposed for the transient analysis of acoustic wave propagation problems in the presence of multi-inclusions to overcome the limitations posed by each method. The full domain is divided into sub-domains which are modeled using the BEM/TBEM and the MFS, and the sub-domains are coupled with the imposition of the required boundary conditions. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms, using different combinations of BEM/TBEM and MFS, is verified by comparing the solutions against reference solutions. The applicability of the proposed method is shown by simulating the acoustic behavior of a rigid acoustic screen in the vicinity of a dome and by computing the acoustic attenuation provided by a fluid-filled thin inclusion separating two railway tracks in an underground train station.  相似文献   

利用渐近展开的方法对具有一般周期结构的复合材料中描述压电现象的电势与位移建立了二阶双尺度渐近展开式及边界层解, 得到了局部单胞内电场与位移场的相互耦合关系, 并给出了复合材料中电势与位移的双尺度结合边界层的有限元计算方法。数值算例表明了该方法的可行性与高效性。   相似文献   

This paper presents a cost-effectiveness analysis of explicit Finite Difference (FD) methods for the numerical integration of the wave equation. Formal notions of computational cost (expressed in floating point operations) and numerical dispersion error are introduced. Restricting the analysis to leapfrog timemarching, for sake of simplicity, various spatial discrete differentiators are examined. For each scheme, by minimizing the cost at a given error threshold, a cost-effective operating poin (time sampling rate and number of gridpoints per shortest wavelength) is obtained, which is remarkably different from the stability limit. Different schemes, each operated at its cost-effective point, are then compared. High-order dispersion-bounded operators, in the sense of Holberg,1 are found to be competitive with the Pseudo-spectral (PS) method. New optimal schemes improving over the Holberg's spatial differentiators are introduced together with accurate expansions of the convolutional weights is terms of the design error threshold. It is also shown that the composition of two distinct Holberg's operators of consecutive orders, with opposite phase properties, minimizes dispersion and yields cost-effective schemes. Numerical experiments illustrate the suitability of the new methods for large-scale wave-equation seismic modelling.  相似文献   

In this study, a numerical method based on solenoidal basis functions, for the simulation of incompressible flow through a circular–cylindrical pipe, is presented. The solenoidal bases utilized in the study are formulated using the Legendre polynomials. Legendre polynomials are favorable, both for the form of the basis functions and for the inner product integrals arising from the Galerkin-type projection used. The projection is performed onto the dual solenoidal bases, eliminating the pressure variable, simplifying the numerical approach to the problem. The success of the scheme in calculating turbulence statistics and its energy conserving properties is investigated. The generated numerical method is also tested by simulating the effect of drag reduction due to spanwise wall oscillations.  相似文献   

Some aspects of numerical simulation of Lamb wave propagation in composite laminates using the finite element models with explicit dynamic analysis are addressed in this study. To correctly and efficiently describe the guided-wave excited/received by piezoelectric actuators/sensors, effective models of surface-bounded flat PZT disks based on effective force, moment and displacement are developed. Different finite element models for Lamb wave excitation, collection and propagation in isotropic plate and quasi-isotropic laminated composite are evaluated using continuum elements (3-D solid element) and structural elements (3-D shell element), to elaborate the validity and versatility of the proposed actuator/sensor models.  相似文献   

随着川渝地区的钻井深度不断增大,管柱在下入过程中易受到井内岩屑的影响,进而出现卡钻现象,甚至发生钻具断裂等重大事故。为了提高川渝地区页岩气水平井内的岩屑运移能力,设计了2种新型钻杆——悬浮式铝合金钻杆和新型脉冲射流钻杆,并与普通钻杆进行对比分析。首先,对3种钻杆的结构与携岩原理进行理论分析。然后,在ANSYS软件中建立3种钻杆的携岩仿真模型,通过采用不同的网格划分方法来验证各仿真模型的网格无关性与收敛性,并利用搭建的室内岩屑运移装置验证了仿真模型的准确性。最后,在岩屑粒径、钻井液入口排量和井斜角等因素改变的情况下,对3种钻杆的携岩能力进行了仿真分析。结果表明,悬浮式铝合金钻杆和新型脉冲射流钻杆的携岩能力相比普通钻杆有所提高。研究结果对提高水平井内的岩屑运移速度、改善井眼清洁度和减少岩屑床生成具有重要意义。  相似文献   

用Icepak软件对电子设备散热器的流速场、温度场进行了数值模拟,并将模拟分析值与实验值进行了比较,验证了数值模拟的结果的正确性,显示了Icepak软件在电子产品热设计中应用的优越性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Aiming to solve, in a unified way, continuous and discontinuous problems in geotechnical engineering, the numerical manifold method introduces two covers, namely, the mathematical cover and the physical cover. In order to reach the goal, some issues in the simulation of crack propagation have to be solved, among which are the four issues to be treated in this study: (1) to reduce the rank deficiency induced by high degree polynomials as local approximation, a new variational principle is formulated, which suppresses the gradient‐dependent DOFs; (2) to evaluate the integrals with singularity of 1/r, a new numerical quadrature scheme is developed, which is simpler but more efficient than the existing Duffy transformation; (3) to analyze kinked cracks, a sign convention for argument in the polar system at the crack tip is specified, which leads to more accurate results in a simpler way than the existing mapping technique; and (4) to demonstrate the mesh independency of numerical manifold method in handling strong singularity, a mesh deployment scheme is advised, which can reproduce all singular locations of the crack with regard to the mesh. Corresponding to the four issues, typical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of acoustic wave propagation in a multilayered structure of a spot weld is developed. The inhomogeneity of the material properties due to the thermal inhomogeneity is included in the equation of motion. The model enables us to deal with arbitrary spatial distributions of Lamé constants and density. The model allows analysis of travel time, multiple reflections, and interference in a given geometry. Use of this model could provide information to help predict behavior of the waves in the transmission (reflection) mode at different plate thicknesses and welding settings.  相似文献   

A detailed experimental study of spatial characteristics for laser beams propagating through the turbulent aerojet has been performed. The obtained results for radiation wavelengths of 0.53, 1.06, and 10.6 microm were used for the development of the numerical mathematical model for beam propagation through an extreme turbulent medium. The combination of parameters and algorithms for the numerical model was determined, which made it possible to obtain computational laser beam spatial characteristics that agreed quite well with the experimental data. Good agreement between the results points to the possibility, in principle, to regard the central jet area as a medium locally homogeneous in the statistical sense and anisotropic on the turbulent outer scales.  相似文献   

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