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A new representation is proved of the solutions of initial boundary value problems for the equation of the form u xx (x, t) + r(x)u x (x, t) ? q(x)u(x, t) = u tt (x, t) + μ(x)u t (x, t) in the section (under boundary conditions of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd type in any combination). This representation has the form of the Riemann integral dependent on the x and t over the given section.  相似文献   

This article addresses the optimal (minimum-input-energy) output-transition problem for linear systems. The goal is to transfer the output from an initial value (for all time t?ti) to a final output value (for all time t?tf). Previous methods solve this output-transition problem by transforming it into a state-transition problem; the initial and final states (x(ti),x(tf), respectively) are chosen and a minimum-energy state-to-state transition problem is solved. However, the choice of the initial and final states can be ad hoc and the resulting output-transition cost (input energy) may not be minimal. The contribution of this article is the solution of the optimal output-transition problem. An example system with elastic dynamics is studied to illustrate the proposed method. Simulation results are presented that show substantial reduction of transition costs with the use of the proposed method when compared to the use of minimum-energy state-to-state transitions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a generalized tweakable blockcipher HPH (Hash-Permutation-Hash), which is based on a public random permutation P and a family of almost-XOR-universal hash functions \( \mathcal{H}={\left\{ HK\right\}}_{K\in \mathcal{K}} \) as a tweak and key schedule, and defined as y = HPHK((t1, t2), x) = P(xHK(t1)) ⊕ HK(t2), where K is a key randomly chosen from a key space \( \mathcal{K} \), (t1, t2) is a tweak chosen from a valid tweak space \( \mathcal{T} \), x is a plaintext, and y is a ciphertext. We prove that HPH is a secure strong tweakable pseudorandom permutation (STPRP) by using H-coefficients technique. Then we focus on the security of HPH against multi-key and related-key attacks. We prove that HPH achieves both multi-key STPRP security and related-key STPRP security. HPH can be extended to wide applications. It can be directly applied to authentication and authenticated encryption modes. We apply HPH to PMAC1 and OPP, provide an improved authentication mode HPMAC and a new authenticated encryption mode OPH, and prove that the two modes achieve single-key security, multi-key security, and related-key security.  相似文献   

We bound the future loss when predicting any (computably) stochastic sequence online. Solomonoff finitely bounded the total deviation of his universal predictor M from the true distribution μ by the algorithmic complexity of μ. Here we assume that we are at a time t > 1 and have already observed x = x1  xt. We bound the future prediction performance on xt+1xt+2 ⋯ by a new variant of algorithmic complexity of μ given x, plus the complexity of the randomness deficiency of x. The new complexity is monotone in its condition in the sense that this complexity can only decrease if the condition is prolonged. We also briefly discuss potential generalizations to Bayesian model classes and to classification problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider periodic linear systems driven by T0-periodic signals that we desire to reconstruct. The systems under consideration are of the form , y=C(t)x, xRn, wRm, yRp, (m?p?n) where A(t), A0(t), and C(t) are T0-periodic matrices. The period T0 is known. The T0-periodic input signal w(t) is unknown but is assumed to admit a finite dimensional Fourier decomposition. Our contribution is a technique to estimate w from the measurements y. In both full state measurement and partial state measurement cases, we propose an efficient observer for the coefficients of the Fourier decomposition of w(t). The proposed techniques are particularly attractive for automotive engine applications where sampling time is short. In this situation, standard estimation techniques based on Kalman filters are often discarded (because of their relative high computational burden). Relevance of our approach is supported by two practical cases of application. Detailed convergence analysis is also provided. Under standard observability conditions, we prove asymptotic convergence when the tuning parameters are chosen sufficiently small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an orthonormal version of the generalized signal subspace tracking. It is based on an interpretation of the generalized signal subspace as the solution of a constrained minimization task. This algorithm, referred to as the CGST algorithm, guarantees the Cx-orthonormality of the estimated generalized signal subspace basis at each iteration which Cx denotes the correlation matrix of the sequence x(t). An efficient implementation of the proposed algorithm enhances applicability of it in real time applications.  相似文献   

For 0≤x≤1, 0≤t≤T we consider the diffusion equation $$\gamma (x)u_t (x, t) - (B u)_x (x, t) = f(x, t)$$ with (alternatively)B u:=(a(x)u) x +b(x)u ora(x)u x (x)u. There are given initial valuesu(x,0), influx rates?(B u) (0,t) and (B u) (1,t) across the lateral boundaries and an influx rate (B u) (ζ?0,t)?(B u) (ζ+0,t) at an interface ζ∈(0, 1) where the elsewhere smooth functions γ,a, b, β are allowed to have jump discontinuities.a and γ are assumed to be positive. Interpretingu(x, t) as temperature and γ(x) u (x, t) as energy density we can easily express the total energy \(E(t) = \int\limits_0^1 {\gamma (x) u (x, t)} \) in terms of integrals of the given data. We describe and analyse explicit and implicit one-step difference schemes which possess a discrete quadrature analogue exactly matchingE(t) at the time grid points. These schemes also imitate the isotonic dependence of the solution on the data. Hence stability can be proved by Gerschgorin's method and, under appropriate smoothness assumptions, convergence is 0 ((Δx)2t).  相似文献   

In this paper the asymptotic stabilization of linear distributed parameter control systems with delay is considered. Specifically, we are concerned with the class of control systems described by the equation x(t)=Ax(t)+L(xt)+Bu(t), where A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous semigroup on a Banach space X. Assuming appropriate conditions, we will show that the usual spectral controllability assumption implies the feedback stabilization of the system. Applications to systems described by partial differential equations with delay are given.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the Poincare-Weyl gauge theory of gravity, the space-time possesses the geometric structure of Cartan-Weyl CW 4 space with curvature and torsion 2-forms and a Weyltype nonmetricity 1-form. The Dirac field ??(x) appears as an essential additional geometric component with respect to the metric tensor. The conformal theory of gravity coupled with ??(x) in the exterior form formalism is considered. At an early stage of the universe evolution, we consider these field equations for the spatially flat FRWmetric, assuming the densities of ordinarymatter and dark matter to be very small. Then the field equations can be expressed in terms of the metric tensor and ??(t) only and have an exponentially diminishing solution for ??(t), which can explain an exponential decrease of dark energy (the energy of physical vacuum) as a function of time as a consequence of field dynamics in the ultra-early Universe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider linear and time-invariant differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) Eẋ(t) = Ax(t) + f(t), x(0) = x 0, where x(·) and f(·) are functions with values in Hilbert spaces X and Z. is assumed to be a bounded operator, whereas A is closed and defined on some dense subspace D(A). A transformation to a decoupling form leads to a DAE including an abstract boundary control system. Methods of infinite-dimensional linear systems theory can then be used to formulate sufficient criteria for an initial value being consistent with the given inhomogeneity. We will further derive estimates for the trajectory x(·) in dependence of the initial state x 0 and the inhomogeneity f(·). In the theory of differential-algebraic equations, this is commonly known as perturbation analysis.  相似文献   

A.S. Morse has raised the following question: Do there exist differentiable functions
f:R2 → R and g:R2 → R
with the property that for every nonzero real number λ and every (x0, y0) ∈ R2 the solution (x(t),y(t)) of
x?(t) = x(t) + λf(x(t),y(t))
y?(t) = g(x(t),y(t))
x(0) = x0, y(0) = y0
, is defined for all t ? 0 and satisfies
limt → + ∞
and y(t) is bounded on [0,∞)? We prove that the answer is yes, and we give explicit real analytic functions f and g which work. However, we prove that if f and g are restricted to be rational functions, the answer is no.  相似文献   

The authors propose a method to construct interlineation operators for vector functions $ \vec{w} $ (x, y, z, t) on a system of arbitrarily located vertical straight lines. The method allows calculating the vector $ \vec{w} $ at each point (x, y, z) between straight lines Γ k for any instant of time t ≥ 0. They are proposed to be used to construct a crosshole accelerometer to model Earth’s crust on the basis of seismic sounding data $ {{\vec{w}}_k}\left( {z,t} \right),\,k=\overline{1,M} $ , about the vector of acceleration $ \vec{w} $ (x, y, z, t) received by accelerometers at each chink Γ k .  相似文献   

This paper deals with diffusion problems modeled by the equation a(t)uxx = ut, x > 0, t > 0, u(x, 0) = c(x) together with the boundary condition u(0, t) = b(t) or ux(0, t) = b(t). By using Fourier transforms, existence conditions and exact solutions of the above mixed problems are given.  相似文献   

The paper considers fault diagnosis in a large system comprising a collection of small subsystems or units which can test one another for the existence of a faulty condition. If subsystem α is not faulty and tests subsystem β, a correct indication of the status of β is obtained; if α is faulty, the test outcome contains meaningless information. A particular form of interconnection is examined. For a system with n units uo,u1,…,un ? 1, for each i unit ui tests ui + 1,ui + 2,…,ui + A (modulo n arithmetic being understood), where A is a preselected integer. If t is the maximum number of faulty units, we show that when t ? A, all faults are immediately diagnosable if n ? 2t + 1; we also show that when t ? A, at least A faults can be diagnosed if and only if n ? s(t ? As) + t + A + 1, where s is the integer which maximizes the quadratic function f(x) = x(t ? Ax) of the integer variable x.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce “approximate solutions" to solve the following problem: given a polynomial F(x, y) over Q, where x represents an n -tuple of variables, can we find all the polynomials G(x) such that F(x, G(x)) is identically equal to a constant c in Q ? We have the following: let F(x, y) be a polynomial over Q and the degree of y in F(x, y) be n. Either there is a unique polynomial g(x)   Q [ x ], with its constant term equal to 0, such that F(x, y)  = j = 0ncj(y  g(x))jfor some rational numbers cj, hence, F(x, g(x)  + a)   Q for all a  Q, or there are at most t distinct polynomials g1(x),⋯ , gt(x), t  n, such that F(x, gi(x))   Q for 1   i  t. Suppose that F(x, y) is a polynomial of two variables. The polynomial g(x) for the first case, or g1(x),⋯ , gt(x) for the second case, are approximate solutions of F(x, y), respectively. There is also a polynomial time algorithm to find all of these approximate solutions. We then use Kronecker’s substitution to solve the case of F(x, y).  相似文献   

A method of formation of an autocorrelation function (ACF) as applied to the problem of observation of interior points of processor VLSICs is considered. As elementary events for the synthesis of empirical ACF values, the antecedently determined vectors z ξ,t = x η,t x ω,t and y λ,t + τ are used; the setting for them is performed by an integrated circuit control automat. It is shown that the principle of statistical control using ACF in asymptotics is more definite than linear signature analysis or condition vector counting.  相似文献   

Let Ω be a topological space,S t ∈ R (R the reals) a homeomorphism group on Ω andμ a Borel measure invariant with respect toS t , (μ(Ω)=1); forP ∈Ω putS t (P)=P t . AssumefL 2(Ω,μ); according to E. Hopf there is for almost everyP ∈ Ω a well-determined spectral function σ(P,λ),λ ∈ R with lim \(T^{ - 1} \int_0^T {f(P_{t + s} )\overline {f(P_t )} dt = \int_{ - \infty }^{ + \infty } {e^{i\lambda s} d\sigma (P\lambda )} }\) . The question to be considered is:*) if for a fixedP ∈ Ω we know the “past”f(P t ), t ≦ 0, is it then possible to compute (or “predict”) the future valuesf(P t ), t > 0? By using ideas from linear prediction theory we show that if \(\int_{ - \infty }^{ + \infty } {(1 + \lambda ^2 )\log \frac{d}{{d\lambda }}\sigma (P,\lambda )} d\lambda = - \infty\) then the prediction required by*) is possible. An algorithm is described which accomplishes the prediction.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding a sparse multiple of a polynomial. Given f??F[x] of degree d over a field F, and a desired sparsity t, our goal is to determine if there exists a multiple h??F[x] of f such that h has at most t non-zero terms, and if so, to find such an h. When F=? and t is constant, we give an algorithm which requires polynomial-time in d and the size of coefficients in h. When F is a finite field, we show that the problem is at least as hard as determining the multiplicative order of elements in an extension field of F (a problem thought to have complexity similar to that of factoring integers), and this lower bound is tight when t=2.  相似文献   

Filter theory of BL algebras   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we consider fundamental properties of some types of filters (Boolean, positive implicative, implicative and fantastic filters) of BL algebras defined in Haveshki et al. (Soft Comput 10:657–664, 2006) and Turunen (Arch Math Logic 40:467–473, 2001). It is proved in Haveshki et al. (2006) that if F is a maximal and (positive) implicative filter then it is a Boolean filter. In that paper there is an open problem Under what condition are Boolean filters positive implicative filters? One of our results gives an answer to the problem, that is, we need no more conditions. Moreover, we give simple characterizations of those filters by an identity form ? x, y(t(x, y) ∈ F), where t(x, y) is a term containing x, y.   相似文献   

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