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In this study, we investigated the influence of the induced magnetic field on the Jeffrey fluid under peristalsis through the curved channel. The governing equations, such as the continuity equation, momentum equation, and magnetic force functions, are formulated. The lengthy equations are shortened by considering the approximations of the tiny Reynolds number and the long wavelength. From the resulting reduced equations, the exact solution is determined. Graphs are used to explain the graphical results of the impact of important parameters of velocity, magnetic force function, current density, induced magnetic field, pressure rise, and stream functions.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulation was performed for a spatially advancing turbulent flow and heat transfer in a two‐dimensional curved channel, where one wall was heated to a constant temperature and the other wall was cooled to a different constant temperature. In the simulation, fully developed flow and temperature from the straight‐channel driver was passed through the inlet of the curved‐channel domain. The frictional Reynolds number was assigned 150, and the Prandtl number was given 0.71. Since the flow field was examined in the previous paper, the thermal features are mainly targeted in this paper. The turbulent heat flux showed trends consistent with a growing process of large‐scale vortices. In the curved part, the wall‐normal component of the turbulent heat flux was twice as large as the counterpart in the straight part, suggesting active heat transport of large‐scale vortices. In the inner side of the same section, temperature fluctuation was abnormally large compared with the modest fluctuation of the wall‐normal velocity. This was caused by the combined effect of the large‐scale motion of the vortices and the wide variation of the mean temperature; in such a temperature distribution, large‐scale ejection of the hot fluid near the outer wall, which is transported into the near inner‐wall region, should have a large impact on the thermal boundary layer near the inner wall. Wave number decomposition was conducted for various statistics, which showed that the contribution of the large‐scale vortex to the total turbulent heat flux normal to the wall reached roughly 80% inside the channel 135° downstream from the curved‐channel inlet. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20275  相似文献   

A numerical investigation on MHD fluid flow in parabolic mode has been performed to point out its significant properties. Thermal radiation, porous medium, heat generation, chemical reaction, and thermal diffusion along with variable temperature and concentration are taken into consideration in the analysis. The novelty of the work is the inclusion of heat generation and thermal diffusion along with exponentially varying temperature and concentration. The constituent governing equations are solved by using finite difference schemes in explicit form. The fluctuations in velocity, concentration, and temperature are observed and discussed with the help of graphs as well as numerical data. Their gradients are also calculated and analyzed the flow properties by using numerical tables. The existence of heat generation, as well as viscous dissipation, creates an increment in the temperature. The gradient of heat transfer rises with the impact of Prandtl number and decay in it is examined under the existence of a source of heat and viscous dissipation.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented to study the thermal characteristics in terms of entropy generation rate and thermodynamic potential of improvement for peristaltic pumping of a viscous fluid in a curved channel. Radial magnetic field effect is also taken into account. Avoidable and unavoidable exergy destruction concepts are further utilized. Computations of the entropy generation rate are evaluated in terms of stream function and temperature field. Avoidable exergy destruction is computed through entropy function and its minimum value. Impacts of parameters like the curvature ratio, Hartmann number, and viscous dissipation parameters on the average entropy generation rate, Bejan number, and avoidable exergy destruction are analyzed through graphs. Contours for the temperature field and entropy generation are also illustrated to examine the effects of curvature effects on thermal characteristics. Computed results indicate that the curvature of the channel and magnetic strength strongly influence the sources of entropy generation rate and avoidable exergy destruction. The observations demonstrate promising features of the bioinspired peristaltic pumping that can be utilized in various thermal systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the present numerical investigation is to explore the impact of magnetic field on peristaltic flow of an incompressible tangent‐hyperbolic fluid in an asymmetric channel. The present physical model is developed based on the considered flow configuration and with the help of small Reynolds number approximations. The current flow problem is revealed under the influence of applied magnetic field. The asymmetric channel has been considered to narrate the present physical problem. Considered physical situation in the current investigation gives the unsteady coupled highly nonlinear system of partial differential equations. Also, the simplified equations for pressure, pressure gradient, and streamlines have been obtained with the help of suitable transformations. A regular perturbation scheme is employed to produce the semi‐analytical results of the present problem. The influence of various physical parameters on pressure, pressure gradient, and streamlines are illustrated with the help of graphs. From the present analysis, it is observed that the increasing magnetic number decreases the pressure and pressure gradient in the channel. Also, the size of trapping bolus increases with increasing values of Weissenberg number.  相似文献   

In the present analysis we discuss the effects of mixed convective heat and mass transfer on the peristaltic flow of a non‐Newtonian fluid in a vertical asymmetric channel. The flow is investigated in a wave frame of reference moving with the velocity c away from the fixed frame. The governing equations for the present flow problem are first modeled and then discussed. The analytical solution of the present flow problem is discussed using regular perturbation technique. The graphical results are discussed to see the effects of various physical parameters of interest. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21020  相似文献   

A model study is reported to examine the effect of magnetic hydrodynamics polar fluid over a semistretched infinite vertical porous surface in the presence of heat source, temperature, magnetic field, and thermal radiation. The governing dimensional partial differential equations are transformed into an ordinary differential equation set by introducing the similarity variables. The reduced model is numerically solved via Runge–Kutta fourth order along with the shooting technique. The effects of various physical parameters on coefficient of skin friction, microrotation coefficient, and Nusselt number are studied whereas the outcomes are explained through a set of graphs. The results obtained are explained in tabular form and graphs. Prandtl and Hartman's numbers enhance the velocity profile while the opposite behavior is noticed for φ,δ. Higher values of Pr enlarge the angular velocity near the surface. Improved temperature distribution is noticed for higher values of Ha and ϕ, However, a declined behaviour is observed for Pr, δ, and fo.  相似文献   

In this research endeavor, Casson fluid flow and melting heat transfer due to a curved nonlinearly stretching sheet are investigated. The sheet is naturally permeable and the flow is considered in a porous medium. For flow in a porous medium, a modified Darcy's resistance term for Casson fluid is considered in the momentum equation. In the energy equation, heat transport characteristics, including viscous dissipation, are taken into account. Mass transport is also studied together with the impact of chemical reaction of higher order. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations of flow, heat, and mass transport are reduced to nondimensional ordinary differential equations using adequate similarity transformations and then solved numerically employing the bvp4c technique and Runge–Kutta fourth-order method on MATLAB. The impacts of numerous occurring parameters on relevant fields (velocity field, temperature field, and concentration field) are depicted and discussed by plotting graphs. We concluded the curvature parameter, K $K$ reduces the pace of the flow. The impacts of the stretching index, m $m$ and melting parameter, M e $Me$ are also found to reduce flow and temperature field. Furthermore, we noted that the reaction parameter, K n ${K}_{n}$ and its order, n $n$ exhibit opposite impacts on the concentration field. Moreover, the numerical values of skin-friction coefficient and Nusselt number calculated employing bvp4c and Runge–Kutta fourth-order technique are expressed in tabular mode, and these are found in an excellent match. For validation of the results, skin-friction coefficient values were computed using the Runge–Kutta fourth-order technique and bvp4c solver, compared with the existing results, and a good agreement was found.  相似文献   

Non‐Newtonian fluids are increasingly being deployed in energy systems and materials processing. Motivated by these developments, in the current study, a numerical simulation is performed on two‐dimensional, unsteady buoyancy‐driven flow in a square cavity filled with non‐Newtonian fluid (Casson liquid). The enclosure geometry features vertical isothermal walls (with one at higher temperature than the other) and thermally insulated horizontal walls. The conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy are normalized via appropriate transformations and the resulting dimensionless partial differential boundary value problem is solved computationally with a marker and cell algorithm, which features a finite difference scheme along with a staggered grid system. The projection method is employed to evaluate the pressure term. Extensive visualizations of the impact of emerging physical parameters (Rayleigh number and Casson viscoplastic parameter) on streamline and isotherm distributions in the cavity are presented for fixed Prandtl number. Nusselt number, that is, heat transfer rate, is increased with rising values of the Casson viscoplastic fluid parameter for any value of Rayleigh number. The density of streamlines increases with increasing values of Casson viscoplastic fluid parameter upto 1. Overall, the Casson fluid parameter plays a vital role in controlling the convective heat transfer within the enclosure. The computations are relevant to hybrid solar collectors, materials fabrication (polymer melts), etc.  相似文献   

In this paper, the steady magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow of a viscoelastic fluid over a magnetized vertical surface embedded in a uniform porous material with rotation is considered. The Hall and induced magnetic field effects are also considered in this investigation. The regular perturbation technique is used to find the solutions of flow governing equations. To analyze the consequences of flow-influencing parameters to the flow variables, numerical computation has been performed and the results are illustrated in graphical and tabular forms. It is interesting to note that magnetic diffusion leads to the increase of the fluid flow. It brings a decrement in the induced magnetic field in the vicinity of the magnetized vertical surface.  相似文献   

This study has been carried out to investigate the characteristics of convective heat transfer and fluid flow for a single row of oblique plates array to the flow direction inside a channel. The flow inside the channel is laminar and the plates array have spanwise distance between the plates and heated by radiation. This configuration has been designed to be used for Photovoltaic/Thermal system (PV/T) applications. The theoretical results are validated with measured values, and a good agreement prevailed. The results show that an increase in the plate oblique angle (γ) in the range from 0 to 15 degrees, leads to an increase in the Nusselt number (Nu) up to a maximum value and then decreases. The oblique angle at the maximum value of Nu depends on the flow Reynolds Number (Re), and (?w/?pl), where (?w/?pl) is defined as the ratio of the plates’ spacing at zero oblique angle to the plate length. Furthermore, increasing (?w/?pl) results in a significant increase in the heat transfer coefficient depending on the values of Re, and plate oblique angle (γ). In addition, increasing (γ) from 0 to 15 degrees results in a decrease in the friction factor up to a certain value, after which the friction value approaches a constant value depending on Re value and (?w/?pl). It was found that for any value of the plate oblique angle (γ), the friction factor decreases with the increase of the values of (?w/?pl) and Re, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to investigate the peristaltic mechanism of Williamson fluid in a pipe flow under the influence of variable radial magnetic field along with slip effects and compliant walls. Viscous dissipation and thermophoresis effects are also considered. The solutions of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations are obtained using the perturbation technique and results are graphically represented. The effects on heat, mass, velocity, and heat transfer coefficient are studied under various pertinent parameters. The outcomes of the present model can be applied in various fields of biomedical engineering where smart peristaltic pumps can be engineered to transport the biological fluids without any contamination. The scope of the present article is valuable in explaining the blood transport dynamics in small vessels while considering the important wall features with chemical reaction characteristics.  相似文献   

A non-Newtonian fluid's Poiseuille flow in a porous medium with variable inclination and permeability is investigated. Let us assume for the sake of simplification that permeability varies as a quadratic parabolic function form. The porous medium is used by the Brinkman methodology to control the flow. The equations for velocity distribution and mass flow that result from this are evaluated using different input values. This problem describes the effect of inclination, Jeffrey parameter, and variable permeability on the classical Poiseuille flow between parallel plates. This problem can also be treated as an extension of the work of Hamdan and Kamel for non-Newtonian fluid flow in an inclined channel. Also, the effects of these variables on the variation of mass flux with Jeffrey parameter λ1 is analyzed through graphs, and the skin friction coefficient is analyzed through table values. It is observed that the maximum permeability of the porous medium affects both the mass flow rate and the velocity, which increase with rising λ1 and decrease with rising Ha, respectively.  相似文献   

In the present numerical study, the combined effect of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, linear thermal radiation, and magnetic effect on shear-thinning tangent hyperbolic fluid past a sensor surface has been studied. After converting the modelled partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformation, the system of equations is tackled with the aid of the shooting method. The influence of important parameters on the fluid motion and energy distribution is displayed graphically and analyzed in detail. The presented simulations depict that a significant rise in fluid velocity is noticed for an enhancement in the magnetic parameter while an opposite trend is observed for the temperature distribution. Moreover, the skin friction coefficient decreases as the squeezed flow index is increased.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model has been framed to investigate the effect of buoyancy forces on magnetized free convective Walters-B fluid flow over a stretching sheet with Soret effect, heat radiation, thermal source/sink, and viscous dissipation. The current physical model is developed based on the stretching sheet geometry. The impact of Lorentz force on the nonlinear system is investigated and considered in the velocity equation. The influence of thermal radiation, heat source/sink, viscous dissipation, and Joule heating is considered in the energy equation. The effect of Soret parameter and chemical reaction on mass transfer is accounted in the concentration equation. The current physical model is governed by the highly coupled nonlinear system of partial differential equations. Owing to the inadequacy in the analytical techniques, the obtained governing equations are solved by using the bvp4c Matlab function via similarity transformations approach. Numerical computations are performed for the varying values of physical parameters, which are expressed in terms of tables and graphs. Magnifying viscoelastic parameter decays the velocity profile and enhances the thermal and concentration fields. Enhancing free convection parameters diminishe the velocity fields and magnifies the thermal profile. Thermal field magnifies with enhancing thermal radiation parameter and Eckert number. Enhancing the Soret number raises the concentration field. Also, the bvp4c Matlab function adequately simplifies the highly nonlinear coupled system of equations occurring in nature. The present similarity solutions presented in this paper coincides with previously published results in the literature.  相似文献   

The key objective in this study is to examine the heat and mass transport behavior of magnetohydrodynamic elastic-viscous fluid flow over a vertically oriented magnetized surface placed in a uniform permeable regime with magnetic and thermo diffusions. The fluid is partially ionized and permeated to flow in the presence of a strong magnetic field domain. Hence the Hall current effect is considered in this investigation. The significance of rotation and induced magnetic field on the flowing nature are also scrutinized in this study. The mathematical model of the problem is converted to a similar model by introducing suitable nondimensional variables. To obtain the closed-form solutions of the flow leading equations, the regular perturbation analysis is utilized. For the exhibition of results, figures and tables are generated with the assistance of scientific computation software MATHEMATICA. Computed results are validated with the existing result in the limiting case. Such an investigation is important in evaluating the flow characteristics of low magnetic diffusive viscoelastic fluid. A noteworthy result seen is that magnetic diffusion significantly controls the fluid flow by altering the magnetic drag force. Mass diffusion factor brings an increase in the fluid velocity. Furthermore, we observed that the surface current density along the principal flow direction is significantly reduced by magnetic diffusion and mass diffusion factor.  相似文献   

The convective–radiative magnetohydrodynamic non-Newtonian second-grade fluid boundary layer flow from a curved stretching surface has been scrutinized in the present study. The Reiner–Rivlin second-grade viscoelastic model is deployed which provides a good approximation for certain magnetic polymers. High temperature invokes the presence of radiative heat transfer, which is simulated with the Rosseland diffusion approximation. Viscous dissipation and Joule heating are also featured in the model and hydrodynamic (velocity) slip at the wall is also incorporated in the boundary conditions. The emerging nonlinear coupled dimensionless transport equations are solved with a Runge–Kutta method and a shooting numerical scheme. The influence of emerging multiphysical flow parameters on the dimensionless profiles is examined with the help of plots for comparative analysis of both non-Newtonian fluid and Newtonian fluid. The numerical solutions are validated for special cases with existing works. The velocity declines for a higher magnetic field, whereas the reverse trend is noted for the temperature function. The augmentation in the thermal field is noted with increments in radiation parameters. Furthermore, the fluid temperature of the second-grade fluid is higher with increasing Brinkmann number. The wall slip induces deceleration. Contour plots for streamlines and isotherms are also visualized and analyzed.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation was conducted to analyze the unsteady flow field and heat transfer characteristics in a horizontal channel with a built-in heated square cylinder. Hydrodynamic behavior and heat transfer results are obtained by the solution of the complete Navier–Stokes and energy equations using a control volume finite element method (CVFEM) adapted to the staggered grid. The Computation was made for two channel blockage ratios (β=1/4 and 1/8), different Reynolds and Richardson numbers ranging from 62 to 200 and from 0 to 0.1 respectively at Pr=0.71. The flow is found to be unstable when the Richardson number crosses the critical value of 0.13. The results are presented to show the effects of the blockage ratio, the Reynolds and the Richardson numbers on the flow pattern and the heat transfer from the square cylinder. Heat transfer correlation are obtained through forced and mixed convection.  相似文献   

An analysis is built up for the exploration of radiative heat transport on the magnetohydrodynamic flow of rotating fluid over a vertical sheet. The inclusion of thermal radiation in conjunction with the reacting species enhances the energy as well as the solutal profiles respectively. In an advance, external heat source and applied magnetic field effects are considered for further improvement. As the magnetic Reynolds number is low, the influence of the induced magnetic field is neglected. The transformation of governing nonlinear partial differential equations into coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations is attained with a proper supposition of similarity variables. Moreover, the solution of these transformed equations is scheduled using the “Runge–Kutta fourth-order” method numerically in association with the “shooting technique.” The simulation or various illustrating parameters affecting the flow phenomena are obtained and displayed through graphs and for numerical validation with earlier published work shows the convergence process of the methodology applied. The main findings of the study are; the Dufour number is favorable to enhance the fluid temperature throughout the domain and the destructive chemical reaction also encourages the solutal profile significantly.  相似文献   

This study numerically scrutinizes the boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting and viscous dissipative fluid past an impulsively started permeable vertical cylinder together with thermal radiation. The solutions of the governing problem are accomplished using the Crank‐Nicholson scheme. The impressions of pertinent parameters on the flow patterns of the fluid particles as well as on the velocity, temperature, and distributed regions are captured and visualized three‐dimensionally.  相似文献   

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