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Optimal semi-oblique tiling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For 2D iteration space tiling, we address the problem of determining the tile parameters that minimize the total execution time on a parallel machine. We consider uniform dependency computations tiled so that (at least) one of the tile boundaries is parallel to the domain boundaries. We determine the optimal tile size as a closed form solution. In addition, we determine the optimal number of processors and also the optimal slope of the oblique tile boundary. Our results are based on the BSP model, which assures the portability of the results. Our predictions are justified on a sequence global alignment problem specialized to similar sequences using Fickett's k-band algorithm, for which our optimal semi-oblique tiling yields an improvement of a factor of 2.5 over orthogonal tiling. Our optimal solution requires a block-cyclic distribution of tiles to processors. The best one can obtain with only block distribution (as many authors require) is three times slower. Furthermore, our best running time is within 10 percent of the "predicted theoretical peak" performance of the machine!.  相似文献   

The communication and synchronization overhead inherent in parallel processing can lead to situations where adding processors to the solution method actually increases execution time. Problem type, problem size, and architecture type all affect the optimal number of processors to employ. In this paper we examine the numerical solution of an elliptic partial differential equation in order to study the relationship between problem size and architecture. The equation's domain is discretized into n2 grid points which are divided into partitions and mapped onto the individual processor memories. We analytically quantify the relationships among grid size, stencil type, partitioning strategy processor execution time, and communication network type. In doing so, we determine the optimal number of processors to assign to the solution (and hence the optimal speedup), and identify (i) the smallest grid size which fully benefits from using all available processors, (ii) the leverage on performance given by increasing processor speed or communication network speed, and (iii) the suitability of various architectures for large numerical problems. Finally, we compare the predictions of our analytic model with measurements from a multiprocessor and find that the model accurately predicts performance.  相似文献   

We consider the time-dependent demands for data movement that a parallel program makes on the architecture that executes it. The result is an architecture-independent metric that represents the temporal behavior of data-movement requirements. Programs are described as series of computations and data movements, and while message passing is not ruled out, we focus on explicit parallel programs using a fixed number of processes in a distributed shared-memory environment. Operations are assumed to be explicitly allocated to processors when the metric is applied, which might correspond to intermediate code in a parallelizing compiler. The metric is called the interprocess read (IR) temporal metric. A key to developing an architecture-independent temporal metric is modeling program execution time in an architecture-independent way. This is possible because well-synchronized parallel programs make coordinated progress above a certain level of granularity. Our execution time characterization takes into account barrier synchronization and critical sections. We illustrate the metric using instruction count on simple code fragments and then from multiprocessor program traces (Splash benchmarks). Results of running the benchmarks on simulated network architectures show that the IR metric for the time scale of network response predicts performance better than whole program measures.  相似文献   

Partitioning of processors on a multiprocessor system involves logically dividing the system into processor partitions. Programs can be executed in the different partitions in parallel. Optimally setting the partition size can significantly improve the throughput of multiprocessor systems. The speedup characteristics of parallel programs can be defined by execution signatures. The execution signature of a parallel program on a multiprocessor system is the rate at which the program executes in the absence of other programs and depends upon the number of allocated processors, the specific architecture, and the specific program implementation. Based on the execution signatures, this paper analyzes simple Markovian models of dynamic partitioning. From the analysis, when there are at most two multiprocessor partitions, the optimal dynamic partition size can be found which maximizes throughput. Compared against other partitioning schemes, the dynamic partitioning scheme is shown to be the best in terms of throughput when thereconfiguration overhead is low. If the reconfiguration overhead is high, dynamic partitioning is to be avoided. An expression for the reconfiguration overhead threshold is derived. A general iterative partitioning technique is presented. It is shown that the technique gives maximum throughput forn partions.  相似文献   

There are several metrics that characterize the performance of a parallel system, such as parallel execution time, speedup, and efficiency. A number of properties of these metrics have been studied. For example, it is a well known fact that given a parallel architecture and a problem of a fixed size, the speedup of a parallel algorithm does not continue to increase with increasing number of processors. It usually tends to saturate or peak at a certain limit. Thus, it may not be useful to employ more than an optimal number of processors for solving a problem on a parallel computer. This optimal number of processors depends on the problem size, the parallel algorithm, and the parallel architecture. In this paper we study the impact of parallel processing overheads and the degree of concurrency of a parallel algorithm on the optimal number of processors to be used when the criterion for optimality is minimization of the parallel execution time. We then study a more general criterion of optimality and show how operating at the optimal point is equivalent to operating at a unique value of efficiency that is characteristic of the criterion of optimality and the properties of the parallel system under study. We put the technical results derived in this paper in perspective with similar results that have appeared in the literature before and show how this paper generalizes and/or extends these earlier results.  相似文献   

The large number of processing elements in current parallel systems necessitates the development of more comprehensive and realistic tools for the scalability analysis of algorithms on those architectures. This paper presents a simple analytical tool with which to study the scalability of parallel algorithm-architecture combinations. Our practical method studies separately execution time, efficiency, and memory usage in the accuracy-critical scaling model, where the problem size-input data set size-increases with the number of processors, which is the relevant one in many situations. The paper defines quantitative and qualitative measurements of the scalability and derives important relationships between execution time and efficiency. For example, results show that the best way to scale the system (to deteriorate as little as possible the properties of the system) is by maintaining constant execution time. These analytical results are verified with one candidate application for massive parallel computers: the full multigrid method. We study the scalability of a general d-dimensional full multigrid method on an r-dimensional mesh of processors. The analytical expressions are verified through experimental results obtained by implementing the full multigrid method on a Transputer-based machine and on the CRAY T3D  相似文献   

In simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multiprocessors, using all the available threads (logical processors) to run a parallel loop is not always beneficial due to the interference between threads and parallel execution overhead. To maximize the performance of a parallel loop on an SMT multiprocessor, it is important to find an appropriate number of threads for executing the parallel loop. This article presents adaptive execution techniques that find a proper execution mode for each parallel loop in a conventional loop-level parallel program on SMT multiprocessors. A compiler preprocessor generates code that, based on dynamic feedbacks, automatically determines at run time the optimal number of threads for each parallel loop in the parallel application. We evaluate our technique using a set of standard numerical applications and running them on a real SMT multiprocessor machine with 8 hardware contexts. Our approach is general enough to work well with other SMT multiprocessor or multicore systems.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》1997,23(10):1405-1420
Performance prediction is necessary in order to deal with multi-dimensional performance effects on parallel systems. The compiler-generated analytical model developed in this paper accounts for the effects of cache behavior, CPU execution time and message passing overhead for real programs written in high level data-parallel languages. The performance prediction technique is shown to be effective in analyzing several non-trivial data-parallel applications as the problem size and number of processors vary. We leverage technology from the Maple symbolic manipulation system and the S-PLUS statistical package in order to present users with critical performance information necessary for performance debugging, architectural enhancement and procurement of parallel systems. The usability of these results is improved through specifying confidence intervals as well as predicted execution times for data-parallel applications.  相似文献   

For the parallel computer systems, a new formulation of the problem of constructing parallel asynchronous abstract programs of the desired length was proposed. The conditions for the problem of planning were represented as a system of Boolean equations (constraints) whose solutions define the feasible plans for activation of the program modules specified in the planner’s knowledge base. The constraints on the number of processors and time delays arising at execution of the program modules were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce our estimation method for parallel execution times, based on identifying separate “parts” of the work done by parallel programs. Our run time analysis works without any source code inspection. The time of parallel program execution is expressed in terms of the sequential work and the parallel penalty. We measure these values for different problem sizes and numbers of processors and estimate them for unknown values in both dimensions using statistical methods. This allows us to predict parallel execution time for unknown inputs and non-available processor numbers with high precision. Our prediction methods require orders of magnitude less data points than existing approaches. We verified our approach on parallel machines ranging from a multicore computer to a peta-scale supercomputer.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a massively parallel system that is composed of heterogeneous processors, that is, processors with different processing power, and that combines the advantages of the SIMD and MIMD architectures. The heterogeneous mixed-mode (HeMM) execution model is composed of two main components, which operate in the well-known SIMD and MIMD paradigms. The main computing power comes from a component that is composed of a massive number of processors and operates in a data parallel manner. The other component is composed of a few (or even one) fast processors which operate in the MIMD paradigm. The operation of a small number of processors in an MIMD paradigm has been well demonstrated through actual systems. The processors in this component add flexibility to the execution of the parallel programs such that it adjusts to the changing parallelism of the program to enhance the performance. Based on this execution model we analyze the gains in performance that is obtainable by this new system. We show that substantial performance gains can be obtained by using the HeMM system.  相似文献   

Today's massively parallel machines are typically message-passing systems consisting of hundreds or thousands of processors. Implementing parallel applications efficiently in this environment is a challenging task, and poor parallel design decisions can be expensive to correct. Tools and techniques that allow the fast and accurate evaluation of different parallelization strategies would significantly improve the productivity of application developers and increase throughput on parallel architectures. This paper investigates one of the major issues in building tools to compare parallelization strategies: determining what type of performance models of the application code and of the computer system are sufficient for a fast and accurate comparison of different strategies. The paper is built around a case study employing the performance prediction tool (PerPreT) to predict performance of the parallel spectral transform shallow water model code (PSTSWM) on the Intel Paragon. PSTSWM is a parallel application code that was designed to evaluate different parallel strategies for the spectral transform method as it is used in climate modeling and weather forecasting. Multiple parallel algorithms and algorithm variants are embedded in the code. PerPreT uses a relatively simple algebraic model to predict execution time for SPMD (single program multiple data) parallel applications. Applications are modeled through parameterized formulae for communication and computation, where the parameters include the problem size, the number of processors used to execute the program, and system characteristics (e.g. setup times for communication, link bandwidth and sustained computing performance per processor). In this paper we describe performance models that predict the performance of the different algorithms in PSTSWM accurately enough to allow them to be compared, establishing the feasibility of such a demanding application of performance modeling. We also discuss issues in generating and validating the performance models, emphasizing the practical importance of tools such as PerPreT in such studies. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Binary images can be compressed efficiently using context‐based statistical modeling and arithmetic coding. However, this approach is fully sequential and therefore additional computing power from parallel computers cannot be utilized. We attack this problem and show how to implement the context‐based compression in parallel. Our approach is to segment the image into non‐overlapping blocks, which are compressed independently by the processors. We give two alternative solutions about how to construct, distribute and utilize the model in parallel, and study the effect on the compression performance and execution time. We show by experiments that the proposed approach achieves speedup that is proportional to the number of processors. The work efficiency exceeds 50% with any reasonable number of processors. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scientific research community has reached a stage of maturity where its strong need for high-performance computing has diffused into also everyday life of engineering and industry algorithms. In efforts to satisfy this need, parallel computers provide an efficient and economical way to solve large-scale and/or time-constrained problems. As a consequence, the end-users of these systems have a vested interest in defining the asymptotic time complexity of parallel algorithms to predict their performance on a particular parallel computer. The asymptotic parallel time complexity of data-dependent algorithms depends on the number of processors, data size, and other parameters. Discovering the main other parameters is a challenging problem and the clue in obtaining a good estimate of performance order. Great examples of these types of applications are sorting algorithms, searching algorithms and solvers of the traveling salesman problem (TSP). This article encompasses all the knowledge discovery aspects to the problem of defining the asymptotic parallel time complexity of data-dependent algorithms. The knowledge discovery methodology begins by designing a considerable number of experiments and measuring their execution times. Then, an interactive and iterative process explores data in search of patterns and/or relationships detecting some parameters that affect performance. Knowing the key parameters which characterise time complexity, it becomes possible to hypothesise to restart the process and to produce a subsequent improved time complexity model. Finally, the methodology predicts the performance order for new data sets on a particular parallel computer by replacing a numerical identification. As a case of study, a global pruning traveling salesman problem implementation (GP-TSP) has been chosen to analyze the influence of indeterminism in performance prediction of data-dependent parallel algorithms, and also to show the usefulness of the defined knowledge discovery methodology. The subsequent hypotheses generated to define the asymptotic parallel time complexity of the TSP were corroborated one by one. The experimental results confirm the expected capability of the proposed methodology; the predictions of performance time order were rather good comparing with real execution time (in the order of 85%).  相似文献   

Efficient performance tuning of parallel programs is often hard. Optimization is often done when the program is written as a last effort to increase the performance. With sequential programs each (executed) code segment will affect the completion time. In the case of a parallel program executed on a multiprocessor this is not always true, due to dependencies between the different threads. Thus, certain code segments of the execution may not affect the completion time of the program. Optimization of such code segments will not increase the performance. In this paper we present an approach to optimize performance by finding the extended critical path of the multithreaded program. The extended critical path analysis is a generalization of the critical path analysis in the sense that it also deals with more threads than processors. We have implemented the extended critical path analysis in a performance optimization tool. The tool allows the user to determine the extended critical path of a multithreaded application written for the Solaris operating system for any number of processors based on execution on a single processor workstation.  相似文献   

We address scheduling independent and precedence constrained parallel tasks on multiple homogeneous processors in a data center with dynamically variable voltage and speed as combinatorial optimization problems. We consider the problem of minimizing schedule length with energy consumption constraint and the problem of minimizing energy consumption with schedule length constraint on multiple processors. Our approach is to use level-by-level scheduling algorithms to deal with precedence constraints. We use a simple system partitioning and processor allocation scheme, which always schedules as many parallel tasks as possible for simultaneous execution. We use two heuristic algorithms for scheduling independent parallel tasks in the same level, i.e., SIMPLE and GREEDY. We adopt a two-level energy/time/power allocation scheme, namely, optimal energy/time allocation among levels of tasks and equal power supply to tasks in the same level. Our approach results in significant performance improvement compared with previous algorithms in scheduling independent and precedence constrained parallel tasks.  相似文献   

Networks of workstations (NOW) are receiving increased attention as a viable platform for high performance parallel computations. Heterogeneity and time-sharing are two characteristics that distinguish the NOW systems from conventional multiprocessor/multicomputer systems which are homogeneous and dedicated. It is important to have a practical model for users to predict the execution times of large-scale parallel applications on nondedicated heterogeneous NOW. Another objective of this study is to provide insight into the dynamic performance of parallel computing and into the effects of program structures and system factors on such a platform. In this paper, we study performance predictions for parallel computing on nondedicated heterogeneous networks of workstations. Our approach is based on a two-level model. On the top level, a semideterministic task graph is used to capture the parallel execution behavior including the variances of communication and synchronization. On the bottom level, a discrete time model is used to quantify effects from NOW systems. An iterative process is used to determine the interactive effects between network contention and task execution. We validate the prediction model using experiments on a nondedicated heterogeneous NOW. The maximum differences between predicted results and measured results were less than 10% in most cases and 15% in the worst cases.  相似文献   

The abundant hardware resources on current reconfigurable computing systems provide new opportunities for high-performance parallel implementations of scientific computations. In this paper, we study designs for floating-point matrix multiplication, a fundamental kernel in a number of scientific applications, on reconfigurable computing systems. We first analyze design trade-offs in implementing this kernel. These trade-offs are caused by the inherent parallelism of matrix multiplication and the resource constraints, including the number of configurable slices, the size of on-chip memory, and the available memory bandwidth. We propose three parameterized algorithms which can be tuned according to the problem size and the available hardware resources. Our algorithms employ linear array architecture with simple control logic. This architecture effectively utilizes the available resources and reduces routing complexity. The processing elements (PEs) used in our algorithms are modular so that it is easy to embed floating-point units into them. Experimental results on a Xilinx Virtex-ll Pro XC2VP100 show that our algorithms achieve good scalability and high sustained GFLOPS performance. We also implement our algorithms on Cray XD1. XD1 is a high-end reconfigurable computing system that employs both general-purpose processors and reconfigurable devices. Our algorithms achieve a sustained performance of 2.06 GFLOPS on a single node of XD1  相似文献   

The way the processes in a parallel program are scheduled on the processors of a multiprocessor system affects the performance significantly. Finding a schedule of processes to processors which results in minimum completion time is NP-hard. Therefore, one has to resort to heuristic schedules. However, it is often difficult to determine if a specific schedule is close to the optimal case or if it is worthwhile to look for other schedules. Based on information from previous executions of the parallel program, we present a formula for an upper bound on the minimum completion time of the program. The bound is a function of a set of parameters. Some of these parameters are obtained from the previous executions of the program and the others describe the target multiprocessor architecture for which we want to bound the minimum completion time. The bound is optimal when it is based on information from one previous execution. Using these results, we are able to decide if a certain schedule is close to optimal or if it is worthwhile to look for other schedules. This is demonstrated by evaluating the completion time of a specific schedule of a particular program. The proofs used for obtaining the bound are based on program transformations and combinatorial mathematics  相似文献   

Given the proliferation of layered, multicore- and SMT-based architectures, it is imperative to deploy and evaluate important, multi-level, scientific computing codes, such as meshing algorithms, on these systems. We focus on Parallel Constrained Delaunay Mesh (PCDM) generation. We exploit coarse-grain parallelism at the subdomain level, medium-grain at the cavity level and fine-grain at the element level. This multi-grain data parallel approach targets clusters built from commercially available SMTs and multicore processors. The exploitation of the coarser degree of granularity facilitates scalability both in terms of execution time and problem size on loosely-coupled clusters. The exploitation of medium-grain parallelism allows performance improvement at the single node level. Our experimental evaluation shows that the first generation of SMT cores is not capable of taking advantage of fine-grain parallelism in PCDM. Many of our experimental findings with PCDM extend to other adaptive and irregular multigrain parallel algorithms as well.  相似文献   

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