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A new algorithm for error-tolerant subgraph isomorphism detection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We propose a new algorithm for error-correcting subgraph isomorphism detection from a set of model graphs to an unknown input graph. The algorithm is based on a compact representation of the model graphs. This representation is derived from the set of model graphs in an off-line preprocessing step. The main advantage of the proposed representation is that common subgraphs of different model graphs are represented only once. Therefore, at run time, given an unknown input graph, the computational effort of matching the common subgraphs for each model graph onto the input graph is done only once. Consequently, the new algorithm is only sublinearly dependent on the number of model graphs. Furthermore, the new algorithm can be combined with a future cost estimation method that greatly improves its run-time performance  相似文献   

Efficient subgraph isomorphism detection: a decomposition approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Graphs are a powerful and universal data structure useful in various subfields of science and engineering. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for subgraph isomorphism detection from a set of a priori known model graphs to an input graph that is given online. The new approach is based on a compact representation of the model graphs that is computed offline. Subgraphs that appear more than once within the same or within different model graphs are represented only once, thus reducing the computational effort to detect them in an input graph. In the extreme case where all model graphs are highly similar, the run-time of the new algorithm becomes independent of the number of model graphs. Both a theoretical complexity analysis and practical experiments characterizing the performance of the new approach are given  相似文献   

A special class of graphs is introduced in this paper. The graphs belonging to this class are characterised by the existence of unique node labels. A number of matching algorithms for graphs with unique node labels are developed. It is shown that problems such as graph isomorphism, subgraph isomorphism, maximum common subgraph (MCS) and graph edit distance (GED) have a computational complexity that is only quadratic in the number of nodes. Moreover, computing the median of a set of graphs is only linear in the cardinality of the set. In a series of experiments, it is demonstrated that the proposed algorithms run very fast in practice. The considered class makes the matching of large graphs, consisting of thousands of nodes, computationally tractable. We also discuss an application of the considered class of graphs and related matching algorithms to the classification and detection of abnormal events in computer networks.  相似文献   

Given a pattern graph H with l edges, and a host graph G guaranteed to contain at most one occurrence of a subgraph isomorphic to H, we show that the time complexity of the problem of finding such an occurrence (if any) in G as well as that of the decision version of the problem are within a multiplicative factor O(l) of the time complexity for the corresponding problem in the general case, when G may contain several occurrences of H. It follows that for pattern graphs of constant size, the aforementioned uniqueness guarantee cannot yield any asymptotic speed up. We also derive analogous results with the analogous multiplicative factor linear in the number of vertices of H in the induced case when occurrences of induced subgraphs of G isomorphic to H are sought.  相似文献   

子图同构问题是非确定多项式(NP)完全问题,而轴心子图同构是一种特殊的子图同构问题.针对现在已经有许多高效的子图同构算法,然而对于轴心子图同构问题目前并没有基于GPU的搜索算法,且通过改造已有的子图同构算法来解决轴心子图匹配问题会产生大量不必要的中间结果这一问题,提出了一种基于GPU的轴心子图同构算法.首先,通过一种新...  相似文献   

Querying graph data is a fundamental problem that witnesses an increasing interest especially for massive graph databases which come as a promising alternative to relational databases for big data modeling. In this paper, we study the problem of subgraph isomorphism search which consists to enumerate the embedding of a query graph in a data graph. The most known solutions of this NP-complete problem are backtracking-based and result in a high computational cost when we deal with massive graph databases. We address this problem and its challenges via graph compression with modular decomposition. In our approach, subgraph isomorphism search is performed on compressed graphs without decompressing them yielding substantial reduction of the search space and consequently a significant saving in processing time as well as in storage space for the graphs. We evaluated our algorithms on nine real-word datasets. The experimental results show that our approach is efficient and scalable.  相似文献   

一种多到一子图同构检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张硕  李建中  高宏  邹兆年 《软件学报》2010,21(3):401-414
提出一种方法来解决从多个小图到一个大图的子图同构检测问题,其中多个小图是预先给定的,而大图是用户在线提交的.首先,基于DFS 编码提出一种小图集合的压缩组织方法;其次,提出一种带有前向剪枝技术的从多个小图到一个大图的子图同构检测算法.另外,给出一种有效的基于数据挖掘的索引技术.分析和实验结果证实,所提出方法的在线计算代价远小于现有方法,在线执行时间比现有方法快约一个数量级,离线构造时间快一个数量级以上.  相似文献   

子图查询返回图数据集合中所有包含查询图的数据图。在查询图和数据图同时为不确定性图的前提下,提出了不确定图间的期望子图同构定义和α-β子图同构匹配定义。不确定图间的期望子图同构是确定图上子图同构在概率图模型上的直接推广,不确定图间α-β子图同构利用两个限制阈值来衡量查询图和数据图间的匹配质量。文章详细阐述了α-β子图同构匹配的语义特点,分析了其和期望子图同构的联系和差别,设计实现α-β子图同构匹配判定算法。  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to solve the graph isomorphism problem for the purpose of object recognition. Objects, such as those which exist in a robot workspace, may be represented by labelled graphs (graphs with attributes on their nodes and/or edges). Thereafter, object recognition is achieved by matching pairs of these graphs. Assuming that all objects are sufficiently different so that their corresponding representative graphs are distinct, then given a new graph, the algorthm efficiently finds the isomorphic stored graph (if it exists). The algorithm consists of three phases: preprocessing, link construction, and ambiguity resolution. Results from experiments on a wide variety and sizes of graphs are reported. Results are also reported for experiments on recognising graphs that represent protein molecules. The algorithm works for all types of graphs except for a class of highly ambiguous graphs which includes strongly regular graphs. However, members of this class are detected in polynomial time, which leaves the option of switching to a higher complexity algorithm if desired.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of coloring a planar graph with the minimum number of colors so that each color class avoids one or more forbidden graphs as subgraphs. We perform a detailed study of the computational complexity of this problem. We present a complete picture for the case with a single forbidden connected (induced or noninduced) subgraph. The 2-coloring problem is NP-hard if the forbidden subgraph is a tree with at least two edges, and it is polynomially solvable in all other cases. The 3-coloring problem is NP-hard if the forbidden subgraph is a path with at least one edge, and it is polynomially solvable in all other cases. We also derive results for several forbidden sets of cycles. In particular, we prove that it is NP-complete to decide if a planar graph can be 2-colored so that no cycle of length at most 5 is monochromatic.  相似文献   

Inexact subgraph matching based on type-isomorphism was introduced by Berry et al. [J. Berry, B. Hendrickson, S. Kahan, P. Konecny, Software and algorithms for graph queries on multithreaded architectures, in: Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Computing Symposium, IEEE, 2007, pp. 1–14] as a generalization of the exact subgraph matching problem. Enumerating small subgraph patterns in very large graphs is a core problem in the analysis of social networks, bioinformatics data sets, and other applications. This paper describes a MapReduce algorithm for subgraph type-isomorphism matching. The MapReduce computing framework is designed for distributed computing on massive data sets, and the new algorithm leverages MapReduce techniques to enable processing of graphs with billions of vertices. The paper also introduces a new class of walk-level constraints for narrowing the set of matches. Constraints meeting criteria defined in the paper are useful for specifying more precise patterns and for improving algorithm performance. Results are provided on a variety of graphs, with size ranging up to billions of vertices and edges, including graphs that follow a power law degree distribution.  相似文献   

敦景峰  张伟  柴然 《计算机工程》2011,37(20):27-29
传统Aprior频繁子图挖掘算法中存在大量冗余子图.针对该问题,提出一种新的频繁子图挖掘算法(GAI).介绍一种三层MADI索引结构,用于存储图集的信息,以减少图集的扫描次数,通过扩展ETree树构造频繁子图,并用表来存储候选子图,避免扩展过程中冗余图的产生以及对整个数据库的扫描,从而简化支持度的计算,提高图/子图同构...  相似文献   

A graduated assignment algorithm for graph matching   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A graduated assignment algorithm for graph matching is presented which is fast and accurate even in the presence of high noise. By combining graduated nonconvexity, two-way (assignment) constraints, and sparsity, large improvements in accuracy and speed are achieved. Its low order computational complexity [O(lm), where l and m are the number of links in the two graphs] and robustness in the presence of noise offer advantages over traditional combinatorial approaches. The algorithm, not restricted to any special class of graph, is applied to subgraph isomorphism, weighted graph matching, and attributed relational graph matching. To illustrate the performance of the algorithm, attributed relational graphs derived from objects are matched. Then, results from twenty-five thousand experiments conducted on 100 mode random graphs of varying types (graphs with only zero-one links, weighted graphs, and graphs with node attributes and multiple link types) are reported. No comparable results have been reported by any other graph matching algorithm before in the research literature. Twenty-five hundred control experiments are conducted using a relaxation labeling algorithm and large improvements in accuracy are demonstrated  相似文献   

The set of pattern graphs for which the fixed directed subgraph homeomorphism problem is NP-complete is characterized. A polynomial time algorithm is given for the remaining cases. The restricted problem where the input graph is a directed acyclic graph is in polynomial time for all pattern graphs and an algorithm is given.  相似文献   

深度学习在各种实际应用中取得了巨大成功,如何有效提高各种复杂的深度学习模型在硬件设备上的执行效率是该领域重要的研究内容之一.深度学习框架通常将深度学习模型表达为由基础算子构成的计算图,为了提高计算图的执行效率,传统的深度学习系统通常基于一些专家设计的子图替换规则,采用启发式搜索算法来优化计算图.它们的不足主要有:1)搜...  相似文献   

时序图是一种边上带有时间戳的图结构,其中边上的时间戳表示该边出现时间,即图随时间变化不断变化.图数据中的稠密子图挖掘问题具有非常强烈的现实意义.目前,时序图中大多数现有的工作都集中在稠密子图检测问题,该问题目标是找到时序图中所有的目标子图.然而,当时序图的规模过大时,这一问题将变得极其复杂且收效甚微.旨在研究在时序图中...  相似文献   

提出一种改进-二元决策图(BDD)的网络可靠性评估方法.为了解决BDD构造中有效识别同构子图的问题,将边收缩/删除法应用于BDD的图分解中,并提出了BDD的宽度优先搜索算法,通过遍历BDD图对边进行排序,为布尔函数的不交化提供了一种新的高效途径.实验结果表明,该算法具有精确性高、时间复杂度低的优点,可以避免常规最小路算...  相似文献   

The widespread use of graph-based models for representing data collections (e.g. object-oriented data, XML data, etc.) has stimulated the database research community to investigate the problem of defining declarative languages for querying graph-like databases. In this paper, a new framework for querying graph-like data based on graph grammars is proposed. The new paradigm allows us to verify structural properties of graphs and to extract sub-graphs. More specifically, a new form of query (namely graph query) is proposed, consisting in a particular graph grammar which defines a class of graphs to be matched on the graph representing the database. Thus, differently from path queries, the answer of a graph query is not just a set of nodes, but a subgraph, extracted from the input graph, which satisfies the structural properties defined by the graph grammar. Expressiveness and complexity of different forms of graph queries are discussed, and some practical applications are shown.  相似文献   

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