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马建琴  赵子伟 《人民黄河》2021,43(5):153-157,162
针对灌区灌溉规划用水与作物实时需水不匹配的问题,建立了基于作物需水过程的渠系实时优化配水模型,以下级渠道配水结束时间为决策变量,以灌区时段缺水率之和最小和渠系输水损失量最小为目标,采用遗传算法求解模型.结果表明:与经验法编制的配水方案进行对比,各级渠系配水时间搭配更加合理,渠道配水流量波动小;灌水量配置更符合作物实际需...  相似文献   

通过对国内、国际灌区水资源优化配置现状及存在问题分析,结合彭楼灌区实际情况,对该灌区水资源进行合理优化配置。  相似文献   

水资源优化配置的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张爱军 《江苏水利》2003,(7):23-24,26
水是人类一切文明之源。人类的进步,社会的发展,对水的需求不断增加,日益突出的水资源供需矛盾已成为经济社会发展的重要制约因素,并由此引起了社会各界的广泛关注。就徐州市来讲,“水多、水少、水脏”的问题均十分突出,加强水资源的优化配置成为一个亟待解决的课题。1 水资源现状 徐州市多年平均水资源总量为104.6亿m~3,其中本地水47.6亿m~3  相似文献   

为缓解河北武安市水资源供需不平衡的突出矛盾,立足水资源精细化管理的需求,构建了武安市GWAS(general water allocation and simulation )模型,并开展规划年(2025年与2030年)不同情景下武安市各乡镇水资源优化配置研究。结果表明:2025年和2030年,平水情景(P=50%)下模型优化配置水量基本可以满足各乡镇水量需求,枯水情景(P=75%)下各乡镇存在不同程度的缺水情况;全市普遍农业缺水,2025年平枯情景农业缺水率分别为6.45%和44.11%,2030年平枯情景农业缺水率分别为5.05%和42.47%;优化后的供水结构改善效果显著,地下水供水量占比在各规划年平枯情景下均有所下降。  相似文献   

<建设项目水资源论证管理办法>实施4年多来,全省各级水行政主管部门立足实际,不断完善水资源论证制度,强化水资源论证管理,为取水许可制度的实施和水资源的科学管理奠定了良好基础,促进了水资源的优化配置,保障了全省社会经济的健康发展.  相似文献   

为了较全面地反映农户灌溉用水情况,考虑不同渠道的完好率、水利资产产权、农户所处的地理位置、用水时间、灌溉水源、水价、集体组织威信、农户合作意愿等影响灌溉行为的主要因素,采用实地考察和问卷调查的方式,在漳河灌区选取有代表性的4个村,建立农户水资源配置组织有效性分析模型,对农户灌溉用水行为的有效性进行分析。  相似文献   

优化配置合理利用水资源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1水资源与工程概况八五三农场位于黑龙江省三江平原的东部,宝清县境内,土地总面积12.3×104hm2,耕地5.47×104hm2,地表水可利用量9 800×104m3,地下水可开采量4 183×104m3,可利用水资源总量1 052×104m3,水资源量2 565 m3/hm2。农场本着先用地表水、后用地下水;先用过境水、后  相似文献   

在充分考虑水资源系统中供需水不确定性的基础上,基于多目标规划、模糊规划和区间规划原理,以经济效益、社会效益和环境效益最大为目标,以需水量、可供水量和不同子区用水部门间的用水公平性为主要约束,构建一种适用于多水源、多子区、多用户的考虑供需水不确定性的多目标模糊规划模型,以期通过平衡水资源配置系统中用户配置水量、缺水风险与系统收益三者的关系,实现系统综合效益最大。模型以衡水市历年供水、用水及社会经济等数据确定规划年的水资源参数及经济参数,采用区间参数反映系统中的不确定性,通过引入模糊隶属度函数,利用两步交互式算法,将多目标规划转化为单目标规划进行求解,以2025年为衡水市规划水平年,得到规划水平年下的11个子区、4种水源、4个用水行业的最优配水方案。结果表明:本研究制定的水资源优化配置方案可实现“外调水优先利用、地下水控制利用”,同时考虑用水的公平性约束后,在缺水条件下可有效控制水资源向每立方米水效益高的区域和部门流动,有利于多区域、多部门共担缺水风险;该水资源优化配置方案可有效缓解衡水市水资源供需矛盾,实现多水源和多目标之间的协同互补。研究成果可为河北省其他县域的水资源优化配置提供技术参...  相似文献   

承德市是世界闻名的历史文化名城,随着社会经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,城市水资源的供需矛盾越来越突出。在城市水资源开发利用现状分析的基础上,从开源、节流与治污等诸方面对城市水资源的合理利用与优化配置提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

王向飞  付学功 《水资源研究》2009,30(3):20-22,34
对黑龙港区域衡水、沧州两市现状农业种植结构和种植效益进行了分析计算,利用动态规划模型和线性规划模型对种植结构进行了优化分析。以水资源为约束条件,提出理论优化种植结构。  相似文献   

Optimal Allocation of Monthly Water Withdrawals in Reservoir Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a water balance equation was derived and theperformance of a project was analyzed. The water balancecomponents were modeled without calibration, and compared withmeasured data, whenever possible. A reservoir simulation modelwas develop and the model storage capacities were compared withthe observed storage capacities satisfactorily. An optimizationmodel was developed to solve the water resources of a largeproject in a computationally satisfactory manner. The optimalreservoir storage, optimal irrigation demand, and optimalreservoir release were computed. The optimal mean (1987–1997)model total water requirements for the dry and wet seasons werealso computed and the optimal contributions by rainfall,reservoir, uncontrolled river flow, and recycled water weredetermined. The mean annual optimal water withdrawals from thereservoir systems were found to be 1223 MCM (Million cubicmeters). The optimal mean model total water requirements werecompared with other authors computed values for the same and asignificant water savings was achieved.  相似文献   

研究了渠系优化配水模型一般形式和求解方法,及优化配水模型的应用、管理中存在的问题;论述了灌溉水量配置不合理现象;分析了灌溉水的利用率及其利用效率低下的原因,对进一步研究建立干旱灌区渠系水量优化调配模型具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

研究了渠系优化配水模型一般形式和求解方法,及优化配水模型的应用、管理中存在的问题;论述了灌溉水量配置不合理现象;分析了灌溉水的利用率及其利用效率低下的原因,对进一步研究建立干旱灌区渠系水量优化调配模型具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Shuai  Yuhong  Yao  Liming 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(12):4043-4065

Optimal water resource allocation can go some way to overcoming water deficiencies; however, its achievement is complex due to conflicting hierarchies and uncertainties, such as water availability (WA) and water demand (WD). This study develops a robust water withdrawal scheme for drought regions that can balance the trade-offs between the sub-areas and water use participants, ensure sustainable regional system development, and guarantee robust solutions for future uncertainties. A bi-level affinely adjustable robust counterpart (AARC) programming framework was developed in which the regional authority as the leader allocates water to the sub-areas to maximize the intra- and intergenerational equity, and the sub-areas as the followers allocate water to their respective water departments to maximize their economic benefits and minimize water shortages. A case study from Neijiang, China, is given to illustrate the applicability and feasibility of this framework. The novelty of this study is to propose a sustainable bi-level AARC regional water allocation framework which integrates intra- and inter-generational equity of regional water use and priority rules reflected by goal preference programming between water departments under uncertainties of WA and WD simultaneously in water deficient regions.


宁夏惠农渠灌域水资源优化配置研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
马德仁  李银才 《人民黄河》2012,34(7):93-94,100
宁夏惠农渠灌域按取水水源和取水方式分为4个子灌域,在水资源管理上分为引黄自流灌溉、动力扬水灌溉、井渠结合灌溉、沟(河)道提水补灌4种模式。该灌域水资源管理利用存在的问题主要有缺乏统一管理的机制,引水总量不足,水利工程设施薄弱,沟水污染严重,农业灌溉水市场无序等。提出惠农渠灌域水资源优化配置的建议:重新进行水权分配,加快灌域水利工程建设,尽快出台水资源统一管理、机井运行管理等规章,同时赋予惠农渠管理处一定的行政职责,以对全灌域各类取水活动实施统一管理、统一调度。  相似文献   

The operating rules of water allocation in the alpine OFIMA hydropower network of the Maggia River basin (Canton Tessin, Switzerland) are investigated in response to changes in the production policy and environmental and climatic factors. The study was carried out by means of a nonlinear programming approach where the objective function is approximated to a quadratic form with linear constraints, and implemented on a monthly time scale. Two systemís configurations with different details were accordingly investigated and compared to assess the response of the hydropower network to changes in the production policy, in the magnitude of the inflows and to different environmental requests. The optimal solution of water allocation corresponding to the new hypothetical production policy shows marked differences but similar benefits when compared to the one of the present operating rules, thus suggesting the good flexibility of the real network under such change. In its whole, this paper therefore highlights the importance of supporting strategic decisions by means of informatics tools and, in addiction, it provides a useful case study to test the performances of the software AQUARIUS implementing such a nonlinear programming technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new solution concept, called Fuzzy Variable Least Core (FVLC), is developed for fuzzy cooperative games. The FVLC is able to incorporate fuzzy input variables and result in fuzzy benefit shares of players participating in a coalition. This solution concept is used for water and benefit allocation to water users in inter-basin water transfer systems considering the uncertainties associated with their benefit coefficients. In the proposed water allocation methodology, an Integrated Stochastic Dynamic Programming (ISDP) model is developed to obtain the water rights of players and economic water allocation policies. In the next step, the total net fuzzy benefit of the system is reallocated to water users in an equitable and rational way using a FVLC-based model. In this model, a new algorithm is proposed for converting a multilateral cooperative game with fuzzy variables to some fuzzy bilateral cooperative games, which are solved using the FLVC solution concept. The applicability and efficiency of the proposed methodology is examined by applying it to a large scale inter-basin water transfer project in Iran.  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact two-stage water resources allocation (ITWR) model is put forward for supporting sustainable development and management of water resources in Sanjiang Plain, China, which is in such a situation, with multi-water source, multi-water supply subarea, multi-water user and multi-planning goal. The costs of net system, water supply and recourse are analyzed. The developed ITWR model, which shows a strong ability in tacking with various uncertain factors in probability distributions and discrete interval numbers, mixes the techniques of interval-parameter programming (IPP) and two-stage stochastic programming (TSP) within a general optimization framework. And it also has formed an effective link in such a conflict between the policy scenarios and the associated various levels of economic penalties, when the pre-allocation targets of water resources are violated. Based on this model, a series of scenarios under different levels of pre-allocation water is done and different degrees of water surplus and shortage are obtained correspondingly. The results indicate that the reasonable distribution plans with maximum system benefit and minimum system-failure risk have been generated. And these results are valuable for saving water resources to realize its sustainable development and mitigating the penalty to gain economic benefits maximum, and thus some desired results are provided for decision makers in tackling with a complex and uncertain water-resource system.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - The water evaluation and planning (WEAP) approach and the invasive weed optimization algorithm (IWOA) are herein employed to determine the optimal operating policies in...  相似文献   

Water logging is a universal problem of irrigated agriculture and it is a serious threat to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in many arid and semiarid regions. Limbasi branch canal command area of Mahi Right Bank Canal (MRBC) project, Gujarat, India is also found to be affected by water logging conditions. Present study deals with the formulation of the Deterministic Linear Programming (DLP) and Chance Constrained Linear Programming (CCLP) models which maximizes net return from a canal command area while simultaneously mitigating water logging conditions. The developed models are applied to the Limbasi branch canal command area. The objective function is to maximize net annual return and decision variables are the seasonal cropping pattern and seasonal water supply. Analysis shows that under optimal conditions in the DLP model, there was a 40% deviation of crop area from existing cropping pattern and Net Irrigation Requirement (NIR) of crops was satisfied by conjunctive use of 41% of canal water and 59% of groundwater (annually). There was 91.1% increase in ground water exploitation which consecutively moderated rising water table issues. Net annual return was found to increase by 46.6%. In the CCLP model, NIR of crops was considered as a stochastic variable and normal distribution was found as the best fit. The CCLP model was run from 2 to 40% risk levels and cropping pattern under 10% risk level was considered as optimal at which NIR was satisfied by conjunctive use of 53.8% of canal water and 46.2% of ground water (annually). There was 86% increase in ground water exploitation. The outcome of the study can be used to assist the water resources planners and managers in taking appropriate decisions to develop a sustainable management plan of land and water resources for an overall balance of the system.  相似文献   

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