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为提高城市建设水平,完善城市规划建设管理,本文从城市设计法制化建设角度出发,探寻城市设计制度建设现状和存在的问题,提出城市设计法制化建设策略。目前城市设计存在法定地位不高、城市设计成果表达不统一、技术审查语境及专家要求不统一、利益诉求不一等问题,可以通过地方性城市设计立法、制定城市设计标准导则、建立城市设计风貌清单制度,以及城市设计政策激励等途径予以解决。  相似文献   

当前,我国城市设计存在实施困境,其核心原因之一是传统规划管理体制所依托的"理性模型"受到了挑战,与现实中城市设计管理工作更加强调过程性、动态性和引导性等新要求不相适应。文章通过借鉴国外在规划管理实践中将城市设计与规划委员会制度建设相结合的做法,建议我国城市可以从制度建设角度,通过发挥规划委员会的作用推动城市设计实施,并注重建立城市设计审查机制、制定城市设计导则、建立多方参与机制及完善法律保障。  相似文献   

张晓莉 《规划师》2013,29(8):27-32
当前城市设计在城市建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用,北京市城市设计导则运作机制自建立以来,在纳入管理与推进实施方面取得了一定进展,对城市精细化设计和管理有着明显的促进作用,但在实际操作过程中,不可避免地遇到各种问题。研究针对北京市依托控规的城市设计导则运作机制,总结现有运作机制的特点,结合运作机制运行3年来的实践,对现有运作机制进行反思,对比运作机制建立的初衷,分析其在编制、审批、管理及实施各个方面遭遇的困境,从编制、管理及制度建设等各个环节提出修改完善的建议。  相似文献   

海绵城市建设是系统解决城市发展过程中涉水问题的一种新型理念,也是落实生态文明建设,进一步推动城市绿色发展、提升城市宜居质量的重要抓手。开展海绵城市建设,要特别重视海绵城市专项规划的科学编制、做好顶层设计,通过示范区和示范项目推广建设模式;同时,还应注意完善相关规划建设管控制度,建立适宜本地的海绵城市建设标准体系。作为全国第二批海绵建设试点城市,天津市在规划体系完善、试点示范区建设、标准规范制定、制度完善、组织实施等方面开展了大量实践与探索,对我国北方滨海地区以及其他地区的大中城市具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

正[编者按]当前,全球化已深入各个国家的各个社会角落,影响着城市生活与城市风貌,海量的城市设计理论与模式渗透到不同城市的规划建设中,要求城市设计研究扩展新领域、新视角,探讨不同地域文化背景、经济背景、制度背景和城市发展水平等对城市设计理论及实践的影响。城市设计本土化研究基于"本土"视角,通过分析国外城市设计理论与实践内容,结合我国城市设计的理论与实践发展,融合我国自身特殊的城市发展情景和历史文化因素,从解决城市风貌建设中存在的各种问题入手,  相似文献   

在日本千叶县幕张湾城的街区城市设计探索中,为保证在开发建设全过程中城市设计构思的完善落实,专门成立了规划设计委员会。除了依据城市设计导则进行把控外,该委员会还进一步建立起相应的制度,对街区中各个开发项目的规划设计展开积极的多层次的设计协调工作。其探索对今后街区城市设计的理论研究及设计实践带来相应的启示。  相似文献   

探索弹性多元的我国城市设计制度建设途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从界定城市设计制度概念,研究我国城市设计运作的制度环境,剖析我国城市设计制度建设的矛盾和争议三个角度入手,探讨了我国城市设计制度建设的适宜策略和途径.  相似文献   

韩佑燮 《城市规划》2002,26(3):93-95
行政首都建设计划和1988年汉城奥运会 ,对韩国城市设计的发展起重要的作用。韩国 1980年制定了有关城市设计的法律 ,1992年进行了一次修改 ,城市设计在较短的时间内“落脚”了。但是韩国的城市设计过分地倾向于“制度” ,而且联系城市设计和城市规划的方法也不够完善。  相似文献   

任琪  李峻峰 《广东建材》2010,26(8):170-172
城市道路景观应该以自然和生态原则为根本依据,同时借助科技为手段进行规划和设计。城市道路联系着城市的各个组成部分,是城市中担负交通的主要设施,同时城市道路空间组织也直接影响城市的空间形态和城市景观,成为城市景观的重要载体。在城市建设取得飞速发展的同时,城市景观生态也面临着极大危机,如何结合城市道路建设保护城市的生态结构和生态过程是当前城市道路景观设计的焦点。论文旨在通过对生态化设计方法的研究,深入分析城市道路景观设计的基本问题及其与城市景观生态建设的联系,在此基础上进一步提出相应的对策,完善城市道路景观生态环境的建设。  相似文献   

近年来,我国各地编制了大量的城市设计,但实效性却普遍较低。通过对具有典型性的常州案例进行十余年城市设计实践的评估,系统揭示了当下城市设计实施中因制度缺失而带来的困境。同时,部分省市也进行了地方性的城市设计制度构建,但由于存在"重设计、轻管控"的现象,并没有从根本上扭转当下城市设计实施困难的状况。作者认为,问题的根源来自于对城市设计认识的偏差,城市设计不是设计建筑,而是针对城市形塑过程进行的规划干预。因此,我国的城市设计技术规范化工作需要从"设计导向"转型到"管控导向",并通过与法定规划的多层次衔接、规范化的城市设计成果转译和城市设计实施管理程序等,提高城市设计在规划建设中的实效性。  相似文献   

The study of transport institutions in Pakistan indicates that transport solutions are primarily a matter of the export of knowledge from the developed to the developing world, mainly driven by international development institutions. This transfer results in a mismatch of transport policy with local needs. The aim of this article is to explain this mismatch in urban transport capacity in Pakistan. By applying the theoretical framework of path dependence, the article explores how urban transport solutions in Lahore become locked-in over time as a result of weak institutional capacities in local institutions. The article concludes that the institutional field in path dependence requires full treatment for institutional change to occur in order to develop sustainable urban transport policies in Pakistan.  相似文献   

以科斯为代表的新制度经济学理论对庇古的完全市场经济下存在的外部性与公共物品问题的理论提出了质疑,这必然对传统的城市规划理论产生很大的影响。新制度经济学采用交易成本和产权对制度进行分析,高度重视制度对于经济的发展作用,这种思想对于城市规划理论的发展具有很大借鉴意义。以交易成本和产权的研究为线索,回顾了西方城市规划学者将新制度经济学引入城市规划领域的文献,以期对我国的相关领域的研究有所借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how urban institutions affect urban form. It presents an introduction of the position of urban institutions into the research framework of new institutional economics, discusses the relationship between institutional reform and development of urban morphology, and carries out a comparison on New York, Hong Kong, and Barcelona in four aspects, i.e., policy-dominated type(formal and informal), regulatory strategy(compulsory and incentive), policy benefi ciary(public and private), and the role of the government(manager and mediator), to attempt to ascertain in what specifi c ways institutions directly or indirectly affect changes in urban texture and urban form. Thereupon, it argues that the release of institutions may not achieve its predicted purpose. On the contrary, the form of a city, generated unexpectedly and spontaneously within the scope of rules will to some extent prompt the transformation of old institutions. Finally, it indicates that the interaction between "effect" and "feedback" is actually a circular causal reaction.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how urban institutions affect urban form. It presents an introduction of the position of urban institutions into the research framework of new institutional economics, discusses the relationship between institutional reform and development of urban morphology, and carries out a comparison on New York, Hong Kong, and Barcelona in four aspects, i.e., policy-dominated type(formal and informal), regulatory strategy(compulsory and incentive), policy beneficiary(public and private), and the role of the government(manager and mediator), to attempt to ascertain in what specifi c ways institutions directly or indirectly affect changes in urban texture and urban form. Thereupon, it argues that release of institutions may not achieve its predicted purpose. On the contrary, the form of a city, generated unexpectedly and spontaneously within scope of the rules will to some extent prompt the transformation of old institutions. Finally, it indicates that the interaction between "effect" and "feedback" is actually a circular causal reaction.  相似文献   

邓锋 《国际城市规划》2012,27(4):58-64,101
通过总结相关文献,本文提出了一个城市制度分析的理论框架。分析的三个基本维度是基于城市的三个主要特征:城市土地和地方公共品(或集体品)的消费和交易是捆绑在一起的;住房所有者购房后流动性降低;不动产具有耐久性。本文的分析说明城市土地利用的中心问题是胁迫问题,而整合土地所有者和集体品提供者是各种城市组织的一个基本制度结构;私有社区和购物中心代表了不同的整合方式;不动产的耐久性则可能通过市场结构对城市制度的内部形式产生影响。  相似文献   

This article examines how local public institutions, especially municipal administrations, have adapted their structures and actual practices to respond to new regionalist and metropolitan challenges. We want to assess if, and how much, governmental institutions are really adopting new ways to plan, supervise, and implement metropolitan policies. More precisely, we analyze 35 American and Canadian urban agglomerations that rank as regional capitals or mid– sized urban areas. The emphasis is on the transformation of metropolitan institutions and on metropolitan area taxation strategies. The analysis pinpoints a number of findings regarding the nature and impact of recent institutional reforms. These findings involve: 1) the return in force of the unicity in Canada, 2) the slow development in the organization of the local public sector and the adoption of institutional solutions favoring voluntary associations in the US, 3) the discrepancy between discourse and practice in terms of the objectives targeted by fiscal measures, and 4) the growing role of state and provincial governments in metropolitan institutional and fiscal reforms.  相似文献   

Kate Meagher 《Urban Forum》2010,21(3):299-313
This paper examines how decentralisation and informalisation are reshaping urban governance in contemporary Africa. By exploring the interface between urban institutional failures and popular organisational solutions, the paper considers how informal governance processes feed into wider structural and political outcomes. Attention paid to issues of institutional process and power relations reveals how the limited access of the poor to resources and decision-making structures may distort rather than enhance their agency within decentralised urban governance systems. Drawing on case studies of informal enterprise associations in Christian and Muslim parts of Nigeria, this paper explores the differing ways in which networks of ethnicity, class and religion are used to forge links between dynamic informal organisational systems and formal institutions of government. The varied outcomes of these efforts raise uncomfortable questions about whether the proliferation of popular networks and associations amid weak formal institutions is tipping African cities onto trajectories of popular empowerment and pro-poor growth, or instigating a downward slide into violence and urban decay.  相似文献   

Community-driven development (CDD) programs, facilitated by decentralization, in developing countries have made community-based organizations (CBOs) key partners in new, participatory institutional arrangements for urban development and planning. Yet, little research exists on how such institutional arrangements and program design affect the capacity and effectiveness of CBOs. Studying the case of the Comprehensive Kampung Improvement Project (CKIP) in Surabaya, Indonesia, this paper illustrates how pre-existing relationships between influential local institutions impeded the capacity and performance of CBOs that were specifically created for implementing the program, and highlights general implications for involving CBOs in CDD.  相似文献   

针对我国城市生态环境恶化的现实,提出当前城市规划学科存在生态失效的观点,认为技术体系本身和外部制度环境对生态忽视是最主要的原因,提出针对现行规划技术体系革新的观点,并从部门协作、法律、经济手段等方面提出规划制度环境革新的观点。  相似文献   

Upgrading is among the most effective interventions to address urban poverty, but weaknesses include outdated conceptual frameworks informing project design, and ineffective management by governance institutions. This paper examines the ingredients that need to be put in place during upgrading to ensure the continuity of the settlement improvement process. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section introduces urban upgrading, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of current approaches. The second section then describes the growth of Barangay Commonwealth in Metro Manila and the characteristics of the settlement. The following section introduces the institutional capacity building framework, outlining the activities necessary to ensure longer-term improvement of low-income settlements. The section then examines physical, environmental, social, economic and institutional dimensions of the upgrading of the settlement that have taken place over the last 15 years. The concluding section examines areas that need attention in order to continue the process of building the institutional capacity that will ensure the longer-term continuity of the improvement of Barangay Commonwealth.  相似文献   

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